freshdingus · 7 years
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Credo by Neil Gaiman.
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freshdingus · 8 years
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Attention: No flowers on the sheltie please!
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freshdingus · 8 years
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This is a sample of what the Day Without Immigrants protest looks like in my Chicago neighborhood. The quest to buy a simple lunch during a work break quickly became an exercise in futility. The new place near our house that sells pupusas that I’d been curious about? Closed. The usual Mexican place I was thinking about hitting up for tacos. Closed. The Mexican market and its lunch counter? Closed. The diner? Closed. The Ecuadorian place? Closed. The produce market I was going to purchase tonight’s dinner ingredients from? Closed. And on and on. I had to resort to buying a bean and cheese burrito from 7-11 (full disclosure - I’m not above doing something like this on other days). I decided to walk off my terrible American meal by surveying the neighborhood and found numerous businesses shuttered, some with signs and many without.
Additionally, all this week a team of Polish roofers has been working on our house. They are an amazing, hard-working and reliable bunch. They start on time, they end on time, and they are clearly ahead of schedule on their job. This morning the foreman called about an hour after they normally start and told me they have a big job they need to complete at another site and will be back tomorrow to finish up. I believe he used the word “emergency.” I didn’t question this because it’s true. Forcing a massive change in this country is a big job. It is an emergency. You want a country without immigrants, documented or undocumented? Enjoy your shitty 7-11 burrito.
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freshdingus · 8 years
The Suburbs - Arcade Fire
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freshdingus · 8 years
Final Fantasy VII
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freshdingus · 8 years
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freshdingus · 8 years
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i put pretty colours on my eyes instead of doing my homework
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freshdingus · 8 years
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Head of Medusa by Salvador Dali (1962)
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freshdingus · 8 years
It’s sad as a society that we have to put “made with real __” on our food products
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freshdingus · 8 years
what if a bobcat had a bob cut
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freshdingus · 8 years
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freshdingus · 8 years
2013 tumblr
someone: holy fuck guys. i just slightly slowed down this arctic monkeys song and im LOSING my MIND!
               20,000 Notes
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freshdingus · 8 years
After you hit 21, you start forgetting your age cause ain’t nothing else to look forward to, besides sweet death.
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freshdingus · 8 years
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849K notes · View notes
freshdingus · 8 years
* on a date * soo… whats your favourite meme?
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freshdingus · 8 years
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329K notes · View notes
freshdingus · 8 years
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