freya-henstridge · 7 years
It was not the mothering thing that really made her embarrassed, but the idea of being that vulnerable because of her mother did not sound like any sort of good time. Euagh. Family conversations never went well. Marriage was already a touchy enough subject between her an Freya. “Getting on my case? Yes. It’s her favorite thing to do. I knew taking this call was a mistake,” Jenna said, fumbling with her phone to put it on silent. There was a good chance that her mother wanted to follow up with a text, and it would make everything that much worse to see. She shook hear head and seriously considered making up some sort of excuse just to get away… But she did not want to get stuck in her own head for too long. “Sure. We can talk about anything but this. Where’d you come away from? You look a bit unnerved.”
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“Oh that’s something I can relate to.” Freya said rolling her eyes because her mom called her once a week to ask about the wedding and kids and kept telling her she wasn’t getting any younger. “One of the issues of being the first born.” Diverting the conversation to her brother never worked, her mother would just sigh heavily and say he was doing as expected. She breathed a little easier when Jenna said she didn’t want to talk about this and she took her hand to guide her back to the faculty building, cause as much as she liked the blonde she needed a drink first after listening to that conversation. “Unnerved? Me? No, no, not at all, I’m fine, I’m great... I just finished my last class, it’s all good.” She had been planning on going to her house but her apartment was closer and it had booze too, remembering their rules she let go of Jenna’s hand and walked towards her apartment. “What do you want to drink?” She asked as she walked towards her bar after taking off her shoes and hanging her purse and her jacket by the door. She poured herself a double and downed it, sighing as the warmth spread and she could feel the knot in her stomach loosening up a little, she then fixed Jenna’s drink and poured herself another drink before moving to the couch and sitting down and patting the seat next to her for the blonde to sit.
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
Freya had just finished her last class of the day and was on her way to the parking lot when she spotted Jenna, a smile spread over her lips, not that she’d ever admit to it, not even under torture and she approached her. She noticed Jenna on the phone and was going to politely wait for the blonde to finish her conversation, far away enough as not to overhear but it was the ‘I’m not ready to be a mum’ that caught her off guard, the air she was breathing going through the wrong pipe and she had to press her lips together to keep the coughing fit in, her eyes were wide, she didn’t even know why, the words had been I’m not ready, yet her heart was beating wildly against her chest and her brain kept screaming at her feet to move, to run away as fast as possible but yet it felt like her feet were stuck to the ground beneath her. “Uhm what? Oh... I just.. I mean.” The fuck was wrong with her? Why was she freaking out? Jenna wasn’t ready to have kids but that was it, wasn’t it? The fact that she said she wasn’t ready, that meant one day she might be but that didn’t mean anything right? Why was she freaking out? Freya took a couple of deep breaths, the only reason why she was letting this affect her so much was because she hadn’t been expecting it, it caught her off guard but she was fine, she was an expert when it came to compartmentalize and ignore her feelings, she took a couple of deep breaths until she felt like she could school her expression and smiled, albeit a bit forced and she cleated her throat. “Your mom getting on your case?” She asked trying to act as natural as possible. “I uhm could use a drink right now... You want to join me?”
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“Mother, no, I’m not ready to be a mum,” Jenna said into her phone, thanking whoever was or was not looking out for her that she had not stuttered through that. “I’m sure that the Sherwood boys are very nice, but I’m not moving back home on the off chance that they want to wife me and knock me up and-” She started to lose her nerve right about then. “Yes, I’m in public, Mother. Yes, I know it’s Facetime. I just- Answering this call was really a mistake.” She pressed the ‘end call’ button, and looked up, sensing there was someone nearby. That someone was… the least preferable person to have overhear that. “I- How much of that did you hear, Freya?”
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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cobie smulders
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
“Well, I’m still on duty, kind of. Technically I’m on break right now.” He stated before sitting up and rubbing his face a little. “Was there something I could help you with, Freya?” 
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“Well but there aren’t that many people now and I’m sure someone would cover for you or something... Oh no I’m just looking for uhm... Jenna.”
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
“Or you could go to your apartment and actually sleep.. You look like shit Blake.”
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Sleep had not been happening much for Blake as he was finding it harder and harder to sleep for some reason. Blake rested his hands on his desk, letting his head rest on top and let out a small sigh. “Maybe if I sit her quietly, no one would notice me and I can take a small nap…” He commented to himself. 
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
tide seashell thunderstorm snow dew
Tide: Can you swim/do you like to swim?
I’d be an embarrassment if I didn’t and yes I enjoy swimming a lot actually.
Snow: Does it snow where you live?
Yes, not that heavily as I’d like but yes it does
(All the others have been answered)
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
Beach, Coral, Seashell, Seaweed, Hurricane, Rain, Thunderstorm, Dew, Ice
Beach: If you could be one place right now, where would you be?
Coral: Do you believe in mermaids?
Not until I see one
Seashell: What’s a sound that soothes you?
Seaweed: Favourite sea creature?
Hurricane: If you had to save one thing, what would it be?
Rain: What do you do when it rains?
Thunderstorm: Do you like to be outside in the rain?
Dew: What’s your favourite drink?
Ice: What’s your favourite thing to do in the winter?
Read in front of the fire while drinking a good scotch
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
Beach seashell seaweed ocean hurricane rain thunderstorm
Beach: If you could be one place right now, where would you be?
Hawaii or Bali
Seashell: What’s a sound that soothes you?
I don’t depend on things such as sounds to feel soothed.... Maybe certain person speaking but I blame her accent and not anything else.
Seaweed: Favourite sea creature?
White Shark
Ocean: Have you ever been sailing?
Of course I have, I own a yacht, I go every weekend if I can.
Hurricane: If you had to save one thing, what would it be?
Myself of course
Rain: What do you do when it rains?
Keep myself dry
Thunderstorm: Do you like to be outside in the rain?
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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Cobie Smulders
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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Cobie Smulders
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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cobie smulders
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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Cobie Smulders for The Observer (March 2017)
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
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© @smiletroian or like
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
“Do you really want a party like that every weekend? Like with the students and having to baby sit them? I don’t think there would be enough alcohol for me to put up with that every week.”
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Daniela was hanging out on the quad listening to music on her cell phone. She actually started dancing along to the song that was playing. “You know, the masquerade was too fun, so I wish that we could have some kind of party every weekend. Would that be too much?” she asked the person near her.
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freya-henstridge · 7 years
🚬 💉 🎶 🔥💘
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
Cuban Cigars yes
💉 - Have Tattoos?
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
I hate music....
Bohemian Rhapsody
Another one bites the dust
Highway to Hell
Welcome to the jungle
And maybe maybe recently Tennessee whiskey
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
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