freybarn · 4 years
A lot of the current post im seeing shared about the shooting of Jacob Blake are saying he passed away, which is false, he is alive and in stable condition currently, his father confirmed, although he is paralyzed from the waist down he has not passed away, currently the officers involved have not been identified but have been reported to be on administrative leave
the national guard has been deployed in wisconsin, and 6 protestors have been reported to have been arrested, here is the Milwaukee freedom fund, and here is a compiled article with emails and phone numbers of the wisconsin department of justice
please do not share videos of the shooting, instead donate to the wisconsin bail fund and continue to support Jacobs family
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freybarn · 4 years
Today’s advice from your Goth Auntie
Water, meds, snack. You probably should have all of them. (Where IS your beverage?)
Everyone is exhausted. You’re not alone.
The Lurking Horror said you have letters from that demon you licked. I hope they’re romantic.
❤️Auntie Jilli
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freybarn · 4 years
androgyny, gender nonconformity, and general gender fuckery are good things.
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freybarn · 4 years
reblog if you're gay, not gay, slightly gay, or if you just want to launch donald trump into a dying star
there is not a single reason to not reblog this
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freybarn · 4 years
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A friend of mine posted this and tagged my old instagram account, asking me to share it. I figured sharing it here where I actually have a following, would be far better.
Please remember that just because the government is giving into pressure and greed, that doesn’t mean that any of this is getting any better, in a lot of ways it’s getting worse. And even if you yourself aren’t being as heavily affected anymore, there are people and communities that are.
Stay safe Darling ones, and help others remain safe too.
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freybarn · 4 years
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His name is Jacob Blake. He was unarmed, trying to break up a fight. He was tasered and shot 7 times while trying to get into a car. His kids were watching.
This happened on 8/23. Havent found too many posts on tumblr about it yet. Police tear gassed protestors who gathered outside the police station. I'll keep an eye out for a gofundme/petition.
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freybarn · 4 years
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freybarn · 4 years
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DIY Easy Pumpkin Bread Chocolate Dipped Truffles
I’d use Wilton Candy Melts (that come in so many colors) as the candy coating. They are available everywhere from crafts stores to supermarkets.
Find the DIY Pumpkin Bread Chocolate Dipped Truffle Recipe from BHG here.
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freybarn · 5 years
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freybarn · 5 years
Reblog this post if you’re a Norse/Germanic pagan and are firmly against racism or fascism
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freybarn · 5 years
remembering that kakashi was fuckign 26 years old when he got assigned team seven is blowing my mind right now. I was naruto’s age when I got sucked into this shit and now I’m kakashi’s and like,,,I get it. my man got assigned the generation’s WORST of the WORST gremlin children and he did the best he fuckin’ could. he nearly dies on every mission because sasuke refuses to go to anger management and naruto is so dumb he probably can’t even read. he’s got like 7 summons that are dogs and he could be spending all his time with them but is he/?? no. he’s got a sharingan making him so Perpetually Exhausted it’s a straight up medical condition and he has to spend all his free time restraining the two finalists of Konoha’s Next Top Orphan from getting people killed instead of like….teaching them. 26 years old and all that unbelievable bullshit. god. and!! then when he finally gets to take a fucking nap they make him hokage I honestly can’t believe he did it. wasn’t even 30 fucking years old. I can’t believe he didn’t leave the damn village himself.
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freybarn · 5 years
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The Nonbinary Bunny by Maia Kobabe
(with deep respect for Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd)
Once there was a little bunny who realized e was nonbinary. So e said to eir mother, “I am not a boy bunny or a girl bunny.“ 
“I love you, but I don’t understand,” sair eir mother
“Male and female bleed into each other like day and night,” said the little bunny. “There is space between them for sunrise and sunsets.“ 
 "I’ve always thought of male and female like land and water,” said eir mother. “Separate.“ 
“If they were, then I would be a frog, who lives half in and half out of both,” said the little bunny.
 "I’ve always seen female and male as light and shade,“ said eir mother. “Divided.”
 "If they were, then I would be a cat, who lies half in and out of the sun,“ said the little bunny.
“I’ve always believed that male and female were like two trees,” said eir mother. “Distinct.”
 "Then I would be a bird who flies back and forth between both,“ said the little bunny.
“Whether you are a sunrise, or a frog, or a cat, or a bird, I am still your mother. I will support you wherever you go,” said the mother bunny. “I love you.”
 "I love you too,“ said the little bunny. 
This story is a loving remake of “The Runaway Bunny” (1942) written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd. This version was written and illustrated by Maia Kobabe:  instagram / patreon / portfolio / the nib / etsy
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freybarn · 5 years
I may not be a part of this camping thing, but I saw fruity booze and I am very interested in making some for myself. Would you be willing to share this fruity booze recipe with someone who has never made alchohol before?
Sure! It is super easy.
Get a bottle of the highest proof vodka you can find that is NOT Everclear. I prefer Balkan when I can find it
Find several wide mouth quart mason jars
Decide what fruiit you want-I usually go with one of three options: oranges, mixed berry, or peach/plum. Mash the berries/zest the oranges/chop the stone fruit. If you’re doing orange, I suggest a 1:1:1 ratio of blood orange, CaraCara, and tangerine. For the mixed berry, I do 1:1:1 blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries
Fill jars about 2/3 or a little more with fruit product. Dump in vodka to top of jar. Seal. Leave on top of your fridge for at least a week. Longer is better-once the fruit is bleached a strange pale tan, it’s done. Strain the fruit bits out. Measure your amount of vodka for each type of fruit.
Make a syrup with the same amount of water, but at least a half cup more sugar or honey-the goal is to have it sweet enough that you can’t taste the booze. Always add more sugar than you think. During the syrup making, dump in some more fresh fruit of the same type, foe extra flavor. Strain out the fruit. Let cool. Mix in the vodka. Prosper.
Makes great slushies, never actually freezes solid.
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freybarn · 5 years
The shadow self
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Everyone, no matter how much they may try and fight it, has darkness inside of them. Why hide it when you can let it teach you.
If you’re a magic practitioner and want to start using/embracing dark magic I highly suggest you get in touch with your shadow self. The shadow self is a manifestation of the darkness that lives within you, it’s what you hide, what you’re ashamed of, what you fear, what you love privately, and your hidden power. It can have its own voice and personality but you share the same soul, the shadow self is more likely to admit its true desires whereas the conscious self may be reluctant to recognize it. Is it malicious? Well it defiantly can’t physically hurt you, you two are the same person after all and it knows your limits, but it may be uncomfortable to confront if you’re someone who holds a lot of shame and secrets from the world. The shadow self may hold a lot of unpleasant truths about the self but it also holds secret desires and strengths that you’d otherwise wouldn’t be aware of.
The point of getting to know the shadow self in general is to understand the inner workings of your subconscious and figuring out why you’re “like that”. For dark magicians in particular it helps awaken and strengthen our bond with the darkness that lives within us which, in turn, can strengthen our magic. I’ll write out how I get in contact with mine but before I do I have a few warnings and advice.
Keep reading
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freybarn · 5 years
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A spread for figuring out the positive, negative and harmful aspects of your inner most self, plus some advice on how to overcome. Feel free to use this spread for non- commercial purposes, I would love to know how helpful it was!
If you’re interested in receiving a paid reading from me, stay tuned for my paid readings post! ^^ <3
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freybarn · 5 years
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Annnnd getting a little spooky for the season.
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freybarn · 5 years
“DON’T BLINDLY FOLLOW YOUR FEELINGSFeel your feelings. Don’t push them away. Yet don’t rush to ‘follow’ them either. Many feelings are simply old bodily memories from childhood. Beautiful, precious, but not something to build your adult life upon. Simply bow to feelings as they emerge. Bless them with awareness. In presence, let them move. They are waves in your ocean. They are your body’s children. They will come and go. They are transient. They are not the final truth. When you allow feelings, they will not control you. You are the container, never the contained. You are the space for joy and sorrow, bliss and boredom. Don’t blindly follow your feelings, then. Never be a follower. Be a container. Be a space. Sit with a feeling until you no longer feel compelled to act. Let it move in you. Until there is peace. Then, from a place of slowness, quietude, presence, the right words and actions, or non-actions, will flow, naturally. Follow the moment instead. Follow the sacred breath. Follow the field which never follows.”
— Jeff Foster
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