freyroslin · 3 years
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freyroslin · 3 years
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alexandra dowling in poirot 
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freyroslin · 4 years
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the musketeers + anne of austria
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freyroslin · 4 years
hamilton starters. pt 1.
change pronouns as you see fit!  /  part two.
“  there’s a million things i haven’t done. ” 
“ you gotta fend for yourself. ”
“ just you wait. ”
“ i may have punched him – ”
“ talk less. smile more. ”
“ he looked at me like i was stupid. i’m not stupid. ”
“ fools who run their mouth off wind up dead. ”
“ i am not throwing away my shot! ”
“ i will lay down my life if it sets us free. ”
“ i imagine death so much it’s like a memory. ”
“ oh, am i talking too loud? ”
“ i may not live to see our glory. ”
“ i’m looking for a mind at work. ”
“ oh my god. tear this dude apart. ”
“ oceans rise, empires fall. ”
“ when you’re gone, i’ll go mad. ”
“ we are out gunned, out manned, out numbered, out planned. ”
“ you look back at me and suddenly i’m helpless. ”
“ where are you taking me? ”
“ i’m about to change your life. ”
“ i’m just saying if you really loved me you would share him. ”
“ i’m never satisfied. ”
“ when you said ‘hi’ i forgot my dang name. ”
“ love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints. ”
“ death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints. ”
“ my mother was a genius, my father commanded respect. ”
“ dying is easy, living is harder. ”
“ pick a place to die where it’s high and dry. ”
“ you shot him in the side! ”
“ don’t call me son. ”
“ look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now. ”
“ let me be a part of the narrative. ”
“ history has it’s eyes on you. ”
“ you have no control. ”
“ history has it’s eyes on me. ”
“ it’s much harder when it’s all your call. ”
“ you’re on your own. ”
“ you knock me out, i fall apart. ”
“ why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ”
“ soon that attitude may be your doom. ”
“ why do you write like you’re running out of time? ”
“ take a break. ”
“ they think me macbeth, ambition is my folly. ”
“ i don’t have the means to go on. ”
“ stop crying, goddammit, get up! ”
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freyroslin · 4 years
Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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freyroslin · 4 years
❇ — MY MOTHER HAD LIKED MUSIC, EDMURE THINKS to say, but decides against it. he has never known his mother, his thoughts of her mere scraps given onto him by the plumper memories of his kin, and her face carefully put together by the remaining portraits of her. his father and sisters had said more than once that minisa had enjoyed the lute and could play moderately well, and was always happy when bards came to perform. sometimes she would sing. it does so warm edmure’s heart when roslin suggests these interests of hers and how they mirror his mother’s, and once more he wonders if this is real. perhaps he is still dreaming and will awaken to find that the frey daughter chosen for him will be old and rotted and as ghastly as her father. yet roslin stands before him even as he discreetly pinches his arm, still perfect. “ i would like to hear you play both, my lady. i’m afraid i lack such musical talents, but it would gladden my heart to hear the sweet music made by your gentle hands. ”
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      roslin will do well in the halls of riverrun. when they return there when the war is settled, he shall arrange a great feast in her honor, and the night shall ring with sweet music and the floor will rumble with dancing and edmure shall kiss her as deeply as the river runs. her music will fill the halls and fill his chest. “ i enjoy hunting, riding, i suppose … though it’s been so long, i’m afraid i’ve forgotten what leisure is. ” edmure smiles. “ when we return to riverrun, i shall show you the castle and all of its secret doors and halls, as well as the fine villages you shall oversee by my side. as riverrun’s lady, my people shall become yours, and i wish them to love you as i shall undoubtedly love you. ”
when her eyes flicker to where her brothers stand, she wishes, not for the first time, that olyvar or perwyn- or even willamen, who she thought she had stopped missing- were here. there were factions within the twins, broken down by which wife of lord walder you were descended from- and benfrey was the only son of bethany rosby present. perwyn and olyvar had had met lord tully and his kin; had fought with them. instead, the brothers in the twins did not know the lord of riverrun. 
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his words brought a smile to her face. he was so kind. what had she ever done to deserve such a kind man? his kindness left her speechless a moment. she would be his wife and he would undoubtedly love her. the thought made her heart flutter. it they had yet been wed, perhaps the words would have made her kiss him. “i can hardly wait until the day we are at riverrun, my lord.” he is handsome, tall with kind eyes. red hair, blue eyes- she wonders if that is perhaps where the colours of the tully sigil come from;  catelyn tully stark has them too, so does the young king from the glimpses she’s caught of them. “i pray i shall be half the lady you- and riverrun deserve, lord tully.” she wants to be a proper lady- to manage a household, look over the accounts, to stand at her lord husband’s side while he ruled over his lands. her hands clasp together. “do you-” she takes a breath. “shall we go to riverrun before you return to battle, my lord?��� or would she await the end of the war within the towers of the twins?
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freyroslin · 4 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ How many people have you killed? ❜
❛ History is a strong word. It was more of a… dalliance. ❜
❛ Have you ever wanted something so much that the fear of not getting it makes you wonder if you ever should have wanted it at all? ❜
❛ I don’t want to live without you and after this I won’t have to.  ❜
❛ No one will ever keep us apart again. ❜
❛ Men in general like to win. ❜
❛ Well, your taste in men always did leave something to be desired. ❜
❛ In the darkest of times you were my conscience. ❜
❛ The more we try to help each other, the more harm we do. ❜
❛ I lose everyone I love. ❜
❛ What odd turns our lives have taken. ❜
❛ I don’t give my heart or give up easily. ❜
❛ You have to admit, your fate does have a sense of humor. ❜
❛ I need to forget a ridiculous, childish idea that I could love someone, they could love me, and nothing else mattered. ❜
❛ There is always risk. At least when you love someone it’s worth taking. ❜
❛ I never said I was a good man, but one can receive good advice from a bad person.❜
❛ Love is never simple. Not that I’m any expert. ❜
❛ Are you wearing mink-lined boots? ❜
❛ Well if I have to run I want to look good doing it. ❜
❛ We were supposed to dance under the stars. ❜
❛ Maybe there is no magic but what we make for ourselves. ❜
❛ If the price is my life, I will give it. ❜
❛ I can’t bear to think about a future anymore, not without you. ❜
❛ What good is right or wrong if you’re dead? ❜
❛ Men don’t like taking orders from women. ❜
❛ And real love never fades, not truly. ❜
❛ Just know whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us. ❜
❛ Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury. ❜
❛ If I’m as responsible as you say, I will never forgive myself. ❜
❛ I will spill blood to defend what’s mine. ❜
❛ Men forget, that woman have ears. ❜
❛ Duels only lead to dead men, not respect. ❜
❛ I am trying to be better! ❜
❛ You’re a monster. ❜
❛ You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can’t seem to escape. ❜
❛ I opened my heart to a liar. ❜
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freyroslin · 4 years
❇ — ROSLIN’S BROTHERS WATCH ON IN THE CORNER, sneers upon their lips as they take in their lady sister beside the lord of riverrun. it was a king walder frey wanted, but he would have to find contentment with the lord of a noble and ancient house; edmure practically salve applied to walder frey’s wretched wound left by robb’s betrayal. it would seem his sons are still less than forgiving. all the same, edmure appreciates roslin’s gentle enthusiasm. if she is at all disappointed or distraught by her circumstances, she does not reveal it. rather hopefully, edmure chooses to believe that she is giddy for the match, all the same. after all, she had not been specifically chosen to wed robb, although edmure is certain his nephew would have chosen such a lovely girl, so she must be content by her circumstances in some way.
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       “ of course, my lady. i fear i lack the creativity of a poet, but i can describe it to the best of my ability, ” edmure offers. he thinks for a moment of riverrun before he starts. “ the castle is large, my lady, and each window offers an enticing view of vast greenery and the river, so you will never be wanton for beauty. ” his lips purse, mulling over what he believes she would appreciate. “ the servants will attend to you as you need, and i shall provide fine gowns and food to your liking … and to your hobbies, of course. ” needlepoint, perhaps ? ? ? sansa was allegedly good at needlepoint. or is roslin more riled like arya ? ? ? “ what do you enjoy, my lady ? ? ? ”
“music,” she says quickly, blurting about the word. “i like music.” she’s unsure how to talk about herself. growing up in the twins with so many siblings, and their children, and their children’s children there’s scarce a moment of quiet- and roslin has never been one to budge her way into a conversation. “mayhaps i could play for you one day, my lord.” she offers him a smile as a flush warms her cheeks. “i can play both the high harp and the lute, whichever you’d prefer.” she hopes she doesn’t sound too much a braggart- how does one speak of their interests and talents without doing so?
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“riverrun sounds lovely.” far lovelier than the dual castles of the twins ever were. it is a reassurance that the keep is on the river- she had spent her entire life within the twins, the sounds of the green fork below her window lulling her to sleep through open windows on warm summer nights and a constant companion throughout her childhood. she would miss the river if she had to live away from it. as much as the rest of westeros looks down upon the crossing, it is the only home roslin has ever known. the halls hold all her memories; the time she and olyvar raced across the bridge, or when she was a girl and sprained her ankle falling from a tree in the orchard by the eastern castle, and perwyn carried her inside, or the hours she spent with her sisters and nieces learning needlework and music. “what of you, my lord? how do you spend your time?”
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freyroslin · 4 years
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In the Twins, you learned early that only full blood siblings could be trusted, and them not very far
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freyroslin · 4 years
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another day has passed, another step closer to peace and prosperity. governing these fractured and unstable kingdoms is not an easy feat but daenerys is determined to accomplish it. fresh out of a bath, she brushes her fingers through loose silver curls. as much as she loves her braids, it feels nice to let her hair down once her daily duties are over. 
a servant rushes out of the queen’s private chambers, carrying clothes that need washing or mending. before the door can fall closed, an unfamiliar face steps through it. daenerys turns to look at the girl before smiling, soft but careful. “you must be lady frey,” she says, gesturing at another servant to leave them. once they’re alone, the queen takes a few steps closer. “i take it you know why you’ve been summoned here? as queen, i need ladies-in-waiting and you were suggested to me.” despite her family’s past.
starter // @freyroslin​
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being called to the queen’s chambers left roslin feeling unnerved. like a girl about to be scolded by her septa for a lack of courtesy or uneven stitches. you have done no wrong, she told herself. if anyone were to understand that the sins of the father did not always reflect his offspring, it would be a targaryen. 
“your grace,” the dark haired lady gave a low curtsy to the queen. at her words, roslin lifted her head to look at the queen. she had met a king once before; on the day of her wedding and the day of his death- but daenerys targaryen looks so very different from the king in the north. “it would be an honour, your grace.” she was surprised at the mention of a place at court- after all that her family had done, it was truly the last thing that had been expected. it was well known that freys could rarely be trusted- even by freys themselves. 
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freyroslin · 4 years
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VERY seldom are there pretty frey women.  genna does not bother much with the other frey women as it is ( though she cares for the men just as little ), still, when visiting with her husband’s side of the family, she does make due.  poor thing, pretty thing, let the child be a girl so that she might wed it to lyonel at the right age and rule riverrun demurely by his side.  genna never had girls, and she thanks the gods for it, but if she spent much time for prayer, she would pray for pretty roslin to have a daughter.  “weeping will not change a thing, dear girl,” she tells her.  perhaps she could have loved edmure tully, perhaps she does love the babe that grows within her womb, but it makes no difference. “the child will need you to have your wits about you if you’re to do it any good."  let it be a girl, she thinks again, for murdering a child might sit uncomfortably in genna’s breasts it shall sit there all the same if it must.  
@freyroslin​ liked this for a starter from genna lannister !!
 most ladies pray for sons when they find themselves with child; instead, roslin frey frequently found herself at the mother’s altar in the sept of the crossing, praying that the child growing within her was a girl. let it be a girl, so that both the babe and edmure might live. lady minisa tully had had two daughters before a son, and roslin only hopes that she is more like her long dead goodmother instead of bethany rosby. her head lifted at genna lannister’s words, and roslin wiped the tears that had escaped her eyes. “one may weep and still have their wits,” she mumbled. genna was right however, tears would not change how things were- nor would it make roslin feel better. she could weep for the child, she could weep for edmure, she could weep for herself- perhaps she might weep enough tears to flood the twins to the ground. “they are not exclusive of each other.”
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freyroslin · 4 years
sometimes you just need to reread the red wedding and pause every sentence or so to scream bc Emotions
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freyroslin · 4 years
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alexandra dowling as roslin frey in game of thrones
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freyroslin · 4 years
❇ — @freyroslin​​​​​​ || 𝔞 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔩𝔦𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔶::
❇ — she is certainly not what he had imagined. gods be good, edmure has certainly imagined the worse since his freedom was traded in exchange for robb’s salvaged honor. he has imagined hag-like maidens with crooked noses, moles, and the ghastly features of walder frey. edmure has been miserable, to say the least. he has tried to bear it, truly he has, but his imagination has been far too vivid for his liking. but upon seeing roslin frey in person, edmure finds himself pleased. how walder frey was capable of producing one so beautiful, edmure cannot imagine ( nor does he particularly want to, actually ), but he is pleased, all the same. she’ll do well in riverrun, he finds himself thinking after taking her in for the first time, and wonders if she will care for him as minisa whent allegedly cared for hoster tully.
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       “ it’s a dull place in the twins. riverrun is warm and bright, my lady, far more becoming for a woman such as yourself, ” edmure says to her, promptly wondering if she is bitter. she could have married a king, but rather she must marry a lord. lord of riverrun, uncle to the king, edmure consoles himself; not too terrible.
a smile crosses her face at his words. riverrun. she can scarce believe it. to be lady of such a keep- it was unimaginable. as a girl she had dreamed of such things, but as a woman grown she had pushed such thoughts off as childish fancies; she was the fifth daughter of a lord who had not the best reputation. “will you tell me of it, my lord?” she asks. roslin can feel the flush of her cheeks as she speaks. “i’ve never been.” she had never had much reason to leave the twins.
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if the world were a kind place the war would end, and they would return to riverrun; but it was rarely so. lord edmure tully was a handsome man- not that it mattered to roslin’s father. he could have been ancient and ugly and cruel, and walder frey would have allowed it. the lord of riverrun, lord paramount of the trident, the freys’ own liege lord. certainly more than roslin had ever dreamed of- and if riverrun was indeed warm and bright as he said, she thinks she might be happy of it.
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freyroslin · 4 years
 The drums still beat in her head, a cacophony with the sound of the dead laughter and screams that had been her last sounds. Silence since, only silence. Robb, Rickon, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Ned. Robb. Robb. Robb. Catelyn looked at the girl, and for a moment all she saw was the tears she had wept that dreadful night. You knew, she thought, you knew what they had planned. The girl had been sweet, but in the end she was simply a pawn. A pawn in the deaths of so many… of Catelyn’s own son. And here she brought clothes. All her laughter had died – as had her tears – but if there had been any left… what use were clothes to a woman dead inside? All of that pity, all of that grief, she had fought it off for so long, but here and now there was nothing else. I am the mother of ghosts, what need do I have for your charity? For charity it was. Pity. Tully blue eyes watched the girl, cold as the snows that fell upon Winterfell in the depths of winter. A pretty girl, a small and fair little thing. Roslin had a gap between her teeth, Catelyn remembered, and Edmure had thought her sweet. The tightness of the girls smile, her tears, oh it had all been there to see. Right along with the wariness of Grey Wind. But what of Edmure now? She had been spared gloating, she had been spared any kind of news. “Edmure,” her voice was cracked from long disuse. From her screaming that had been cut short by a blow to the back of her head. “What of Edmure?”
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As a child, she had dreamt of the day she would wed; and now as a woman wed she still dreamt of the day- but of blood and battle rather than a kind man placing the cloak of his own house upon her. You shall not cry, she steeled herself. Edmure. Simply hearing his name brought back the memories of the night. She wished she could have found a way to warn him- to prevent the slaughter. Instead she had followed orders; married Edmure Tully and bed him while her family slaughtered his. Then they had ripped him from her arms and she had not seen him since. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. What else was there to say? Apologies were no good here. Do not cry, she commanded herself as she felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She was no longer a child, but a woman wed. Tears had no place here and now. “They took him.” The men of her family had laughed about how they had caught a trout. There was a tightness in her throat, threatening to choke her. She did not with to think of the conditions they had Edmure in. Instead, she blinked back her tears, attempting to stand tall. “They have him locked in some cell, they won’t let me see him.”
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freyroslin · 4 years
@floralrage​ ||  CATELYN STARK
“Lady Catelyn.” The gown felt heavy in her hands- it was a simple thing, passed down from one of her brother’s wives, but it looked as if it would fit the woman- her good-sister, really. Not that they had had much of a chance to speak. After all, they had least seen each other at Roslin’s wedding feast- after which, her own family had massacred Catelyn’s. “I brought you a change of clothes.” Her voice was quiet as she spoke, wishing she had more to offer the woman than a clean shift and a dress that had been darned more times than one could count.
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freyroslin · 4 years
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roslin frey has a trout growing in her belly
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