friendlycoffee · 3 years
I was drawing a bunch of pentagrams in my notebook during math class because I was bored and I think I drew 150 pentagrams in total before a devilish-looking guy wearing a red suit broke down the door of the classroom and yelled “wHAT the fUCK do you wANT?!”
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friendlycoffee · 3 years
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Fern and Moss Dragons
Shyshyru on Etsy
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friendlycoffee · 3 years
Okay, I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about the Loki final because of the kiss, but is nobody talking about how it was... kinda boring? Like, the majority of the episode was just some guy monologging to Loki and Sylvie... which, one, is just info dumping and a pretty lazy way to get info across, and two doesn’t leave a lot of room for the characters to actually... do stuff?
I mean, what is the plot of the last episode? Loki and Sylvie sit down and get talked to, have a very brief fight, and Loki ends up in a new timeline. Mobius goes back to the TVA, watches his boss leave. I’m simplifying things but that’s more or less it. That’s an entire 40 mins. 
I’ve been re-reading my Journey into Mystery and Agent of Asgard omnibuses and it’s reminded me of how much more interesting the character or Loki can be. In the comics see a lot of him making deals with questionable people, deceiving people, agreeing to one thing then doing the opposite because he has his own ideas about how things should go. And often he does such things to achieve something good, it’s just that he’s Loki and this is how he does things. Thor saves the world with brute force, but Loki does it through bargaining, lies and manipulation...
We even see some growth in Young Avengers, where he starts with one of his more self-serving plans, but is clearly dealing with a lot of guilt (you know why if you’ve read it), and ends up changing his mind part way through and more or less doing the right thing? It’s a clear demonstration of him struggling with himself, and growing, something we see through actions rather than just words.
In the Loki TV show though he plays an incredibly passive role. He just kind of goes along with things, with no real set goal or plan, no cunning, very few lies (and those he does make are pretty easy to see through). They’re completely ignoring the fun part of his character.
Even look at episode 5. What does Loki do? Arrive in limbo, follow a bunch of Lokis cos they tell him to, leave after there’s a fight with the very stupid idea of ‘I’m just gonna kill the unkillable monster’ (like I thought he was supposed to be smart, really), and then has Sylvie show up to enchant it. Where’s the cunning in that? 
Along with that they just kinda tell us he’s changed and have Loki admitting all his flaws out loud since they don’t trust the audience to read between the lines (his growth feels more forced than natural personally). If you enjoyed the show more power to you, but it was a disappointment for me.
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friendlycoffee · 3 years
Okay, so... I’m gonna say it... I’m kinda feeling disappointed with the new Loki TV series. It started out promising, but I got the sense that a bit too much was being spelled out, and a lot of character growth felt more forced than natural.
I mean, Loki is someone who lies, even to himself. Having him just saying ‘oh yeah I’m insecure because of x reason’ every episode, without trying to brush it aside like ‘oh yeah I was lying’ and trying to play it cool while the audience knows he’s faking/in denial... it feels like they didn’t trust people enough to understand it, or didn’t know how to write that kind of character. Or to have him pretend not to care about people, when his actions clearly show the audience that he does... I mean, this is post avengers Loki. Having his character do a complete 180 so quickly just doesn’t feel right to me.
Not to mention, we’ve barely seen him do much lying/trying to manipulate people, which would have been far more fun to watch...
Also having read some of the comics (Journey into mystery/young avengers/agent of asgard) the latest episode also felt like a disappointment because there are some very interesting and heartbreaking arcs in there which would have been cool to see adapted... but kind of just got ignored.
And then to top it off, the line where Loki asked his counterparts if they’d ever met a female version of Loki, and they said something along the lines of ‘sounds scary’? And act like she’s unique? That really ticked me off? I know a lot of people were excited when they saw Loki’s TVA file and it listed his gender as fluid... so to have none of them go ‘oh yeah, I’m female sometimes’ or see no other Loki’s choosing a female form... idk, it’d disney so it’s not surprising but it still irritates me. Loki is canonically gender fluid in the comics. And states quite clearly that she is a she when in that form, and that both male/female form are equally her/him.
I mean... I’m going to keep watching, but my expectations are low...
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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The whole drawing thing hasn’t been going well for a while now, and crunch time at work while society is crumbling doesn’t help much so uh… a quick study. It was kinda relaxing tbh I might try and do more of these if I find the time!
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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Vampire by Betty Jiang
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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Two commissions I did for @ink.bly on instagram  of her characters :>
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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More practice stuff painted at Yvan Duque’s gouache workshop.
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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Witch of the Wild
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friendlycoffee · 5 years
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howl and soph 💙
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