friggposts-blog · 6 years
Perhaps the challenges facing millenial men are not always that challenging
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
Dont know quite what to make of her but she is funny
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
Words of wisdom from a woman who actually gets it.
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
Have these women truely lost the plot? Proposing to themselves and then marrying themselves. Have these women regressed to being 6 years old or is it the ultimate expression of narcissism?
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
Really nice animation
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
Read, enjoy and laugh your socks off.
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
In the UK the judiciary says that sexual offences are not a special class of offence therefore the accused should not be given annonimity. However they do grant the accuser annonimity for life and it is a criminal offence that carries a prison sentence if you make the accusers name known to the public. Apparently this isn’t a double standard, it’s justice.
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
This is the result of pandering to the ridiculous demands of femenists and university Fem Socs. We can only hope that young people actually come to their senses, recognise that rape is a serious and damaging thing and stop using accusations or rape inappropriately thereby making it more difficult for people who have been genuinely raped to see their attacker brought to justice.
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
What a surprise. But still a step in the right direction, so a little bit of good news for men at last, but I cant help wondering if this is being driven by the fact that there are now women who are being expected to pay alimony to ex husbands.
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
The level of dillusion young women are now afflicted with is staggering. They have moved from  body dismorphia to gender dismorphia
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
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friggposts-blog · 6 years
Its kind of sweet. It has that girl next door innocence. try reading this https://menfightingback.wordpress.com/
You do know that feminism is about equality of the sexes. ie. not just women. the fact that you call yourself a "meninist" is sad because your'e pitting men against women and that's the complete opposite of what feminism is about. it's about equality, not who has it harder. "Meninism" was literally started as a meme on twitter. do your research.
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