Dammit Sam
Well Sam left the ring back at the shire so all this wandering around mordor was a total waste of my time but I guess it's good for sams weight problem #haha
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Sometimes I just wish I kept the ring, I coulda snuck into so many strip clubs for free
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Tom Hanks screaming cutthroat
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Dear Yim Vegitablesaucekowasaki
I got your first letter! I didn't understand a single word because it was written in Chinese. I though you could write English but I guess not. All is good though. I'm sure you said all nice things. Anyway what's new with me is nothing really. Summertime sadness gets me through day to day. I hope your well write me back soon. I hope your family isn't still living in the back of a rice hut. Let me know how it's going. -cutthroat
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That moment when you wanna sing every song from Sweeney Todd #yolo
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Im snad
@buttsexington you never like my tumbles and that makes me sad. I know your tumblr famous but I wish you would notice my blogs. Maybe one day Ill be recognized. 
-yours truly 
A humble fan
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Yim Vegitablesaucekowasaki!!!!!
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You have been chosen Asian kid
So I've come to a point in my life where I feel I've been missing something. I knew what that something was... A penpal! Well guess what I found that missing something! His name is Yim Vegitablesaucekowasaki!! If you couldn't tell he's from China! I don't understand a single word he writes to me but I'm sure it's awesome! I hope he likes my letters! Oh wait he sent me a picture of himself ill post it for all to see!
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Dear Santa
Hello sir I hope your doing well with your preparation for Christmas. I live in a funky small town called Belmar over populated with Mexicans and well Mexicans are not white...so yeah fuck em. I didn't ask for much this year just mad stacks of money and bit booty hoes. Surely my requests can't be to much for you to handle. Cus listen if you don't get what I want then you and everyone at the North Pole will have to answer to me. Everyone will die...everyone. Don't fuck me Santa I repeat do not fuck me. Fuckin reindeer lookin like bambes dead mama shoot y'all in the head fuck you bitch. Don't fuck me Santa. Anyway good luck sir!
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Ash said it best
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This typa day
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Africa has starving kids and America, well we have this...
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