frostedpath · 6 years
What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.
Lao Tzu via @momentumdash
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frostedpath · 6 years
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When Donald Trump tweeted in July that trans people were suddenly banned from the military, he claimed he made his decision in “consultation with my Generals and military experts.” Now a judge — presiding over a legal challenge to the military ban — is demanding to know who exactly those experts are.
Washington State-based U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman gave the Justice Department until 8 p.m. Eastern to provide the names of those who helped Trump devise his ban, reports the Washington Blade. The Justice Department, defending Trump’s ban, previously argued that information was subject to executive privilege, but Pechman disagreed.
Read more.
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frostedpath · 6 years
“Free yourself from the illusion of good and bad days. Labeling time makes us nostalgic of the past and demanding of the future. There is only here and now. Let it be.”
Jonathan Tropper
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frostedpath · 6 years
Some Affirmations for Witches
⚡️My touch is power ⚡️I drink and breathe magic ⚡️I speak the language of the universe ⚡️The tapestry of my life is mine to weave ⚡️The moon and stars commune with me ⚡️My craft connects me to those who have come before me ⚡️I command respect ⚡️I see beyond the surface of this world ⚡️My soul will not deny the old ways ⚡️I am a creator of new traditions ⚡️I am a part of the natural world ⚡️I project powerful energies ⚡️My heart knows best ⚡️I know how to protect myself ⚡️I am powerful ⚡️I am a witch
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frostedpath · 6 years
@ the water that drips down my arms when i wash my face and makes a big ass mess: fuckin fight me
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frostedpath · 6 years
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frostedpath · 6 years
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Editorials. Adot Gok. Haddy Ndure.  V Magazine.  Images by Max Hirschberger.
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frostedpath · 6 years
I have spent the last ten minutes at work beneath my desk; it is somewhere dark to collect my thoughts. I have been struggling to read through the edits and feedback scribbled on an annual report I drafted. Usually I handle feedback well and expect it, but every so often a voice rages at the back of my head. I question my ability as a writer. My question for you is this: how do you handle feeling discouraged?
Initially I usually handle it by announcing gloomily that I can no longer write, have never been any good at it, and anything I’ve managed to do so far in the writing business was probably just sheer blind luck anyway.
Then I mope a bit. I drink a lot of tea.  Check with Amanda and find out if she’d still love me if I never wrote anything again (she always says yes). Call my agent to apologise because, obviously, she will have to spend the rest of my life and hers getting me out of any existing writing contracts.
And then, after a few days of that, I get interested in something and start writing and get happy, and am usually vaguely surprised when someone mentions how miserable I was a few weeks before.
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frostedpath · 6 years
benefits of living with a witch
—you’ll always be safe because they will put tons of protection spells over you and the house.
—you will learn so much about nature from them, especially the moon.
—the house always smell good because of incense and essential oils.
—you will get to go to fun little pagan shops with them.
—you will gain a lot of insight into your life as they will always be doing tarot readings, rune readings, and analyzing your dreams.
—crystals. everywhere.
—plants. everywhere.
—a cat, probably.
—candles. everywhere.
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frostedpath · 6 years
benefits of living with a witch
—you’ll always be safe because they will put tons of protection spells over you and the house.
—you will learn so much about nature from them, especially the moon.
—the house always smell good because of incense and essential oils.
—you will get to go to fun little pagan shops with them.
—you will gain a lot of insight into your life as they will always be doing tarot readings, rune readings, and analyzing your dreams.
—crystals. everywhere.
—plants. everywhere.
—a cat, probably.
—candles. everywhere.
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frostedpath · 6 years
“People grow when they are loved well. If you want to help others heal, love them without an agenda.”
— Mike McHargue
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frostedpath · 6 years
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Maria Borges at Ralph & Russo Haute Couture Spring 2018
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frostedpath · 6 years
The Slave Bible
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Artifact of the Day: Parts of the Holy Bible, Selected for the Use of the Negro Slaves, in the British West-India Islands (also known as “Slave Bible”), 1808. This volume is called “Holy,” but it is deeply manipulative. Based on the King James Version, it omits all entries that express themes of freedom. The story of Exodus, for example, describing the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt, is missing. The editors left out entire books and large portions of others; their selections stressed obedience, submission, and acceptance. The book was part of an inhumane process to make slaves docile and subservient, to break their spirits. #BlackHistoryMonth
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frostedpath · 6 years
“Expectancy speeds progress. Therefore, live in a continual state of expectancy. No matter how much good you are experiencing today, expect greater good tomorrow. Expect to meet new friends. Expect to meet new and wonderful experiences. Try this magic of expectancy…”
— Ernest Holmes
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frostedpath · 6 years
“Don’t try to figure it out or make it happen. Rest in a sense of beingness and discard all else.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj (via letgoness)
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frostedpath · 6 years
God bless these kids😍😍😍
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frostedpath · 6 years
hashtag animashun
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