frostfirehero · 6 years
ghost: have you ever seen a psychic? witch: do you believe in heaven? black cat: favorite urban legend? bats: are you superstitious? coffin: have you ever had a paranormal experience? cauldron: strangest dream (or nightmare) you’ve had? wizard: do you believe in aliens? enchanted: what fictional character scares you most? haunt: do you believe in haunted objects? spells: do you believe in magic? graveyard: do you believe any conspiracy theories? if so, which ones? potion: favorite horror movie? full moon: do you believe in reincarnation? vampire: are you afraid of death? pumpkin: do you believe in ghosts? midnight: last horror move that you’ve watched? skeleton: what is your biggest fear? crystal ball: when is a time you got caught? magic: have you had any near-death experiences? raven: favorite fairytale? ouija: have you ever played with a ouija board? fangs: favorite poem?
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frostfirehero · 6 years
((Ok guys.  I’ll be completely honest here.  
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I’m a tad clueless.
How does one follow tags so I TOO can partake in the fright night?))
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frostfirehero · 6 years
He had gone out for some air--take a stroll and enjoy the tranquility that befall UA at night.  While he had grown fond of his classmates and their antics, they sometimes were too boisterous for him.  Shoto enjoyed the quiet and stillness of the academy at night.  The crisp night air and the few stars not blotted out by the city lights were refreshing and gave him time to think.  Think about said loud class, how to further his quirk, his journey--Shoto had a variety of topics to contemplate.  
Thwack.  Thwack.  Thwack.  
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The sudden noise of fists colliding with something brought him out of his daze.  Following the sound to a nearby abandoned training grounds, he wondered if Midoriya had been training late again.  The rhythm of blows picked up as Shoto grew closer to the noise, until a pained yelp made him momentarily pause.  Was this not someone training, but an intruder?  The young Todoroki’s thoughts were once again cut short as a roar and the sound of tearing fabric rang out through the nearly empty building.  He felt his instincts kick in as he felt the moisture around his right arm begin to chill and ice began forming atop his skin.  Rounding the corner hastily, he was ready to send out a torrent of frost when he noticed one Momo Yaoyorozu slashing at a defenseless sandbag frantically, before turning to him with the blade.
Easing slightly, Shoto felt his temperature slowly climb back up to normal as the ice melted onto his skin.  “I apologize, Yaoyorozu-san.  I didn’t know it was you,” he stated, glancing from the girl to the sandbag leaking behind her.  He noticed tears welling in the corners of her eyes when she turned to face him, now hidden as she pivoted away.  The image of her stabbing at the bag flickered before his eyes again before he took a step forward.
“Is everything alright, Yaoyorozu?  Did something happen?” 
To an outside observer, the situation was this:
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There was the sound of something hitting something, fist hitting punching bag coming from the ruins of a previous training building in the middle of the night, the strikes growing at an increased intensity before stopping suddenly, cut off by a yelp of pain. There was a pause. And then there was a roar, an angry, curious cry that played over the sound of tearing fabric and bleeding sand falling to the concrete below.  
It would perhaps be at this point that someone would turn the corner to investigate, and would be met with the sight of Momo slashing frantically with a knife, before the blade fell with a metallic clatter, and Momo was on the ground, the quiet sounds of sobbing undeniable. But if a step was taken closer to her, her demeanor would shift.
Grabbing the knife that fell by her side, Momo stood and acted on instinct, turning to face whoever approached with the blade pointed directly at them, before through her tear-blurred vision she realized what she was doing, and her arm fell to her side.
“I’m.. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were there.” Her voice was weak and quiet, before turning and hiding her face. “You startled me.”
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frostfirehero · 6 years
((I finally got around to seeing the MHA movie, after my friends all bailed and couldn’t go.  I was lucky and got the last ticket!
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It was a fantastic movie.  Highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen it.  I won’t spoil anything, obviously, but it makes me very excited for future movies as the show progresses.  
Also Melissa Shields is bae.  That is all.))
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frostfirehero · 6 years
What is Halloween?
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Tsuyu thought that Todoroki never did something for Halloween. “Kero, you don’t have to do tricks. Halloween is fun anyway, above all, when you are with your friends eating sweets or playing together.” Putting her finger on her chin, she continued “Bakugou-chan? I don’t really know what he’ll do on Halloween. I agree with you,” she chuckled. “You still don’t know what to do for Halloween, right, Todoroki-chan?”
Spending time with friends?  Perhaps that had been why he never really experienced Halloween as a child.  Shoto wasn’t quite sure why it required dressing up, or what type of games people played specifically on Halloween that made it special, but he was willing to give it a shot.  
“That is correct, Asui-san.  I’m assuming the others will gather to play in these games and eat sweets, as you said, but I’m not sure what I’d dress as.”
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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“It depends on the game! If we tried Kokkuri-san we’d need some paper, a ten yen coin and more players probably. We’d ask Kokkuri-san questions and then they’d use the coin to move to answers we’d write on the paper. That summons a ghost to answer questions.”
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Huh.  So it was a form of divination almost, used to call upon the spirits of the deceased for a game.  He had heard of similar acts used before, as well as some rare quirks that allowed to communicate with the dead, but never as a form of entertainment.
“I’d be very interested in participating, if you’d have me.  In Kokkuri-san or any other of these... ghost games.”  
It would be good opportunity to spend time with some of his classmates he hadn’t had the opportunity to interact with yet anyway.  
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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BNHA S3EP21 “What’s The Big Idea?”   || Todoroki Shouto 
—   ❝  Don’t lose your C O O L! You’ve already overcome your relationship with that old man. NO… There’s still some hatred towards him… This is NOT good . F O C U S on the test! ❞  
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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“And what exactly does such an activity entail, Ashido-san?  I’ve never heard of a ghost summoning... game.”
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“Who wants to play a ghost summoning game with me?!”
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frostfirehero · 6 years
What is Halloween?
Continued from here.
That explained why he’d often see people garbed in weird outfits mimicking All Might around this time of year as a child.  He still had questions on what she meant by tricks, and how exactly sweets were involved, but it seemed like a good-natured activity.
“Are people more... welcoming of tricks?  I can’t see Bakugo doing particularly well with people messing with him.”
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frostfirehero · 6 years
A Thought in the Early Morning
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((So I love what  Kōhei has done for Shoto and his progression thus far in terms of his development and how he is slowly coming to terms with accepting his lineage, while understanding his own capacity to create his own identity and not exist in his father’s shadow .  I really enjoyed the slow reveal of his past, learning why he didn’t fully accept both halfs of his quirk, and the flashy resolution during his fight with Izuku.
But imagine, if you will, this twist on it.
Shoto doesn’t rescind his fire abilities purely because they are a constant reminder of his overbearing, abusive father.  He also does it because when he first learned of these powers, he burned the one figure that saw him as a son and not a means to surpass a rival: his mother.  
Upon first activating his fire half, Todoroki severely burns his mother, leading to her throwing the hot water on his face for the same reason as prior, only this time it is while he is profusely apologizing after burning her.
I’d like to imagine this would still lead up to the same conclusion we currently have, but with the stipulation of lingering anxiety over controlling his fire half.  A Shoto that is constantly thinking how he has to control his flames, having witnessed first hand the type of damage he can do if he doesn’t.  I’d also think his siblings might have reservations about him, with Natsuo even comparing him to his father at first for harming their mother, leading to Shoto even feeling a sense of empathy for his father. 
I dunno.  Just a random thought that struck me as I sit here writing.  Thanks to anyone who indulged in my insanity.))
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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“I’m curious. What is this Halloween everyone keeps talking about? Does it involve this trick or treating I’ve heard about before?”  
His father never bothered explaining what the holiday was to him; he was too focused on training him to surpass All Might to let him waste time ‘trick or treating’ with other children.  That’d be time wasted, according to his father.
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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Wait he didn’t say that??
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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T o d o r o k i · S h o u t o
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frostfirehero · 6 years
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 First comes frost, then fire.
“I won’t be bound by his blood; 
I’ll be a true hero.”
Indie Shoto Todoroki RP Blog from My Hero Academia
Open, multifandom friendly rp blog.  Experienced writer new to the MHA RP community, looking to have some fun.
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