frozenartemis1 · 7 years
MLB One shot {You're not my Chat} Chat Blanc x Reader
Narrator’s Pov
It was past midnight.You were asleep.Dreaming away,heart beating calmly,meaning that your sleep was peaceful.
A creak was heard beside you,the window opening slowly.In jumped Chat Noir…or rather Chat Blanc.He looked at your sleeping form lovingly,his hatred long gone after seeing you.You where the only one that understood him,that cared about him,that actually wanted him.
He creeped his way to your side,with silent footsteps,not wanting to wake you up and carefully scooped you up in his arms,your blanket wrapped tightly around you.Gracefully,he backed up from where he came from and jumped out,into the winter night, thankful for the warm material surrounding you.
~Time skip~
Caring you bridal style,Chat kicked gentle the rusted door in front of him,getting inside.He walked in the room and placed you on a small couch in front of a fireplace,that was just enough for you to be warm.
He sat down on an arm chair,next to you,admiring your beauty while you shifted to get more comfortable on the old furniture.He sighed,ripping his gaze off you and landing it on the fire,the bright colours flashing in his eyes.p
Not knowing for how long he starred at the flying sparks,he heard a groan and a muffled mumble,coming from his right.His lips quirked in a dark smile,as he realised that his princess woke up.
You straightened your back,cracking it a bit to feel better from the aching pain that vibrated through your body.You looked around with curiosity and your eyes widened as you had just saw that you weren’t in your bedroom.
“Awake my dear?” A voice all to familiar questioned, you let out a relieved sigh as you figured that is was your lovely boyfriend.
“Chat what are we-” your sentence was cut short when you looked at Chat’s outfit.“Why are you white?"You blurted out the question that first came to your mind.He furrowed his eye brows.
"I have changed, darling. It’s not that big of a deal ” He checked his claws and then looked at you with a cold smile.
“Princess you know that I love you right?"Chat came and sat down next to you,placing one clawed hand on your hip.You shivered at his touch as it wasn’t like the usual warm one.
"Yes…?"You answered to his question,unsure.Something seemed off.He didn’t look like his normal goofy self.You tried to back away a bit,so you could take in more of his appearance but a grip on your lower half stopped you from moving.
"Chat are you okay?You don’t seem like your usual self…"You trailed of,preparing yourself for his response,not knowing what it would be.
He frowned,his tail starting to sway side to side in what seemed as annoyance at your question."My dear why are you so concerned…I’m okay."His words were cold as ice as they pierced through you.
"Chat you are not yourself…I know when you aren’t okay,what’s wrong I-"Your eyes widened as you were slammed against the wall next to you,your hands pinned on either side of your head.
Chat growled in your face,breathing deeply and glaring at you. "I said stop worrying. "You starred horrified at his surprising actions but then your gaze turned into annoyance.
"Of course I should be worrying about you Chat!What’s wrong?Why are you acting like-"Chat pressed his lips harshly onto yours, shutting you up.One of his hands trailed down to your waist as the other one held both your arms up your head.
He looked at you through half lidded as he pulled away and buried his face in your neck,his fangs grazing your heated skin. "Don’t act like that to your lover .”
You pushed him away from him with all you force,sadness evident in your eyes.“You are not my lover…You’re not my playful kitty that comes every night in my room and cuddles with me…”
He stared at you with an unreadable face.You continued.“ My Chat wouldn’t yell at me and he wouldn’t keep whatever troubled him to himself.”
You started breathing heavily,as tears started falling down your face.“My love belongs to the man I love and you’re not him!”
With that,Chat got pissed,walking in front of you and cornering you with the wall.“I AM THE MAN YOU LOVE"He aggressively took your hand in his own and you looked at him with disbelief.
"No you’re not."You spat in his face and his eyes flashed a darker green shade."CHAT NOIR WOULD NEVER DO THIS TO ME”
You yelled at him,your words slicing through him.His eyes suddenly changed to purple and he growled at you,his grip on you tightening painfully.
“I DON’T CARE.THAT MAN YOU LOVED IS GONE.YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO LOVE ME NOT HIM. "His words harmed you, as you turned pale by how he spoke to you.
Your legs started shaking and looking at his eyes made you feel so weak that you had to hang on to Chat for support.His glare only made everything worse as his claws left your now red arm.
You fell down to your knees,balling your eyes as you stared up at his upper form.He turned around,his back in your view.He looked from his shoulder to you,his eyes still purple.
"You belong to me and someday…You’ll learn to love this side of me."He simply said,walking off and leaving you on the floor, helpless.
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frozenartemis1 · 7 years
MLB One shot {Lifeguard} Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Reader
Adrien’s Pov
My father sent me to go for a holiday to America in Miami. We have a beach house there so he sent me to stay there for the rest of the summer.
I didn’t really complain cause it would be nice,but Paris needed me as their local superhero.I took a deep breath and tried to think of this as a vacation cause technically it was.I walked inside the mansion.
I left my stuff inside and decided that I’ll go to the beach for a swim.I changed into my swimming trunks and popped out the house.
Walking for five minutes I reached my destination.I breathed the salty breeze and looked around.There weren’t many people.All of them young adults, teens like me and some kids.
I walked on the golden sand and placed down my towel.I rolled it open and left my stuff there.I then went in the crystal clean water. I swam and enjoyed myself.
Suddenly, a cry for help knocked me back to reality.A child started drowning.It probably didn’t know how to swim.My instincts kicked in and I swam towards it.
As I was 10 meters away from it, a splashing sound cut me off.I looked up to find a girl around my age running or technically swimming to the kid.I looked at her fully.
She wore an orange sports bikini,with a white cross on the right and she held a small float. She must have been the lifeguard. My eyes shined as she picked up the smaller kid and took it out to the sand.
Her H/C hair swayed with every movement she made,as she reached the beach.I slowly went out of the water too,but couldn’t get my gaze off her.
She laid the kid down on a F/C towel and it started coughing.She checked for any wounds and then she patted a little it’s chest and back.The kid spitted out water and breathed deeply.
Everyone cheered at the sight before them.She just looked at the kid sweetly,with kind eyes.“Please be careful next time kiddo. I don’t want a fellow like you to get hurt.I want you to either stay away from deep water or go with your mommy and daddy ok?”
Her voice innocent and careful made my heart flutter.My spine shivered at her kindness.The kid hugged her and she hugged it back with a chuckle escaping her mouth.
It pulled away and she bopped it’s nose,making it giggle in the process.The kid’s parents went to her and thanked her for saving their little boy.
“You should talk to her ” Plagg’s voice called out from my pocket. “How did you even get here?“I questioned but he dodged it."Just go”
Somehow I got convinced and without even knowing my legs started taking me to her.
Your Pov
Sighing I looked at the family’s form fade with a smile, as it walked further and further.Another day,another save.I laid my back against the tower as I slightly closed my eyes.
“Woah that was some fast thinking you did there"A voice broke me from my train of thought.I turned around to find possibly a boy the same age as me,with blond hair and sparkling green eyes.
I nodded looking at him.I chuckled lightly."And who might you be?” I asked him,making him smile.“I’m Adrien.Adrien Agreste” He stated and I raised an eye brow.
“Well James Bond I’m Y/N L/N"I rolled out of my tongue making him chuckle.
"Well Y/N.I hope to see you around.I’ve taken an interest in you."I pointed to my jacket as he started taking some steps backwards. "Oh don’t worry.I work here . You’ll see plenty of me"And with a laugh,he was out of sight.
Wow.What a guy.Welp…I guess I’ll be seeing more of him since he looks like he’ll be staying for a while.
~Magic time skip to three weeks later~
Sitting up high at my lifeguard tower I heard footsteps under me. I looked down to find Adrien with a smile looking at me as well.
"Hey there Adri"I called him by his nickname.He chuckled."Again with the nicknames mon amor?"He questioned and I shrugged it off. I guess that was my nickname.
"So what’s shaking from yesterday?"I asked,looking back towards the now darkened sea.
"Nothing much . You?"He asked me and I motioned ‘the same’.So we talked and talked until it was 11 pm.We soon parted ways and I started heading home.
As I was walking something cool grabbed my wrist,yanking it backwards.I gasped and I was pulled back to a chest.The intruder tried to shush me but I only started screaming.He took me in an alley way and tried to muffle my screams.
I then truly shut up once he placed a nigh on my neck.
Adrien Pov
Walking back I heard a scream coming from 10 blocks away. Realising the voice I knew that Y/N was in trouble. I ran into an alley and took a deep breath.I then transformed into my alter ego.
Not the smartest idea, but it was the only one that was coming in mind at that moment.I started running and ended up in front of another alley. I could hear whimpers coming from the darkness.I hissed angered.
"Hey!"I yelled,gaining attention from the both of them."What do you want kid?Mind your own business ” The guy said before turning back to Y/N.
I growled.“Leave her alone and no one will get hurt "I announced but he only chuckled."Try me"And with that I smacked my pole to his left arm,making him let go of his nigh.
Y/N stumbled back,crying quietly,as she leaned against the far back wall.The guy got up and without me being quick enough,he kicked me in the stomach.I hissed as pain coursed through my veins.
I looked up and he was about to throw me another punch until I hit him on his head.He lost consciousness and I breathed heavily. I placed my button behind my back.
I looked straight to see Y/N terrified by the whole scene.I walked towards her,but she only tried to back up.I looked at her in pity.
"No no no,don’t be scared of me.I came here to help you"I extended a hand to her and she just looked at me with teary eyes. I smiled sweetly at her and she hesitantly took it.
I lifted her up slowly and she hissed as I touched her side.My eyes widened as I saw that she had a cut,bleeding through her clothes.
"C-Can you help me g-go to the beach p-please?"She pleaded.I nodded furiously."Of course"I replied and I lifted her up.Wow she was light.She gasped but didn’t say anything.
I walked slowly,so I wouldn’t harm her."S-so um who a-are you?” She questioned as she stared a little at my masked face. I smiled but continued looking straight.
“I’m Chat Noir m'lady ” I announced and I could see the faintest blush spread across her cheeks.
“O-ok, well I’m Y-Y/N."She said and I nodded."Well um s-sorry for asking b-but why are y-you wearing cat ears?A-And what’s w-with the mask?”
I grinned and I looked down at her confused face.“Well you might not believe me but,I’m a superhero!"I’m stated and her eyes popped out.
"A-A superhero?How c-come I haven’t heard of y-you before Chat N-Noir?"I chuckled at her response and tightened my hold on her as I kept walking.
"To be honest with you I’m not from here.Heck I’m not even from America ” I said confusing her.I smiled at her expression and continued.
“I’m actually from Paris ” I gave away the information and her eyes widened.Yeah to be honest it’s quite shocking to find a European superhero in America.
“P-Paris?A friend of m-mine is from Paris.H-He never told me that the-the’re superheroes t-there."She said and I smiled.I soon stepped on the sand and Y/N looked straight.
"Can you please t-take me t-to the l-lifeguard tower? "I nodded and I went there.I placed her under it and she pulled a box from under.
I sat next to her and she opened the box to reveal some medical treatments. "So you’re a lifeguard?"I questioned knowing the answer.She nodded.
"It’s only a summer job b-but I enjoy i-it"She nodded and I looked at her."May I?"I asked her and she blinked.She looked down to realise that I meant to help her with her wound.She nodded and I pulled her shirt off hesitantly.
I hissed as I looked at the cut that was made.It wasn’t to deep but it bled a lot and it didn’t stop.I adapted some medical liquid on a cotton ball and gently touched her.Her breath hitched and she bit her lip to not let her screams out.
I pulled away and she breathed shakily.I then took some bandages and wrapped them around her waist.The bleeding stopped and she laid her back against the tower.
"Thank you.For the save, for everything really.” She breathed out. “Don’t worry about it . It’s my job anyways"She shook a little in laughter and turned to me."I guess that we’ll be staying here for a while?"She asked and I nodded a small smile on my face.
She smiled at my response and looked around the place.She took out of the sand a couple of sticks and rocks.She shaped the rocks neatly in a circle and placed the sticks in the middle.
She snatched a lighter from the aid kit box and made a fire."Woah that’s impressive ” I commented and she shrugged.“I went to camp hen I was younger and they learnt us this stuff.Nothing special”
She looked at me.“So why are you in America Chat Noir?Doesn’t Paris need it’s superhero?"I chuckled.If only she knew that I wasn’t needed.
"Well I came here for a vacation.You know everyone needs some time off."I stated and she nodded. "Cool.So what do you save Paris from? ”
And from then,we kept going on for all the night,getting to know each other better.In the end,I realised that this girl is amazing and that I had feelings for her that grew stronger every second I was with her.
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frozenartemis1 · 7 years
MLB One shot {Chemistry} Chat Noir x Reader
Your Pov
“Stupid exams.Why from all the subjects did Physics have to be involved?"I banged my head on my desk as I tried to think of the answer.
"Uhhhh"I yelled frustrated.I in hailed sharply and ex hailed calmly. "Uhhhh calm down (Y/N),everything will be alright. "I took my pencil once more and bite at the end of it.
I hardened my gaze on question 36.
36.Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of:
A.collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the atmosphere
B.action of ultraviolet light from the sun on atmospheric oxygen
C.action of solar radiations particularly cosmic rays on carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere
D.lightning discharge in atmosphere
I groaned and went to question 49.
49.An aeroplane is flying horizontally with a velocity of 600 km/h and at a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically at a point A on the ground a bomb is released from it. The bomb strikes the ground at point B. The distance AB is:
A. 1200 m B. 0.33 km C. 3.33 km D. 33 km
I groaned even more."What’s wrong purrincess?"I jumped at the sudden contact of hot air on my neck.
I turned around to find Chat standing in front of me with his stupid grin.
I sighed in relief.He always did that so I didn’t know why I hadn’t gotten used to it.
I glared at him and he chuckled.
"So why was my princess yelling at herself?"Chat asked purring.I rolled my eyes playfully but I then landed my gaze on my paperwork.
"As you know,exams have already entered my life and I have to study for tomorrow.Though I am horrible at Physics.So I’m trying to answer some questions."I explained and he  nodded while holding his chin.
"Well just for your information,Physics is my favourite subject and-"He sat on my now empty chair."I am willing to help you"He stated while cracking his knuckles.
I stared at him dumbfounded."Physics is your favourite subject?"I asked quite confused.He nodded and he passed a hand through his hair.
"You know Physics?!?!?"I asked still amused.He chuckled and rolled his eyes."You know…just because I have the looks,doesn’t mean that I’m dumb."He stated.
"Okay…if you are really going help me then I’m going to bring another chair"I said pointing towards the door.I started walking to it when my wrist was tugged back.
"You can sit here ” Chat had a smirk plastered on his face while pointing to his lap.I blushed but that didn’t stop me.“Why?Do you want a lap dance or something?No thanks. "As I was about to leave once more his grip on me tightened making me look back at him.
"Nah.At least not now"He whispered the last part making my cheeks burn even more.I shook my head and pretended I didn’t hear him.
"What was that?”“Nothing."He smiled cheekily.He then pulled me on him and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Is this an excuse so you can cuddle me?"I questioned surprised by his actions.
"Maybe…"He trailed of and his grip on me tightened."Enough talking.Let’s begin, shall we?”
~One hour later~
“And…done"I said tired.I sighed a breath of relief and I laid my back on Chat’s chest.
He started purring and I giggled."Thanks for the help Chat!I couldn’t have done it without you"I said and tried to get up only for Chat’s grip on me to get tighter, making me fall back on him.
I looked at him and he shot his famous flirty smirk to me.I raised an eyebrow and a silent question accused me.
"Purrincess…"He started trailing off.Oh boy.
"Because I helped you with your Physics, I think that we should work a little on…"He picked me up and I started backing away as he came with every step closer to me.
My back was pressed against the wall behind me making me turn around to see but I was cut off by Chat’s arm colliding on the wall next to me.
He placed another arm on the other side of the wall and leaned close to my face making me blush.His legs were between mine making my situation even worse.Our foreheads were touching and he gazed me up and down till he found my lips.
He stared at them for a minute or two and he gazed back up to my (E/C) eyes.We locked eye contact and he licked his lips.
"Our Chemistry?”
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frozenartemis1 · 7 years
MLB One shot {School Play} Chat Noir x Reader
Your Pov
“Oh common” I yelled frustrated. At school they had just announced the leads of the school drama play. AND I WAS THE LEAD! I know I should be happy and screaming but you just had to see the male lead. KIM.
How lovely(sarcasm). The school player would be my partner for this! I sighed and started walking away. But before I left Kim came my way. I scoffed and he smirked. “I hope you’ll be ready for the kissing scene” And with a wink he left.
I walked madly, passing everyone. They all looked at me weirdly until they checked the paper against the wall. I burst the doors of the classroom open and glaring I stomped my way to Nino.
“A KISSING SCENE?!?!?!” I yelled and he nearly fell down from my sudden outburst. He stared at me"Y-Yes? I mean why not. Why do you care?“He asked frightened.
"W-Well? W-What’s the problem with a kiss?” He asked. I breathed deeply and stared at Nino with a sweet annoying look.
“Well… what if I told you that the male lead is KIM?!?!??!?!” I asked and his eyes widened.
“KIM ?!?!?I NEVER PUT KIM!! "He said and I was confused. "But… You are the director. Didn’t you choose who is who?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes. I had Adrien for the role but… who changed it?” We then heard heels behind us. We both turned around to see,oh look at that, miss daddy.
“I did. I would never leave Adrikins to kiss a thing like you. HE’S MINE” Miss da-  I mean Chloe said. I gritted. “Why did you do that Chloe? Adrien was what Nino chose and-” I then saw Nino smirk at my statement.
I blushed and retracted my words “O-Or c-couldn’t you at least put someone else f-for the job?” I said feeling the blood at my cheeks.
“As if and before you say anything, Nino no you can’t put my Adrikins, otherwise I’ll make daddy fire your parents from their jobs! "She said and Nino mouthed a ‘sorry’.
I shot him a sad smile and mouthed back ‘it’s not your fault’. I sighed and went home.
As I was reading the script for the play I heard a knock on my balcony. I got up feeling down and went to open the balcony. There a smiling Chat was standing there. I opened the door and he jumped inside.
"Well hello my purrincess"He purred. I would have laughed at his stupid attempt of flirting but this time I just said an emotionless 'hey’. He looked shocked at my mood and quickly came and wrapped his arms around me.
"What’s wrong?"He asked pouting and I sighed even more. "Every year there is a play going on at my school. And I’m the role lead” I said and he looked confused.
“And why is that bad?” He asked. “IT’S BAD BECAUSE I HAVE TO KISS KIM” I said and his eyes widened. “You…are going to kiss KIM?!?!?” He asked shocked once more. I nodded.
“I know, it’s horrible.” I stated.“And the worst part is that if I don’t do it, I’ll get a bad grade and my parents will be there” I cried out. “Oh boy” He breathed out. I turned to him, giving him my best puppy eyes.
“So… could you please help me with the script?” I asked as I fell on my knees.He chuckled and eyed me. “And you ask? Of course I’ll help” He said and I sighed a breath of relief.
“Good” I smiled this time and went inside to bring my script. I had photocopied it so if I lost it I would have another one.
I gave Chat the spare one. “Ok, so you’ll be Jack and I’ll play my normal role which is Bell. Ok?” I asked and he nodded.
“Jack, JACK! WHERE ARE YOU? "I asked as I was pretending to look around. "Jack if (sob) if you can hear m-me please. Where are y-you?” I sobbed as I fell to my knees. Chat then came into the room.
“Bell? Is that you?” He asked pleadingly. Wow, he’s good. I lifted my head to find 'Jack’ with worry in his eyes. I smiled as fake tears ran down my cheeks. I got up and ran to him. I hugged him and 'cried’ on his shoulder.
“Hey, it’s-it’s alright I’m here. Don’t worry” He said as he stroked my hair. “I (sniff) I thought that I-I lost you. YOU-YOU FELL OF A-A FREAKING CLIFF! ” I sobbed in the crook of his neck.
He lifted my head and looked at me with a sad smile. “Even if I had to fall to my death, I would do it for you, my dear!” He said and that’s when it was the kissing scene.
I blushed slightly but didn’t say a thing. We inched close, slowly, our lips 1 inch separated. Chat then couldn’t stand the teasing and kissed me deeply, turning my head to the side. I melted in the kiss. I rapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer.
He then rapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on his lap. We both then separated because of the lack of air. I panted softly as he shot a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and pulled him for another kiss. This time it was soft and passionate.
I pulled away once more but kept my arms around him. He just tried to pull me even closer if that was even possible. He placed his head in the crook of my head. He purred making me giggle. He continued and I laughed making him smirk.
“So my purrfect purrincess. Would you like to go meowt with mew?” He asked making at least 4 puns. I giggled. I took his face of me and into my hands making him stare directly to my eyes.
“I would love to”
~Three weeks later~
Me and Chat were officially a couple. He would help me with the school play, especially the last part, we would hang out together, talk or play games.
But since the first day we were practising the school play, Chat was upset and overprotective for Kim to kiss me. I of course agreed and didn’t want neither but I didn’t have a choice. 
Tonight was the play and I was putting my make up in my dressing room. I walked out and was greeted by Kim, cornering me to the wall.
“Are you ready for tonight’s kiss Bell?” He asked flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes annoyed.“ I’m actually not Kim” I stated disgusted. He just smirked and lifted my chin.
“Well, you’ll definitely be ready once you see me in costume"He wiggled his eye brows. I pushed him out of my way and moved towards the backstage.
~Time skip~
"I (sniff) I thought that I-I lost you. YOU-YOU FELL OF A-A FREAKING CLIFF!” I cried out. Kim then pulled out a chap stick and placed it on his lips. I felt disgusted. 
“Even if I had to fall to my death, I would do it for you, my dear!” He said and that’s when it was the kissing scene. He took a hold of my wrists and pulled me close. I closed my eyes straight away, not wanting to see it myself.
As we were about to kiss the door was flung open.“STOP RIGHT THERE!” The voice said. We both turned around to find CHAT NOIR?!?!?!??!? Everyone stayed quiet and Chat came our way.
He got on the stage and snatched me from Kim’s arms. Chat then spun me around and kissed my deeply. He pulled away leaving  me in outer shock. He glared at an eye wide Kim and said growling. 
“She’s mine. Don’t you ever touch what is my property ever again or you’ll regret it.”
He then picked me up bridal style making me let out a squick and he jumped out of the window leaving everyone speechless, including myself.
“No one can touch you except me, right Y/N?” He asked, his jealousy calming down. I slowly nodded as he smirked. I have a lot of explaining to do to my parents when I get back home.
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