fruits123456 · 2 years
10 Amazing Benefits Of Dragon Fruit You Never Knew
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Dragon what? No, it's not a medieval myth where knights rescue princesses from fire-breathing dragons and win the coveted dragon fruit from a magical tree.
However, the real dragon fruit rather contains magical properties that can make you feel like a beautiful princess or a knight in shining armour.
In the tropical and subtropical regions of South America and Asia, dragon fruit thrives magnificently and grows in abundance.
The outer shell of the dragon fruit is similar to that of a cactus and resembles the scales of a mythological dragon, from which it takes its name.
The bright green and pinkish-red hues of the fruit, which belongs to the cactus family, indicate that it is very rich in nutrients, while the creamy-white flesh, sprinkled with black seeds, has many rich and natural properties.
Also known as pitaya, these funny-looking fruits contain about 60 calories each and are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2 and B3, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus.
And that's not all. It is definitely one of the best 'superfruits' in existence.
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Better Than Cheerios Dragon fruit is extremely low in cholesterol, which helps the body break it down quickly and keeps it happy and healthy. It's the perfect fruit to help maintain weight and satisfy sweet cravings.
Heart-Healthy Americans are increasingly striving to maintain their cardiovascular health. Luckily, this fruit has an incredible superpower that helps lower bad cholesterol and restore good cholesterol. Dragon fruit is an excellent source of monosaturated fatty acids, which keep the heart in tip-top shape.
Fill Up on Fibre To cleanse your digestive system, eat dragon fruit. They are high in fibre, which can help with poor digestion and constipation. Eating pulp and seeds, which are high in protein, will keep your body toned and satiated.
Active Antioxidants To rid your body of free radicals and cancer-causing properties, you can eat foods that contain antioxidants. Believe it or not, dragon fruit gives acai fruit a run for its money.
Fights Diabetes The high fiber content in dragon fruit can help regulate diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels by suppressing sugar spikes. However, you should always consult your doctor when making changes or adjustments to your diet to make sure it's the right food for you.
Reduces Signs of Ageing Eating dragon fruit, which is rich in antioxidants, can keep your skin firm and youthful. You can even make a face mask from the fruit in combination with honey as a natural alternative to anti-aging masks.
Treatment for Dyed Hair Dragon fruit juice is an excellent remedy for treating coloured hair. Simply applying dragon fruit juice or conditioner to the scalp can protect chemically treated or dyed hair. This keeps the hair follicles open, allowing the hair to breathe and stay healthy and supple.
Suppresses Arthritis Arthritis directly affects the joints, causing severe irritation and immobility. Including dragon fruit in your diet can help you fight these conditions. The benefits of dragon fruit for arthritis sufferers are so great that it is commonly referred to as 'anti-inflammatory fruit'.
Avoid Acne This treatment isn't just for teenagers. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and makes an excellent ointment for the skin. Cut a slice of dragon fruit into a paste and apply it to reddened areas on the face or skin, then rinse with water. For best results, apply twice a day.
Soothes Sunburned Skin Combining dragon fruit with cucumber juice and honey creates an aloe-like mixture that can soothe sunburn. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin B3 and can moisturise sunburned skin and dissipate heat from the affected area.
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How can you incorporate dragon fruit into your daily routine?
Tired of the everyday apple or banana? Go ahead, you can eat the exotic fruit because it's so good it should be banned.
Dragon fruit is so easy to eat that a spoonful is enough to enjoy its benefits, just like a kiwi.
However, you can also bite straight from the peel if you're looking for a quick fix.
One dragon fruit is enough for a snack, but before long you'll be craving more. Try some of the dragon fruit recipes.
Remember that although they look great on the counter, they are much more than just a decoration. Reap the benefits of dragon fruit!
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