frxstbxtee · 1 year
Modern, regular or another au? ^^
mini rp? :>
[ Sure ^^ ]
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
Thats okay
mini rp? :>
[ Sure ^^ ]
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
Hellooo!! ❤️❤️
Hello mun of the husband of my muse
hello hello hellooo ❤️
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
Doing okay, omw to work actually. Mentally still a little rocky but I have more highs than lows. How are you?
Hi Grey! Sorry I've been so inactive I've kinda just been focusing on life a bit more.
[ Hey Hannah! And, it's alright, I haven't been on here that much either. Been focusing on school and life myself. How are you doing? ^^ ]
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
Im about to go to work so me too.
Hello there! //ooc
// ooc ; hello-
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
quotes from the first book of carissa broadbent's crown of nyaxia series . might be spoilery but i didn't include names . tw for cursing , death , suggestive content . for all your vampire , enemy ( to lovers ) & reluctant allies dynamics . * feel free to change roles , pronouns .
" don't look away. " " this place is a fucking disaster. " " never guessed you were pretty under all of that. " " i take no criticism from a drowned rat like you. " " which reminds me, i have something for you. " " made me think of you. " " it's a good color for you. " " youth is wasted on the young. beauty, too. " " you're sweet. prickly, but sweet. in an acidic sort of way. like a pineapple. " " i'm tired. tired of being afraid. " " crazy old bitch. " " don't drink yourself to death. " " you're dead here. try again. "
" you are prey in a world of predators. " " may the Mother guide you. " " i was trying to save your life. " " i'm not a fool. " " are you deaf, or just stupid? " " you're unfriendly. " " ally with me. " " top of the eastern tower. if you change your mind. " " you'll be easy to kill later. "
" a gift from a goddess. " " i have a gift for you. " " you're a demanding little thing, aren't you? " " becasue i'm nice and pretty. " " OPEN. THIS. FUCKING. DOOR. " " remember right now exactly how lucky you are. " " i feel sorry for her. " " that was a foolish decision. " " i taught you better. " " i would have been there, if i could. " " keep those teeth ready, little serpent. " " watch their back, but don't let them see yours. " " use him. but never allow him to use you. " " what in the seven fucking hells is wrong with you? " " we can't cooporate if you won't let me get close to you. " " i won't even dignify that with a response. " " you're working against me, not with me. " " you are afraid of me. " " i'm not going to hurt you. how close do i have to get without splitting you open to make you believe that? " " i don't know how i ever thought this was gonna work. " " don't let them take her. "
" you're many things. but a good actress is not one of them. " " we're losing moonlight. " " don't you worry about me. " " get the fuck away from her. " " i'll be back. don't burn to death. " " i called and called but he wouldn't answer. " " we're surrounded by those who would like to see us dead. " " don't forget those teeth of yours. you will need them. " " daughter of the moon. welcome. " " i'm sorry for what i'm about to do to you. " " i'm glad your bedside manner is about as delicate as i would have expected. " " too late for that. you're stuck with me. " " did you miss me? " " i'm coming for you. " " you worried me. i should have known better. "
" return to the church at sundown. " " you were fucking magnificent. " " something bothers you. " " a dance? " " one more dance. " " give me one honest thing. " " are you going to kill me? " " you might destroy me anyway. " " that wasn't how i'd imagined making you come for the first time. " " you seem to be good at winning the hearts of ill-tempered creatures. " " we have enough if we ration. " " it finally happened. you've lost your mind. " " after everything, you're still afraid of me? " " i'm not a fucking animal. " " didn't think i'd see you again. " " you said it yourself. you don't have a choice. " " you can still say no. " " don't do anything stupid. " " we need to run right now. "
" you look them in the eye. " " i gave you everything. i made you all that you are. " " don't look at me that way. " " kiss me. " " we'll probably die tomorrow. " " show me something worth living for. " " i've done a lot of thinking about you. " " i would beg, for you, i would. " " you have fucking destroyed me. " " there she is. " " give me a fair fight and i'll give you a fair death. " " i'm glad it was you. " " end it. " " i know what it is to lose half of one's soul. " " so many mistakes in the end. never you. " " you're safe. "
" i was ready to let it all go for you. " " that is the stupidest plan i have ever heard. " " we will find the answers. " " everything looks so much more peaceful now, doesn't it? " " power is a bloody business. " " and there is no one i would rather have beside me. " " i give you my body. i give you my blood. i give you my soul. " " i'd like to be alone. " " you look like shit. " " better this than dead. " " what's the plan? " " you can find me when you need me. "
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
I'm kinda just waiting for my friend to get on. Do you want to rp?
Hello there! //ooc
// ooc ; hello-
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
I'm doing pretty okay, just been kinda focusing more on life. But I'm bored so.
Hello there! //ooc
// ooc ; hello-
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
Mb. How are you?
Hello there! //ooc
// ooc ; hello-
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
hello! yes this is for diluc mod
Hello there! //ooc
// ooc ; hello-
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
Im scared to check my other blogs..
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frxstbxtee · 1 year
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frxstbxtee · 2 years
We had the best day, thank you for telling me to go out. I think it's the first time in a while we've had so much fun.
[ What happened?? ]
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frxstbxtee · 2 years
We definitely will. Also I wanted to say before I turn off my computer. Kasumi got "himbo stupid"
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[ LOL good morning 😂 ]
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frxstbxtee · 2 years
Well I've only been out to do work. And I'm off again today.. maybe I'll go out with E. She didn't say she wanted to go get some late lunch.
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[ LOL good morning 😂 ]
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frxstbxtee · 2 years
I'm doing okay. Just kinda chilling, thinking if I should work on replies or go out.
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[ LOL good morning 😂 ]
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