fryguystan · 3 years
thinking about how canonically jack & bitty are engaged and gonna get married and im just like 
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fryguystan · 3 years
what are ollie & wicks up to after graduation?? (living together? working as bros in finance or something??)
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Nursey: “After we settled into our consulting jobs, we spent the summer hiking through New Zealand on our honeymoon.” Holy crap, these pictures are amazing. 
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fryguystan · 4 years
Candy heart that says “When I came to Samwell, I thought of it as a punishment. And that I needed to prove myself here, alone. But then I met our friends and they wouldn’t let me do that. And then I met you. And you wouldn’t let me do that. And it’s because of you that this place and this rink and the last four years of my life mean something and were the best years of my life. Bitty you’re... you are the kindest person I have ever met. And I used to think my life would start after I graduated but it didn’t. It started here and it started with you, Bitty.”
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fryguystan · 4 years
we dont talk about the year 2 zimbits era enough… the flirting without realizing it’s flirting (””””chirping””””)…. the pining…. becoming best friends….. hair tousling & roughhousing….. coffee at annie’s… checking practice… taking  a wgss/history food class together…. bitty knowing he’s falling in love, thinking jack is straight, falling anyway….. jack not investigating his feelings enough to know he has feelings for bitty but still being a huge dork in love…. jumping over a snowbank to ask him for coffee… showing bitty all his photography…… buying him a fucking oven…… them going out on the reading room to talk when they can’t sleep….. bro i’m fucking misting up
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fryguystan · 4 years
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fryguystan · 4 years
Eager freshmen who know a little too much about SMH’s reputation: so where’s the pie
Connor Whisk, the new captain of Samwell Men’s Hockey team, a tired gay who has to follow up two consecutive pie-baking captains, getting ready to explain that he does not know how to use the oven and remind the team that this is not actually part of his job description: Ok listen-
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fryguystan · 4 years
while i adore the trope where jack and bitty get their act together a little bit sooner, and all their stealth-flirting makes the other boys raise a ton of suspicious eyebrows, i can’t help but think that this is wildly unrealistic.
like, these are a bunch of fratbros in a heteronormative environment. while they’re awesome dudes, let me remind you that shitty and jack canonically cuddle naked and no one bats an eyelash. what i would LIKE to see, however, is a canon divergence where jack and bitty get together sooner and are surprised by how much they can get away with without anyone suspecting The Homosexual Agenda.
bitty starts wearing jack’s shirts? no sweat, everyone’s laundry gets mixed up in the haus – shitty’s been wearing holster’s hoodie for a year and half now. going on coffee and study dates? just jack and bitty finally becoming friends. crashing in each other’s rooms for the whole night? shitty is actually jealous that bitty’s stealing his cuddle buddy, and jack isn’t even complaining.
but it would probably get downright absurd. like, when they come back after winter break they throw a new year’s kegster and jack and bitty kiss at midnight, and not only does no one suspect a thing, but holster and ransom tell dex and nursey that they totally also kissed at midnight the previous year because it’s a bro thing to not let your bro not be kissed at midnight, bro! and try to convince them to do the same. dex and nursey don’t make eye contact for a week.
at lardo’s art show jack puts his arm around bitty and brings him drinks and the boys tell him it’s totally cool of him to protect bitty from the creepy art freshman who keeps staring at bitty all night. bitty makes jack his phone wallpaper and chowder whines that bitty doesn’t love them all equally and demands to be on it the next month. bitty also stops trying and outright calls jack ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ and ‘sweetpea’ and in one memorable occasion ‘sugar muffin’ and the boys’ response is starting to call each other the same names in a southern accent to chirp him.
lardo, by the way, probably finds out exactly the same way she does in canon (hearts drawn on bitty’s notebook), and figures it out immediately. she starts rooming them together on every roadie, and is not even a little bit surprised none of the other boys notice.
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fryguystan · 4 years
Shitty teaches the tadpoles how to properly chug drinks.
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fryguystan · 4 years
whiskey: im not gay yknow
bitty: okay
whiskey: i like GIRLS
bitty: okay
whiskey: im not like You
bitty: alright
bitty: so do u want my room
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fryguystan · 5 years
Can't believe Jack Laurent Zimmerman invented Romance™ when he drove straight from the airport in the pouring rain to tell Bitty that they're a team
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fryguystan · 5 years
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Me thinking about the comic coming to it’s logical and inevitable close, knowing that Bitty’s development toward confidence, strength, and self-esteem is going to pay off in an NCAA championship that he doesn’t even need in order to further his own arc, but to make a statement about the power of inclusion and accepting sports cultures. The in-universe sports world is going to have two out hockey stars, dating each other, with championship titles that no one can take from them.
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fryguystan · 5 years
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poor nursey :,(
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fryguystan · 5 years
my fave part about zimbits is bitty thinking that jack is sooo funny and sooo charming while everyone else isn’t sure why bitty’s genuinely laughing at all of jack’s jokes
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fryguystan · 5 years
Chowder: Hi Professor Atley - Jack suggested I stop by and talk to you about Bitty, I mean Eric Bittle, he's our hockey captain? We play hockey?
Alice Atley: I'm very familiar - Eric speaks of you fondly. What can I do for you?
Chowder: Well, we want to help him right his thesis because if he doesn't, he can't play, which is bad? Cause he's the captain?"
Alice Atley: We are on the same page. What do you need?
Chowder: We made a flyer?
Alice Atley: Signed and approved. Do you need to make copies? We have a color copier and paper down the hall. Take whatever you need. What's next?
Chowder: Ummm...We are sending a campus wide email.
Alice Atley: Fantastic. I'll forward it to falculty and staff.
Chowder: Wow...
Alice Atley: You may need to put up signs at both Stop N Shops and Annie's. I wouldn't put it past him to offer to bake for free.
Chowder: Agreed.
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fryguystan · 5 years
I truly believe that for the entirety of Bitty's senior year up til now Jack has had each and every member of the Falconers drop an occasional "Bitty, write your thesis" in any and every interview they could... that's love y'all
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fryguystan · 5 years
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WHAT is bully’s hair routine because.........shiny
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fryguystan · 5 years
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The Falcs really came for Bitty's wig on national tv.
Rest in Pie Eric Bittle.
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