ftmtransition95 · 6 years
wishing i was on a balcony in italy, wearing a long floral dress, eating fresh fruit, and staring at the sunset and landscape below me
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
You’re healing every time you
get out of bed because there’s something you’re excited about.
don’t think about people who left.
clean the clutter in the room and dishes in your sink.
smile at yourself and random people.
do something kind and out of the blue to make someone happy.
work out or meet with friends even though you have no energy to.
calm yourself down when your thoughts race.
remember to drink water.
don’t dwell on things you can’t control.
do things good for yourself, even though you have no motivation.
tell yourself that you’re growing from this, and you won’t feel like this forever.
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
“I want to inspire people. I want people to look at me and say “because of you I didn’t give up.”
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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All helpful self care. worth to save.
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
This is a big, giant list of Youtube tutorials that will teach you all the basic life skills you need to know in order to be a functional adult. There are a lot of important skills that aren’t included in this list, but this should be enough of a basic guide to get you started and prevent you from making a total mess of yourself. Happy adulting! Household Skills:
How to unclog a toilet without a plunger
How to fix a blown fuse
How to fix a leaky faucet 
How to clean soap scum from your tub and shower
How to escape from a house fire
How to make a budget and stick to it
How to sharpen a knife
How to clean a self-cleaning oven
How to clean red wine stains from carpet
How to clean blood stains from fabric
How to clean grease stains from fabric
How to do a load of laundry
How to iron your clothes
How to test your smoke detectors
Cooking Skills:
How to tell if produce is ripe
How to know if food is expired 
How to properly sanitize a kitchen
How to cook an egg
How to make rice
How to make pasta
How to put out a kitchen grease fire safely
How to use a gas stove
How to use a convection oven
How to cook meat safely
How to use a stand mixer
How to use kitchen knives properly
How to make mashed potatoes
How to make grilled cheese sandwiches 
Health Skills:
How to stop bleeding
How to treat a burn 
How to do CPR (on an adult)
How to do CPR (on a child)
How to do CPR (on a baby)
How to help someone who is choking
How to save yourself if you are choking alone
How to read a nutrition label
How to treat frostbite
How to recognize when someone is having a stroke
How to maintain a healthy sleep schedule
Mental Health Skills:
How to calm down during a panic attack
How to help someone who is suicidal 
How to meditate 
How to stop self-harming
How to recognize problem drinking
How to choose a therapist
How to deal with disappointment
How to cope with grief
How to raise your self-esteem
Relationship and Social Skills:
How to apologize
How to cope with a breakup 
How to accept criticism 
How to deal with bullying 
How to argue in a healthy way
How to ask someone out
How to break up with someone
How to recognize an abusive relationship
How to rekindle a damaged friendship
How to speak in public
Job Hunting Skills:
How to tie a tie
How to write a resume
How to write a cover letter
How to dress for a job interview (for women/femmes)
How to dress for a job interview (for men/masculines)
How to properly shake hands
How to nail a job interview
Other Skills:
How to sew on a button 
How to hammer a nail
How to change your oil
How to put gas in your car
How to jump-start a car
How to pick a good password
How to back up your files
How to write a cheque
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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sloppy hannibal fanart
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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GenderMender ftm prosthetic nipples!
Hey guys today I’m going to tell you about a cool new product from the company GenderMender! These are prosthetic nipples for ftms! I’ve never seen anything like this before and they’re really cool! So why would you want nipples? Here are some reasons you can use these: if you had top surgery and had complications and lost your nipples, if you’ve had top surgery and decided to get your nipples removed you can use these when you are in a public place like the beach and want to go shirtless but don’t want people to stare because you don’t have nipples. Also if you have had top surgery but are unhappy with how your nipples turned out you can put these on over them! If you look at the second picture I included you’ll see a guy showing a before and after of his chest with his natural nipples and with the prosthetic nipples over them which I think they look incredible! I haven’t had top surgery yet so I can’t compare them to my natural nipples but I did put them on my abdomen to show how realistic they look and how well they blend in. The quality of these is excellent and they’re very soft and comfortable to have on your skin. Not only are these nipples available as an ftm version they also have a trans woman version too! One really cool thing about the company GenderMender that makes them is they offer over 100 different skin tones to choose from and if you message the owner he’ll send you a sample sheet with all the colors for free as long as you send it back after you choose what color you want. That’s really cool and I don’t know of any other company that does that for free. And not only does GenderMender sell prosthetic nipples they also sell packers that you can adhere to yourself in three different types flaccid, semi hard, and hard in two sizes a 4 inch and a 6 inch. As far as price goes you can by one pair of nipples for $29 and four pairs for $59 which are both good deals. You can also buy a bottle of adhesive for $15. So if you want to check these out for yourself go to :
*** EDIT I don’t know that many trans women follow my page but just in case here’s a link to the prosthetic nipples for trans women that GenderMender also offers: https://www.etsy.com/listing/290817469/nipples-for-women-transgender?ref=related-2
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
The internet could change next week, and not in a good way
You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 
We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 
The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 
If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu. 
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
Our Holographic/Multichrome Backpacks, Wallets, Hand bags, Cosmetic bag, Fanny Packs and iPhone cases are the perfect gift for your friends & Family. 😍
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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is a menstrual cup. You may know it as the “blossom cup” (excuse me while I hurl).
A size small is 2.4in (6.22cm) long, including the nubbin, and 1.6in (4.2cm) diameter. It’s made of soft silicone, holds around 0.7oz or 4tsp (20ml) of liquid, and looks about this big:
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(pardon my shaky hands, but i’m not taking it back out for a better picture. anyway.)
This fucking thing? Basically solved my shark week dysphoria. First you get it wet (so it goes in easy), then you fold one of three ways.
The C-fold (easy mode):
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The 7 fold (moderate):
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Or the Origami fold (fancy):
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Then you stick it in that hole that’s been so annoying this week. If you can feel it, you did it wrong. Stick a finger up there, beside the cup, and make sure it unfolded. It’ll probably open by itself, but it’s good to make sure.
Then guess what. You don’t have to worry about it til your next bathroom break!
Depending on how heavy your flow is, you might not have to worry about it until you go to bed. And it’s safe to sleep in too!
When you wanna take it out, you just grab that little nubbin at the bottom and pull. If the suction doesn’t release you might want to stick a finger in there to help it out, but I just keep pulling. It might also help to twist it a little.
Dump it, rinse it, wipe yourself clean, then stick it back in and forget about it again.
It’s like $16 on Amazon rn
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And it comes in a bunch of colors:
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so you can pick your favorite!
It comes with instructions:
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And a carrying bag that is so much brighter irl:
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It’s like, really feminine. But you obvs don’t have to use it if that’s not your thing.
The Blossom Cup is so much better than it sounds, and it may help with the moon week blues.
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
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spotify  /  playmoss  /  liner notes
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
dear trans guys,
hold on. i know its tough right now. but please keep going. keep fighting. you’re stronger than you know, and one day, everything you’re going through right now will be behind you. and every day brings you a little closer to that.
tomorrow, you will be one day closer to coming out.
one day closer to cutting your hair.
one day closer to buying ur first boy’s t-shirt.
one day closer to getting ur first binder.
one day closer to starting t.
one day closer to your legal name and gender marker change.
one day closer to top surgery.
one day closer to happiness.
and guess what?
next week, you’ll be a whole week closer to all that.
next month? you guessed it! a whole month closer.
next year? dude, you’ll be a whole year closer to everything you want!
you’ve already come so far and i know it’s been hard. i know you feel like giving up. i know some days your dysphoria is so bad and it seems like you can’t wait one day longer.
i promise, you can. every day brings you one day closer. those days will turn into weeks, those weeks into months, those months into years, until finally, you’re there.
you’re telling people you love who you are. they might accept you or they might not. if they do, that’s amazing and im so happy for you. if they don’t, don’t worry. either they’ll come around or you’ll find your own family. people who love you for who you are and wouldn’t change a thing.
you’re running your hands through your newly short hair. it feels good to look at yourself in the barbershop mirror and see that all that hair is gone.
you’re trying on your new clothes in the mirror. you feel more comfortable than you ever have.
you’re ripping open the package and taking out your new binder. you pull it on. it’s snug, but mostly comfortable. your chest is finally flat. you never wanna take it off.
you’re getting your first injection. you’ve never liked shots, but the pros far outweigh the cons for this particular one. an hour later, you’re looking in the mirror to see if anything’s changed yet. it hasn’t, but it will.
you’re filing the paperwork that has your real name on it. you’re at the dmv to change your gender marker. your driver’s license now reflects who you truly are.
youre waking up from surgery. you look down. there’s your chest. it’s as flat as it should’ve always been. recovery will be hard, but it will be worth it. your body is finally yours. your body finally matches your brain. you look back at yourself all those years ago and think, ‘here we are, buddy. we made it.’
these things seem far away now but i promise, they’ll happen. hold on tight. you’ll make it.
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
Definitions so y'all can stop arguing
Heterosexual- You are a man or woman who only wants relationships with members of the opposite gender. (may or may not include trans people, depends on the person). They could have had relationships with someone of the same gender before and that’s fine. Commonly shortened to het, hetero, or straight.
Sex- You’re chromosomes, your genitals, what you where assigned at birth. Male or female (possibly but rarely intersex).
Gender- What your brain tells you you are. Your internal sence of sex, and if you had been given a choice what you would have been born as.
Cisgender- a person who is content with the sex they where born as. Their sex and gender match. Commonly shortened to cis.
Cishet- a term for someone who is cisgendered and heterosexual, mostly used in a derogatory fashion, but has no direct negative meaning.
Transgender- A person who’s sex and gender don’t match, causing a sence of confusion and discomfort. Often shortened to trans. This is used as an umbrella term for all trans people.
Gender dysphoria- a condition that causes you to be extremely distressed over your birth sex and assigned gender. Most symptoms are related to the traits we use to identify someone as male or female, aka voice, chest, genitals, face, hair, body shape and composition, and name/pronouns. These things can cause you to feel anywhere from suicidal to slightly uncomfortable, and you may not feel dysphoria over everything (example, some trans men have no problem with their genitals). Gender dysphoria doesn’t always make you trans, there are many things that can mimic gender dysphoria, or your gender dysphoria can be caused by other issues. It is highly recommended if you feel you have gender dysphoria to see a professional.
Transexual- a trans person who wishes to transition using medical means such as hormones (hrt) and surgery. However this word has been used as a slur and has a negative connotation so many do not like or use it.
Transvestite- a person who wishes to transition out of a fetish or for sex. They usually don’t seek genital reassignment surgery. They are not lgbt and not supported by the community. These people have a fetish, and not a gender or sexuality.
Transman- A person whos sex is female but gender is male. They hope to live their life as a male, and use he/him pronouns. May also be called ftm (female to male). They can have any sexuality, just like a cis person.
Transwoman- A person whos sex is male, but gender is female. They hope to live their life as female, use she/her pronouns, and be seen as as and treated as female in all other ways. May be refered for as mtf (male to female). They can have any sexuality, just like a cis person.
Nonbinary- A person who was assigned male or female at birth, but who’s gender doesn’t match either sides. Most will use they/them pronouns, and in an ideal world they would be able to live without having to refer to themselves as either male or female. A few use xie/xer pronouns as a way to try to fix the grammar problems with they/them, even though it is not accepted by the majority of English speakers. They may also be refered to as nb (short for nonbinary). They can have any sexuality, but things get a little confusing when you’re neither male or female.
Gay- I am a man and I like men exclusively (may or may not include trans men, depends on the person). May or may not have had relationships with women in the past and that’s fine. This can also just be an umbrella term for any non-hetero person, although some don’t like it. Recently can also be seen as mlm (men loving men).
Philandry- a term in the English dictionary referring to people of any gender with a fondness for men. Would mostly be used by nonbinary people. In the case of nonbinary people can be seen as abbreviated to nblm (nonbinary loving men).
Lesbian- I am a woman and I like women exclusively (may or may not include trans women, depends on the person). May or may not had relationships with men in the past and that’s fine. Recently can be seen as wlw (woman loves women).
Phylogeny- a term in the English dictionary that simply refers to people of any gender that love women. Would mostly be used by nonbinary people, and could be abbreviated to nblw (nonbinary loves women).
Bisexual- I like who I like. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter (may or may not include trans men/women, can also include nonbinary people, depends on the person). Most nonbinary people wouldn’t use this since it is seen as a binary identity or sexuality, but they could if they wish.
Pansexual- I like who I like, gender doesn’t matter. This does include trans and nonbinary people in the definition. Commonly used by nonbinary people instead of bisexual since it is automatically inclusive to them. If a nonbinary person is interested in other nonbinary people it can be abbreviated as nblnb.
Asexual- I don’t like anybody, sex, romance, not for me. They could have had relationships in the past and that’s fine. Is commonly abbreviated to ace.
Split attraction/ multiple attraction- some people beleive the sex in sexuality is actually talking about sex (the act). This has caused many to say they are asexual (not interested in sex), but homoromantic (wanting a relationship with the same sex), and other forms of “demisexuality”. Your sexuality isn’t about who you want to have sex with (exclusively). A homosexual male doesn’t just want to have sex with men (they may not want sex at all), but they also want a loving romantic relationship, someone they can talk to, cuddle with, and probably one day marry. What causes you to be interested in that person could be their intelligence, their looks, their sence of humor, their warmth, but it all still comes down to what gender the people you find yourself interested is, not if you desire sex or not.
Questioning- You aren’t sure of your label or possibly even if you’re heterosexual/cisgender or not. I hope the community welcomes you with open arms and tries to help you find your true self, even if you turn out to be cishet, as it should.
Intersex- people born with abnormal sex characteristics. Although most have expressed multiple times that they do not wish to be considered lgbt and that intersex is medical condition, not a sexuality or gender, it still get put into lgbt labels a lot. Most people don’t understand what is entailed in an intersex condition. Hitler was intersex, because he was born with a testical on his stomach, men with micropenises are intersex, and women with very large breasts. This doesn’t just mean people with abnormal chromosome pairings or ambiguous genitals. Those two are actually the rarest forms of intersex conditions.
Queer- a term meant to be an umbrella capturing all sexualities, but was quickly picked up as a slur in most areas. Now there are people who identify as queer since it’s a nonspecific way to say you’re lgb without having to really pick a label. There are also many who hate the term strongly and have heard it used as a slur many times. Most agree, you can use the label for yourself if you wish, but do not use it for others unless they express otherwise.
Tranny- a highly derogatory slur for trans people. While a few like and use it, the vast majority hate the word strongly.
Truscum/transmed- people who beleive you need to feel gender dysphoria to be trans.
Tucute- people who beleive you can be trans without dysphoria.
TERF- an acronym for trans exclusionary radical feminist, but it’s mostly just used as a slur twords anyone who doesn’t wish to date trans people.
Otherkin/Therian/Fictionkin- Something that is not lgbt, but gets confused as lgbt by those outside the communities. Neither community really has anything to do with each other, though you can belong to both. Lgbt people don’t say they are otherkin, and otherkin don’t say they are lgbt. Our communities are completely separate.
Trans-age (you are one age but feel like and wish to be treated and seen as another), trans-species (you are human but feel like another species and wish to be refered to and be seen as such), trans-race (you are one race but wish to be a different one and to be seen as such), and pedophilia (adults loving those under 18) in any form or by any name, are not supported by anyone in the lgbt community. These are people who are trying to get their weird fetishes and fantasies to be approved by piggy backing off of the lgbts rights movement.
There are also more and more variations on the lgbt acronym coming along. Many just use lgbt as an umbrella term, or say lgbt+ to include others. There is also acronyms such as LGBTQ, LGBTQA, LGBTQIPA, QUILTBAG, MOGAI, and many more. Many people have expressed that lgbt doesn’t need to be changed, it’s just seen almost as a word in itself, an umbrella term for the whole community.
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ftmtransition95 · 6 years
Reasons why you should 100% read Sleepless:
First of all this comic is set in like a fantasy renaissance era and the main character is a beautiful black girl who is the illegitimate daughter of the late king
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I mean just look at her!!!!!!
Pyppenia is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also like a lot of the main characters are PoC
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ANd pyppenia is given so many so many different dresses and hairstyles throughout the comics
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Like look at this cutie in her nightdress and head wrap
ALSO let’s talk out our male lead my boy cyrenic
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He’s kinda racially ambiguous bUT he definitely ain’t white and I personally headcanon him as desi so that’s that on that
Like he is literally ready to ride or die for pyppenia and honestly that’s kin™
Both of these idiots are pining for each other but like they are both oblivious
These idiots I love them
I haven’t even mentioned the plot yet lmao
Okay so it’s basically kinda like a mystery because someone wants to assassinate pyppenia and her and cyrenic are trying to find out who wants her dead
I won’t say much about what happens but it’s great please read it
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