fucking-zerotonin · 5 years
okay but, f/f costars on a tv show who are super cute and close friends off screen, but it slowly develops into more and actual feelings. then having to deal with questioning from the media about their quote on quote ‘close friendship’, backlash from management, maybe even pr dating thrown in (with other people, shock horror). but then also cute mornings after they’ve stayed in each others hotel rooms, and sneaking kisses between shoots once it develops to that, movie marathons spent all cuddled up on the couch, giggling as they fool around, and just!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
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Plot 160: Sorted (submitted by Emmeline)
Muse A always knew they would end up in Slytherin. They came from a proud family, a long line that had been sorted into the same house for centuries, save for a cousin that no one talked about. When the day came to get on the train, Muse A found a compartment that held only Muse B. The two talked, shared their excitement, and bonded over what houses they wanted to be sorted to. By the time they reached the school, Muse A had Muse B convinced that they should be in Slytherin too, but the hat decided otherwise. While Muse A ended up in Slytherin, Muse B was most excited to learn everything they could, and was placed in Ravenclaw. Muse A, too proud to admit they were saddened by the sorting hat’s decision, simply turned to their housemates and began to chatter about all the food. They never saw the disappointed look on Muse B’s face.
Fast forward a few years, and Muse A hasn’t talked to Muse B since. Muse B is top of the class, a fact which Muse A and their friends often joke about. The two get partnered together for a project, and Muse A is surprised to find that Muse B is the same clever person they met on the first train ride; they haven’t changed, and Muse A is intrigued. Their friends are quick to poke fun that the long-lost friends have been reunited, but Muse A just waves them off, only to realize that they’re right. From then on, Muse A sees Muse B everywhere. Muse B was there all along, but Muse A never noticed, and now that they have, they can’t stop thinking about Muse B. The only thing stopping them from acting on their feelings is what their friends might say.
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
how about an hp plot where muse a is a gryffindor and muse b isn’t (we can choose really) and they kinda like each other but they don’t say it. then their houses keep on going against each other. first it’s a quidditch game, then it’s a fight between some gangs from their house, then it’s a rumor, and it seems like they always fight until they’re in a really intense argument and muse a says fuck it and kisses them.
should contain: class drama, house rivalry, fluff!!!!, rumor drama, gossiping, magical flirting!!!!!
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
songs to base your plots off of:
                             selena quintanilla version  ;
el chico del apartamento 512. // the guy from apartment 512.
( y camino a mi cuarto muy lentamente, con la esperanza de verlo. y cuando sale a caminar me saluda con una sonrisa, que de veras me conquista ) MUSE A and MUSE B live in the same apartment complex. MUSE A usually attracts the attention of every other guy in the complex but her eyes are always on MUSE B— the hot guy who lives in apartment 512. MUSE A usually writes about how MUSE B smiles or interacts with her in a diary. one day MUSE A musters up the courage to talk to MUSE B only to have another female answer the door. this leads MUSE A to believe MUSE B is in a relationship until MUSE A finds out that the female that opened MUSE B’s door is MUSE B’s sister. and so things continue until MUSE A finally declares their crush to MUSE B.
 si una vez. // if i once.
( si una vez dije que te amaba no lo vuelvo a hacer— ese error es cosa de ayer ) MUSE A and MUSE B were in a toxic relationship, one where MUSE A was head over heels in love with MUSE B but MUSE B never actually felt the same. MUSE B would just show enough interest and affection towards MUSE A to keep them happy. until one day MUSE A realized how better of they were without MUSE B, leading to a messy break up. ‘ if i once told you that i love you, i now regret it. ’
la carcacha. // the jalopy.
( aunque sea pobre y tenga un carro viejo, me saca como reina — un hombre de verdad ) MUSE A and MUSE B have been dating for a while, they’re the embodiment of relationship goals. however, MUSE B is not rich at all and MUSE A is. their financial statuses have never been a problem for them but it does have everyone else talking. MUSE A doesn’t care that MUSE B has an old, raggedy car because MUSE B treats MUSE A right. this leads to MUSE B going to a lot of fancy events and not knowing what to do and MUSE A whispering words of encouragement to them the entire time.
no debes jugar. // you shouldn’t play.
( se te hace fácil con mi amor siempre jugar pero muy pronto, yo te pongo en tu lugar ) MUSE A has had enough of MUSE B treating them like they’re just someone to mess around with so MUSE A begins to do the same. they flirt with others and do things that they know MUSE B doesn’t like. ultimately, MUSE A is giving MUSE B a taste of their own medicine.
la llamada. // the call.
( no me vuelves a llamar, no te voy a perdonar, otra oportunidad — no te la doy no vales la pena ) MUSE A catches MUSE B cheating, which leads to them breaking up. however, MUSE B won’t stop calling MUSE A and it turns into constant arguing and MUSE A cussing MUSE B out every time the phone rings.
amor prohibido. // forbidden love.
( amor prohibido nos dice todo el mundo, el dinero no importa en ti y en mí, ni en el corazón oh, oh baby ) MUSE A and MUSE B have been dating in secrecy for a while, neither of their families or friends approving of their relationship for x reason. but the couple is so happy together that they hardly ever let the rumors and gossip about them get to them. but when things do get intense, MUSE A and MUSE B do get into some pretty nasty arguments.
como la flor. // like the flower.
( si en mi no encontraste felicidad, tal vez alguien más te la dará ) MUSE A and MUSE B have been in an on again and off again relationship for a long time. their relationship has never been stable because of the lack of affection that they both don’t share. after their last breakup, MUSE B moved on and began dating MUSE C ( npc ) which sparked MUSE A’s jealousy and feelings towards MUSE B. now, MUSE A is trying to get back with MUSE B, even though MUSE B is in a relationship with MUSE A.
no me queda mas. // i have no more.
( no me queda más que perderme en un abismo de tristeza y lágrimas ) much like the como la flor plot, MUSE A falls into immense sadness after their breakup with MUSE B— not realizing how much they loved MUSE B until they see that MUSE B has moved on to MUSE C. however, MUSE B sees how much pain MUSE A is in and the feelings come rushing back but MUSE B in a tough spot because they’re in a committed relationship with MUSE C.
bidi bidi bom bom.
( cada vez, cada vez que lo veo pasar… mi corazón se enloquece y me empieza a palpitar ) MUSE A is madly in love with MUSE B but MUSE B is completely clueless. even when MUSE A fling themselves at MUSE B, they’re still so oblivious to it all. this means so it’s up to MUSE A to do as much as they can to catch MUSE B’s interest.
i could fall in love.
( so i should keep this to myself and never let you know i could fall in love with you ) unrequited love between MUSE A and MUSE B. MUSE A is a dreamer, head always in the clouds as they have always wanted things they could not have. MUSE B on the other hand is a realist, accepting a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly. after meeting MUSE B, MUSE A falls in love at first sight— intrigued by the way MUSE B handles themselves. but MUSE A is too shy to ever act on her feelings, so they write a book about being in love with MUSE B. bonus points if MUSE B reads the book and finds out it’s about them.
is it the beat?
( i believe, that love doesn’t come when you plan. here i am—  caught up in these feelings i don’t understand ) MUSE A and MUSE B know each other through mutual friends. every time there’s some sort of get together or party, you can always catch the two there. over time, they start to develop feelings for one another but the gag is that they’ve never told each other their names or any type of personal information because they don’t want to get into a serious relationship. the only time MUSE A and MUSE B see each other is at social events but never outside of the party scene.
dreaming of you.
( and there’s nowhere in the world i’d rather be than here in my room dreaming about you and me ) a cute, fluffy plot about MUSE A and MUSE B being so madly in love with each other that they’re always doing intimate couple things. cuddling, napping, passionate kisses and what not. 
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
hi i really want some f/f plots that have some substance but also have some smut so here are a few and like them if you’d be down because i want to do all of them at some point idk just give me one of these?
a duchess is jilted from the throne by a much younger princess, however, the duchess finds ways to control the power by manipulating the naive and bright-eyed princess
a high-school girl becomes involved with her older brother’s fiancee
two-step siblings who despise the mere thought of one another wind up having lots of angry hatesex behind closed doors, incited by one drunken hook-up at a party. they have to hide the conflict from their parents and sibling a’s perfect boyfriend, who sibling b becomes increasingly jealous of.
a dangerous and blood-lustful siren attempts to lure a girl innocently visiting her grandparents beach house on vacation down to the depths of the ocean. she doesn’t expect to fall for her first. 
after a heated moment alone in the locker room, the girl with a reputation as “the school slut” and the pristine cheerleader continue to hook up in secret,  but the cheerleader forces the other into secrecy because she is nervous about her reputation, however things get complicated when they start to form feelings and hang out for things other than sex
two best friends, one is very experienced in the realm of sex, the other is innocent and naive. the more experienced offers to be the other’s first kiss in order to “show her how”.
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
negative soulmate aus for all you angsts. aka when being together with your soulmate, or having one at all, comes with a cost
only a soulmate can see your scars
you can’t touch your soulmate. you can try, but you physically can not bring any part of yourself closer than an inch away from them. you can be close, but never quite there.
once you’ve met your soulmate, your timer gets a new number it’s counting down to. this is the last time you’ll ever see your soulmate. only you can see your own number.
bonus: you just asked your soulmate for their number, and you realise your numbers don’t match
you have a timer that shows you for how long you have to live. this number changes and mostly estimates based on conscious or unconscious decisions a few minutes after making the decision: driving to visit your grandparents might make the number go to just hours but deciding on the road that no, you have enough fuel to not stop at the gas station you usually stop by makes it go to thirty years. you can’t see the number when you are within 10 metres of your soulmate, so your future is always unknown when you’re with them—and so is theirs.
once you’ve touched your soulmate for the first time, something as small as a poke or a brush of finger is enough to make you feel warm and happy and energised. the negative side effect? you need to be touched by them because being without even a small touch for long enough can and will kill you.
every time you tell a lie, your soulmate gets a painful tally mark scar on their body
you are immortal until the moment you meet your soulmate
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
The only hint people have about their soulmate is in their dreams. And they try to remember their face so they can find them. Its really a sweet thing, you’ve heard stories about people and their soulmates all the time
But you’ve always been plagued with nightmares..
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
Soulmates have one another’s names tattooed on them AU
‘You introduced yourself by a nickname so I didn’t realise until you told me your full name that you’re actually my soulmate’ AU
Alternatively: ‘Your nickname is tattooed on my body but I’ve only ever known you by your full first name’ AU
‘I shorten my name/go by a nickname because I don’t actually like my full name so please don’t read you tattoo aloud’ AU
‘Your name is so common I thought I’d never find you because everyone with your name wanted to get to know me’ AU
‘I’m so glad you don’t have a common name because I found you quite easily’ AU
‘We have the same name so I just have my own name tattooed on me and do you know how much I was laughed at for this? Wait. Of course you do’ AU
‘I’m so glad I finally found you because I want to ask: why the hell is that your nickname?’ AU
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
gryffindor. the bravery you have to have to get out of bed every morning, the determination to get through your darkest times. the people you respect and look up to, and the respect you show to others, the subtle nod to passing strangers. wearing that piece of clothing that you were so scared to wear in public, talking to that one person, going to that one event. there is courage in the smallest things, and each day you’re slowly filling your cup. soon, you’ll be brimming to the rim.
hufflepuff. the feeling you get when you complete your homework, when you complete a simple task. the restful feeling at night when you know you’ve made it through another day, another another week, another month. giving a small smile to strangers, the smallest thing that gives you hope, that makes you happy. trying your best, making it work one day at a time.
ravenclaw. the feeling you get when you know the answer, when you finally figure out the simple problem. making little doodles on your paper, painting random strokes aimlessly. knowing all the words to a random song, because it keeps you calm, it makes you happy. you don’t need to be perfect, you can make it, you can make it, you can make it.
slytherin. that random boost of inspiration, followed by days of laying in bed. not knowing where you’re going, or where you want to be. it’s looking in the mirror and telling yourself you can do it, that you’re worth it, after binge watching a show for 5 days. going to all your classes for once, doing all your homework, and realizing that you did it all wrong. no matter where you are now, you can do it. no matter how far away from the goal, from the treasure, from the sky, you can do it.
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
i really want an f/f 1x1 where there are two best friends and muse a is openly gay and has been out for a long time and has dated around a lot, despite the fact that she has always sort of been into muse b, but has always assumed she was straight. meanwhile muse b has been in love with muse a for years but comes from a very conservative family and has never come out because she isn’t sure what she identifies as and has never felt like she would be good enough for muse a. cue the two of them go to college together and rent an apartment and muse b has to deal with muse a bringing girls home all the time and muse a is trying to wingman muse b with guys and there is a lot of angst and pining and trying to be a good friend to the other and breaking their own hearts in the process 
message me if you would be keen!
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
A pesar del tempestuoso clima, Young so como cada que lograba librarse de sus responsabilidades como una de las representantes de su año en el colegio en ese momento, se encamino hacia el bosque dispuesta a practicar un par de hechizos que a su parecer aun hacia falta mejorar. Lo que no esperaba era a lo lejos escuchar un par de pisadas acercándose precisamente al lugar donde la de cabellos oscuros se encontraba, por instinto se escudo tras uno de los arboles del área, su varita ligeramente levantada a la expectativa, sin embargo al revelarse al dueño o dueña en este caso de aquellas pisadas no pudo evitar congelarse en su lugar, completamente sorprendida ya que ignoraba que en ese momento hubiese otros estudiantes deambulando por el bosque. 
Cerro los ojos unos momentos antes de salir completamente recompuesta de su escondite tras el árbol. — Um, ya veo, en ese caso, sígueme. — Respondió con un asentimiento, guardo su varita dentro de su túnica color azul y comenzó a caminar. — ¿Eres estudiante de Mahoutokoro, cierto?. — Se encogió internamente después de haber hecho aquella pregunta tan tonta; Era claro que la chica era estudiante ya que portaba el uniforme escolar, no obstante decidió no avergonzarse mas, y mantenerse en silencio era su mejor opción.
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starter w @karolinasdeanoru based in this.
Froto sus manos a través de sus gruesos guantes de piel de dragón intentando darse un poco de calor en dichas extremidades. El invierno había llegado particularmente fuerte este año. Algo inusual dado que la isla suele ser un lugar cálido y sin mucha variación climática. “Tal vez el director puso alguna clase de hechizo pensando en los alumnos que nos quedamos en el palacio para las festividades”, fueron los pensamientos de la chica. “Aunque a juzgar por lo vació que esta todo el lugar, tal vez soy la única estudiante en quedarse”. Pesarosa metió sus manos en el interior de su túnica para seguir paseando o tal vez ceder a su deseo de construir un iglú pese al frió en sus manos. 
En realidad no era consiente del tiempo que invirtió paseando por los terrenos del colegio hasta que logro percatarse que comenzaba a adentrarse al bosque, sin embargo sus pasos no cesaron, después de todo si volvía a perderse (como en tantas ocasiones atrás) pediría ayuda a algún youkai o simplemente lanzaría algunas chispas rojas para ser encontrada (y tal vez sancionada) por algún sensei; Mientras buscaba entre los arboles (o mejor dicho, troncos dada la temporada invernal) en busca de un youkai logro captar un destello de algo moverse, apresurada regreso sus pasos hacía la silueta antes de que este se asustara y tal vez huyera. “H-hola, disculpa estoy perdida y me preguntaba si por favor podrías ayudarme a regre-”, el resto de sus palabras quedaron atoradas en su garganta una vez se dio cuenta que aquella silueta no era un youkai (o alguna bestia gracias a los dioses) si no una chica, una chica muy bonita si se permitía pensar.
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) dir. David Yates
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
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Quilting with cats.
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
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Girls with black cats ♡ Can you name them all? 
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fucking-zerotonin · 6 years
me @ to all tumblr community. 
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