fuckinlynz · 11 years
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
Neville Longbottom is my hero.
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
Anon hate is actually the most immature and chicken shit thing someone could do
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
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you can have this instead of sexual sunday
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
If I had one night alone with you... (In my ask)
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
I have no Sexual Sunday nothing
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
Okay but you can totally tell that Gerard had feelings for Frank at one point, at least. Maybe he's fucking Frank behind your back.
You can go ahead and believe all you want to believe but that doesn't make it true.
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
But what about Gerard and Frank? Everyone can see it.
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
g-whillikers replied to your post:You don't deserve Gerard.
What…the fuck???
Immature nonsense.
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
You don't deserve Gerard.
You don’t deserve to be anonymous. Tell me something to my face if you think it about me, please.
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
Sometimes I like to play 50's housewife with Gerard and make him dinner while he's working
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
1, 2, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 29, 30
1. Who was your first kiss and what was it like?
My first kiss was this punk rock boy named Jeremy when I was 13. He was fifteen, and the kiss was weird because he thought that I was the same age as him.
2. Are you in a relationship? If so are you happy?
Yes, I'm married to the wonderful Gerard. I am very very happy with him.
12. What is your favorite thing to do on Valentine's Day?
I like simple things, if not a little bit cliché. Romantic dinner, candles, art, music, the works.
13. What's the best Valentine's Day you've had so far?
Every Valentine's Day that I've spent with Gerard has been amazing. He never ceases to surprise me.
15. How do you know when you're in love?
I think it sort of starts when I can't stop thinking about the person. But it's sort of hard to tell to be honest, certain people just feel right.
17. Do you prefer a more or less clingy relationship?
It depends on my mood really. Sometimes I want Gerard to be all over me and others I want him to not. I think that a balance is nice.
22. What's your "type"?
Different. Creative. Down to Earth. I like the weirdos.
29. Do you have romantic fantasies? If so what are they like and who's in them?
Oh I have lots of fantasies about Gerard, especially when I'm on tour. Most of them involve him showing up when I least expect it and silly stuff like that.
30. What's something that always turns you on?
Oh you know the usual. Hair pulling, dirty talk. I'm a sucker for dirty talk.
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fuckinlynz · 11 years
katie-inacoma replied to your post:I couldn’t sleep so I made myself a cup of tea and...
punk life
hard fuckin core bro
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