If you were banging Sardonyx she would probably pull a rabbit out of your ass and if you're not ok with that I am sorry
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Reblog if you’re proud of Lars and everything he’s accomplished throughout his character growth.
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On Lars
I wish more people would understand that, unlike what most media tells you, people who have low self worth are actually hardly ever “uwu soft bbys that are pure and sweet and fragile”. In reality, low self esteem is often UGLY. Someone with issues in self worth is very prone to lashing out, is very prone to getting paranoid because they already have such a low opinion of themselves that the thought of other people disapproving and/or rejecting them is unbearable. They need constant reassurance and approval because they cannot give that to themselves. They cannot offer themselves that comfort.
So being a sufferer of the less glamorous symptoms of low self esteem myself, seeing people boil down Lars’ mini breakdown to merely him being jealous really grinds my gears. Time and time again it is heavily stressed in the show that Lars acts the way he does due to having such a low self esteem and low sense of worth. Coupled with that, the thought of Sadie–who he loves is his best friend–and the Cool Kids–who he basically idolizes–rejecting him and moving on without him is world shattering.
He has no way to comfort himself, no way to talk himself through a situation like that–at least, not yet. Notice that Steven and Connie had to offer him that validation and reassurance for him to snap out of it. And he’s getting better; he recovered rather quickly. But it still stands that Lars still has a long way to go towards truly accepting himself.
Lars’ problem isn’t jealously; his problem is a staggering lack of self esteem and I wish more people would understand that. It’s the key to getting his character.
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2018 mood
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everyones new favorite ship
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I’m honestly quite proud of this status.
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here have some klance headcanons:
lance: *burps* keith: *burps louder* lance: “marry me”
sometimes keith will say the most random things, which is one of lance’s favorite things about keith
keith: “did you know that the opposite of bigfoot is a dinosaur?” lance: “what are you talking about- oh my god”
lance will sometimes softly pet keith’s hair and sing to him on the nights that keith can’t sleep 
likewise, keith learns that sitting in a corner or other small space with a wall at his back and sides helps ground lance during his panic attacks
usually lance is the little spoon when they sleep but sometimes they play rock paper scissors to decide
lance loves playing with keith’s hair and keith (usually) lets him
lance: *gels up keith’s bangs into a spike* “all hail the mighty keithcorn” keith: *snorts with laughter*
they’re sometimes so attached at the hip that if you go looking for one, you’ll inevitably find the other
keith isn’t fussy about beauty products like lance is, but he will sometimes come out of the shower smelling like raspberry or mint bc he couldn’t resist using lance’s body wash
lance: *wears a ‘kiss the cook’ apron while staring pointedly at keith* keith, sighing in mock resignation: “guess i have no choice”
keith is actually a big meme and lets it slip out every so often just to see lance overreact
lance: “keith, it’s time to wake up” keith, mumbling: “wake me up inside”
lance, jumping on top of him: “did you just- keith, don’t go back to sleep. keith!”
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weird how people say “ice rink” even though thers like no other type of rink. also more importantly what the fuck is a rink 
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good meme: using canon names as last names (sans undertale, chrom fireemblem)
better meme: using canon names as last names for characters with last names (luke starwars, bruce batman)
best meme: using canon names as last names for characters when the canon name is the character’s name (harry harrypotter, naruto naruto)
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I would kill for you. Die for you. Whatever you want. Name it. I’ll do it. Just don’t tell me to leave you.
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Hey my moms a manipulative bitch if anyone wants to commission me and get it done tonight when/if I get home expedite I need to get like 175-200$ to get a ride home tonight and if I don’t hit that I’ll have it done tomarrow if you tried to help I’m just I can’t fucking deal w this
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this is such a silly thing but I see the tide pod memes are on the rise and I just want to shout into the void that I read a study about people eating these things, mostly adults with dementia. before this progresses to people jokingly biting into them please be aware that the substance inside is so deeply caustic that it can damage your esophagus after one bite to such an extent that it causes necrosis and you die. please do not, as a joke, bite the pods.
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It’s so strange how many young people on this website there are who would probably consider themselves to be progressive/liberal but who are constantly touting very conservative, reactionary, and reductive rhetoric, who balk when they’re called out on it and react violently when anyone disagrees with it.
There are so many young people who are pro-censorship to a frightening degree, happy to shame people for not meeting their impossible and subjective standards of morality, who seem to be almost incapable of thinking critically rather than in black and white, emotionally rather than factually based terms, who consider thought-crimes worse than actual actions that people take against others, and who—quite frankly—seem like they’d be absolutely thrilled to live in an Orwellian dystopia because they’re under the ironic belief that if everyone around them is corralled and controlled and forced to live lives based on what they think is pure and wholesome and good then the world will be a perfect place.
There’s such a lack of critical thinking, unwillingness to see nuance in any argument, and just a lack of the basic human understanding that people are different from one another and that one individual experience is not the end all/be all of all experiences on this site that it’s just honestly disturbing and, in many cases, basically cult-like.
And I get that this is a positivity blog and this post might not ‘fit’ here but positivity isn’t just “uwu you’re valid” text set against a pastel pink background, it’s also encouraging people to think and to act and to live in a way that is understanding of other people, to be an open-minded observer to the world and to think critically and be willing to listen and to learn, and there are many, many people on tumblr who not only do not want to do that but who happily embrace their ignorance, their hate, and their refusal to even consider that they could ever be wrong about anything even when the facts are shoved directly under their nose and…that is seriously not a good way to live as an individual and it’s an absolutely harmful impediment to any kind of community or society that people may try to build.
If you want to do something positive in your life and the lives of others and you take any piece of advice from this blog then take this: listen more and talk less, think before you react, try to understand other people and where they’re coming from even in cases where you feel like you’d rather bash your head against the wall than put yourself in their shoes, and try your absolute hardest to unlearn your black and white/all good or all evil thinking (or at least learn how to recognize it and think past it) because I promise you that it’s going to be complete poison to every single aspect of your life if you don’t.
And more than anything don’t be so utterly obsessed with yourself and your opinions and your own certainty that you’re right that you’re unable to ever listen to anyone else or even consider that you might be wrong. Everyone is wrong about something, is ignorant about someone, is an asshole at some time of the day, and you’ve absolutely fucked up the second you think you’re an exception to that.
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I often see foxes referred to as “catdogs” on Tumblr, but I wonder if folks realise how true that really is.
There’s a phenomenon called convergent evolution that occurs when two taxonomically unrelated species exploit the same ecological niche. The features that are needed to best take advantage of a given niche are pretty much the same everywhere you go; thus, over time, those species will become anatomically and behaviourally similar, even though they’re completely unrelated.
And foxes? Foxes are what you get when an ecosystem has no native small felines, so a canine species evolves to take advantage of the ecological niche that would have been exploited by a small feline, if one existed.
In other words, a fox is literally what you get when a dog tries to cat.
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