fuckjael-blog · 6 years
jael’s most recent alias is theo , he now resides at @gorosmajima_ on twitter , milkbox on tumblr & flwrboy on pinterest
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
hi i’m émile. in light of a recent callout about my ex from over a week ago, i wanna make a post coming forward about the shit i’ve been put through as well. you can read it here
i don’t go into detail about the actual sexual part of the abuse/manipulation but i do want to confirm what the callout post that came before this was saying. it’s all true, jael is a piece of shit.
i got into cahoots with jael when he was 17, and i turned 18 at that time. i know that probably doesn’t make me look that great, but still. there’s 15 pages worth of content, and i swear if i had more evidence there would be more. let me just tag @fuckjael and hope this gets seen.
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
This is my testimony against Jael aka ishimru, bladesrun, ungorge, anidema (previously latriant and penumbrite), astrmech, drtsgrab, abdeer, bloodsangs, strlings, ojael and namatayna. This is a follow on from the callout here.
Dallas and I began talking a while ago last year. I think it was June/July time . We were close friends and became mains (her other main was Jael). She was a sweetheart and said she actually made her Jack because of me. Now, I’ve had bad experiences with duplicates in the past but I decided to have a fresh start, esp when I was actually comfortable with Reaper dupes. Dallas was a very close friend of mine and this new Reaper was someone she was dating so I assumed he was great. Unfortunately,,, I still nonetheless got ‘vibes’ from him. It was small things but it still bothered me. Every time I posted a pic of myself he’d coincidentally reblog his ones like,,, a few moments later and I know he saw mine because he complimented me on some. It happened three times from the top of my head. Here’s a message he sent  [  link   ]. So, as you know, we weren’t on bad terms.
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However…every time I was complimented he’d post some vagues on his Reaper. About ‘i want to throw up’ or ‘i want to die’. Now, I get it, people post vagues in order to feel better and let things out but. This was quite frequent, timed after I was complimented in some form, and were pretty graphic. Still, I just kinda went on about things because while I had my suspicions, I tried to tell myself it was just coincidental and gave him the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t want to mention this to Dallas and stir tension since we were close and they were dating. I even commented on his posts to make him feel better. These are petty things, I know, but it all began to add up later on. I just assumed it was my anxiety.
This is when Dallas had moments where she was upset. As a friend, I’d ofc get concerned. She sent me something like (apologies, I don’t have the screencap now but now might be able to supply them later!!!) : Do you start not liking someone. And…you know what’s bad…I just instantly assumed it was Jael. I could feel it in my gut, esp after all these happenings. She didn’t mention it was about him so I didn’t ask. I’d seem like an asshole lol. Whether it was or if it wasn’t regarding him.  Day after day, Dallas seemed to get more upset. She’d give me more details, mentioning how much this person had changed and how guilty they were making Dallas feel. I found out my suspicions were right: It was Jael. Dallas went on about how she accidentally did a human mistake and ‘’insulted’’ his writing. ( Dallas refers to Jael as ‘my gf’ and she/her here because at this time these were the preferred pronouns)
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Jael kept mentioning this to her. It was always so hypocritical to me that he held this against her all the time, despite the stuff he did to her aka: You have to forgive me but I dont have to forgive you sort of mentality. Every time they seemed to be arguing. That’s not good in a relationship. That’s not supposed to be the case. Dallas , as a victim of manipulation, continuously kept going from ‘I love her’ to ‘I hate her’. I was growing really concerned. Whenever Dallas considered breaking up with Jael, he’d talk about how much he wants to kill himself which prevented her from doing so, in fear of him getting hurt. To add to this, Jael would also slyly guilt trip to Dallas about writing with me, mentioning things like how mine and her writing style matched very well and how his and hers ‘didn’t’. Every single time we interacted, like with me complimenting Dallas or Dallas complimenting me, like I said, Jael would post vagues about wanting to throw up and wanting to die. It almost came instantly after too; it was no coincidence. I don’t have screencaps of it since he deleted that Reaper blog but I’m sure many people can remember it, since I remember quite a few responses coming out of it. Also, it was quite hypocritical. Only me and him were the Reapers Dallas was interacting at this time (and between us, we didnt interact as much as we wanted to) while he was interacting with a lot of Jacks ( I can think of four that he frequently interacted with). It isn’t wrong to interact with dupes but it’s def hypocritical and manipulative. Aka: I can speak to anyone I want but you can only speak to me.
Another thing that struck me of being very hypocritical was how Dallas would often send him lots of paragraphs about her Jack and his details —– and then Jael would respond with, like, two words. I’m not saying this is wrong particularly, since some people aren’t the best at replying, just that it is very hypocritical of him to always expect enthusiasm from Dallas while never giving her any in turn.
It was continuous off and on things like that. It wasn’t healthy and became very apparent that it was abusive and manipulative. I can go into more detail but I don’t have any more screencaps of chats between me and Dallas .
On 23rd September 2017, they broke up. I was comforting Dallas throughout the situation and supported her through the breakup.
After the breakup, she revealed more manipulative and abusive things that he did, which is not my place to get in depth to. You can read it here. She also mentioned more things to me that, also, involved me. Here’s a conversation between her and him (I’m Eden) :
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This was…so fucking uncomfortable to find out about lmfao. First of all, I’m straight, was a minor, and even if I wasn’t straight I sure as hell wouldn’t date someone who was already in a relationship. ‘i’m older than her. perfect Match !’. Like. How unsettling is that. She also told me, when I became her only main Reaper after this, that Jael was often really fussy toward her graphics. Sure, you have an opinion, but when someone comes forth to you really happy about a double promo that they made for you, and you turn around like: I don’t like it. Then….you’re an ass. The fact that she was so pleased and honored by me complimenting her promo that she spend her own time on, being like ‘Jael never liked my edits’ makes my heart hurt. 
Jael then proceeded to talk about me and Dallas to other people. I figured this was the case since I was randomly blocked by his close friends and just by his nature. Also my suspicions came true when people upfront came to me and told me he did :
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( also just a note: please don’t feel bad if you ever believed him. he’s a manipulator and a lot of people have fallen for his stories. )
And I want to make it clear: I was never a replacement then. I was never someone for Dallas to bounce onto here. We were talking for a while and, in fact, this very happening is one of the reasons why Jael seemed to worsen (but it wasn’t any of our faults —– it was his and his alone).
He also vagued about Dallas a ton (another reason why I don’t believe the ‘I always wanted to say sorry!!’ bullshit because he literally…wrote some really mean things at the same time he said he wanted to come forth and apologize aka a few weeks later). But anywy. Dallas would come to me very upset about the whole thing. Hell, she was scared to interact with new people because of him and what they must think of her when he tells his exaggerated, false and twisted side of his story. Jael was still managing to control Dallas even then. He was throughout our friendship, with Dallas still clearly being upset by his actions months later. He continued to affect her.
After this Jael began to act more strange toward me. On another one of my blogs, when his friends reblogged my asks, he’d randomly like it on @bladesrun. I know, this seems petty, but it was when neither of us we were following each other, when I didn’t know that it was him because he went under a new alias and went by new pronouns and it happened a couple of times from my memory. I didn’t know, because of a new alias, that it was him. But he knew it was me. So I followed him because…you know…this random blog keeps liking my posts. I may as well. That’s when Dallas talks about how upset she was seeing him on her dash (as you would be, after the shit he did). She talked about him having a new blog, @bladesrun and that’s when I knew. We were obviously peeved. 1. Why is Jael randomly liking my posts when we don’t follow each other, knowing it’s me? 2. Why is he doing that when I also softblocked him? 3. After what he did to Dallas ? It…wasn’t giving me good feelings. It was like he was using me to keep an eye on the both of us, especially Dallas.
Additonally, Jael continued to use the url latriant (aka a matching url from Dallas’ idea) and also used her similar icons, same theme and similar writing. It always struck me as cheeky after the things he did, that he was still going to use the things she made.
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I can’t find the icons rn since he deleted latriant, not even on any other blogs. However his writing style coincidentally began to become similar to Dallas also. It could be coincidental but with the other factors, I doubt it very much.
At this time Dallas and I were more close. We spoke everyday and I stayed up until 5am to discuss things with her. I was her only main reaper and we had some double promos and mentions of our muses in our world building posts (you can see one here). Jael assumed that this was Dallas using me as a rebound. It wasn’t. It was because she was free to do her own thing.
Now, moving unto the events after the callout unveiled, Jael’s attitude has been awful. This was his twitter after seeing the callout:
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and on his blog [link]:
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‘news spread around really fast on tumblr and i’m gonna write an eloquent response . i admit what i’ve done was wrong and extremely unhealthy but what i do want to know is why all of a sudden , after months and months ??? this comes out .’ #I’M NOT UPSET ? #I’M AWARE I WAS MANIPULATIVE AND WRONG AND I GENUINELY FEEL HORRIBLE FOR IT #BUT ???????
I’m sure there’s a lot more to add but my mind is fuzzy because there’s just. Too much to add lmfao. He did so many fucked up things I can’t adjust to remembering every detail.
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
ok i’m not done,,, the other thing that pissed me off abt jael is that he’d insult cass’ graphics & be rlly demanding of it. & then,, when they broke up & after he abused her, he continued to use their shared usernames & graphics. it was. so cheeky lmfao. i’d legit compliment a double promo cass made us & she got rlly happy & almost surprised that i liked it bc jael was always so critical. also : dont forget you vagued about her all the damn time jael. so much for always wanting to apologize days after when you were writing those kind of things at the same time
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
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anywy the eden theyre talking abt is me. like. there was nothing romantic between me & cass. we were close friends & also,, i’m straight. jael would talk abt me all the time like this which is,,, rlly uncomfortable lmfao?? esp when i was a minor??. & vague & talk to me behind me back literally just for interacting w/ cass. that was it.
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
‘ holy fuck literally when jael left reaperand they saw you getting closer to cass ( matching )they tried convincing me you were like this rebound for cass?and cass was using you like they ’ used ’ jael’‘‘‘ somehow jael just keeps getting worse lmfao even tho me & the poster aren’t friends anymore, she isnt a bad person. she rlly isnt. i was never a rebound for her. we were speaking for a while before they broke up. i was with her throughout the whole thing & comforted her when they broke up. i was never someone to bounce to when there was no one else because we were close friends before then. jael will keep dehumanizing her as much as he can. he always gave me hints he’d be talking abt me & it looks like he has so,,, if he’s spoken to you about me or cass, just know it’s 100% exaggeration. 
and another note : jael’s writing suspiciously turned similar to hers when they broke up. vvvv similar. she mentioned this to me so it also brings up more alarm bells abt him
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
EDIT (PLEASE READ): it’s come to my attention that my information on the dr universe was wrong which i take full accountability for and deleted, everything mentioned below this post still stands. please, if you’re reblogging this, reblog this version and not the original —- please delete it, thank you!
trigger warning: daddy kink.
now, i don’t have a lot to say about this. there’s throwing around the daddy kink ironically (granted it’s tagged), and then there’s implying it when you’re talking to someone you don’t even know which is exactly what happened to heather when they posted a harmless tweet about their dad. jael doesn’t know heather, heather doesn’t know jael, the only reason they’re aware of him is through me and this is what heather said about it:
[09/04/2018, 14:52:53] 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 !: there’s also the fact they they retweeted my selfies which i didn’t mind at the time cause i said they were okay to retweet but i found it weird they were the only one and we don’t even know each other
[09/04/2018, 15:14:52] tammy: what the fuckkk
[09/04/2018, 15:15:58] 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 !: at first i kind of just took it as 1 of those ironic jokes but it was a little weirder 4 me at the time as well cause they’d changed their twitter layout and everything so i didn’t even know who they were at first lsdjkflj
[09/04/2018, 15:16:07] 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 !: n then i was like o its just jael that’s tammy’s friend that’s okay then
so, not only do they sexualise minors, manipulate and abuse people, they also sexualise people they don’t know and their peers ***** behind closed doors without them knowing, even go as far as name dropping them because uwu it’s okay we know who they are uwu
*** their name has been blocked for their privacy.**
if you read this far, thank you. please send the op of the callout some love and positivity if you can.
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
jael’s blogs are
blades run
& his twitter handle is currently @gothishimaru
be aware of him . he isn’t sorry , he doesn’t deserve the space to disrespect his victims with apologies regardless . he is a serial abuser , he is scum.
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
this is a callout for jael , who resides @bladesrun​  /   @anidema​   /  @ungorge   /  @ishimru .
the  callout  in  its  entirety  is  here .   please read it .  for all those who claim to care about minors & victims of abuse but will stay silent , i see you . it’s over 25 pages long , a catalogue of receipts & descriptions of what happened . if you don’t believe me after reading this & continue to support them after all this , then . i don’t know what to say .
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fuckjael-blog · 6 years
posting this to inform all those who may be unaware & to prevent his potential hiding ,
jael/theo is a serial abuser . a manipulative , egotistical , evil waste of time . here is his callout post ; it is incredibly graphic , with explicit mentions of sexual abuse , alcohol , gaslighting & wider emotional abuse / there is a second here , with trigger warnings for nsfw content & daddy kink
/ there is now a third callout here , with trigger warnings for emotional abuse , gaslighting , stalking & mentions of sexual abuse 
his blogs include : milkbox , ishimru , bladesrun , ungorge , anidema (previously latriant & penumbrite) , astrmech , drtsgrab , abdeer , bloodsangs , strlings , ojael & namatayna .
his recent known twitter handles are: @gorosmajima_ , @gothishimaru , @KISSYMARU , @ojael_ , @BUBBLERIPPLE , @gurojpg , @sushimilk & @jaelisgone .
his discord is  bumber 3#9519 .
his pinterests are  roseatens & flwrboy .
do not allow him to perpetuate his cycle of abuse . protect teenage victims , protect the people he exploited , abused & discarded . do not entertain his false apologies . he has not changed & will not change .
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