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As a tall guy, when you see another tall guy across the room, you’re immediately just like “I don’t trust that guy.” There’s something shifty about another tall guy. 
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armie and his evil, calculating plan of making effie look unstable by….. being totally mia for months and months while allegedly being in rehab while she continues to post up a storm on social media of increasingly crazy shit while the lapd does nothing and his lawyer isn’t speaking. oooooh how DEVIOUS of him! a regular machiavellian mastermind lol. i’m sure he controlled her through the power of his MIND or something.
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genuinely if we come at the movies from a straight perspective what are eriks little “charles you could make me do anything😏” quotes supposed to be seen as. if they’re not flirting is it just supposed to be some friendly goad or banter because how are you supposed to read that as anything besides flirty
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Napoleon: Hostage or not, sometimes it's just nice to be held Illya: Do you need a hug?
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...fire tiger... ..1986 г.р. ...)))..
by johnp.shanley
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illya kuryakin: [to napoleon] you’re trash
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If you have to write a short message to Armie that he might get to read it...
Okay so, this isn’t short or hand-written but here it is:
Dear Armie, thank you so much for being such a light in my life. You’ve shown me what it means to be the best you can be. Not for others, but for yourself and your family. Not in a way that means being perfect, but that means you’re trying. You’re doing your best - which is all we can really ask of ourselves.
I admire your tenacity, your gumption and most of all, your heart. It shines through in all you do and it’s how we’re sure of who you are. People change but there’s a part of us that no one else can touch. It’s that part of you that I know is bringing you through to the other side of this and that’s inspired us to stay with you and believe in you - regardless as to what others would like us to believe.
You’ve helped me move through fear and you’ve helped me find love. You’ve helped me trust my intuition and become more of myself. Also, you indirectly helped save my life. I used to put pressure on myself to be “the best” or “perfect” at all I did. My dreams were big and usually involved some sort of outward achievement. I was constantly looking at myself through others eyes and feeling less than.
At the same time I was severely anxious and depressed. I didn’t have the energy to do any of the things I dreamed of - never mind take care of myself. I was suffering and felt like I wasn’t the person I wanted to be. What weighed on me most though, was not being the mom I wanted to be.
It was you prioritizing your mental health and well-being (in part so that you could be the best dad to your kids) that inspired me to do the same. I realized that if I was not okay, my little one would not be okay and I took action.
I have now been on medication for a few months and the change is night and day. I can function and be present with my little. I’m starting to feel joy again and I’m watching him thrive. I still have so far to go but I know that prioritizing me is what’s best for him, even if it means letting go of some of my bigger dreams temporarily. I was trying to do it all and thought that I was supposed to be able to, but the truth is that I only have so much time and energy. Right now there’s only enough for me and him and that’s okay.
You’ve shown me that as much as it might hurt sometimes, what others think doesn’t matter. That I matter more than anyone else’s opinion of me and that my worth is not derived from others or my achievements. I knew it cognitively before but now I feel it in my bones. Thank you for being an example and showing me the way.
Also, I am extremely mindful of how I spend my time and who I spend it with. You are worth every second I spend on you and the people you and Timmy have brought into my life. You are a light and you help light up my life inside and out. Take it easy and stay true to you. You’ve got this 💗
All my love, Peachy
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Armie Hammer is so incredibly good in J Edgar. I don’t love the movie as much as I love his strong performance and the emotional subtlety he delivered in scene after scene. He more than held his own next to LDC. The movie keeps showing up on cable and I can’t help rewatching Armie in it. And he was 25 when it came out. Such a talent. Can’t wait to see what he will do next when the time is right.
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What a good, content, creative, and successful life ahead Armie will have. I have no fear for what is to come for him despite how things may appear today. Will it be easy from the start? Of course not, but I do think he is already well on his way to building what he needs not just to survive, but to thrive inside and out. He will share his love with those who deserve his trust, be loved by those who respect and appreciate him and his spirit, and live in a state of gratitude for where his new path is headed and for what he has finally left behind.
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Me to myself: “You’ve reblogged this already.”
Also me: “This is officially my favourite documentary short of all time.”
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