fuckkbrunch · 19 hours
the white-green gradient of a freshly chopped spring onion…. c'est magnifique
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fuckkbrunch · 22 hours
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Brisket Grilled Cheese
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fuckkbrunch · 2 days
did I show yall the big fuckin Italian sammich I made the other day?
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fuckkbrunch · 2 days
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i wish he would come down from heaven & kill every instagram fitness liquid diet ozempic green juice low calorie food blogger
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fuckkbrunch · 2 days
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Quick and dirty one today. This was one of the options for a garnish along side the shrimp bisque, but I chose the shrimp salad option instead. Figured it would make a decent dinner on its own.
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Kept the shells from my shrimpy boys to boil them for a future laksa broth. Tony didn't specify either way, but in my experience, you need to break the backs of the shrimp so that you get that good, long shrimp stick. You can use a knife to cut them, but I find pressing them into the table with your fingers in faster and less finicky.
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Fucking dredging. Feels so dumb to be putting together a whole dredging station for only 8 shrimp. Just like heating up a whole pan of oil to deep fry 8 whole shrimp. But here we are.
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Panko breaded tempura is the inferior tempura. Everyone prefers the kind that you get in sushi restaurants, with the batter coating. This is more like jumbo popcorn shrimp.
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Looks just like the ones you can buy frozen. Still delicious though.
| Tempura Shrimp |
Taste is a 2.5 out of 5. Average, but shrimp is always good.
Difficulty is a 2 out of 5. Straightforward, even if it's a little finicky.
Time was about an hour. A lot of that is the oil heating up.
I actually did this one along side the grilled cheese recipe, as you may have noticed in that last photo. So disclaimer that they would both take less time than it took me if you were doing them separately.
Not a bad combo, but the shrimp needs a sauce. Luckily I had some homemade tartar sauce kicking around.
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fuckkbrunch · 3 days
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(via Instagram)
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fuckkbrunch · 3 days
Back from my vacation, do not feel rested at all. Let's do this.
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Okay. This one has me so irritated.
In the recipe header, he says that sliced white bread can be used instead in of Japanese milk bread. I wanted to use the real thing, since I've already made more than enough substitutions during the cooking of this book. This I know I could get when we went to Vancouver. Which I did. But I held out on this one for most of the year for that reason.
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Milk bread straight from T&T. The rest of the ingredients are basic. The only thing not pictured is the mayo for the outside of the bread.
My main issue is with the caramelized onions. He says that to make caramelized onions, you need patience. That they need to cook on medium low heat. Then he says it takes 25-30 minutes.
This man went to a much more prestigious culinary school than I did - he has to be fucking around when he says you can achieve caramelization in 30 fucking minutes. In my experience, true caramelized onions take 2.5 to 3 hours. Minimum.
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So, above is what my onions looked like at twenty minutes. So I "cranked it" to medium high until it got very sizzly, then turned the pan back down to medium and did a lot of stirring. They cooked for another 20 minutes and I called it a day.
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Come on. These are not even in the realm of caramelized yet. They're practically still white.
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This is what they should look like. Albeit, this is some weird AI bullshit from a quick google image search, but still accurate!
Anywayyy. Onions aside, this is just a regular grilled cheese recipe. The milk bread was soft, but didn't seem to change the flavour at all.
Sharp cheddar, grated. Toss in some of the sad onions and get to cooking. Tony says to cook them on medium high for 4 minutes a side. I've always cooked grilled cheese on medium or medium low for that perfect golden brown, so these were a bit dark for me.
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I don't think I even left them for the full 4 minutes per side. He says the mayo on the outside helps it to brown slower, but that's not how this went at all. I got that good cheese ooze though.
| Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Caramelized Onions |
Taste is a 2 out of 5. Typical, not bad.
Difficulty is a 1 out of 5. A kid could do this.
Time was an hour and a half. Because the onions took longer than he claims.
It's recipes like this that remind me that Tony was a stoner. It's just greased bread filled with greasy cheese and sweet onion grease. I'm not gonna lie though...I dipped it in ketchup...
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fuckkbrunch · 4 days
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the city streets of Japan
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fuckkbrunch · 5 days
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fuckkbrunch · 7 days
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fuckkbrunch · 7 days
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where would we be without them
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fuckkbrunch · 8 days
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(via Instagram)
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fuckkbrunch · 15 days
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Dig his sense of humor.
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fuckkbrunch · 15 days
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fuckkbrunch · 17 days
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@alexacooksme via Instagram
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fuckkbrunch · 17 days
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fuckkbrunch · 17 days
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(via Instagram)
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