fucksnowbirds · 6 years
Oh you don’t have The Tap for checking out? I thought the states were as advanced as Canada.
A Dumb Canadian Broad
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fucksnowbirds · 6 years
You know it’s the start of the season when there is a catheter bag full of fucking piss on the street.
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fucksnowbirds · 6 years
To the Person who thought to put poles at the end of handicap spaces, Thank You:
A while back when walking toward the front doors where I work an old snowbird from Montana or Oregon or Washington? (I can’t remember, they’re all the same.) He was parking in the spot next to where I was walking and probably at 10 miles per hour slammed into the handicapped pole with his oversized F1050 or whatever truck. Didn’t dent the truck but I wouldn’t have been so lucky so Thank You.
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fucksnowbirds · 6 years
To the bitch that made me shake with anger :
So I work retail and we sell a Fitbit watch knock off. Really cheap stuff like $40. One day I’m in an aisle talking to another worker when an elderly lady very impatiently asks if anybody works here. So I calmly tell her I do and offer to help her with the fitness watches. As soon as I unlock it for her I say, “alright I’ll check you out at the register.” Mind you she had been complaining the whole way over that nobody was in the exact aisle to help her. Then she spits out, “No I’m checking out when I’m finished shopping.” Again politely I tell her, “ anything locked up must be paid immediately because it is preventative of theft, everyone pays for their stuff back here if it’s locked up.” Then walking back to the register, she bitches again about how it’s an inconvenience to the customer. I was tuning out by this point because I’ve dealt with so many pissy old people that I learned to barely listen or it will drive you insane. Then she’s muttering about insurance for the device and I after I ring it out it offers a warranty for 2 years for like $3-4. She says, “No the one that’s free.” So I tell her that she has 15 days to return it in the store. Again, she says, “ No! The one with the company!” By this point I’m getting pissed off and my voice gets a little shaky when I’m mad. I tell her, “ I’m not sure what it offers since it is a cheaper watch. normally with our higher dollar items like TVs it’s 1 year but it’s not very much money so I’m not sure. “ I also let her know that I’m not trained to know other companies insurance policies. She gets all pissed, “It’a your job! You not wanting to help me is stupid! Can’t even say one thing and they get mad at me!” I had stopped talking at this point. I, being a good person and to shut her up, agreed to ring out her other items. Then when an item was too big for a bag I interrupted her bitching to ask how she wanted it bagged. “Two or three bags on it then.” So I asked, “One over each side or two on one side?” She said which ever. So after I double bagged one side and set it in her cart, I moved on to my next customer. She seen the bag and gave me the DIRTIEST LOOK and yanked a handful of bags off the rack and began doing it herself. I ignored her stupid ass and kept ringing out customers. She waited for a minute as if ready to bitch some more but when she realized I had 3 customers in line she walked her fat ass towards the door. I was shaking bad with anger as she left and that was one of the first times I really considered knocking an old fuck on her ass.
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