fucksoceityyyy · 2 months
“I can’t go to yesterday because I was a different person then.”
— Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland
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fucksoceityyyy · 2 months
“Good conversations with the right people are priceless.”
— Unknown
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Every day may not be good… but there is something good in every day.”
— Unknown
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“There are good people and bad people in the world. The ones who start the fires, and the ones that put them out.”
— Lemony Snicket
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Don’t stop believing. Hold on to the feeling.”
— Journey, Don’t Stop Believin
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself, the challenge is to silence the mind.”
— Unknown
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Stand up for what you believe in - even if it means standing alone.”
— Kim Hanks
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“If you can’t do anything about it, then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change.”
— Tony Gaskins
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“I’m happy when I feel your presence in my life… I can never write often or much, but I want you to trust me, and I want to press you against me.”
— Albert Camus, Yvonne Ducailar
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to.”
— Susan Cain
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do to get something better.”
— Miranda Kenneally, Catching Jordan
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“If you want to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose. When you wake up, you can’t just wait to see what kind of day you’ll have. You have to decide what kind of day you’ll have.”
— Joel Osteen
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Stop thinking so much. You’re breaking your own heart.”
— Unknown
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“When you complain you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it. All else is madness.”
— Eckhart Tolle
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true.”
— Brian Tracy
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“Always be a little unexpected.”
— Oscar Wilde
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fucksoceityyyy · 1 year
“I gave the wrong people the right pieces of me.”
— Unknown
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