fuckstudy · 2 years
Here’s a reminder that you don’t need to formulate a solid iron-clad opinion about something the moment it’s introduced to you.
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fuckstudy · 2 years
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River basin map of Ireland.
by @grasshoppergeography
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fuckstudy · 2 years
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fuckstudy · 2 years
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fuckstudy · 2 years
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fuckstudy · 2 years
The lawyerly urge to say "It depends."
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fuckstudy · 2 years
Hi, I'm in the hopefully last semester of my master's degree in economic law (in Austria, so zero debt). Unfortunately, I'm not really interested in becoming a Lawyer™. I'm looking for more untraditional jobs that are related to law but also other stuff, but I don't know what kinds of jobs exist. I was thinking of maybe acquiring additional qualifications in IT so I can kind of bridge that gap between lawyers and IT people, but I don't particularly want to study IT law. I'm also passionate about urban planning and design, and again I find the purely legal side to be a bit boring and dry but don't have the engineering background to pursue the technical side.
I was wondering if maybe you or your followers have any input on the following: Is it a good idea to learn computer science stuff? If so, what in particular? What kinds of jobs are there that require a profile similar to the one I'm aiming to have? Is there any (maybe postgraduate) program that specifically aims to teach lawyers IT stuff (the hard technical side, not IT law LLMs and such) that I haven't been able to find on Google?
Regarding the urban planning, I was basically just wondering if maybe one of your followers works in this field and could give me some insight into what kind of work there is and how you can pursue that path.
Basically, I've heard enough of law but wouldn't mind learning something new in another field to then combine the two for a hopefully interesting job, bonus points if it makes it easier to go abroad.
Thanks so much in advance!
I am yelling at the Europeans this time @kleinstlawmonster @kfromhr
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fuckstudy · 3 years
About Plagiarism in the Studyblr Community
So here’s the thing. 
It takes, like, no effort to take a photo of your desk, of your notes. At the end of the day, that takes like thirty seconds and a few minutes in VSCO. 
But by stealing somebody else’s photo, and reposting it and claiming it as your own, what you’re doing is negating the context of the photo. The hours of hard work it took to write that essay, or make that mind-map, or to tick every last item off that bullet journal to-do list. You’re denying people - whose story, whose strife, you don’t know - that little bit of pride and satisfaction that comes from somebody else acknowledging their hard work with a reblog or like. You can’t tell, with just a photo, that the poster overcame a panic attack in the morning to kick ass and finish that giant stack of reading, or that someone going through a really bad breakup still managed to drag himself out of bed and force himself to work. 
At the end of the day, a photo’s a photo. And while technically it’s theft, in the grand scheme of things it means fuck all. But what angers me is somebody else having the audacity to trivialise the actual blood, sweat and tears that went into making the photo happen. This community is supposed to be about supporting one another, applauding each other’s achievements (whether that’s a fantastic grade or just getting out of bed), and encouraging a nurturing environment where people want to share their hard work. But by stealing photos, you’re doing none of those things. You’re denying someone who has worked their ass off that little bit of credit, in the form of a like or reblog, that they deserve. You’re turning a community about support and admiration into a popularity contest you can’t even be bothered enough to contribute to, so you just steal someone else’s work.
I can’t even wrap my head around what photo thieves get from the reblogs, likes and followers that result from posting a stolen photo - how can you get any validation knowing full well you didn’t work at all for that photo? The very satisfaction of notes comes from the fact you worked hard for that photo, surely? So no, I can’t comprehend how sad and empty someone’s life must be if acknowledgement of someone else’s work is validation enough for you. 
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fuckstudy · 3 years
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fuckstudy · 3 years
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fuckstudy · 3 years
Annual Reminder that “Christmas Magic” is women’s emotional labour
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fuckstudy · 3 years
you’ve gotta stat romanticizing your life. you gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. you have to, because that’s when you start truly living. that’s when you look forward to every day. 
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fuckstudy · 3 years
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fuckstudy · 3 years
i don’t expect this to be very widely known but here in vancouver we’ve had a barge stuck on shore since mid november
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we’re going on day 25 of barge simpson not moving a damn inch and i for one hope it never moves
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fuckstudy · 3 years
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fuckstudy · 3 years
may i present you
penguin pingu classics
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fuckstudy · 3 years
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