fuckvilkka · 6 months
Beginning. NedoHorror
The strange man had a massive axe in his hands, he was coming closer and closer to me every second, and I thought "I WON'T DIE BEFORE 65!!" I started running with all my speed in an attempt to escape from the maniac, the maniac laughed and ran after me quietly saying "kitty kitty kitty" I thought that I did not want to be killed by the fascists who were calling me like a cat so I started running as fast as possible, I thought that it would be faster to escape through the emergency exit and I started running towards the emergency exit when I found myself at the emergency exit door, but to my surprise there was a door.. Is it open? I thought the door would be locked, as it happens in horror movies, but here it's the other way around, can I really escape? It was not there, the maniac was already behind me and grabbed me by the hair, I began to scream in every possible way and try to fight off his strong grip, before I could react, he threw me to the ground and cut off my leg with one clear blow, I immediately began to scream in pain, blood flowed inexorably fast and strongly but he didn't stop without feeling pity or something else, he hit me with an axe just as hard on the other leg, but this time he couldn't amputate my leg right away, the bone prevented him, and it would have been better if he had cut through my leg right away than what he did. He took my leg and began to break my bone with his hands, I began to sob loudly and convulse from the relentless intense pain, the crunch of the bone was loud like my piercing scream, my nerves inside broke like threads and I felt like hell every time.
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fuckvilkka · 6 months
Beginning. NedoHorror
It's late in the evening, and I'm sitting here, I can already see 21:34 on my laptop clock. I sighed with fatigue and irritation, my colleagues have long gathered and left, some are still there, but these are some old employees under 50
My thoughts were "I wish I could get home." By the way, I couldn't go home now because the bosses threw work at me, I started working faster when I suddenly heard how these same old employees began to gather. Am I really the only one who's going to be sitting here until midnight!? I sighed irritably again and got to work, it took a long time as I was sitting here at my laptop and working, the time was already 0:49 and I was still clicking these buttons on my laptop, I just wanted to strangle myself with a mouse wire
It took some more time and I finished the work only by 1:33.. I began to rejoice, they say, Finally! I'm free from work, I already wanted to sleep that I could fall asleep right on my desk, but I wanted to go home, have dinner alone and feed my beloved cat murka, I started leaving the office and going down the stairs since the elevator had been under repair for a week, the lights were turned off almost everywhere and it was creepy.. Fortunately, there were cameras everywhere and you don't have to worry about security... Is that right? I put aside obsessive thoughts and started going down, by the way, I was on the 6th floor so the way was long by my standards, but when I was on the 4th floor I heard footsteps and rustles from the corridor, huh, apparently I'm not the only one who worked hard..I was already thinking about giving up on this, but I heard a quiet chuckle, looking at the empty corridor, I saw a man only a head taller than me, but he's kind of strange.. I have not seen such people in our office.. Maybe it's just the new guy? This man was limping and his teeth were chattering softly, he was chubby but strangely fast.. Wait, what's that in his hands?..
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