fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Foursquare Delivers a Decisive Blow to Stalkers
This week foursquare announced API changes to eliminate privacy concerns and creepy stalker apps like Girls Around Me. So, what are they changing? Foursquare is removing the ability for users to see people (even those not on their friends list) who are checked in to a venue without being checked in to the same venue themselves. Akshay Patil (foursquare API evangelist) explains it further: “much like how the users could see each other by looking around in real life.” Users will still be able to see friend check-ins regardless of whether they’re checked in to the same venue or not.
Creepy apps like Girls Around Me (which got a lot of buzz in March) leverage foursquare data to display a list of people (strangers) who are checked in nearby filtered by gender. The API change will essentially render these apps worthless because users will only be able to see their friends.
On the flipside, eliminating this data also affects the less-creepy apps like Sonar or Banjo that connect strangers based on location, particular interests or mutual friends. Sonar leverages data from multiple networks including foursquare, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to suggest people nearby you should connect with, based on interests and/or mutual friends.
Banjo uses data from Twitter, foursquare, Instagram and others to display where people are and what they’re saying or doing based on check-ins or tweets, not interests.
The foursquare API change will be implemented in June to allow time for the less-creepy app developers to make some changes. The negative impact will be low for these developers, considering many of them use multiple platforms and are not 100% reliant on foursquare for data.
I am a big fan of foursquare and consider it a safe service when used properly. This change will make it easier for the cautious non-users to convert and give the application a try.
What do you think? Does this make you feel more secure about sharing your location? Does this make you want to give foursquare a try if you haven’t already?
*Blog originally posted on SMG’s site here: http://socialmediagroup.com/2012/05/11/foursquare-delivers-decisive-blow-stalkers/
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
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Infochimps just put out a white paper using a sub shop metaphor for describing the difference between batch and stream data processing. Also, their phone number is apparently 855-DATA-FUN.
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
The GeoServices REST Specification provides a way for Web clients to communicate with geographic information system (GIS) servers through Representational State Transfer (REST) technology. The specification is A proven and easy to understand method for a broad range of clients and applications to request map, feature, attribute, and image information from a GIS server. A JSON-based, REST-ful specification that will make the GIS server instantly usable by thousands of developers working in popular client-side development environments with the ArcGIS Web mapping APIs for JavaScriptT, FlexT, Silverlight®, iOS®, and AndroidT. Use of the GeoServices REST Specification is subject to the current Open Web Foundation Agreement. The Open Web Foundation (OWF) is an independent non-profit dedicated to the development and protection of open, non-proprietary specifications for web technologies. Terms and conditions of the OWF Agreement are subject to change without notice. Download PDF For questions about the GeoServices REST Specification, contact [email protected]
Jithen (J) Singh {An Esri Dude}: GeoServices REST Specification 
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Now this is just fantastic.
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Really cool visual of livehoods using data from the Foursquare API. Neighborhoods based on use patterns. 
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Image via Livehoods
With all the check-ins, tweets, posts, and social sharing all of us are doing these days, it’s no shock that there are now mountains of relevant data that can be mined for all kinds of insights into cultural habits and how societies flow. Now a group at Carnegie...
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
New Developer Site!
Would you be totally flabbergasted if we told you that in addition to rebuilding Vimeo from the ground up, we’ve ALSO constructed a brand new site for developers who want to rock the Vimeo APIs? Well, start flabbering your gasts* — because it’s true.
We’re happy to announce our brand new developer site: http://developer.vimeo.com! Our API is all grown up and ready to move into its own 1 bed / 1.5 bath subdomain. Laundry is just around the corner.
Right now you’re probably staring incredulously at your screen while yelling, “Whoa!!! Tell me some of the amazing features of this new dev site so I can continue my quest to conquer all technology!!!” You got it. Check our techniques:
OAuth Tokens provided
We now generate an OAuth token for you when you create an app — this way you don’t have to set up a temporary page to authorize when you only want to interact with your account. Just copy and paste into your app. OAuth awesomeness!
Simplified documentation and navigation
Life is complicated enough, so we’ve tried to streamline our documentation wherever possible. Now, instead of having to look at multiple pages of docs, you’ll find what you need on one page, reducing the need to jump around. And just like your favorite library book about deep sea creatures that somehow survive in complete darkness, our documentation now has a table of contents. Just flip to the section you’re looking for!
Clearer upload requests
Upload requests now take the form of a more straightforward questionnaire. This enables us to get right down to bizness and reduce the back and forth involved in approving your app for uploading. Because time is money, people.
Integrated Playground
The Advanced API method list now has the playground baked right into it, so you can easily get involved in some hot call-and-response action.
A suave new look
Night time is the right time for accessing data via the API. Turn the lights down, pour yourself a beverage, and kick back with some stone cold support from us.
Enjoy the new site!
*We have no idea what this means, but it feels good to say it out loud.
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Check out the bottom link!
Nobody understands REST or HTTP
Some people understand REST and HTTP
Interesting review of:
format headers
multiple languages
Github v3 API is a really interesting reference of how to create and document an API.
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
MetaLayer Presents at TechCrunch Disrupt NYC
MetaLayer will present at TechCrunch Disrupt at Pier94 in a few days! Come to our API workshop session at 3:00pm to learn how to use our Text and Image APIs in your projects.  Best use of our APIs will win you a Kindle (for text hackers) or an Apple TV (for photo hackers) as well as a free metaLayer T-Shirt and Hoodie.
This will be the second Hackathon TechCrunch has organized at Pier 94 in NYC. Last years event had over 300 developers and 100 teams present, and this years event promises to be even bigger and better.
But enough about the past, let’s chat about the future.
We’ve got a lot of really great sponsored API’s, prizes and contests including AT&T, Hatch, Mashery, City Grid, Spotify, The Echo Nest, Knodes, Mobli & more!
Date: May 19, 2012
Time: 3:00pm
Presenter: Jon Gosier, Founder and Director of Product at metaLayer.
Contextual disambiguation using metaLayer’s Text and Image analysis REST APIs. metaLayer’s APIs allow users to process streams of text or images to extract contextual features where they don’t exist. For instance, extracting place names from tweets or articles using NLP to attempt to geolocate content makes it possible to then visualize where content is coming from or referencing on geospatial maps. With images, extracting text makes it possible to search words in photos or auto-categorize them based on the objects they contain.
Details regarding the metaLayer API can be found at: http://api.metalayer.com
If you’d like your API rate limits raised for your Disrupt projects, just email us at [email protected] and let us know you’re participating.
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Looks to be an awesome contest but am not sure if you must be European to enter the contest. 
API Mashup Contest 2012
Started in 2011 by Pavel Curda (an angel investor, entrepreneur and fellow blogger) and run twice, the API Mashup Contest is coming back. Claimed as the biggest API playground in the world, the contest is open to every developer, who can submit their API mashup until 31st May 2012.
Partnering with the most frequently APIs provider used by developers, Google, API Mashup Contest adds GUG.cz, a member of GTUGs, a community playground for developers to meet, learn from each other and create cool apps together.
“We know that the there are many great minds and great ideas in the developer community that still wait for their moment of fame. We love the opportunity that the API Mashup Contest offers them to get on the spotlight and attract others to evolve them further,” says Dan Franc, the coordinator of GUG.cz and international GTUG consultant.
The judges include Esther Dyson, a well-known angel investor, Gillian Muessig, the founding president of SEOmoz, Martin Bryant, managing editor at The Next Web, Jon Bradford of  London-based accelerator Springboard, and some leading investors from Poland.
Daniel Mendalka from GTUG Poland and the Contest Ambassador for Poland, stresses the importance of the project.
The best projects will receive cool prizes and further help, including mentoring and links to angel investors. APIs are business tools, which above all will make future business decisions easier. The winners will be announced in mid-June and receive media coverage thanks to media sponsor like The Next Web or Deutsche Startups.
API’s are getting more and more sexy and a growing number of companies see the creation of an API as new product channel, or to distribute their technology without the cost of doing themselves.
What often not so well-known about API is that they can be used internally: they can accelerate innovation thanks open sharing of resources, without the slowness of traditional organization (wait for the permission or just to get the code).
Providing APIs, big companies also help developer leverage what’s on their brain to create new experienc for end user, without the pain of solving the same problems that millions of people have already done.
Call to swiss developers, take the opportunity! Prove that we can also do wonderful things here!
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Google guilty of infringement in Oracle trial; future legal headaches loom
"In what could be a major blow to Android, Google's mobile operating system, a San Francisco jury issued a verdict today that the company broke copyright laws when it used Java APIs to design the system. The ruling is a partial victory for Oracle, which accused Google of violating copyright law.
But the jury couldn't reach agreement on a second issue—whether Google had a valid "fair use" defense when it used the APIs. Google has asked for a mistrial based on the incomplete verdict, and that issue will be briefed later this week."
Joe Mullin for Ars Technica with the full story 
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Klout Gets a More Robust API
"Klout, the startup that measures influence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Foursquare, Google+and other social apps, has just released a new version of its API and released a number of new stats about its API usage.
Klout evaluates users’ behavior with complex ranking algorithms and semantic analysis of content to measure the influence of individuals on social networks. Klout says it now serves about one billion API calls per day, which is 80 times the amount of data we served this time last year. Klout says that in the last three months, API calls have risen from 10.5 billion to almost 30 billion per month. The company now has 6,000 API (up from 2,000 partners a year ago).
The new API, says Klout, is less Twitter focused and more “Klout-focused.” The startup will now translate identifiers from Twitter to Klout IDs to facilitate speed and to incorporate influence from other networks in the future. Klout’s API is faster, and has a new caching system."
TechCrunch article by Leena Rao
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
"found api that returns JSON, with a single key, "d", and it's value is a string of escaped XML. Why did you think that was a good idea?"
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
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Create beautiful data visualisations with the SVG Google Charts API
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
Adam Duvander from the Programmable Web speaking on APIs at TNW Amsterdam. 
(via The New API: Apps, Partners, Income - Adam Duvander at TNW2012)
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fuckyeahapis · 12 years
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