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Evgeni Plushenko Flashbacks 
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A surprise message to Yuzuru Hanyu from his hero, Evgeni Plushenko. [x]
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Sorry, but that gold was Yuna Kim's
Anyway, amazing ladies final!
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"I took up skating because of him. I respect and admire him dearly."
Yuzuru Hanyu, on Evgeni Plushenko ♔
Hanyu said he was disappointed not to find Plushenko, his idol, in first place on the scoreboard so he could have challenged him one final time. 
  (via yuzurugifs)
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Evgeni Plushenko, 4 time Olympic medalist and 2 time Olympic champion, had this to say about Hanyu Yuzuru: He’s elegant, he’s thin*, he’s fast, he’s such a great skater. This, for me, number one. Great spins, great choreography. He has charisma. I like him. He needs a little bit more… he’s young. And he needs a little bit more work and skate a little bit. Few years and… this is the future.
[T/N: I think what Evgeni meant is that Yuzuru’s thin torso allows him to rotate quickly during his jumps] 
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Watching a gold medalist like Evgeni Plushenko be brave and strong enough to put himself first and step down so he wouldn’t hurt himself further and than watching Jeremy Abbott painfully fall in his first big move but than jump right back up and beautifully finish his set both made such admirable...
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I'm watching in America on NBC. They kept showing him hurting himself in the warmups, like they did with almost every other athlete who got hurt. It was the same with Jeremy Abbott too. It was painful to watch.
Gah, it's what the media does, they look for a reaction from people. I'm glad they didn't do that in my country, they only showed those moments after they happened.
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don't be sad
When he first said the word “Sochi” after Vancouver, everyone said, no, it’s impossible.
When they took away his eligibility on trumped-up charges, everyone said, no, it’s impossible.
When his knees were giving out, and they were cutting into his meniscus again and again, everyone said, no, it’s impossible.
When it became clear just how close to permanent paralysis he had come, everyone said, no, it’s impossible.
Everyone was wrong.
He proved that it was possible. He stood on Sochi ice and competed, he helped Russia win its first gold medal at these games. He is the only male singles skater in modern times who have medaled at four Olympic games.
He walked a road that no one has ever attempted before, that no one has ever thought possible before. He walked really, really far. This far.
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Alexey Mishin, a coach, said that they couldn’t withdraw Evgeni and let Maxim Kovtun to do the job because to do so Evgeny had to have an injury (deadline for this replacement was 8 AM, Monday, free skating competition was finished by 11 AM, Sunday, not earlier) right after his last performance and he was okay back then. He felt great pain this morning but it was too late to do anything and he asked for powerful painkillers and it didn’t help. He was doing warm-ups right before his performance and he heard his back pop when he was doing a jump. He tried to jump once more and he couldn’t feel his legs so the jump was bad. He understood that he can’t skate and withdrew (only before that he tried to pull himself up but couldn’t because it’s not something a man can control).
So please. It was not selfish, he didn’t try to make a spectacle, he’s a serious sportsman and doesn’t do things like some attention-seeking popstar. He’s a legend and a hero. Was Maxim better? Ehhhrrr… From what I saw this guy’s nerves are not the best. But I really don’t know him that good to make a judgement. But you must understand that Plushenko coming to Sochi not his own doing, it’s not a decision that could be made by one person and not Plushenko decides these things. Did he want to participate? Yes. Did he have the capacity? Fuck yes. Is he a fighter? Only an idiot would say no. Did his body betray him? Unfortunately yes. Is it something that can be controlled? NO.
And now you can all relax and stop this ridiculous hating, ok?
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Tsar on Ice.
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Okay so could the people (and by people really do far I've only seen one but like other people seem to be hinting at it) that are saying Zhenya is selfish because he didn't withdraw last night???? Could they not??? Like come on this guy has given himself to the sport so fully and for people to be trashing it it's just not cool and yeah haha I was jus feeling frustrated and thought I'd ramble about it in someone's askbox
Even if he did withdraw last night, I doubt it would’ve changed anything.Selfish? Well, to me he shows such a big love for this sport as I’ve seen never before. He’s put his body on the line so many times, yet he still wants to compete and would do so for his whole life if he could. He was completely willing and determined to skate today and he would never have quitted if it wasn’t serious.Now, people will still say what they want. Many hate Plushenko and will seek for blame everywhere. 
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that was horrible to watch
you could tell he was really in pain, that jump ruined his back, and in front of all those people, it must have been miserable… i KNEW he shouldn’t have skated singles, i knew this would happen
i can’t handle all these media people going “oh, it’s SILENT in the rink, what a disappointment for all the people who came to see him, what a shakeup in the standings, how distracting for the other skaters”
this man has literally ravaged his body for this sport and i hope no one is taking pleasure in the fact that he was obviously in agony. the fact that he showed up at all is a testament to the kind of man he is and we should all be honored that he even tried
he is the king and he’ll always be the king but it was awful to see it get taken away from him like this, to see the best athlete ever to grace this sport have to bow out because the sport destroyed him. he must be so upset.
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I'm so down right now
Well, I'll still be here supporting Takahashi, Hanyu, Fernández, Ten and a few more.
Who are you supporting?
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Plushenko just withdrew from the singles competition
It was painful just watching him enter the rink. He was obviously in so much pain.
Love and respect. He's just amazing.
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Today in “breaking the laws of physics” ft. Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov
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I can't get over the linebacker for my school's football team saying that he's been watching figure skating for "his boy Plushenko." Best moment ever.
Hahaha, I'm still secretly waiting for him to show up at 2018's Olympics XD This man never gives up.
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