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>> ENJOY ? 10JOIN ! [ for takumoe ]
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Tenjoin siblings from Fusion Dimension!
Tell what you want about Evil Academy, but at least their female uniform is way more practical ^__^
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What are you going to do?
Fubuki getting so overwhelmed and frustrated with Fujiwara’s darkness tricks that things get a little physical. He’s not the type to handle his friends in such a way, especially ones as close as Fuijwara, but there’s only so much a person can take. (;-;  )
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Dance with me?
A commission for the lovely Six 
It’s a sweet end of the year graduation dance between Fubuki and Jun! (´▽`  )
I hope you like it dear! Thank you so much (;v;  )/
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So this is kinda based off this old picture I did months ago 
This time it’s Fubuki’s turn to get a sunburn. Since he’s swimming all the time he must get them frequently, assuming he doesn’t use sunscreen LOL Also an excuse to draw topless buki nehehe
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i’m a little ways into season 2 of GX and Fubuki is my favorite character >w> i LOVE him!! so i had to doodle him! and put him all over my blog
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i found a new thing to love and it’s
also bonus original drawing and cute gays
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Let him go
Loosely based off Episode 89 (o*7*o  ) 
At least Ryo was kind enough to help Fubuki out after he used Darkness again ;;;; 
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The Guy Who Rivaled The Kaiser.
I just adore Idol!Buki! He’s so perfect and flashy! Nothing fits him more than music and bright, bright, BRIGHT, colors! I don’t draw him enough o|–< Also Manjoume and his ‘Bucky’ sign LOL
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so anyway, Fubuki Tenjoin is bi.
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I wanted to do something with Darkness Fubuki and fire and what better way to do that than to draw him from his first appearance! (o*v*o  ) including his pendant this time! Good thing that active volcano is right next to the school!
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warm up idols~
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Another one for the ‘in hindsight they told us’
Fubuki being a dork.
Yes, there is a lot of build up for him and being all mysterious about the sort of person he is(especially since he’s supposed to have been as good a duelist as Kaiser, there for he must be like him right?). But in the episode where we first learn about him we’re given a bit of a clue(well two).
Firstly, he signed a picture of himself. I still don’t know why it was left in the Abandoned Dorm(perhaps as a ‘I was here’ thing in case something did happen)
Secondly is how he signed it, something Asuka points out. She states that he always signed the ‘ten’ in Tenjoin as a pun. He makes puns out of his own name.
This is clearly not someone who is going to be like Kaiser. At all. We were warned.
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Lunch time
I just wanted to do something simple with Fubuki and those little bread rolls from the school! Look at how precious he is (n*7*n  )
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it’s!!! fubuki atticus day!   🎂
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for my 10/31 & 11/1 boys~
Happy Birthday, you two! :)
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I wanted to draw Fubuki and Manjoume being sweet tag-dueling bros! That and I also haven’t drawn Manjoume and his mass of hair in a while.
How awesome would that be to see though? Just Imagine!
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