fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
Mike is deeply engrossed in his book when Harvey comes home, but when he hears the front door open and close he tears himself away, waiting for Harvey to make it down to the bedroom.
A few moments later Harvey does, dropping his briefcase by the floor and grunting a greeting at Mike before disappearing into their walk-in.
“Hi honey, welcome home, did you have a good day?” Mike says, voice a combination of sarcasm and saccharine, because Harvey has obviously had a crap day (if the grunt wasn’t a big enough give away Mike can only recall a handful of times since they got together when Harvey didn’t immediately cross the room to wherever Mike was to kiss him hello).
There’s another grunt from the depths of the walk-in and the sound of rustling clothes, and Mike decides to let him be until he’s ready. He finishes the paragraph he was reading before putting his book onto the bedside table, waiting for Harvey to emerge. Which he does not long later, walking into the bedroom in his favourite sleep pants and a worn Harvard tee, looking wrecked as he crawls across the bed to place a soft and lingering kiss on Mike’s lips.
“Are you okay?” Mike asks, soft and concerned, and Harvey nods before kissing him once more. Then he collapses onto the bed, head resting on Mike’s thigh.
“Tell me,” Mike says, running a hand through Harvey’s hair.
“Louis fucked up,” Harvey replies.
Ah, enough said. Louis was meant to get the co-worker of Harvey’s client to corroborate their testimony and the only reason Harvey didn’t do it himself was because he was too deep in pre-trial prep with his client.
“They aren’t going to testify?” Mike asks, already knowing the answer.
“Got it in one.”
“You’ll fix it. You always do.”
“Maybe. Point is, I shouldn’t have to. Louis is a fucking Senior Partner and if he can’t get this one thing right then what is the point of having him around in the first place?”
Mike doesn’t say anything – lord knows he isn’t going to defend Louis, but he doesn’t want to get Harvey even more worked up either – so he just keeps running his fingers through Harvey’s hair in a soothing motion.
“I’ve got something that might cheer you up, if you’re interested.”
“I’m always interested in that,” Harvey says, wriggling his eyebrows with a grin.
Mike laughs. “Not that. Although we could definitely table that for later. Come on, sit up.”
Harvey does, and once he’s settled in the middle of the mattress Mike reaches down beside the bed and pulls today’s purchases from their bag, placing them in a neat pile in front of Harvey.
“I went shopping for Emmett’s birthday present today,” Mike says with a grin.
Harvey looks down at the pile of clothes, picking up the first one. It’s a pair of blue jeans, but when he unfolds them he discovers that they come with suspenders.
“No,” Harvey says, putting them aside. “Emmett isn’t even one yet, he’s far too young to be a hipster and I won’t allow it.”
Mike laughs, not only because Harvey’s reaction was exactly what Mike was expecting, but because they both know that when it comes to Emmett he’s all bark and no bite and when Harvey sees how adorable Emmett looks in them he’ll change his mind.
“Well I did have to go all the way to Brooklyn to get them. I don’t know if you know this, but it’s actually illegal to leave Brooklyn without purchasing something incredibly hipster. True story.”
Harvey just gives Mike an indulgent smile before moving on to the next item. It’s a grey marle cardigan, and Harvey looks at it approvingly.
“Okay this is much better,” he says, running his fingers along the soft fabric.
“Thought you might like that one, since it’s basically the kid version of your favorite cardigan.”
Harvey looks at him as if to say I’m gonna let that pass as he puts the cardigan aside and moves on to the last item, picking up and unfolding the striped shortalls so he can see them properly.
“Cute,” Harvey says.
“And you’re missing the best part,” Mike says, a grin fit to break his face lighting his features. At Harvey’s raised eyebrows Mike says, “Check the label.”
Harvey does so and when he sees it he lets out a knowing chuckle. “OshKosh B’gosh,” he grins.
“I couldn’t find any pinstripe so this was the next best thing,” Mike says, and even though he knows Harvey doesn’t have his memory he also knows that he remembers everything from that night as well as he does.
“They’re perfect,” Harvey says softly, carefully folding the jeans, cardigan and shortalls and putting them aside before leaning forward and kissing Mike, a sweet kiss that makes Mike’s heart melt.
“Feel better?” Mike asks when Harvey finally pulls away.
“Yes. Thank you.”
“And don’t worry about the trial. You’ll be fine. Play the man, remember?”
Harvey grins. “I remember. It got me you, didn’t it?”
Mike can’t help but laugh at that. “You think you got me to fall in love with you by playing me? Harvey, you got me to fall in love with you because you didn’t play me. Because you let me in and let me see the real you.”
“Such a romantic.”
“And so are you. Which I know. Because you let me see the real you.”
Harvey is chuckling when he kisses Mike, and Mike eases back onto the bed, bringing Harvey down with me. Alas, just as soon as Mike has gotten his hands under Harvey’s tee they are interrupted by Emmett’s cries. Normally they wouldn’t go running at the first cry, but Emmett’s been sick this week and really needs immediate attention. Mike lets out a soft noise of disappointment, and Harvey laughs, kissing Mike once more before saying, “I’ll go,” and getting off the bed. As he walks across the room to the door he points back at Mike and says, “Don’t go anywhere.”
Mike smiles fondly at him. “Never.”
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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They’re so cute I love them
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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3.02 // 4.08
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
get to know me meme: favourite male characters [1/14]
"So I’d say the ball’s in your court, but the truth is your balls are in my fist. Now I apologize if that image is too pansy for you, but I’m comfortable enough with my manhood to put it out there." (Harvey Specter - Suits)
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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593 notes · View notes
fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
Harvey always knows who is at his door before he answers it.
It’s really not brain surgery. Any visitors need to be announced, which means if his doorman hasn’t called him it’s one of the four people who are on his pass list: Jessica, Donna, Mike, or Marcus.
(Technically it could also be a neighbour, but Harvey, perhaps unsurprisingly, isn’t particularly friendly with his neighbours, and has only received three visits in five years from someone within the building.)
Marcus lives on the other side of the country, making an unannounced visit fairly unlikely.
Donna almost never visits him at home, part of the unspoken rules of their relationship, that as much as they care for each other they are in each other’s lives so much at work that they need to keep their distance outside of those hours.
Jessica usually only has cause to visit him when something goes spectacularly wrong, so even though her visits aren’t announced by the doorman Harvey usually expects her anyway.
Mike, though, Mike is something else entirely. Harvey could count on one hand the amount of times he has invited Mike over for something - usually work related - and yet he lost track of the amount of visits Mike has made when the number tipped thirty. (Don’t ask him why he was counting in the first place - he doesn’t have a good answer.) So odds are, if there is a knock at the door, it’s probably Mike.
Harvey always knows it’s him before he opens the door. Mike has a distinctive knock, which means Harvey has the time it takes to walk from the lounge/kitchen/bedroom to the door to try and work out why Mike is here and school his features appropriately.
But the thing is, lately, there doesn’t seem to be a discernable reason for Mike’s visits.
In the beginning they were work related, either about whatever case they were working on or Mike’s somewhat founded but mostly just paranoid concern about his (their) secret being discovered. Then it changed to the personal, Mike coming to him because of Rachel. Harvey had a first row seat to their entire relationship: from the start, when Mike confessed to Harvey that he told Rachel the truth and that he loved her and they were going to try to make it work, to the end, when Mike turned up bloodied and beaten on Harvey’s doorstep because Rachel had cheated and Mike had left.
Harvey is a good friend to those he truly cares about - and yes, that includes Mike, he’s given up trying to pretend otherwise because Mike can see through him better than anyone anyway - so he let Mike stay as long as he wanted, and then when Mike was ready he helped Mike pack up his stuff in the apartment Mike and Rachel shared and move into a new place.
The knocks increase after that.
Mike made a joke one time, about how Harvey only had himself to blame because he found Mike the apartment which is located a mere five blocks away. Harvey had rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Mike towards the couch and thought that yes, it was his fault, not because Mike lives so close to him now but because Harvey had let Mike in. It had been a conscious choice, a decision, one which Harvey can’t bring himself to regret.
Even if it forced him to acknowledge the fact that he may have fallen a little bit in love with Mike.
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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Suits meme
→ your OTP
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
Hey everyone!
I wanted to throw this out there that we could use a couple new admins on this blog. I know we haven't been posting as much, myself mostly.
So if anyone is really passionate about reading new Suits fanfic and wouldn't mind helping us out and keeping the blog fresh, send us a message!
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
Harvey was absolutely not feeling smug. He fully deserved this sense of justice. It had taken Mike two years, five months and eight days to get Harvey to go on a date with him, but it had taken Harvey another four years, seven months and two days to sign the papers with him. 
It wasn’t marriage - because who was he kidding? He wasn’t that well adjusted - it was a co-signed deed and joint bank account paying utilities. It was a summer home on the coast that Mike had forced them to use for the first time. 
But now they were back in New York, in their home, and Mike was just pulling on shoes to go to the store. Harvey was heading to the office, dressed to the nines, but he felt an itch beneath his skin to be back in a henley and sweats with Star Trek on the TV and Mike using him as a human pillow. 
The beauty of the situation, really, was that he could have that whenever he wanted now. He couldn’t help but smirk to himself a little, hands in pockets. 
"I will start Battlestar without you if you’re late home.” Mike said easily, getting to his feet. “Say ‘hi’ to Donna for me.”
He leaned in for a quick kiss, hand briefly cupping the back of his head, and Harvey barely had time to respond before Mike was gone, snagging up his keys and heading out. Harvey just smiled to himself. 
He picked up his briefcase and laptop and fired off a quick text to Ray. He could get used to this whole domestic thing.
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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Harvey + apologies
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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im watching suits
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
hee i just start a blog but how do people notice my blog? do you have tips for me?
I never get mail notifications anymore so I'm sorry if you asked this a while ago! for me I just tagged everything with every suits tag I could think of. follow bigger suits blogs and try and talk to them or reblog stuff from them. it takes time to really build up a blog, and I've sadly let this one go because I don't have time for it anymore. but it's just a matter of making yourself visible. and trying to have original stuff.
I started this blog because there wasn't a suits fic blog, and now there are quite a few. but the biggest thing I would say for you, is that you're a general fanblog so try to post a wide variety of stuff. gifs and pictures and videos and behind the scenes and fics and everything you can find. even post things about the actors that isn't suits related. share their instagram posts or tweets with other cast members that they post or like when gabriel does twitter q&a's.
I would say the biggest thing is tagging all of your posts. tag the relevant characters, actors,and episodes. tag Suits and SuitsUSA.
I don't know if you do your own edits, but everyone is all about those with lyrics or quotes from the show. and gifs, gifs, gifs!
the biggest struggle I had was what to do during hiatus between seasons. because there isn't a lot of new material and it's hard to keep up the blog when it's just regurgitating old stuff. I found that my blog slowed down during the months between seasons, and I got bored with it too.
Always try to find things that keep you interested in it, try to talk to your followers and ask what kinds of things they want to see more of!
I don't know if any of that was helpful but I tried!
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fuckyeahsuitsfics · 9 years
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824 notes · View notes
fuckyeahsuitsfics · 10 years
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217 notes · View notes