fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
theres a saying that everyone has a partner, a soulmate.
 I believe that to be true. 
just not for me. 
every single time I find someone that I like, I feel a connection 
but its never mutual. 
and thats okay. 
it just sucks because I've met so many people 
shared my deepest feelings, my dreams, my thoughts, and my body. 
but it either turns out that they don't care or I don't care. 
so in the end theres no one for me. 
I know this.
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
I always regret But I can't forget And I'm trapped In a birds cage
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
Therapist: i want you to say something positive about urself
Me: i have eyes
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
I met a guy. He's really cool and nice. But he's really out of my league. I hope I don't mess this up or that he realizes he's not interested in me. It'd suck too much.
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
Be it Take it Savor it Bleed it Drench in it Abandon it
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
Lonely Mother
I put my child to sleep I wash my hands after this deed I treasure the moment when you arrived I question my motives every night I cried myself during the moonlight I laugh when the grief has passed Oh what have I done I didn’t think about it much But the memories have been too harsh Let me lay with you Under a canopy of cosmos Regret hanging above my head Pushing my mere existence back Gathering these thoughts in one place Holding true to this dare It’s not fair
Let me hear your voice again
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
Lately whenever I talk in class I panic and my face tenses up and my heart starts racing. Wtf is going on. It's scaring me bc I get these chest pains and I feel like puking. My face feels hot and my palms get sweaty and my words come out in gurgles.
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
Oh dear diary, I just got my heart broken. But I'm acting cool about it. Hehe
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 7 years
Skin me to the bone Oh I have lost some more
I can’t seem to reach the shore Mind wondering aimlessly alone Wondering where can I find my home?
I can hear your lustful moans The bittersweet groans At night we hear the melancholy tone Sunrise comes And we meet at pandoras throne Oh we are already grown
Apart from this There’s nothing else you can see
The moon the sun the careless nights Oh I will cry These rhymes To make you get above
Sing these lovely notes Play the soundless drums I can’t seem to find you anymore I can’t grasp this on my own
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
I wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait. And nothing ever happens
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
I just want someone to take care of me
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
It's sucks when you sacrifice a lot for people and they don't sacrifice anything for you
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
I really don't want to hurt anybody. In any way. So I ask, please fate don't fuck me over. Please. I couldn't live with myself if I ever fucked someone over. I couldn't. I can't hurt people. Please please please please.
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
Don't touch me if you're not going to hold me
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
I always like guys who don't care for me
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fuckyoulifeyouregay · 8 years
I met a couple of guys at my work. They are regulars and they asked for my number. I'm really into one of them. But the other not so much
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