fuefukiyachiyo Ā· 4 days
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fuefukiyachiyo Ā· 4 months
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A04 Dependable(?) founding employees
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL Note:
As mentioned in Kafkaā€™s interview: The dog is named Shumai which is Siu Mai, a chinese dumpling.Ā 
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Kaede: (The first day of work is finally here! The other new employees will be here too, rightā€¦ Iā€™m nervous.)
Kaede: (That reminds meā€¦ I ran into Renga-kun here last weekā€”I wonder if he turned out to be okay. He wasnā€™t looking too good there.)
Kaede: (Not that I can do much just sitting around and worrying! Alright, time for work!)
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Daniel: Nah, whatā€™cha making all these faces for. Someoneā€™s a busy fella as always.
Kaede: !? Eh, Da-Daniel-san!? What are you doing here!?
Daniel: Ah? ā€˜Cuz this is my workplace, duh.
Daniel: Lemme take it from the top again, Iā€™m director of HAMA Tours, Iwabuchi Daniel Hiroshi. Nice to meetā€™cha~
Kaede: ā€¦! ā€¦! ā€¦!
Kaede: (Y-you have got to be kidding meā€¦ Does that mean heā€™s my boss againā€¦!? This guy who doesnā€™t lift a fingerā€¦!? Kafka, why did you hire him of all peopleā€¦)
Daniel: While itā€™s our new workplace, you better be working till ya drop~ Chief-sanā™Ŗ ā€˜Kay, Iā€™mma head off first.
Kaede: D-Daniel-san, you are one of the founding employees, remember!? So please actually put effort into working this time around, okay!?
Daniel: Wahaha, Iā€™unno ā€˜bout that.
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Sakujiro: A good morning to you two, Chief, Director.
Sakujiro: Chief, we received the flowers you ordered. Thank you kindly for your consideration.
Kaede: Sakujiro-san, good morning to you too! So the flowers arrived safely then.
Sakujiro: Indeed. Young Masterā€¦ Pardon, the President is most delighted with these.
Kaede: (...Oh, I see now. Sakujiro-sanā€™s also one of the founding employees. Working together with someone who has been looking out for me since I was a kidā€”it does feel a little bit strangeā€¦)
Sakujiro: I am no more than a mere newbie of an ordinary employee, so please do give me orders regarding anything, even miscellaneous affairs at work.
Kaede: Ehā€¦ thatā€™s really a bit tooā€¦
Daniel: Gotcha, Sakujiro. Iā€™ll let ya take charge of all the annoying things.Ā Ā 
Kaede: Daniel-sanā€¦ Donā€™t you have any common senseā€¦!?
Daniel: Gotta use whateverā€™s at your disposal~
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Kafka: Good morning. Everyoneā€™s in high spirits already. Chief-chan, thanks for the flowers ā™Ŗ Could it be that you got these arranged in my image?
Kaede: Ah, Kafka, goo-
Daniel: Top of the morninā€™ to ya, Bossman. 'Nother day of you looking all spiffy there.
Kaede: (Daniel-san, your tune sure changes with Kafkaā€¦)Ā 
Kafka: Good morning. The other two who will also be founding employees are already here. Allow me to introduce them.
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???: Good morning, Chief-san and Director-san if Iā€™m right.Ā 
Kaede: (Wahā€¦ A calm, proper looking fine young man!)
Kafka: Heā€™s Kitakata Nayuki. Heā€™s an old friend I connected with back in the investor community. This time I brought him on board as the manager for accounting.
Nayuki: If there are any problems related to accounting, please donā€™t hesitate to ask me about anything. I will properly follow through with you.
Kaede: (Woah, a genuine guy who has it all togetherā€¦! Thank godā€¦)
Kaede: (Hm? I kindaā€¦ feel like Iā€™ve seen him beforeā€¦ Where was it again, like a magazine interview or somethingā€¦)
Kafka: By the way, Nayuki also has experience establishing JPNā€™s biggest metaverse service mahorova under the role of COO under his belt. Heā€™s your go-to guy to rely on.Ā 
Kaede: Ahā€¦! Youā€™re the boy genius who created mahorova at the tender age of 12ā€¦!?
Nayuki: That is something from 11 years ago. Currently Iā€™m a mere section manager for accounting so please treat me as such without reservation.
Kaede: (Such an amazing track record, yet so friendly and humbleā€¦ Kafka, you actually hired a respectable guyā€¦!)
Kaede: (...Honestly, why come to our company with a background like that? is what Iā€™m thinking, butā€¦ maybe itā€™s because heā€™s friends with Kafka?)
Kaede: (...That also reminds me, somethingā€™s telling me I heard ā€œKitakataā€ somewhere elseā€¦ What was it again?)
Kafka: Well, Nayuki will be taking on another job besides accounting sometime soon. Leaving that aside for nowā€¦
Kafka: Thereā€™s one more person, a guy that I employed as an intern butā€¦
(Sounds of glass breaking and rattling)
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???: Wah, uwaaaaah, I fell over and the flower vase isā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..Guh! Hweeehsorrysorrysorrysorrysorryā€”--!!!
Sakujiro: Oh good heavens. The flowers we received from Chief are a mess.
???: P-picking them right now!!! Ouch!!! Thereā€™s blood from touching the vase shardsā€¦ bloooooood~!!Ā Ā 
Kafka: Sighā€¦ Sakujiro, lend him a hand, and put the flowers back together.
Sakujiro: I shall wrap this up within three seconds.Ā 
Kaede: (T-theyā€™re the perfect picture of a clumsy boy and overpowered butlerā€¦!?)
???: Ah, awawawah, I blinked and thereā€™s band-aidsā€¦ G-God, was that you~!?
Kafka: Yachiyo. Come here. Those flowers are VERY! important to me so you better not be coming near them ever any time soon, okay?
Yachiyo: S-s-sorryā€¦ I wonā€™t ever be in the same room as them ever againā€¦Ā 
Sakujiro: Fuefuki-kun, if I may. Once you open the door first look to your right, and then to your left. Then proceed to keep a one meter distance from anything that seems breakable on impact.Ā 
Yachiyo: Ye-yeshhhh!!! Iā€™ll write it down!! Iā€™ll make a memo of exactly every single spoken word!!!
Daniel: Oooh, whatta hard worker, takinā€™ proper notes and all. Inter-kun fella.
Kaede: (Itā€™s kind of likeā€¦ another unique person joined the bunchā€¦)
Kafka: This is Fuefuki Yachiyo. The details of his application form were unusual and funny so I hired him ā™Ŗ Do get along with him.
Kaede: (Hired because it was funnyā€¦ Kafka, your bad habits are coming out again!)
Kafka: And~ last~ but~ not least~ Ta-daaah, our poster dog Shumai.
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Shumai: Borf!
Kaede: Eh, where did Shumai pop up from!? Wait, why did you bring him here!?
Nayuki: What a cute little doggy. Are you acquainted with him, Chief?
Kaede: Uuh, more than knowing him, we found him injured in the courtyard of the hospital Kafka was staying at back in the dayā€¦
Kafka: Chief-chan and I rescued him and looked after him at the hospital. I took him in my care when I got discharged from the hospital. Since he came running after me, and all.
Kaede: Really? Itā€™s been so long, Iā€™m glad to see you again, Shumai.
Shumai: Pant pant, boworf!
Kafka: Ah~ so unfair. Only wrapping your arms around Shumai. You should embrace me like you used to in the past, Chief-chan.
Kaede: W-what are you saying, geezā€¦
Nayuki: Fufu, the president and Chief sure are good friends.
Kaede: Eh, no no itā€™s because weā€™re childhood friendsā€¦! Sorry for messing around at workā€¦!
Kafka: It's not like we're messing around for the hell of it, this is how good friends act ā™Ŗ Manager Nayuki, don't go making eyes at Chief-chan, okay.
Kaede: (No, but seriously, what are you going on about, Kafkaā€¦)
Yachiyo: Do not make eyes at Chiefā€¦ I-I jotted that down!!
Kaede: Yachiyo-kun, you donā€™t gotta take notes of that!
Kafka: Now then, given how all founding members have come togetherā€¦ Suppose itā€™s time to hold our first strategy meeting.
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chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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fuefukiyachiyo Ā· 4 months
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