There weren’t many patients who needed healing, and Dwyer was relieved when he had only one left. Being constantly weary left him feeling exhausted even after a few simple used of a Heal Staff and bandaging remaining cuts. With the Outlaw’s gash being deeper than Dwyer anticipated, he needed a moment to fetch his Mend Staff.
With a rag, bandage tape, and Staff in hand, he was to clean her wound when she practically shoved some valuable-looking jewels in his face. He pulled back, both confused and tired. They looked very pretty, though.
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“Yes, that’s nice, but you need to hold still.”
Granted, she didn’t need to, but it was more for Dwyer’s sanity than anything. Cleaning the wound would possibly sting more if she kept bouncing around.
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               “ Yeah, a’ight. ”
Lame. Her treasures were set aside, legs swinging as if she were some kind of impatient child, despite Dwyer’s request for her to hold still. Pouting ( and, well, sticking her tongue out at the troubadour for a brief moment ) was unbecoming of someone her age, sure, but being injured was so boring.
Even moreso when the healer wouldn’t even humor her excitement. Whatever. She’d get all fixed up and then jump and spin and express her joy all proper-like.
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{♛} Camilla smiled, although it was an expression that lacked any warmth. She didn’t appreciate being lied to or being thought a fool, so having someone commit both crimes at once was irritating, to say the least.
❝ Now, darling, you and I both know I’m not stupid enough to believe that, yes? So why don’t you stop lying to me and start telling the truth before I get angry.”
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On the one hand, she’d always sort of wanted Camilla to step on her face at least once before she died, but on the other, sweet Dusk dragon it’s too soon for death.
It wasn’t even that she thought the princess a fool! The adventurer was just the absolute worst under pressure, and the thought of being ratted on and shoved back home terrified her. Running wasn’t really an option anymore, either, since Camilla could easily just find her another time—also, Rikki’s legs kinda felt like jelly now. Wonderful.
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               “ May my end be swift, or at least between the jaws of your kickass wyvern. ”
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In the midst of battle, it was always a good thing to have some assistance once in a while. Nix was preoccupied with a Hoshidan when another started to approach her. Luckily a familiar voice called out and a volley of arrows was fired into the would-be attacker. After a delivering one final strike, the mercenary turned to face the joyful outlaw. At least there was someone that was happy to be in the middle of all this.. Made the silverette feel better seeing a smile in such a bleak place. 
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“I did see that.. It was a rather ‘cool’ maneuver, Rikki. It’s best we stick together for the rest of this skirmish though.” One of the reasons being so Nix could ensure no one got close enough to harm Rikki. She could handle the long ranged battles while the mercenary took care of those much closer. “I think we’re nearing the end of this messy situation but better safe than sorry..”
Really, it was hard to compare to the level of finesse with a blade that Nix managed—if Rikki ever decided to drop the fancy sharp-shooting, she’d definitely ask her to teach her the ways of the blade. Sure, it’d never happen, but maybe she could ask anyway just for an excuse to hang around.
Bouncing didn’t stop, of course, especially not after getting some of that sweet, sweet validation from the silver haired woman. Bonus points, they were gonna work together!
              “ Yeah, yeah, I gotcha—y’want a sharp sort like myself watchin’ your back! ”
Totally full of it. It was clear as day which of them was more capable in battle, but it sure was fun to pretend. An arrow was knocked in preparation, and Rikki even shot her companion a wink.
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               “ Les’go. ”
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❮ ❄ ❯ NOTHING excited Felicia more than talking about her home. A smile spread across her face, looking at the girl, she wondered what to tell her first. There was so much! Tapping a finger against her cheek, the maid turned to look at Rikki.
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❝ S-Sure!! Is th-there anything you wanted to know i-in particular? ❞
Success—conversation started without too much of a hitch, even despite the awkward initiation of it! Though, she could really stand to learn some better ‘ openers. ’ Not everyone was as understanding and sweet as Felicia!
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               “ Didn’t think that far ahead, but.. let’s start with fun stuff! Any special kinds’a holidays or festivals there? If not, anythin’ works. ”
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               “ ..Gotta stop waltzing into traps—but, hey, check it..! Bruises ‘n’ all that nasty stuff y’gotta heal aside, I got the sweetest loot! ”
Sure, the treasure hunter just so happened to be bleeding, but there was far too much adrenaline pumping through her system to let that get her down. Not even Dwyer’s dull expression could drag down the supposed adult’s buzzing and bouncing.
She’d stories to tell and shiny treasures to either sell or cherish for the rest of forever.
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It wouldn’t even be the slightest bit of a lie to say that Rikki had been avoiding every single member of the Nohrian royal family—well, that was to say, aside from Corrin. They were quite the exception, far too sheltered to have even the slightest glimmer of recognition.
Not sneaky enough, apparently. Her back shot straight up as her lineage was stated, the stray practice arrows she’d been retrieving falling right back down to the soft earth. 
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               “ P-Prin.. princess..! ”
Run. Fearful stillness shifted into trembling, a bow clutched tight to her chest almost like a safety blanket, and the urge to take flight—to flee and disappear as she’d gotten so good at doing—kicked in. It was ignored.
              “ Ah.. hahah.. No idea what you mean! J-just yer.. typical average treasure hunter, milady! ”
@fugiensrxnegade has arrived
{♛} ❝ You’re Solomere’s daughter, aren’t you? My, I never thought I’d see you again after you disappeared.”
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               “ I got this! ”
Another flip and several arrows were let loose, confidence only rising when they all at least hit the target. Sure, it wasn’t like that of the other outlaws in the army—she wasn’t hitting perfect bulls-eyes while doing fancy maneuvers.
Really, though, how could Rikki not be giddy? Heels were bounced on, adrenaline rushing through her veins. Perfection was unattainable anyhow, and she was part of something big that didn’t require her feelings to be squashed down.
Eyes lit up even further when she saw the ever stoic Nix, and the adventurer was quick to rush over to her.
               “ Y’see that?! Wasn’t it the coolest? ”
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               “ ..Ain’t had a chance to explore near your tribe—tell me about it. ”
She’d plopped down beside the maid without too much warning, and her features just wouldn’t quite manage the smile Rikki had been hoping for. By the gods, if she was gonna make friends, she needed a better expression and maybe a smoother transition into conversation! Energy could be a little difficult when she didn’t know where to start, though!
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oh my god eudes is making yet another horrible life choice in the fe fandom—
so hello again, this is a fire emblem fates oc i’ve had for quite a long time! please like/reblog this post and i’ll be sure to check you out!
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