fujikoismine · 2 years
i think a common misconception pushed by TRAs is that radical feminists want trans ppl dead . i think it’s important to point out and emphasize that radical feminism, at its core, is wholeheartedly for female liberation, and that this is not at odds with the needs of transppl unless what they push for is anti-woman. it’s not bigotry to say that no male can experience womanhood. the very idea that womanhood is a feeling is deeply misogynistic so it makes no sense to uphold these sets of beliefs when they’re detrimental to women as a sex class.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
we wish you a YURI christmas #feminism
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fujikoismine · 2 years
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it’s just a joke man
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fujikoismine · 2 years
If I ever get canceled, I would just change my pronouns to “they/them” so people would be too focused about respecting my pronouns then they are on calling me out.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
I'm not interested in men's stories. I'm not interested in male interpretation of culture. I don't care about their films or their music or their art. I want to hear what women have to say.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
OK but like why do yo even care if someone is a vagina fetishist though???
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fujikoismine · 2 years
At this point when it comes to certain issues on social media, I kinda have to disregard the opinions of people who have clearly led sheltered lives and/or are too young. Lmao like I saw this 19 year old on twitter call a lady a “bourgeoisie capitalist pig” and the woman is like “I literally earn 40K a year” and then they sent her guillotine memes with “this is what we do to the rich”. Like, not to be ageist or whatever but sometimes you really just have to leave the nest and live life a little more before you start running your mouth.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
Women who continue to talk over men who try to interrupt them have big clit energy. 
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fujikoismine · 2 years
y'all be like "don't make violent jokes about male-identified people" and when a man says no pussy made him mass shoot a bunch of innocent women you don’t even acknowledge it's a hate crime against women because you don't believe the hatred against us is legitimate.
since when i have to explain myself for making jokes about killing pedos or rapists?
my hatred against men is a direct reaction against their hatred, which at the heart of theirs there lies the belief that they are entitled to my body.
also what the fuck is a male-identified? y'all do ANYTHING for women to not to acknowledge that the crimes committed against them is because of their sex.
you can't opt in our opt out of oppression by simply changing labels. get real. leave my fellow misandrists alone.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
Almost every day I think about how if you raised a daughter exactly, precisely like a son, it would be seen as vaguely progressive, but raising a son exactly, precisely like a daughter would be seen as sexual abuse.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
Finding radical feminism is like having your eyes forcibly peeled open to all the violence ever committed against women and there’s nothing you want more than to go to sleep and wake up free
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fujikoismine · 2 years
if you wore those plaid shorts like those plaid shorts in elementary school you like women now
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fujikoismine · 2 years
Interesting how the average person needs to be shown countless studies, surveys and statistics to (maybe) start considering porn as an evil woman-hating industry, like "teen whore gets what she deserves", "forced oral" or "latina abuse" doesn't ring any bells
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fujikoismine · 2 years
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Dr. Park Dietz - foremost forensic psychologist in America who’s worked on basically every mass murderer there is calmly, gently, and politely dishing a motherfucking brutal fact
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fujikoismine · 2 years
I can't even imagine how scary it must be to grow up a gnc kid these days and not only have people to tell you that it means you ARE trans, but also that being trans, if you don't actively transition to some degree, means you WILL spontaneously develop the uncontrollable urge to kill yourself.
I'd bet money quite a few trans teenagers were harboring more along the lines of "I wish I didn't exist" thoughts than concrete suicidal ones before some website with a billion users made them start to obsess over their own depression because it was DEFINITELY going to end them AT SOME POINT.
And it's so sad like. Depression can be overcome, or worked around, but mental illness is not just a foregone conclusion but also a badge of honor in their community, and kids are being convinced and then pushed further in, rather than ever lead out.
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fujikoismine · 2 years
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The ghosts of all the Women you used to be are so proud of who you have become
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fujikoismine · 2 years
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I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand
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