fujitoshi-blog · 10 years
june is pride month. national sex day is also this month (6/9). mmhmmmmmm.
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fujitoshi-blog · 10 years
@toshiyanen tweet it hoes <3
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fujitoshi-blog · 10 years
Sleep: Hey. Yeah you. Hey. Hehe. FUCK YOU, YOU AIN'T SLEEPIN TONIGHT BITCH. *there is no cold side of the pillow, your body itches everywhere, you start thinking about all your life choices starting with why the hell did you have a crush on that kid in the 2nd grade*
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
Adventure Club at William and Mary! #adventureclub #wm #amp
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
思い出はあなたの身体を内側から温めてくれます。でもそれと同時にあなたの身体を内側から激しく切り裂いていきます。 Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they’re also what tear you apart.
村上春樹, Haruki Murakami, 海辺のカフカ Kafka on the Shore (via aurelle)
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
When you are in a long distance relationship and you see your boyfriend after several months, you can’t help but feel like it isn’t actually happening because it’s something you’ve just been wishing for for so long. You can’t really believe it and when you just look at him, you can’t help but...
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
I wish I didn’t need you. But I do. I need you.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
drink it down, drink it dry. till it drown, till it die.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it— to be fed so much love I couldn’t take any more. Just once.
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood (via durianquotes)
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
Never knew love, never fell for love til love fell for me.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
Everyone thinks they're more important than everyone else. Everyone wants you to make them the priority. Pleasing everyone is an absolute bitch.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
Love letters, hate love letters.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
How do you study Japanese? What are your tips on studying and remembering kanji, grammar, and vocab?
My best advice... go to Japan. Unfortunately, this is not that easy. So here are some other ways you can study.1. Study hard. If you give up easily, Japanese is not for you. You need something to motivate yourself. Think about what you really want from learning Japanese. Do you want to just be able to understand anime? Do you want to be able to communicate with Japanese friends? Do you want to live and work in Japan? They are all different and the way you will approach learning Japanese can be very different depending on your goals.2. Kanji is a game of memorization. Look at it. All the fucking time. Write it down a hundred times. Read it. Japanese has this amazingly awesome thing called onyomi and kunyomi. That means the same kanji can be read many different ways. Get used to it. Back to tip 1, study hard.3. Grammar is a pain in the butt because Japanese really has so much. There are tons of ways to say the exact same thing, but with little nuances. Again, it's just memorization for most things. The basics (as in conversational Japanese) can be found in most textbooks. The best way to remember grammar patterns is to use them. Speak to other people who are studying or speak Japanese. The best is to speak to fluent speakers.4. Vocabulary. Same as grammar, use it. Practice it all the time. Don't learn words you don't need (a lot of times, this falls into the anime category. Like seriously, do you really need to know how to say all those technical terms from Naruto or Attack on Titan that no one really uses in daily life anyway?).5. Speaking is difficult. You get better with practice. Listen to a lot of Japanese. When you improve your listening, you learn to think faster and in Japanese. Then your speaking will improve. Practice writing as well so that your brain trains itself to recognize kanji and grammar patterns. Find a texting buddy to have conversations in Japanese with. Slowly build your way up to speaking.6. Intonation and pronunciation are extremely important. Repeat after animes. Read everything out loud. Record yourself and fix yourself.7. Japanese is hard only if you think it's hard. That being said, Japanese is one of the most difficult languages to master, but also one of the most rewarding. But nobody says you have to master the language. Back to tip 1, assess your own goals and study accordingly.I don't know how much this helps... I'm not that great at giving general advice. If you want specific help, you can ask me about those things directly. If you want a tutor, let me know and we can arrange that. Other than that, learning Japanese is no different than learning any other foreign language. Good luck.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
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Merp D:
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
You were always my one. The only problem is I never wanted to believe I wasn't yours.
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fujitoshi-blog · 11 years
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First time for everything. #bojangles
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