To the anon who asked about secret Santa, you should check out the account fmasecretsanta2019 ! :)
!! I (Mod Jess) have poked around and this looks really good! I encourage anyone who wanted to join ours to check @fmasecretsanta2019 out instead. Thanks for the tip, anon
Happy gifting!
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Hi! Are you guys planning on doing a secret santa again this year?
We are not, sorry :( Both of our mods are super busy with either school or work, so we don’t have the extra time to dedicate to make this event worthwhile. :( Thank you so so much for participating in the past; we both really appreciate it!! And we hope you still enjoy participating in one of the other secret santa events taking place this year!
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Yes it’s Febuary but I was asked to do a late @fmasecretsanta2018 for @1st-time-caller !!! I’m sorry it’s so late but I heard that you liked Riza and Miles as friends so here you go! I hope you have a great day!
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Merry Very Late Christmas Happy Early Chinese New Year @carbon-thirteen !! Here’s a pic of Greed being totally fascinated by everything during his visit to Xing! 
I hope you have an amazing new year and I hope it brings you a ton of good feelings and good luck! 
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@heshenyun I was chosen as a pinch hitter for your secret santa!! I really love the elrics and winry’s family dynamic so this was super fun to draw, I hope you like it!
the holidays are long over by now but I hope you had a wonderful time and your new year is going well :) 
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Alright, so I tried to send this before but I’ll try it again! Tumblr is acting weird
@tenyaiingenium I was your secret Santa for the Full Metal Alchemist thing! I drew the Armstrong family getting ready to go to a Christmas party. Though I’m not entirely sure that they celebrate Christmas in the fma universe 😁
Still, I hope you had a nice holiday!
(But also sorry that you didn’t get this in a reasonable time)
Thanks for organizing this! 😄 @psycho-alchemist
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Secret Santa 2018 - Fullmetal Alchemist
the Elric Brothers’ journey
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my Secret Santa, @castle-inthe-sky!! You mentioned that you like the BroTP between Edward and Alphonse, and I’m always touched by how steadfast the relationship between these two brothers are. Enjoy ♥
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Hanging By a Moment
So I guess it’s better late than never? I am @nocturnix‘s FMA Secret Santa. Sorry for the delay: a lot happened to me in the last month. I hope you enjoy and once again, sorry for the delay. @fmasecretsanta2018
Summary: After returning from his trip out West, he realized that there was no-one he would rather spend his time with than her. Post-Brotherhood. 
Pairing: Edward x Winry
Rating: General Audiences 
The piercing whistle of the train as it approached Resembool woke Edward. He stretched, yawning loudly, and as the train eased into the station, Edward couldn’t help but to smile as he took in the powdery white scene before him. He could count all the times he had seen snow on one hand, so coming home to the steady fall of it was a pleasant surprise. He lurched forward in his seat slightly as the train halted completely. Grumbling, he grabbed his suitcase from the overhead compartment, thankful that he was finally on his feet. Being on a train for nearly two days definitely had its drawbacks, but he was thankful to finally be back in Resembool, thankfully to finally be back home. 
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Here’s what I did for @zoraksfriedchicken who I got in the FMA Secret Santa ^^ I tried my best, it’s a bit sloppy but I hope you like it nonetheless !
I feel the need to explain it a bit, it’s Ling before and after his journey through Amestris (I hope he’s at least recognisable), and I tried to convey how much it changed him and forged him as a person. I tried using flower languages but as you may see, drawing flowers isn’t my strong suit :/
I had a lot of fun doing this anyway and if you want a clearer image (I don’t have a very good camera) I could try and scan it, just ask !
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Roy-boy watching the two loves of his life chat for @flourchildwrites the Fullmetal Alchemist Secret Santa!
I am soo sorry for being late. I’ve been working tons more than I thought I would. It wasn’t my original idea but I didn’t have the time ;-;
I hope really hope you like it!!
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Hey hey hey there @randomlyopeneddictionary I’m your @fmasecretsanta2018 You mentioned that EdWin is your OTP and truthfully I’ve never written anything focusing on them, but I gave it my best shot! Hope you like it and happy holidays fam!!
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uhhhhh yeaaaaaah I’ve got an order for some edwin featuring parental roy and riza, hold the royai?
merry new year, @bifullmetal, I’m your secret santa for 2018!! I’m sorry this is late, I was held up by some travel plans that popped off a little earlier than I thought they would
you asked for basically anything, so my plan going in here was to deliver a wintery and modern spin on the classic mermaid au fic. of course it ran away from me, so now you get a wip of a fic, and that just seems like a bum present so I draw art to make up for that, and gosh dude I just hope you like it
thanks to @fullmetalsecretsanta for putting this event together for 2018, you guys are awesome, for sure
anyway, here’s a sneak peek at the first chapter!
(edit: sorry for the extra late posting, I saved this to my drafts again on accident which is kind of the most embarrassing mistake I could possibly make)
“The Sea Bleeds Blue” Chapter 1 (prototype)
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Having a sane human inside his stone might be annoying for Greed, especially because he is forced to share the body with its talkative, former owner. But then again, even he can’t deny that the prince’s constant company could alleviate the loneliness he feels whenever he is tasked by Father to guard isolated places for long periods of time. 
Occasionally, he would hear Ling mumble about a RunFun and a Foo (along with some words from another language) in his sleep. When Ling is awake, the prince would rattle on about his own culture and distant home country, about Xing’s festivals and food and more. Greed would let him, understanding how the little guy misses them so much.
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the stars in the sky
edward elric/ling yao new year’s eve, new year’s kiss, fireworks, they’re soft and good and i love them
Ed and Ling celebrate New Years together in the park; the fireworks were amazing year after year, and Ed thought it was the perfect way to spend time with his boyfriend.
He found, however, that he couldn’t focus on the fireworks this year. Not with Ling by his side.
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merry (very late) christmas and happy new year @drunkdistrict !! i was your @fullmetalsecretsanta!! i’m so sorry that this ended up being so late, but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!! <3<3
“Edward, you have a special request for a delivery!” Izumi called from the back room.  Ed rolled his eyes, hanging his apron on the hook behind the counter. He walked into the back room to find Izumi holding out a bouquet of small blue flowers.
“Forget Me Nots?” Ed asked, grabbing the bouquet from Izumi.
Izumi shrugged, “Don’t ask me, ask Ling.”
Ed smiled, “Thank you, Mrs. Curtis.”
“I’ve told you to call me Izumi!” She frowned, but wrapped her arms around Ed, “Have fun tonight, and stay safe!”
“I will, don’t worry.” Ed pulled away from Izumi and swung his sweater over his shoulder. He made his way to the door of the flower shop, raising his hand in the air as a gesture of goodbye.
“Oh,” Izumi began just before Ed reached the door, “don’t bother coming in tomorrow. Sig and I will be able to handle it.”
“Are you sure?” Ed asked, turning back towards Izumi.
“Positive. Enjoy yourself tonight, Edward.”
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A Deposition in Beauty
A/N: Happy Freakin’ Holidays and a Happy New Year to my secret Santa , @kinschi! I nearly fainted when I was assigned this talented artist for @fmasecretsanta2018. I couldn’t wait to whip something up. “Angst, Royai, Homunculus AU”, you ask? I have delivered.
Apologies for being a few days late! Long story short, I haven’t had a laptop for a long while, so scrounging for a Bluetooth keyboard and writing on my phone for the last few weeks was certainly a first for me! Also, Tumblr doesn’t allow long text posts on mobile apparently? So I published it onto AO3! I’ll post it in text form when I get access to a laptop! PS, this was my first time ever writing an AU fic. I hope you love it! Have a fantastic year! (Also I went backpacking across Germany last year for 6 weeks and it’s my favorite place in the world).
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Hey @anthropwashere I’m your secret santa!! You mentioned that Al deserves more love and I wholeheartedly agree, so here’s some fluffy post-brotherhood Al (he baked the pie himself and he’s very proud)
(I might do a digital version of it when I have more time)
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“Hey everyone, thanks for waiting!”
So this is my @fullmetalsecretsanta for @ethelbh!! I hope you like it and I’m sorry it took so long, I was kept busy around the holidays. Since you weren’t really specific with your other prompts and left it to me to draw what I feel like I went with your prompt modern au and pairings. I hope it’s visible with the clothes and the mobile phone aaaaah. Also I’m sure Mei would still rock these “Xingese” style dresses haha
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