fullofair 3 years
I'm tired of letting this eating disorder control me, diagnosed or not, I'm ready to try recover now. I'm going to terminate my account and move on, Tumblr isn't healthy for me.
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fullofair 3 years
had to break my fast at like 44 hours because my parents forced me to eat (they chose to argue with me and make me cry). Had a protein bagel with a fried egg and vegetarian bacon (275kcal).
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fullofair 3 years
Eating disorders while on your period
Hey all afabs, I haven't seen a post quite like this one out there so I thought I'd help get the word out. I would appreciate if you would share this and help get it out to others who still get them.
We all know the struggles that come with our period, especially with food. We get intense cravings and stomach discomfort. It's worse when you have an eating disorder. The guilt builds up whether its due to bloating or eating more, its unbearable. So here's some health facts and tips to help you cope during the already awful red week.
Health facts you need to know
Your body is going through a lot of hormonal changes during red week AND a week leading up to it. Your metabolic rate actually increases a week before and during your period! You burn more calories during that time than any other time during the month.
You should be eating 100-300 more calories during your period than usual.
So if you're feeling guilty about eating a little extra on your period, try not to. Your body is burning more and therefore it's not counting to any weight gain.
Exercise you can do on your period that will help relieve cramps
Feeling guilty about what excercise you can and can't do on your period? Same! You're scared of what pain it might cause and walking for an hour like you usually do is worse pain.
Try yoga, stretching, or if you're brave enough, swimming! These exercises will not only burn calories but will also help relieve cramps.
Yoga burns 120-170 calories each 30 minutes
Stretching burns 70-100 calories each 30 minutes
Swimming burns 300-400 calories per 30 minutes!
Foods to eat and avoid
What you eat during your period is extremely important. The foods you eat will directly impact your weight, hormonal balance, and mood. All foods suggested will be healthy and low calorie!
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Eating iron and protein rich foods are extremely important. Your iron levels will be low and chances of fainting, especially if you're still restricting, are much higher. -Kale, spinach, broccoli
Protein is going to help with cramps and help rebuild what you've lost. -Eggwhites, red meats, nuts
Vitamin B and C is a must! Vitamin B will help boost your energy and mood. Vitamin C will help protect your immune system while its weak. -Bananas, oranges
Caffeine will help control your cramps and other pains that come along with your period (the dreaded period poops). -Dark chocolate, chai tea, black coffee
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Carbonated drinks are going to cause bloating like crazy! Not only are most of them packed with sugar and sodium, you will bloat and retain water- in turn- weighing more.
Processed and fried foods are high in sodium and trans fats which will cause bloating and inflammation causing your cramps and stomach pains to get worse.
Legumes are any kind of beans AND PEANUTS! Peanuts are not a nut, they are actually what is considered a legume. Legumes will cause major bloating so keep peanut butter and beans out of your intake.
Refined grains such as white bread,crackers, white rice, and pasta are high in calories with almost no nutritional value. You are eating empty calories that actually interfere with your blood sugar levels.
High fat foods such as processed meat and dairy interfere with your hormone levels and cause inflammation. You will become moody and full of pain!
Thank you so much for reading. Please keep yourselves as safe as possible. Reach out for help or questions! Remember I'm not a doctor so if you're having serious problems with your period or nutrition, please see a doctor immediately.
Reblog to save a life!
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fullofair 3 years
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Ok yes everyone here can relate omg. Like oh god I wasted stomach space and calories for THIS GARBAGE??
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fullofair 3 years
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don鈥檛 how it is all around the world but I know it can鈥檛 just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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fullofair 3 years
Tumblr: Is everything okay? Here are resources that can provide some help if you鈥檙e struggling
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fullofair 3 years
unpopular opinion:
binge eating and food addiction are ed just as valid as anorexia or bulimia
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fullofair 3 years
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fullofair 3 years
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fullofair 3 years
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fullofair 3 years
no patience 馃尰
I really want to know what the skinny me would look like.
I want to know if I can have a thigh gap or if I can鈥檛 bc my hips aren鈥檛 wide enough
I want to know what my ribs look like when I suck in
I want to know if I can wrap my hands around my waist, thighs
I want to know how I鈥檒l look in jeans
I want to know how I鈥檒l look in heels
I want to know how I鈥檒l look when I鈥檓 in school, walking to school etc
I want to know if I have a sharp jawline, cheekbones
I want to know if I鈥檒l fall in love with the smaller me or if I鈥檒l want to go back
I want to know why I have such little patience over a change which requires so much time.
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fullofair 3 years
at this point the only two things that make me feel alive are self harming and starving. i鈥檓 fucked up.
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fullofair 3 years
hunger doesn鈥檛 bother me anymore. Feeling full feels like shit. Hunger satisfies me. The grumbling of my stomach and the feeling of it being empty makes me happy. It makes me feel accomplished. I鈥檇 rather starve than feel like a whale.
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fullofair 3 years
my family just have to make everything worse fuck. like my siblings are just threatening that I'll be hospitalised and shit and like literally berating me for not eating. they don't realise that they make me not want to eat more by doing that..
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fullofair 3 years
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Day 2: I'm 5'2", and I hate my height lol. I wish I was taller, and so I mostly wear platform shoes aha
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fullofair 3 years
okay I stepped on the scale and... I lost weight 馃槉 just the motivation I needed to keep going I'm like 43kg now I think (I have shitty analog scales that I can barely read and they're not calibrated right) I'll ask my parents if I can use their digital scales when they wake up and then I'll double check. Only like 3kg more to go yess.
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fullofair 3 years
my sister bought me McDonald's hash browns and they smell so good but I can't have any 馃槶 I'm so tempted to eat the entire bag
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not long left 馃ズ馃ズ
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