fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Reference check
We let an employee go in August (it was time). She found a new job. I just got a call for a reference check for her yesterday!  No heads up, no courtesy text, nothing!  I was completely blindsided by the call.
We spoke over the phone and she told me about the job.  Would have been nice to know a call was coming in.
I’ve been a reference for many others...and everyone ALWAYS gives me a heads up.  Even if they’re not even sure...they let me know they’re applying so I can be prepared if a reference check call comes through!
It’s really hard to give a good reference, when I don’t receive any sort of advance notice! How am I supposed to tell this potential new employer how great you are at communicating when you can’t even communicate THIS to me?
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
You are SO LOUD!!!!
Pre-Covid...I shared an office with two other girls. Since Covid, they were both moved out of the office.  One of them was let go and the other is still hanging on by a thread. But for almost 9 months straight...I've had this office to myself.  Before coming to this job, I've always had an office to myself.   I've gotten used to it being quiet.  There are two others back here...both quiet. The two employees I used to share space with were SO LOUD ALL THE TIME.  Always chatting, always talking.  Every day was social day for them. They both always had to rehash everything they did.  Got a phone call?  Yes, I heard the entire conversation, but please...do rehash and tell me what you talked about.  Oh, you got an email?  Yes, please read it to me. Thankfully, pre-covid...I was always out of the office doing my job.  SO, I was maybe in the office 2-3 hours a day.  I don't think I would have been able to handle it otherwise.
But since they've been out of my hair for almost a year...it's been SO NICE to have it quiet.  The office is serene in my opinion.  Even the others still back here seem happier about it.
But this morning...SHE WAS BACK.  And she was SO LOUD and distracting. I almost left the office with my laptop.  I've done this a couple of times to get a change of scenery.  But I knew if I did it while she was in the back office it would be "oh...she's mad"...so I just blasted my eardrums with my airpods turned up to block it out.
When you're in a shared space, it's common courtesy...right?  Don't be rowdy.  Put your phone on vibrate.  But man...SO LOUD.
I’m not sure how I’m going to re-adjust if she ever comes back to my office.
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Being single
So I’m happily married...going on 13 years.  BUT, I also work in hospitality & was looking online for any events that may possibly be taking place in person.
Stumbled across this:
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The husband and I often discuss how hard it would be to date nowadays.  When we met, texting was JUST starting to get big.  He called me to ask me on a date..and we met the old fashioned way...drunk at a bar!
How on earth would you be able to meet anyone in person?!??!
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
OH man oh man...
This ring...
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I got on the bandwagon and ordered one from QVC and in just two weeks, a stone had fallen out.  I ended up sending it back...super disappointed.
I LOVED the look at of it.  It was great to be worn alone or as a stack.  This is roughly close to the same price as the QVC one...do I dare?....
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Ugly shoes
I’ve always loved things considered a little bit “Ugly” compared to the next person.
With 2020 being a more relaxed year..I’m totally going full comfortable!  I’m all about the ugly COMFORTABLE shoe trend.   I did finally cave and buy those Ugg Tasman slippers and they are HEAVEN.  I keep trying to figure out how I could wear them to work!
BUT...in that debate...these:
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The Steve Madden Vesa Faux Shearling Clog
I remember when Madden first dropped these on their website.  I eyed them, but couldn’t bring myself to spend that much on slides.  But then Nordstrom had to have them on sale for $30.
I’m SO TEMPTED.  These have been in my cart for weeks now.  BUT, all of the reviews are so bad!  How uncomfortable they are.  But then I have to wonder...do they get so poor reviews because they LOOK like they should be more comfortable than they are?  Or are they really just THAT uncomfortable?
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
the coat
Remember that puffer coat at Abercrombie? It was on sale...AGAIN. BUT, I can't bring myself to drop $170 on ANOTHER coat....even though it's long and faux leather and all the things of my dreams.
BUT, what I can be ok with? SPENDING $48 ON THIS DUPE! (down from $56 thanks to a coupon code)
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I teeter between a M and L, but went with an XL after reading reviews.
So excited! It doesn't have a hood, BUT that's ok as I have the faux fur bucket hat! And it's all snaps...which is more up my alley.  I have coats with zippers and snaps and I tend to ONLY use the snaps and use the zipper when I know I'm going to be out in the elements for a time.
Can’t wait for it to get here!!!!
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
My space, not yours
I'm going to toot my own horn here...for the past 5 years, I work out in our basement 6 days a week. It varies from different bodywork exercise, weight resistance to using our treadmill.
Last week the Husband went to the basement TWICE to walk on the treadmill. He then decided that we needed to convert the basement to a gym. He moved all of my equipment to the shelves (which, ok...I get...BUT, it was not ok). I got SUPER upset with him about moving my stuff.  In his mind, he was putting stuff away. In my mind, he's messing with my space. I'm the only person that uses that room...EVER! I had my stuff where I wanted it and where it's been for YEARS.
All I could think of was "how dare you decide what's best, after going into that room TWICE". He didn't get it.  He thinks it's better now.  He thinks this is what I want. What he doesn't realize is he didn't talk to me, didn't ask me, didn't consider what I want...especially since I'm the primary user of that room.
He finally realized it because I got super mad and blew up. I told him it's like his little record corner or video games (all in the den, mind you). It would be like if I went in and rearranged all of his records and moved things...because I thought it would be better.  I have no business messing with his things, just like he has no business messing with mine.
I understand having my P.Volve stuff on the couch would bother him. But what he doesn't understand...is I don't know what workout I'm going to do every night, nor do I know what equipment is needed. The workouts DO say what equipment is needed, but a majority of the time, it's not ALL listed.  I don't want to have to pause my workouts to go grab my hand weights.
I know it's so silly, but it's been MY space for 5 years.
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Fate of the coat
Ugh, saw this coat a few weeks ago and it sold out...it was fate NOT to buy it, right?
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Well now it's back!  
I'm so trying to talk myself out of it for $168....but... 1. It's on trend (duh) 2. I've been looking for a longer winter coat 3. It has a hood 4. It's faux leather! 5. I don't have a tan winter coat....
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
There’s no crying in baseball
This quote is so famous...but is it really about baseball? Those girls have a job...playing baseball. I always took it at there’s no crying in baseball...or your job.
I’m not a crier.  Never have been.  Not at work, personal life, movies...nothing.  Not a crier.
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An employee here?  Definite crier.  Once cried 5 out of 5 days.   The causes of the crying can be anything from overwhelmed, anger, frustration, etc...you name it...it’s caused crying.
I’ve come to realize how much she is coddled because of this though.
People think I’m tough because I don’t cry at everything.  So, they give me the full load...I get 100% because I don’t cry at everything. She gets 40%.
But, what if I WANT 40%?  What if I want someone to do more so I can do less?  But, because I don’t cry...I get it all.
I was looking up articles about this...because I CAN’T be the only one to feel this way and stumbled across this gem of an article:
Ladies. If you have been brought to tears in the workplace, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but your credibility has been shot. That’s right, you have essentially ruined your chances of impressing anybody who witnessed the crying — or even those who heard about it.
It’s turned into a thing even amongst the management team about how she’ll cry or “freak out.”  
She may be emotional, she may feel things more...but she definitely lacks the emotional armor to go anywhere professionally.
And because of this...she’s here.  In a low paying job with no room for growth.  Nobody is going to tell her she needs to move on because she’ll cry. 
Instead, we all continue to carry her weight in fear of being the one to cause the waterworks to turn on.
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
I worked 10,000382612536 hours this week
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This has always been a difficult subject for me.
I consider myself a fairly quick and efficient employee. I’m able to focus and power through projects. (self brag here) I feel like I can get stuff done in a portion of the time it takes others to get it done.  I’m not sure if I’m faster, more efficient or more focused...But I can.
I always said I thought if you were efficient and effective with your time, you can mess around online, go home early, etc...  You got done what you needed to get done.  Just before you can do your work faster, doesn’t mean I should give you MORE work (although, I always hope for someone who will TAKE ON more work because they ARE just that much better).
My boss LOVES to talk about how much he works. He loves to talk about how many emails he has.   He was out for 2 weeks (thanks Covid) and came back to HUNDREDS of emails.  Same for whenever he goes on a work trip...comes back to a gazillion emails. Even another manager complained about how his response time to any email was about 2 days.
I get it...it’s time off work...that’s what it’s for.  BUT, you need to be responsible with your time. When I take off time from work...I make special email folders....to file, to follow up on, done.  I sort my emails on the fly, so when I come back...it’s that much easier to fall back into stride.  Usually the night before returning, I’ll clean up my email so I’m starting fresh at work instead of playing catch up.
He was home for 2 WEEKS with his family (which also...the ONLY time I’ve ever had 2 weeks or more off from work was when I was on maternity leave!) and he still managed to NOT handle emails or do much work.
I understand that PTO is personal time off...you’re not meant to work.  BUT, when you hold an integral position to your place of work, I feel as if you never really are “off”.  You can’t just completely shut off.  You still have responsibilities to the people you lead.
How do you find that balance of taking personal time, while still being a responsible employee?
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. - Billy Cox
Hi, broken record over here.
I was an hour late getting home last night because my boss came to talk to me.  My employee (who’s not actually worked for me since March) had another meltdown last night.
Asked if she was going to have her job. Asked what was going to happen to her when another employee returns from leave (she’s been filling in).
She’s so unhappy. She’s doing shit jobs that she hates. When we talk, I try to encourage her...point out the fact that she’s running a department...but all I get in return is “This isn’t what I signed up for...this isn’t what I want to be doing.”
Apparently during her breakdown last night, my boss asked her why she’s here (insert chorus). I can’t believe he FINALLY put her on blast and asked her why she’s sticking around for a low paying job.
I really can’t believe the lack of...well....ANYTHING to go do more, to do better.
There’s no growth here (unless I leave...which I don’t have any plans for it). Our company has plans to expand in the future...but the discussion has been that I will head up BOTH locations instead of having one of me at each (which I’m pretty sure she’s hoping for).  This falls in line with the company’s set up in other states with multiple locations.
There is for real...NO WHERE up for her to go. I would have left 2 years ago for a bigger and better position.  Her predecessors did after 1.5 years...that was the average lifespan of this position (and I fully grasped that...I encouraged them to move on...i helped them negotiate new salaries!).
The lack of motivation to do better, to BE better, just completely floors me.
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
I am all about boilersuits this season.
I just ordered this one from SheIn...
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...and I love it! Knowing Shein, I ordered an XL, but should have gone with an XL. Being insure of the material, I opted for the black in hopes of it being ok enough to wear to work.
The material has a silk polyester feel, so it’s definitely not a denim canvas feel.
And I now have the khaki in large in my cart.
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For reference, I’m 5′2″ and it’s definitely full length on me.
In my hunt, I found this Dickie’s version on Amazon, but figured...for a trend piece, I’m more ok spending $25:
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Just wait...they’re going to be everywhere!!!
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Return your phone calls!!!!
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So I got a call back in June from a lasik place I visited YEARS ago.  At the time, I passed.  I have pretty bad eyes plus high astigmatism.  I'd have to get a lens surgery PLUS lasik...to the bell of around $10k...yea, not gonna happen.
Well, Covid and work...didn't get them called back until a week ago...in November.
They were doing a study for ICL surgery. This is where they implant a permanent contact lens in your eyeball basically. They were doing a study for a new material.  They started oing it this summer and fall.  THEY CLOSED THE STUDY A MONTH AGO!
I Missed the boat! I'm SO angry with myself.  I missed out on potentially $10k for not calling a place back.
To see the bright side of things... Just went to my eye doc for my yearly check up and my eyes got a smidgen worse. Not enough worse to order new contacts...but worse enough that my contacts are now considered "Medically necessary" and my $500 contacts are now fully covered my insurance!
Always a bright side I suppose.
Oh...and a lesson.  Return all phone calls in a timely fashion!...you never know what you may miss out on otherwise!
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Lacking motivation
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STAY MOTIVATED  This has been my mantra as of late.
SO background...I’m in sales.  Pre-covid, I was always out and about on sales calls.  MAYBE in the office 2-3 hours a day.  Very rarely was I in the office all day.
Day of Covid?  I’m the only person working sales right now and I am office bound as companies are obviously not to keen about having random sales people come into their buildings.
I’ve always considered myself to be pretty motivated and a self starter. As a kid, I would practice something until I got it.  I remember my dad putting together a target in our basement so I could practice pitching. I used to practice piano and flute. As an adult, I make myself workout every night...at 9PM. When I put my mind to something, I’m going to achieve it.
Being in the office like this since March is really starting to test my limits. I have dug through opportunities...tedious work of super cold calling.  But when people aren’t traveling...I don’t have much of a sales job.
It makes me think to the people who were in this office pre-covid and how unsuccessful they would have been during this period. 1. They had a hard enough time staying on task pre-covid. 2. They lack the mental grit to bear down and do the shitty jobs nobody else wants to do (I know this because I’ve asked them to do some tasks in the past...which I’ve now completed...but they didn’t do it, because it wasn’t fun or exciting enough for them).
I am completely unstimulated and I’m finding a hard time finding the motivation to keep going.
So I’m writing this...to share my frustration...take a brain break...and then get back to it.
Motivation and Grit!!!
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
So I’ve recently found my love of books.  It started with audio books...and then reading while on the treadmill (giant ipad, big print).
I had to start tracking my reads because I would start a book and think I had read it before, but couldn’t be quite certain.
I’m into serial  killer, thriller books.  Definitely appreciate a strong female lead.
Here’s my list for the past two years!
This is How I Lied by Heather Gudenkauf
The Look Alike by Erica Spindler
Sister Dear by Hannah Mary McKinnon
Eight Perfect Murders, Peter Swanson
The First Mistake, Sandie Jones
The Perfect Wife, JP Delaney
One Night Gone, Tara Laskowski
Buried by Ellison Cooper
The Wife Stalker by Liv Constantine
Cut to the Bone by Ellison Cooper
The Turn of the Key- Ruth Ware
The Twin by Natasha Preston
The Third Wife by Lisa Jewell
The One by John Marrs
The Guest list by Lucy Foley
The end of Her- Shari Lapena
The Half Sister by Sandie Jones
Pretty Thing by Janelle Brown
Caged by Ellison Cooper
Have you Seen me? by Kate White
The Undertaker's Daughter- Sara Blaedel
Dear Girls- Ali Wong
Under the Table- Stephanie Evanovich
Watch me Disappear- Janelle Brown
Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica
A woman is No Man- Etaf Rum
Emma in the Night- Wendy walker
Never let you go- CHevy Stevens
Every Last lie- Mary Kubica
A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
Caught- Harlan Coben
I see you- Clare mackintosh
The Girl Before- Rena Olsen
Yes please- Amy poehler
what she knew by gilly macmillan
what rose forgot - Nevada Barr
My Lovely Wife- Samantha Downing
How to be a Bawse- Lilly Singh
The Boy from the Woods- Harlan Coben
The Last Time I lied- Riley Sager
No Exit- Taylor Adams
Calm the Fuck Down- Sarah Knight
Girl, Stop Apologizing- Rachel Hollis
The Other Mrs- Mary Kubica
You Are Not Alone- Greer Hendricks
The Wives- Tarryn Fisher
When you See me- Linsa Gardner
The Kept Woman- Karin Slaughter
Criminal- Karin Slaughter
Lock Every Door- Riley Sager
Blindsighted- Karin Slaughter
Beyond Reach- Karin Slaughter
Snatched- Karin Slaughter
Little Fires Everywhere- Celest Ng
Trace of Evil- Alice Blanchard
Faithless- Karin Slaughter
A Faint Cold Fear- Karin Slaughter
Broke- Karin Slaughter
Indelible- Karin Slaughter
Behind her Eyes- Sarah Pinborough
Undone- Karin Slaughter
Outfox- Sandra Brown
Accused- Lisa Scottoline
Leaving Time- Jodi Picoult
Triptych- Karin Slaughter
The Ex- Alafair Burke
Someone we Know- Shari Lapena
Other Woman- Sandie Jones
The Better Sister- Alafair Burke
The Last House Guest- Megan Miranda
Sleeping Beauties- Stephen King
RUnaway- Karlan Coben
Someone Knows- Lisa Scottoline
Girls LIke Us- Cristina Alger
One of us is lying- Karen McManus
Don't let go- harlan coben
Mean Streak- Sandra Brown
Fierce Kingtom- Gin PHillips
I Have no secrets- Penny Joelson
It's always the husband- michele campbell
Right behind you- Lisa Gardner
2nd Chance- James Patterson
The WOman in the Window- AJ Finn
NOS4A2- Joe HIll
The House Next Door- James Patterson
One Perfect Lie- Lisa Scottoline
The banker's wife- Cirstina Alger
The Whisper Man- Alex NOrth
Crash & Burn- LIsa Gardner
Without Merit- Colleen Hoover
Dark Sacred Night- Michael Connelly
1st to die- james patterson
Unsolved- James Patterson
Survivors Club- LIsa Gardner
The Grown up- Gillian Flynn
Touch & Go- Lisa Gardner
Pieces of Her- Karin Slaughter
A is for Alibi- Sue Grafton
Pieces of her_ Karin Slaughter
November 9- Colleen Hoover
Redemption- David Baldacci
The Perfect Mother- Aimee Molloy
THen She was gone- lisa jewell
The 4th Man- Lisa Gardner
If I live- Terri Blackstock
Never Tell- Lisa Gardner
If I run- Terri Blackstock
Why not me- Mindy Kaling
The Silent Sister- Diane Chamberlain
My Husband's Wife- Jane Corry
Murder Games- James Patterson
GIrl Wash Your Face- Rachel Hollis
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes- Karin Slaughter
Say Goodbye- Lisa Garner
The Woman in Cabin 10- Ruth Ware
GOne- Lisa Gardner
The Lying Game- Ruth Ware
SOmething in the Water- Catherine Steadman
One Dormant- Blake Pierce
THe Late show- Michael Connelly
The Silent Wife- ASA Harrison
The Killing Hour- Lisa Gardner
THe Fallen- David Baldacci
The Next Accident- Lisa Gardner
The Fix- David Baldacci
The perfect Husband- Lisa Gardner
The Last Mile- David Baldacci
The Anonymous Girl- Greer Hendricks
All the Missing Girls- MEgan Miranda
Memory Man- David Baldacci
The Chemist- STephenie Meyer
Last Breath, Karin Slaughter
Look for me- Lisa Gardner
An Unwanted Guest- Shari Lapena
Pretty girls- Karin Slaughter
Breakdown- BA Paris
FInd her- LIsa Gardner
Fear Nothing- Lisa Gardner
Luckiest GIrl Alive- Jessica Knoll
Catch me- lisa Gardner
Bring me back- BA Paris
The 7th Month- lisa Gardner
The girl before- JP Delaney
A Stranger in the house- Shari lapena
After anna- Lisa Scottoline
Love you more- LIsa Gardner
Live to Tell- Lisa Gardner
The NEighbor- Lisa Gardner
Hide- Lisa Gardner
Once Trapped- Blake PIerce
Alone- Lisa Gardner
Final Girls- Riley Sager
nOnce Bound- Blake pierce
Once buried- Blake pierce
the couple next door- shari lapena
once lost- blake pierce
behind closed doors- ba paris
the last mrs parrish- liv constantine
once stalked- blake pierce
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Mine is bigger than yours
Ugh...I have a conference call with my counterparts at other places and with corporate and I am DREADING IT.  
When I first started with the company, it was mostly women.  Disclaimer: I am thankfully in a completely different state than 90% of the others and am completely separated from them. BUT...years ago there was some “drama” and there’s basically been a full turnover and now it’s a total boys club.�� Man 1 was hired...then he brought on Man 2 who he used to work with...and then they brought on Man 3 and Man 4.
Don’t get me wrong...I work with a lot of men...the Husband is obviously a man...but boy oh boy...do these guys like to compete!
Every meeting with them takes three times as long because they all have to talk about how great they are.  We can’t just have a discussion about something...Man 2 then has to chime in with what he’s done and how great it is (how little relevant it is to ANYONE else) and then Man 3 and Man 4 have to jump in.
It was slightly similar when it was all ladies...but they got SO SIDETRACKED!  I’m honestly not even sure if they did their ACTUAL jobs 50% of the time.  I think ownership actually finally caught on and let them have it shortly before the “drama change over” happened.
Pre-Covid, it was all conference calls and I could just mute myself and carry on.  Now in the age of zoom...we HAVE to have our cameras on (and I do NOT hide my feelings on my face very well)
Wish me luck!
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
Fashion predictor
I’m going to toot my own horn here.  
I’ve always thought I had a 6th sense when it comes to future fashion trends...I always joke that I’m JUST ahead of the game...that people look at my fashion weird at first because it’s not mainstream.
Remember my post from earlier for hot pink pants? CHECK OUT what I just saw:
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I always get a little (ok, a lot) excited when I see something that I’ve been watching/ predicting because then I can tell all of my friends who made fun my selections “I TOLD YOU SO!”
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