fullwrappedcat · 4 years
INTP mood
I have lots of emotions. They just aren’t any of your business.
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fullwrappedcat · 4 years
Types of INTP
As many of you may have noticed, INTPs come in different flavors. Some of my closest friends are INTPs, and I have noticed some differences between them that I have not spotted in other types (ENFPs seem more homogeneous to me, I know a bunch and they have basically the same values, outlooks on life and even similar (or the same) interests). In consequence, I have decided to classify my beloved INTP to see if we can understand this better (or even arrive to the conclusion that some of my friends are mistyped). After thinking for a while, I have decided to keep it simple and describe only two different types or INTPs. I know it’s not enough, but I don’t have all the information that I would need to make an accurate description of other subtypes of INTPs (I think there might be at least another one). Feel free to comment, add or correct anything you may find here. Let’s go.
INTP 1 - AKA Chill INTP :
This INTP looks like the most carefree person alive. Seriously. They are often cute and definitely have their style. Why do they say that INTP have a horrible fashion sense, then? Well, it’s just that their style is not the conventional style. They can be obsessed with certain parts of their bodies (e.g. perfect nails) and completely neglect others. Or they can aspire to look in a certain way (kawaii, really kawaii) that could look inappropriate in someone their age. They don’t care. They dress as they want, ignoring other wishes and advice. And sometimes it works out. 
In general, they look rather sociable and happy. Try approaching them and you may be surprised. Sometimes, Chill looks even dreamy and you can tell they are fantasizing about having a dragon pet or whatever.
They dwell in their rooms and when they go out, they wish they were on their room. This type of INTP has watched more than 50 TV shows this last year, and probably reads a lot of fanfic. Their room is their sanctuary and is often filled with the interests of the owner, packed with action figures, tech, their clothes or maybe some painting that they did years ago and didn’t want to throw out.
Personality and interests:
Chill INTP is curious. He/She/That thing over there is an INTP after all. They remind me of  an ENFP (Ne here) because the way they talk about about their passions and dreams. To put it bluntly: they can’t talk about a single topic for more than five minutes before changing the subject to something different. They do this with a bubbly/excited look and act like everything is possible for them (but then they are “too lazy” for achieving said dreams) (this has literally been said by two of them so it’s not an insult). 
This Chill INTP loves series, fanfics, memes and the Internet as a concept. They have mastered every single shortcut of their computer and act like it’s part of their bodies.
Although Chill INTP looks approachable, they hate small talk and are very shy and private. Above all, they have trouble initiating conversations. If you befriend them, though, they will open up and flood you with an unending stream of ideas.
Academics: Chill is smarter than the average person, but also lazier than the average person. What’s worse, they know that they are smart and sometimes (only with their closest friends) can brag about it. While it’s true that they are bright and have no trouble understanding complex topics (actually the more abstract, the better), they lack motivation and often procrastinate. Sometimes, usually in hight school exams, they are able to successfully wing it and get good grades with almost zero effort. They will still whine a bit after getting an 8 in some subject that they didn’t even read, though. However, this “luck” (talent, actually, it’s raw intelligence plus a little bit of rhetorics and an innocent look) doesn’t last forever.
In the end, no matter how academically talented Chill may be, after missing a thousand classes and studying for maybe ten seconds, Chill fails. Hard. Usually for the first time in University. But it’s not that they can’t do it, it’s just that they don’t want to put in the effort right now. Maybe later.
Personal opinion:
This INTP is reaaaally fun to hang out with (I’m an INTJ, maybe we click because of that). They are witty, punny and can cheer you up with their innocence or random remarks. In addition, they get sarcasm (THANK YOU) and are not afraid of saying something regarded as “insensitive” if it’s true. This Chill INTP can be a bit stubborn, and will not change their behavior even if they admit it’s damaging them. 
Overall, they are nice and don’t ask for much attention.  
P.S: Chill INTP is NOT chill all the time. They can have breakdowns where all of their frustration gets out and they can cry in disappointment because the are not living up to their own standards. The agony disappears after a while, and they come back to their laptop and keep scrolling with a smile on their faces.
Nerdy INTP does not care at all about how they look. It’s a practical question, not a fashion contest, and they are going to pick anything as long as it covers the parts of their body that can’t be publicly shown. The plainer, the better, this way they can combine anything in their wardrobes.
Also, this INTP does not look “chill” at all. It’s more like a quiet fragile serenity that could explode anytime. There is a difference there. Chill INTP is very comfortable anywhere, even in the midst of a crowd, they just do their own thing and ignore everyone. Nerdy INTP is watching over you, analyzing your patterns and thinking, always thinking. This INTP is full of anxiety and is shyer than chill INTP. And when they are looking at a wall they are either thinking hard about the wall itself (colour, texture, design) or totally lost inside some theory inside their mind. The thing is that you know that they are questioning things.
Their rooms, but with zero clutter. It’s not minimalism, it’s a prison cell with the occasional coffee machine. They have a laptop, books and a bed, but that’s all. This INTP lives in his head, not on Earth. That’s why they don’t mind going outside, but they do this to think elsewhere, not to be elsewhere. Their heads are a mystery, I would describe them if I could.
Personality and interests:
Nerdy is not merely curious, Nerdy is utterly obsessed with knowledge and the truth. This means that they can research a single topic for like 40 hours nonstop and speak about it too, getting deeper and deeper and finding internal contradictions between the different sources until you (random listener) can no longer know anything. But they really understand it, and it just comes easy for them. They can keep their concentration forever and ever until their body stops working and they get into a random nap. Then they jump to the topic again.
Nerdy likes talking about different subjects. Unlike Chill, once Nerdy chooses ONE topic, he will remain in that area until nothing more can be said (which is approximately never) or until the other person changes the topic. Nerdy also strongly prefers one to one conversations, while Chill can manage up to four/five people at the same time. 
In short, Nerdy seems much more focused and driven than Chill, but they are not natural achievers (#goalz #checklists) like an INTJ. Instead, they seek pure knowledge for the sake of it, to deepen their understanding of the world. They don’t need to change it, they just think that it’s interesting to dive into the most obscure and complex topics and master them. Their thirst is not for power but for wisdom.  
Nerdy is as Internet addicted as Chill but it’s easier to find them looking for papers than watching Netflix on their own. They have three or four series that they love but they are usually complex (picture high fantasy) and the things they read are not the cliché YA novels in which Chill tends to indulge more.
If Nerdy has chosen a career that sparks his interests, he will do great in his knowledge field. At least, Nerdy will spend hours and hours reading about this topic and becoming an expert. They will understand EVERYTHING and create a sort of “mind map” in their minds (just a map, then) with concepts and their connections. Nerdy is a bit lazy too, but their curiosity and intellect alone if directed towards the adequate career can take them to the top (or at least they are not whining at the bottom as sometimes Chill does).
Even if both Chill and Nerdy feel incompetent, Chill actually puts 3/10 effort and ends up getting a 5. Nerdy studies a lot (maybe not the most important things, they will probably get lost in the interesting bits) and try to do their best. Even if their results are great, they will feel as if they had failed because they are too perfectionistic. 
To sum up, they work harder and get more results than Chill, but also set higher standards for themselves, which leads them to often overexert themselves and have higher levels of anxiety. This is why they do nOT look so chill.
Personal opinion:
For me, Nerdy feels like a caffeinated, stronger, sharper version of Chill. Maybe a little more hopeless and cynic, maybe more concerned with astrophysics than the newest One Piece episode. If Chill was fun, Nerdy is a hundred times funnier. However, Nerdy is also incapable of small talk (Chill knows how to, he just doesn’t want to do it and tries to avoid it) and has more trouble meeting new people. This INTP is only capable of speaking logically, and will destroy you incoherent arguments in seconds (yeah, every conversation feels like a debate). If you show any weakness, they will show no mercy.  This side of them can bore or get tiresome for the more dictatorial (Nerdy will call out your bullshit, authority means nothing), harmony loving (debates are just debates, no feelings involved) (however, if you think that disagreeing equals hating each other, you are so fucked here) or happy-go-lucky (”Don’t think and be happy”) types. 
If you are not ready to do some mental exercise, then leave alone Nerdy and go back to Instagram. If you go, try to chatter with Nerdy and then disregard all his ideas/hypothesis/arguments and it gets upset, you are a mere asshole. I actually love Nerdy INTP and think that his brain should be protected as World Heritage.
Things both (I think all INTP) subtypes have in common:
Curiosity about the most random things.
They hate small talk and initiating conversations.
They are so much fun for an INTJ.
They can be very insensitive when talking to other people (not a big bother for an NT)
All energy is redirected to their heads, their bodies are nOT fully operative.
They are always up for: COFFEEE, films or going to a new restaurant. 
People love them and they don’t want to admit it.
They feel different but never complain about it (and never flaunt it as a virtue).
They have meltdowns and they saw them coming.
They love the Internet.
Kinky. Very specific kinks and you can’t kinkshame them. It’s better to join them.
They look innocent, like sweet cinnamon rolls but they are not.
Maybe these two types are not well described and some of you think that Chill is just more well, relaxed Nerdy. Or that Nerdy has more willpower than Chill. I don’t know. I honestly think that both have different manifestations of the INTP functions and they are true INTP regardless of their differences. I also think that both are fun, smart and can become great friends. 
@intp-the-thinker​ @intpmd this is for both of you, feel free to abort this unborn theory/hypothesis.
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fullwrappedcat · 4 years
INTP problems
Oh, is that a problem I need to deal with? I guess I will just ignore it until it destroys my peace of mind in hopes it just goes away on its own
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fullwrappedcat · 4 years
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online class+ personal work 
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fullwrappedcat · 5 years
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Big brain time
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fullwrappedcat · 5 years
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fullwrappedcat · 5 years
What I’m Looking Forward To Seeing In Season 2
With the long awaited annoucement, I can finally make this shitstorm of a post (and my life has purpose once again). Massive manga spoilers incoming!
The King Arc!! And the King Engine!!
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Saitama being his usual self
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This scene :’)
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The queen and her high school popularity antics 
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Kirk Summation speech.jpg
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“I’m tired of your shit Jack O’ Lantern”
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This face 
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Samurai Squad!
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Bang’s cool oni-san
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Tippy toe Garou 
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The start of a beautiful friendship
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Garou being a sweetheart 
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Garou being a little shit 
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That A1 fanservice™
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“I fucked up”
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“Can we go out on a date sensei”
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More Metal Bae kicking ass
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This godly fight 
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World’s Toughest Imouto™
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Sait-I mean Charanko in Super Fight 
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Thicc mom vs. BDSM mom 
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This poor asshole getting the slap of the century 
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Genos not losing his arms fOR ONE GODDAMN EPISODE
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Perfect Cell-Cockroach edition 
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“Don’t touch my fucking wig”
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This fucking face 
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Fubuki Psycho 100 
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Yandere oneechan strikes again 
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“The Stronk”
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And finally
The arc where we get to see our beloved S-Class assholes get their asses handed to them (or the beginning of it at least), and much more.
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Murata has been fired up lately with the updates, lets wish him the best and let the hype train carry us to season 2!
Things I don’t want to see in season 2:
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fullwrappedcat · 6 years
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Give moar of this girl please !
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fullwrappedcat · 6 years
Perfect ! XD
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fullwrappedcat · 6 years
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Day 19: scorched. #fanartpokemon #pokemoninktober #artistoninstagram #pokemon #inktoberscorched #ink #inktober2018 #inktober https://www.instagram.com/p/BpIG32RBPPj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=122mqyiktcmju
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fullwrappedcat · 6 years
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Day 18: bottle. Je crois que mes inktober sont de plus en plus cons ! #inktober #pokemoninktober #artistoninstagram #pokemon #inktoberpokemon #inktober2018 #inktoberbottle #spectrum #haunter #ink #coloredink #blue #fanart #pokemonfanart #fanartpokemon https://www.instagram.com/p/BpFa6K3hBVt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5mxqj9x41mlq
0 notes
fullwrappedcat · 6 years
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Petit mot du zine : « Bonjour tout le monde ! Cette année encore, nous serons à Harajuku ! Bon, nous serons en squat sur le stand de Hitomi et Sorina-Chan, comme notre chère Doria Plume, mais NOUS SERONS LA ! Retrouvez-nous toutes au STAND 38, les 15 et 16 Septembre dans le Parc de Bercy ( Metro Cour St Emilion ). Nous aurons pour vous un super pack promo, les 5 premiers tomes de Darjeeling pour 15€ ! Vous pourrez aussi trouver le Akyana, bien entendu ! » Nous avons une promo sur les 5 premier tome de Darjeeling clockwork afin de financer l’ultime tome 7 ! https://www.instagram.com/p/BnriWerBWQ7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wrf33s31s9yu
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fullwrappedcat · 6 years
INTPs trying to get out of awkward social encounters
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fullwrappedcat · 6 years
Perfect haha
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For sharing:
Long-ways | Square-ways
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fullwrappedcat · 7 years
Quand tu peux avoir 800 notes sur tumblr mais que ça vient pas de toi ^^;;;;
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fullwrappedcat · 7 years
Introvert Problems #1
Getting sick but being too frightened to make a phone call by yourself and hoping you’ll survive somehow. 
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fullwrappedcat · 7 years
You Know You’re An INTP When
People tell you that you think ‘’too much’’ and that your musings are a waste of time. You’re a paradox, because you want to understand the world around you as much as you can, but you’re also exhausted because your thinking takes such a prominent part of your energy which could be used for actually transforming your thoughts into potential successes. 
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