fun4ghoul · 1 year
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fun4ghoul · 2 years
GUARDS bring me my jerking off weed
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fun4ghoul · 2 years
yeah i’m developing my wip*
* i am currently listening to music on spotify and thinking about it
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
I think it would be pretty cute if I bled out on your floor 💕
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
Me: *licking the spoon I used to eat my Mac and cheese*
The voices: "someone else licked that spoon you know"
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54 notes · View notes
fun4ghoul · 3 years
Kill with me, kill for me, start a fucking cult with me.
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
if your obsession with me isn't violent and homicidal then don't waste your time
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
please baby come back I promise I won't transmit horrific images into your mind via our psychic bond anymore
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
Wtf is wrong with you?
I’m a crêpe. I’m a weirdough.
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
love how quickly my brain goes from “no more wasting money on doordash” to “but i’m a special boy who deserves calzones”
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
Newly turned vampires are like
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275 notes · View notes
fun4ghoul · 3 years
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
me, pressing the side of my head into my cat’s side: you sound like a car… i love you, motor boy
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fun4ghoul · 3 years
Are You Dissociating?
Dissociating is one of the most common responses to abuse and trauma. It involves feeling numb, detached or unreal and (while it happens to everyone once in a while) is experienced more frequently and severely in survivors. Dissociating people vary widely in symptoms and may experience any or all of the things from the following list.
You may be dissociating if you:
find yourself staring at one spot, not thinking anything
feel completely numb
feel like you’re not really in your body, like you’re watching yourself in a movie.
feel suddenly lightheaded or dizzy
lose the plot of the show or conversation you were focused on
feel as if you’re not quite real, like you’re in a dream
feel like you’re floating 
suddenly feel like you’re not a part of the world around you
feel detached and far away from other people, who may seem mechanical or unreal to you
are very startled when someone/something gets your attention
completely forget what you were thinking just a moment ago
suddenly cover your face or react as if you’re about to be hurt for no reason
can’t remember important information about yourself, like your age or where you live
find yourself rocking back and forth
become very focused on a small or trivial object or event
find that voices, sounds or writing seem far away and you sometimes have trouble understanding them.
feel as if you’ve just experienced a flashback (perhaps rapidly) but you can’t remember anything about it.
perceive your body as foreign or not belonging to you
(likes and reblogs always taken as support)
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