funefficiency · 5 years
Funny Things To Do At Home
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If so, it is time for a change. The same routine day after day can lead to boredom in the best case, or in the worst case, leave it exhausted, exhausted and dissatisfied. While certain aspects of a routine (such as good hygiene and showing up on time for work) are important, there is no reason why your nights and weekends are uncomplicated and monotonous. While splurging new experiences and adventures can have a daunting price, you do not have to. There are many fun and affordable activities you can do without leaving the comfort of your home. Here are 10 funny things to do at home:
1. Try a new recipe
Browse the Internet to find some new recipes that you think your family or other people can enjoy. Decide one together and start cooking. Try to choose a recipe that uses products that are in season to help keep your costs down.
2. Start a garden
Choose several types of vegetables, flowers or herbs and start growing indoors before the growing season. When they are ready and the weather permits, move them outside and plant a complete garden. Instead of going out to eat in front of the television, go out every night outside to tend your garden. Then, enjoy the fruits of your labor once your plants have fully matured.
3. Read a book
Reading is in the background in today's busy lifestyles. Reconnect with your family by taking turns reading aloud an interesting book or listening to an audio book together. Take the time to discuss what is happening and share your opinions.
4. Play a board game
Immerse yourself in a game of Yahtzee, Apples to apples or any other game that your family likes. Find a game that is appropriate for the age so that everyone can participate.
5. Try yoga
Yoga is an excellent way to stay in shape and clear your mind. Grab your partner and hit your mats for a night session to eliminate stress after a long day. YouTube offers many free yoga classes for beginners that guide you through proper postures and postures.
6. Make homemade greeting cards
Clear the kitchen table and take out the construction paper. Handmade cards are a unique way for fun your family to connect and do something creative together. Have each member of the family write a personal message, long or short, to the recipients.
7. Host A Bar-B-Que
Who does not love a good bar-b-what? Choose a warm weekend to open the grill and invite some friends and neighbors. Have everyone bring a plate to share the style of the food.
8. Put together a puzzle
Puzzles are an excellent way for your family to connect and practice teamwork. Empty the pieces from the coffee table in the living room and work on the image. Stick a backing on your finished product and show your hard work.
9. Crochet or knit a scarf
Sit on the sofa in the living room with a few skeins of thread and try the new pattern you've been watching on Instagram. Teach your children or partners to weave, and they can work together on new projects.
10. Enjoy a spa night
Do you feel overwhelmed at home, at work or with life in general? Unpack with a spa night. Paint your toenails, try a new mask and draw a warm bubble bath. You will wake up feeling refreshed and refreshed the next morning.
You do not have to pay a fortune or even leave the house to change your routine. You can find a lot of fun, affordable entertainment under your own roof. There are so many great Christmas ideas here for the next holiday season. Give a chance to something new and see how it goes. At a minimum, you'll have something to laugh about at happy hour or at the next family dinner.
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funefficiency · 5 years
Many Funny Things You Can Do This Weekend
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If there was no fun in the game, we probably would not play (Eberle, 2014). This suggests a relationship between the concepts of fun and play, perhaps a possible causality: fun is a natural byproduct of the game, fun is intrinsic to the game. Eberle also argues that although there are many ways to develop knowledge, security and vigor, none of them is as fun as playing. Another academic concept used when talking about fun is the "flow". When Gayle Privette, of the University of West Florida, tried to distinguish between maximal experience, maximum performance and flow, she defined the maximum experience as mystical and transpersonal, the maximum performance as a transactive and flow as fun (Privette, 1983).
Informal and academic references to fun
Fun definitions are usually discussed as a result of an act and / or participation in an activity. As such, in academic writing, fun is often compared to hedonism. For example, Barry Babin, William Darden and Mitch Griffin (1994) took the hedonistic value of buying (for example, buying for fun) and compared it with the utility value of the purchase, which is more concerned with the utility and the completion of the purchase. chores. Utility purchases can almost be considered work. Buying for fun, on the other hand, is personal, subjective to the buyer and often involves fun. The participant values ​​the experience itself because the effort is entertaining. In summary, many activities can be analyzed for their ability to induce fun, emphasizing entertainment and the enjoyment of the process instead of its practical value. When the activity is done for fun, it often involves an increase in excitement, perceived freedom, the realization of fantasy and escapism (Hirscham, 1983). This popular anecdote is a cultural artifact that also alludes to the fact that flow and fun are related social constructions. Sometimes, people also talk about "short-term fun" and contrast it with "long-term gains," suggesting that fun could destroy a person's lasting success. Fun and play often receive negative pressure, especially when adults participate in fun activities in excess. Sometimes it is implied that the efficiency and productivity of people could decrease if they openly prioritize fun. However, modern research does not support this negative entertainment proposition (eg, R. Fluegge-Woolf, 2014).
Can fun be defined universally?
While fun is often related to the game, few will say that playing is the only time we have fun. For example, for many, work can also be fun. A task like gardening can be perceived as monotonous for one person while another one perceives it as fun. But, the work ceases to be work if we have fun? Actually, fun in the workplace is increasingly researched. Researchers are exploring strategies that help make our work more fun. For example, there are evolving applications of gamification. Gamification work involves creating strategic tactics in an attempt to make arduous tasks more fun. The new studies have confirmed that a fun work environment creates more productive and creative employees, therefore, it shows that both parts of the phrase "work hard, play hard" can really coexist (R. Fluegge-Woolf, 2014).
Your perception of whether something is fun depends on your mentality, ability and abilities, the environment and the people around you (your relationships). For example, taking public transport can be a tedious and mind-boggling activity if you go to work. However, if you go to a concert with a group of friends, it can be the journey of a lifetime: spending time together, chatting while eagerly anticipating the show, in terms of lay people, "a lot of fun".
Specific moments when those specific things seem more clearly fun. Maybe not just skydiving. Maybe the moment, the same moment before the parachute opens. Maybe not just chew gum, and not just any chewing gum, and not just when you're putting together a puzzle, and even then, not just a puzzle.
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funefficiency · 5 years
Some Ways to Make Your Life More Fun
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Think about it, the last time you let yourself go and have a good time? When was the last time you forgot all your daily responsibilities and lived the moment? If too much time has passed, one of these assumptions about fun may be holding you back. Keep reading to discover how to overcome them and leave.
You worry what others think:
You do not want to look silly in front of other people. You are afraid of being judged. Guess what? Other people do not think about you as much as you think they do. Also, you are not a reader of the mind. You do not know what is happening in the minds of other people. And if they judge you for being silly and having a good time, then they are people that you do not need to know anyway.
You think you need to spend money:
It's true: some of the best things in life are free. You do not need to go on expensive vacations or buy many things to have fun. Many times it is simply being in the moment with the people you care about. And that does not cost anything. Check newspaper lists or your city's website for ideas of fun, low-cost activities in your community.
You think you do not have time:
There is always time to have fun. I do not care who you are or how little time you think you have, you can win time. In addition, the fun is in the small moments, it is not necessary to divide all day. Block a half hour to do something you enjoy, just for fun.
You think you need to plan it:
If you are a Type A planner, keep in mind that the most fun can be found in unplanned spontaneous moments. Let things happen naturally. Let yourself experience spontaneous trips and last-minute meetings. Be in the present moment.
You confuse solemnity with seriousness:
As Jim Morrison wrote, "No one gets out of here alive." You have a life, and it's short. Enjoy it. For example, if you have ever flown Southwest Airlines, you have seen the company take something serious, such as safety instructions, and make it fun. By doing this, not only will people have more fun, but they are also more likely to pay attention. So yell at your next staff meeting. (Just do not tell your boss that I recommended it to you).
You think the conditions have to be perfect:
Many funny moments happen when things go unexpectedly wrong. Allow yourself to be imperfect and enjoy the imperfections of life. Humans are imperfect creatures, after all, and you are one of them. Telling yourself, "I'll have fun when ..." is counterproductive and, frankly, a real nuisance. Have fun now, there is no time like the present.
You are boring:
There is a symptom of depression called anhedonia, in which you no longer find interest or fun in things that used to excite you. Also in ADHD, it can be difficult to maintain novel tasks to excite the brain. On the other hand, if you are simply bored, that is an option. You make the changes and opportunities in your life. Go out and have fun.
This is very important. The fun is not stupid. Many people make this mistake. Many people think that having fun is getting drunk, getting high on a drug, having lots of sex, dressing sexy, getting a tattoo or piercing the body at the navel or elsewhere, swearing a lot, going to bars, getting naked somewhere, and something. Yes, This is not fun.
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