funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Not all content is made equal, and not every blog post receives external links. Getting inbound links for every blog article is unbelievably time-consuming due to the amount of outreach required to secure links to just one article or page. Instead of establishing a link building program around outreach, having a linkable content asset can earn you links and improve your outreach response rates. This article will help you get started creating linkable content so you can build a natural link profile in less time. Let’s start by defining a linkable asset. What Is A Linkable Asset? Linkable content assets refer to high-quality content pieces created to attract backlinks from other websites, either via promotional efforts or link building outreach strategies. These assets can be presented in various formats, such as infographics, written articles, videos, online tools, or downloadable documents. An optimal linkable asset is a thorough, long-form resource that surpasses top-ranking content in the same niche. Your content should provide value, be unique, and cater to the interests of your target audience. For an efficient traffic flow to your website, links must direct users to a specific webpage. Therefore, the asset should either be an HTML page, or integrated within a page. There are a wide variety of linkable assets, one of which is the History of Google Algorithm Updates, published by the Search Engine Journal (SEJ).   Based on data from Ahrefs, this page has successfully gathered nearly 3,000 referring domains. Screenshot from Ahrefs, May 2023 Well-established brands tend to receive more links compared to new or lesser-known sites. SEJ has built a solid reputation for producing high-quality SEO content, and its trusted name in the field has played a significant role in the success of this particular asset. The efficacy of a linkable asset often depends on a site’s proven expertise, experience, authority, and trust (E-E-A-T) within its domain. Enhancing or establishing E-E-A-T can increase the appeal of your content to publishers. Now, let’s briefly delve into the concept of E-E-A-T. Applications Of E-E-A-T In Linkable Content Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines introduced the concept of E-E-A-T, which helps users assess content quality. E-E-A-T has become increasingly significant in SEO, content marketing, and link building. To optimize a linkable asset, ensure it demonstrates each of these elements: Expertise: Showcase the author’s knowledge and understanding of the topic through education, experience, or publications. Experience: Highlight the author’s firsthand knowledge of the subject via personal experience, interviews, or research. Authority: Establish the author’s reputation and credibility through credentials, affiliations, or the quality of their work. Trustworthiness: Demonstrate the author’s honesty and integrity through transparency, neutrality, or avoiding conflicts of interest. While the Quality Rater Guidelines and E-E-A-T don’t reveal the algorithm’s workings, Google claims that raters who follow these guidelines achieve similar results. Optimizing an article for E-E-A-T can improve its Google ranking and shareability. Pro tip: Address questions real people ask in your niche to exhibit expertise and experience. The emergence of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has raised questions about demonstrating E-E-A-T in AI-generated content. Next, let’s explore generative AI in content creation. Harnessing Generative AI Content Ideation Generative AI is revolutionizing how content marketers conduct research, develop ideas and create content. Tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Bing Chat can significantly reduce research time and provide compelling content topics. As AI content generation is still emerging, search engine and publisher policies on AI-produced content continue to evolve. Incorporating subject matter expertise (SME), personal experiences, case studies, and in-depth topic exploration can ensure that AI-generated content remains authentic and avoids plagiarism. How To Get Content Ideas With ChatGPT Select a topic or niche, then prompt ChatGPT with “Act as HubSpot’s blog idea generator and provide a list of 20 unique long-form content ideas for [topic/keyword].” Choose relevant, unique, and searchable ideas, and refine them by comparing them to top-ranking content on Google. How To Create An Outline With ChatGPT Prompt ChatGPT with “Act as [industry blog or person] and create a comprehensive outline for an article ‘A Guide To Linkable Assets For Effective Link Building’, using contemporary content marketing techniques.” An editor will then refine the AI-generated outline. Use Bard to identify questions to address in the content with the prompt “What are common questions around ‘[topic|keyword]’.” Update the outline to include the questions and answers from Bard, and modify the ChatGPT-generated sections from an experienced expert’s perspective, deciding which sections to include or remove. Pro tips: Use tools like ZeroGPT or ChatGPT AI Classifier to ensure your content doesn’t seem too robotic. When To Use ChatGPT Vs. Other Generative AI Bing Chat & Google Bard can access their individual search results and current content, while ChatGPT receives monthly updates and lacks internet access. Utilize Bing Chat & Bard for research and rely on ChatGPT for titles, outlines, and process lists. Generative AI has the potential to enhance topic selection and outlines for linkable assets and even address some downsides of linkable content assets. Next, let’s examine the pros and cons of linkable content assets. Pros And Cons Of Linkable Assets While high-quality linkable assets can generate substantial links and traffic, this link-building strategy has drawbacks. Pros Scalable link acquisition: Using informational content allows link opportunities across numerous topical areas. Enhanced organic visibility: Long-form informative articles can attract thousands of monthly visits across various keywords. Relationship building: Linkable content assets help establish relationships with influencers or industry experts, fostering collaboration and trust. Long-term value: Relevant and valuable content assets can continue to attract backlinks and traffic over time. Brand exposure and credibility: Linkable assets can boost your brand’s reputation as an industry expert, increasing trust and credibility. Cons Links not targeting ideal pages: Links typically target the asset, but a commercial page may be preferable for improving ranking. Time and resource-intensive: Creating high-quality linkable assets can be challenging for smaller businesses or teams due to the required time, effort, and resources. No guarantee of backlinks: High-quality content does not guarantee backlinks or SEO rewards. Difficult to measure success: Assessing the impact of linkable assets on SEO can be challenging, as it might take time for search engines to recognize and reward acquired backlinks. Competition: Increasing competition for backlinks and organic visibility makes it harder to stand out. Using Linkable Assets For Link Building Content can be tailored for specific link-building techniques or audiences, or created for a general niche. Technique-first This approach focuses on creating content for a specific link-building technique and audience. Identify sites, forums, bloggers, or influencers interested in a particular topic, create content that appeals to them, and distribute it through email outreach or promotion to earn links. Examples of technique-first methods include the Skyscraper technique, ranking statistical articles, niche forums, competitor link building, and guest posting. Content-first This strategy involves creating content for an audience or niche, then finding links for that piece. Use existing content or create new content that appeals to an expert audience. Ideation techniques can involve a subject matter expert (SME) focus group or answering questions without solid answers online. Unique distribution approaches for content-first include Help a Reporter Out (HARO) distribution, emailing an existing list of relationships, targeted social ads, and content syndication through press releases. Next, let’s explore some examples of assets that you can recreate. Types Of Assets Creating content to secure links has been a significant focus of link builders since Brian Dean published an article about the SkyScraper technique in 2015 and many before that. However, there are a lot of content types that work well for securing links. The options for content types seem limitless. The following is a narrowed-down list of asset types that can improve outreach response rates and earn links under the right circumstance. Statistical Roundup Lists This article will aggregate statistics from reputable studies and then organize them into appropriate categories so they are easy to search. SEJ has a great example of a linkable asset with the roundup of 71 Mind-Blowing Search Engine Optimization Stats. These are organized into organic traffic, spending, local search, users & search behavior, link building (my favorite topic), Google search, and SEO vs. other marketing channels. Unique Research Study These assets are unique studies with accompanying methodology and insights published in a blog article or a general webpage. These assets are typically surveys, analyzing company data, or compiling & analyzing data from resources like Google Research, data.gov, or Kaggle. Ahrefs publishes a lot of data. This study is one example, claiming “90% of content gets no traffic on Google.” This asset has charts from the study embedded into the article, making both the images and the article linkable. Listicles Of Companies, Tools, Or People The term “listicle” is a portmanteau of the words “list” and “article.” These articles typically featured a bullet or numbered list with each item accompanied by a brief description, explanation, or commentary. The format of a listicle is easy to skim to find the most relevant information quickly. However, a listicle can oversimplify a complex topic. The great thing about these articles is that they can be created in almost any industry. The article 12 Free Logo Makers You Can Try Right Now from a promotional printing company Quality Logo Products, shows that this technique can be used in any niche. This article provides examples of potential logos along with the pros & cons for each logo maker. Image from qualitylogoproducts.com, May 2023 With any listicle, showing examples of using the tool or items is a way to demonstrate experience and build stronger trust with the audience. Informative Infographics An infographic is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge designed to convey complex information quickly and clearly. Infographics often use a combination of charts, graphs, icons, illustrations, and text to present the information visually appealingly. The carbon budget infographic by World Resources Institute uses a graphic of the earth to explain how much of the carbon budget (i.e., the amount of carbon the earth can produce before the temperature rises by 2 degrees) will be used by 2045. Image from World Resources Institute, May 2023   Excel & Google Sheet Templates Templates are simple ways to organize a project with many moving parts. Even if the templates are not perfect for the project, they can serve as a source of inspiration for spreadsheet organization. Theoretically, a template can be used for anything from home organization to advanced project planning. The higher search terms tend to be focused on project management. An example is “Excel budget templates,” which has up to 100,000 average monthly searches. This technique is very popular with B2B SaaS and project management (PM) software but can be used in any niche. ProjectManager is one of the PM sites producing Excel budgeting templates. This example is simple but has secured over 100 referring domain links. Screenshot from ProjectManager, May 2023 More Asset Types Planning Tools A planner is an online web app that simplifies planning a specific task. The tasks can be for a simple consumer or a business planning task. Calculators As Content An online calculator can take the shape of an investment calculator, home improvement, or even a depth calculator. Checklists Or Cheatsheets These lists of steps or tasks to complete a specific project can come in the form of an online app, excel template, or pdf. Conclusion Creating a linkable asset that publishers, bloggers, and general websites will leverage can reduce outreach time and even earn links without any outreach. Although these pieces are time-consuming to create, they can reduce the overall time to find links. An asset can be a complex research study or a simple Excel template to organize planning. Next time you’re launching a link building campaign, create a piece that is easily linkable. More resources: Featured Image: Marynchenko Oleksandr/Shutterstock window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( !window.ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof window.sopp != "undefined" && window.sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); console.log('load_px'); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('init', '710012555858472' ); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'linkable-assets-for-link-building', content_category: 'linkbuilding' ); );
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
I have been a teacher for almost 30 years, and I have never faced a disruptive effect brought to the classroom as much as Covid from 2020. There has been so much debate, vitriolic and adjustment for students, teachers and even concerned parents. Nothing in the teaching playbook has prepared me to face Covid. Thus, as the world starts to get ready that Covid takes the status of an endemic, rather than a pandemic, I have 10 classroom exercises for all teachers to use as possible discussion. Please note that some questions are centred around artificial intelligence (AI), inequality and sustainability issues too. Lastly, I have created these questions for the benefit of teachers. Here they are: Question 1: Can you provide to ways in which you can design your own custom-made reusable cloth mask to show your individuality? Question 2: How can you change the background of your zoom profile so that the zoom-instructor knows that you have prepared for your subject? Question 3: There is a zoom class in session. Without any warning, the online class is rudely disrupted by a hacker - aka "zoom-bombing". How should you react so that intruder is not given the pleasure that he has succeeded in his devious plans? Question 4: Ask the class to choose a difficult topic. Encourage them to brainstorm how they may create a short TikTok recording to highlight the important concepts of this topic. Conduct a social experiment and ask them if they still find the topic challenging after this TikTok recording. Question 5: Create a scenario in which Instagram has requested that any extra uploaded image beyond 50 must be charged a fee. Then ask your class which are the images that they will still retain and why. PS: For the purpose of clarity, you can ask them to use their current Instagram collection as an example. Question 6: Gather your class in different groups and ask them to discuss which are the jobs will be difficult for humans to be replaced by AI and provide some reasons. PS: As a background reference, many HR experts predicted the rise of AI in the workplace even before the detection of Covid before 2020. Question 7: Before you conduct this classroom exercise, use Google to get relevant and updated statistics about global inequality. With this information, ask the class to provide suggestions about how this inequality can be minimised. PS: It is important that you are not too demanding in your expectations of their answers as they do not have readily access to the solutions. Question 8: Explain to your class about meaning of the term "sustainability". Then proceed to ask them if they are willing to recycle and waste less in order to have a better future world. PS: This question may not hit home to them till you prod them further about how they feel if they do not upgrade to the latest mobile device in order to lessen digital waste. Question 9: Ask them how they perceive the concept of "the simple life" without the stress of wanting more. Question 10: This last question may be the most profound of all. Do they feel that they are slaves to technology and that their privacy will never be of their own?
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Google’s Gary Illyes and others answered many questions related to AI at Google Search Central Live Tokyo 2023, sharing new insights about Google’s approaches and recommendations on AI generated content. Japanese search marketing expert Kenichi Suzuki (Twitter profile) presented at Search Central Tokyo 2023 and subsequently published a blog post in Japanese that summarized the top insights from the event. Some of what was shared is currently well known and documented, such as it doesn’t matter to Google whether the content is AI generated or not. For both AI generated content and translated content, what matters most to Google is content quality. How Google Treats AI Generated Content Labeling AI Generated Content What may be less well known is whether or not Google distinguishes between AI generated content or not. The Googler, presumably Gary Illyes, responded that Google does not label AI generated content. Should Publishers Label AI Generated Content? Currently the EU is asking social media companies to voluntarily label AI generated content in order to combat fake news. And Google currently recommends (but does not require) that publishers label AI generated images using IPTC image data metadata, adding that image AI companies will in the near future begin adding the metadata automatically. But what about text content? Are publishers required to label their text content as AI generated? Surprisingly, the answer is no, it’s not required. Kenichi Suzuki wrote that as far as Google was concerned, it’s not required to explicitly label AI content. The Googler said they’re leaving it up to publishers to make that judgment call as to whether it’s a better user experience or not. The English translation of what Kenichi wrote in Japanese is: “From Google’s point of view, it is not necessary to explicitly label AI-generated content as AI-generated content, as we evaluate the nature of the content. If you judge that it is necessary from the user’s point of view, you can specify it.” He also wrote that Google cautioned against publishing AI content as-is without having a human editor review it before publishing. They also recommended to take the same approach with translated content, that a human should review before publishing as well. Natural Content is Ranked at the Top One of the most interesting comments by Google was a reminder that their algorithms and signals are based on human content and because of that will rank natural content at the top. The English translation of the original Japanese is: “ML (machine learning)-based algorithms and signals are learning from content written by humans for humans. Therefore, understand natural content and display it at the top.” How Does Google Handle AI Content and E-E-A-T? E-E-A-T is an acronym that means Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s something that was first mentioned in Google’s search quality raters guidelines, recommending that the raters look for evidence that the author is writing from an position of experience in the topic. An artificial intelligence, at this time, cannot claim experience in any topic or of a product. So it’s seemingly impossible for an AI to meet the quality threshold for certain kinds of content that require Experience. The Googler responded that they are having internal discussions about it and haven’t yet arrived at a policy. They said that they will announce a policy once they have settled on it. Policies on AI are Evolving We’re living in a moment of transition because of the availability of AI and it’s lack of trustworthiness. Mainstream media companies that rushed to test AI generated content have quietly slowed down to reassess. ChatGPT and similar generative AI like Bard were not expressly trained to create content. So perhaps it’s not surprising that Google currently recommends that publishers continue to keep their eye on the quality of their content. Read the original article by Kenichi Suzuki: What I learned at Google #SearchCentralLive Tokyo 2023 Featured image by Shutterstock/takayuki window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( !window.ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof window.sopp != "undefined" && window.sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); console.log('load_px'); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'google-on-ai-content-and-e-e-a-t', content_category: 'generative-ai news' ); );
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Recently I had the pleasure of reading an adventurous science fiction book from a series that entertains as well as creatively stimulating the mind. The following is my review of the second book in the series which turned out to be a worthy read, just as good as the first book.Continuing his offering of intellectually arousing science fiction, author, John L. Clemmer, once again accomplishes a satisfying and entertaining narrative with his second addition to his "Dhin" series, The Power of the Dhin.This time around, author Clemmer fully immerses readers in a more plot driven perpetuation of the Dhin saga; albeit, he still maintains an approachable level of scientific sophistication, with this book he engages with more plot twists, action and conflict within an intelligently expansive, multiperspectived and multihabitated universe.The story starts two years plus, ensuing the A.I. Governors departure from earth. They exited on a mission seeking to expand their existence in the galaxy with the coveted Dhin technology. However, their efforts towards expansion do not come easily, as they find themselves faced with a powerful obstacle. Meanwhile, on earth, mankind has accomplished the feat of reverse engineering of the Dhin technology, giving rise to the beginnings of the unfettered exploration of the vast regions of space, which in turn, also leads to a stunning discovery.Moreover, while free of the distrusted A.I. Controllers, citizens on earth continue a turmoiled existence with their lives made uncomfortable and disorganized by a lack of A.I. control and a portion of the populace unable to contribute to society in much needed technical ways, those of lesser intellect hold minimally paid jobs, forcing them to live an actuality fraught with poverty while seemingly stuck in a downcast position in society. With riots, and hacking attacks on the rise, those in power on earth, struggle to maintain control over its restless population, while clues point to the possibility of a rogue force at work and scheming, in the background.Altogether, The Power of the Dhin turned out to be entirely enjoyable to read. It was a well-posed and successful continuation of the Dhin story, which I found both stimulating and engaging. Author John L. Clemmer, delivers with his balanced style of cognizant, palatable science fiction that is diverse in perspective, consistently creative and provides unique facets of science fact, fiction and innovation. Thus far this is a read worthy series.
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Fallout 3 may freeze while it is running on Windows 7. To fix this issue, you have to attempt the following steps:1. Enable the Threaded AI 2. Fix the Registry Issues 3. Update Graphics Driver 4. Update DirectX 5. Delete the Contents in your Game Cache 6. Install the Latest Version of Microsoft.NET FrameworkEnable the Threaded AIFallout 3 freezes in Windows 7 if the Threaded AI functionality is disabled. You have to enable this functionality to stop Fallout 3 freezing.1. Open My Documents. 2. Double click: My GamesFallout3 3. Double click to open the Fallout.ini file. 4. Search these line: bUseThreadedAI=0 5. Replace 0 with 1. 6. Insert the following line below it: iNumHWThreads=2 7. Press Ctrl + S to save the changes you have made. 8. Close the file.Fix Registry ErrorsFallout 3 freezes in Windows 7 if the registry junk entries were found in your Windows. To fix the problem, repair the registry and remove any obsolete registry entries found there.1. Download a Registry Cleaner and PC Optimizer software. 2. Install and run it. 3. Click Registry Cleaner | Start Scan. 4. Click Fix Now for undertaking repair process.Update Graphics DriverAn outdated graphics card driver may also cause Fallout 3 to freeze in your PC. You have to update drivers for fixing this problem.From where should I get an updated version of the graphics driver?You can get the graphics driver from the website of the Graphics Card manufacturer. You must know the Serial Number before downloading an appropriate version.Update DirectXAn older version of DirectX results in Fallout 3 freezing problem. Download the latest version from the official website of Microsoft and install it on your computer.Delete the Contents in your Game CacheThe game cache contains the most frequently used files for speeding up the game performance. Corrupted cache contents cause games in Windows 7 to freeze randomly. To fix the problem delete the cache contents.1. Open Console. To do so, press ~ key 2. Type PCB and press ENTER.Install the Latest Version of Microsoft.NET FrameworkInstalling the latest version of Microsoft.NET Framework may also fix Windows 7 game freezing.1. Visit the official website of Microsoft. 2. Search for the download link of the latest version of Microsoft.NET Framework. 3. Install it on your computer. 4. Restart the computer.
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Who doesn't like to read comics, and especially, the Japanese equivalent that is manga? But with thousands of genres and titles, it is quite confusing to know what genres will appeal us, and what titles to start reading, especially if we are just beginning to discover this fascinating medium.One thing you must know, manga is not "comic books for kids", and there are genres that will cover every group age, gender and social group.So, what manga should you read?Well, lets start with the genres and a few suggestions of titles:Redikomi or Josei, from the Japanese "Lady Comic". Sometimes referred to as Josei (female).This genre is aimed from late teenage girls to adult, going beyond the idealized romance of Shojo, with a more realistic take on modern Japanese women's relationships. I recommend: "Midnight Secretary", "Gokusen" and "Honey and Clover".Seinen (young man) is the male counterpart of Redikomi/Josei. Genres are relatively the same as Shonen, except that they are darker and more somber. My recommendations: "Bastard!!", "Berserk" ad "Basilisk".Shojo or Shoujo (literally "girl") is a manga aimed at younger females up to the age 18. A focus on romance and relationships from a teenage girl point of view. Recommendations: "Ceres Celestial Legend", "Fushigi Yuugi" and "Love Celeb".Shonen or Shounen (It translates literally as "boy"), the male counterpart of shojo, centering on adventure, action and Martial Arts genres. Manga recommendations: "Bleach", "Naruto" and "Full Metal Alchemist".Yuri or Shojo-ai is based on female/female romantic relationships strong, graphically portrayed themes. Shojo-ai translates literally as "Girl-love". Yuri translates literally as "Lily". In Japan, the term GL (Girl Love) is also used. Recommended readings: "Strawberry Panic", "Free Soul" and "Love My Life".Shonen-ai / Yaoi, the male equivalent of Shojo-ai/. Shonen-ai translates as "Boy-love" BL (Boy Love). Less graphic than Yuri. Recommended readings: "Count Cain - GodChild", "Boys Next Door" and "Just Around the Corner".Hentai: this manga is sexually hardcore manga. Hentai is Japanese for "perverted" or "perversion" (adult content). Recommendations: "Step Up Love Story", "Maid in Heaven" and "Sexy Magical Girl".The next step is to actually go find these titles. But with busy schedules and limited resources, especially when we just want to test the waters, going to the actual manga store can be challenging. That is why reading manga online can be a good alternative.
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
There's no wonder that the technological advancements have a significant impact on our lives. From navigation of apps, to guide you home safely, everywhere technology is playing a significant role.However, technology in healthcare industry is transforming convenience, patient communication, improving diagnosis levels and prove to be life-saving.The key technologies are providing the foundation for many booming healthcare innovations that are disrupting the industry. To keep pace with this continuous transformation, healthcare organization will need to embrace new technologies that will improve health outcomes, make it cost-effective, and provide value-based care.Overview As healthcare shifts to a model of any-time, any-place, continuous and personalized care, it is essential to analyze the prime technologies that will redefine the future of healthcare segment in 2018." We believe consumer health technologies - apps, wearables, self-diagnosis tools - have the potential to strengthen the patient-physician connection and improve health outcomes."- Dr. Glen Stream, Chairman, Family Medicine for America's Health The emerging new technologies combined with the variety of new drivers that include technology-centric transformation not only leads to cost reduction but also ensures value-based care in the healthcare industry.Healthcare industry has been impacted in a substantial positive way in case of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.According to a study from the University of Michigan, the transformation of information from the conventional paper to electronic health records through digitization reduces the cost of outpatient care by 3%. These researchers estimated this as $5.14 in savings per patient each month.Healthcare industry is facing revolutionary changes, looking out for the innovative ways to deliver the best patient outcomes while eliminating the dramatic healthcare expenses. What does the future of healthcare hold in 2018? Let's look at six promising technology ready to transform the healthcare environment.Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence plays an integral role in reshaping healthcare. The adoption of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry is gaining momentum and solving a variety of problems of patients, hospitals, and healthcare industry faces.It will provide much of the bedrock by powering predictive analytics and clinical decision support tools that help the providers into problems long before they might otherwise recognize the need to act.Nowadays every patient is digitally empowered and prefer personalized care that has more accountability and is also more affordable. Artificial Intelligence does have numerous implications on various fields of the healthcare industry that includes disease management, clinical trials, diagnosis and treatment, patient engagement, monitoring of the patient, and wellness management.AI is dominating healthcare treatments, such as making better treatment plans, assessing data to provide customized medication, and monitor procedures.Artificial Intelligence AI has the potentiality to track the chronic diseases through MRI, CT scans, ultrasound and x-rays, and thus saving the time of the patients to wait for a diagnosis from weeks to a few hours.According to a 2016 report from CB Insights, about 86% of healthcare provider organizations, life science companies, and technology vendors are adopting artificial intelligence technology in healthcare. By 2020, these organizations will spend an average of $54 million on artificial intelligence projects.Let's look at some of the ways how AI is redefining the healthcare industry:AI helps in compiling and analyzing information (medical records, patient information, and treatment history) using artificial intelligence and digital automation. Robots collect, store, re-format, and trace data to provide quick delivery of healthcare services. Analyzing tests, X-Rays, CT scans, data entry, and other tedious tasks can all be done faster and more precisely by robots. Artificial intelligence systems have been designed to analyze data, assess the reports from a patient's file, and thus help them to choose a suitable treatment plan. With the power of AI, early detection of life-threatening disease is possible. AI helps in monitoring patient's fitness level and send health updates to the respective provider to improve or alter patient's treatment plans. Blockchain The demand to bring dramatical changes has always been an underlying ripple in every facet of business, and when it comes to healthcare, this is done with a sense of inimitable urgency. Creating high valuable virtual records associated with a patient is one of the most significant challenges of healthcare IT.The blockchain is a distributed system that records peer to peer transactions, tracks the changes across networks, and stores and exchanges data for cryptographies. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, placing the patient at the core of the healthcare ecosystem and enhancing the security, privacy, and interoperability of health data. This technology will offer a new model for health information exchanges (HIE) by making electronic medical records more effective, and secure.Healthcare Blockchain Adoption- 2017, 2020, and 2025 Blockchain This statistic depicts the projected distribution of healthcare blockchain adoption across healthcare applications worldwide, in 2017, 2020, and 2025. It is projected that 55 percent of healthcare applications will have adopted blockchain for commercial deployment by 2025."Adoption of blockchain technologies will be driven organizations basing their development on providing better quality care much the same way the regional health information exchange concept kicked off digital health data-sharing. In some jurisdictions data exchange worked pretty well."- Brian Behlendorf in an interview with HITInfrastructure.com How Blockchain will impact healthcare? Security and privacy: Patient privacy and confidentiality are the prime issues within healthcare. For those in healthcare, necessary steps need to be taken to prioritize and improve security. Although there have been initiatives, blockchain could be the perfect solution for healthcare. Collaboration and governance: A massive amount of available data has increased in the past few years, and it will continue to do so. Blockchain would improve data governance, achieve greater ownership in the data, enhance interoperability, and result in better data-driven decision making. Data and analytics: Blockchain technology is defined as a shared, permanent record of peer-to-peer transactions that will provide new insight on how healthcare providers store and exchange data, resulting in greater transparency and trust. Shared data within the virtual database will lead to the continual updates, thus improving the real-time analytics. Data Science The health data volume is multiplying, and it is expected to breed dramatically in the years ahead. With more than 1.2 billion clinical documents are produced in the U.S. yearly, doctors and life scientists have an ocean of big data for their core research. Moreover, massive amount of health-related information is produced and shared with adoption of wearable tech. The wave of such data flow opens new opportunities for more informed healthcare.Data science stands an effective healthcare trend to optimize the way hospital operations are managed. With data science, the industry can find well organized, cost-effective ways to harness vast amounts of existing healthcare data, enhance its potential to revolutionize healthcare with a precise diagnosis.With the capability to collect, structure, and process a high volume of data and analyze a pattern, to gain in-depth knowledge of the human body is the essential requirement for data scientists and machine learning experts across the world.Data Science Despite having a vast amount of health data at disposal, the diagnostic failure rates are still high. According to the recent research by the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, around 5% of adult patients are misdiagnosed every year in the United States making it a total of 12 million people. Additionally, the postmortem examination results research reveals that diagnostic errors cause almost 10% of patient deaths.Whether it's predicting a patient with a tumor, the risk of re-admission, or the misclassified diagnoses in electronic medical records, data science plays a significant role. Data science will transform the future of the healthcare by managing and organizing enormous volume of data that will prevent healthcare problems and saving lives of millions.How Data Science Will Transform Healthcare? Disease Management: Employing data science can increase the accuracy and efficiency of the diagnosis. Big data also helps in reducing medication errors by improving financial and administrative performance and reduce readmissions. By detecting the disease patterns and recording disease outbreaks, public health issues can be improved implementing data science in healthcare. Patient Profile: An EMR contains the standard (structured and unstructured) medical data that can help to detect which patients are at risk and provide him adequate care. Advanced data science can be applied to patients' profile for identifying individuals who can benefit from the proactive approach. It also includes lifestyle changes. Machine Learning It is one of the critical technology in healthcare that can dramatically improve clinical decision making, administrative functions, patient monitoring, and pharmaceutical research is Machine Learning. By implementing machine learning technology in healthcare, we can- detect patient's health real time, understand the disease patterns, find possible treatment, and analyze result with a clinical trial that is underway.Machine Learning With the aid of machine learning, mobile-enabled care management platforms can be made available to offer all stakeholders customized plans, automatically adjusting based on experiences.Uncompensated care is one of the rapidly growing problems for most healthcare systems. With machine learning, health systems can determine who needs reminder alerts, who need financial assistance, and how the patterns of payment change over time.Predictive Analytics Physicians are smart, well-skilled and they like to stay abreast with the advanced research. It's not possible for them to memorize and gather all the knowledge they require for every situation, and they probably don't have it easily available at their fingertips. Though they have the access of the massive data in hand required to compare treatment outcomes for all various types of diseases they come across, but they still lack time and expertise to assess that information and integrate it with the patient's own medical profile. But this kind of comprehensive research and statistical analysis is beyond the reach of a physician's work.That's why myriads of the physicians - as well as insurance companies - are adopting predictive analytics.Predictive analytics (PA) utilizes technology and statistical methods to gather huge amounts of information, that stands necessary to detect the patient's outcome. That information can imbibe data from past treatment results as well as the advanced medical research published in peer-reviewed journals and databases.Not only can PA help to solve difficult issues and predict but it can also display amazing associations in data that our human brains fail to suspect.In medicine, predictions may vary from medication responses to hospital readmission rates. Examples are diagnosis of infectious diseases from methods of suturing, assessing the likelihood of disease, helping a physician in examination procedure, and even detecting the future wellness.How PA is improving healthcare? We all know that the early intervention is the key to preventing the severity of diseases. With predictive analytics, doctors can analyze the patient's condition earlier, and make a much more informed call. Predictive analytics assesses the likelihood that patient can be sent home safely or taken under observation. Pharmaceutical companies are utilizing predictive analytics to detect the effects of old vs. new medication for a disease to aid their decision-making process. Make informed research on cancer, Ebola, HIV and other viruses. Predictive analytics in healthcare has been hugely significant in detecting a patient's risk of contracting an illness by analyzing past treatment history, understanding the immune system of similar patients, and medications records. The more efficient way to prevent fraud and abuse is to detect it before claims are paid. Moreover, healthcare payers have now embraced the same predictive analytics to identify the fraudulent patterns and then develops sets of "rules" to "flag" specific claims. Quick Takeaway Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will massively impact on the healthcare ecosystem especially in the field of diagnostics, pathology, and radiology. Blockchain technology will emerge as a critical component of the healthcare system which will see an increasing adoption among the healthcare operators in the patient records management segments as patients demand greater control over their health data. Machine Learning techniques can help the healthcare business to run much more effectively and in a more predictable way. Predictive Analytics will provide a new outlook to the healthcare business with more precise treatment, monitoring, and diagnostics, thus saving lives of many Data Science will see increasing adoption among medical care providers as it will contribute towards a range of operational functions in the healthcare. Technology has a lot of room for growth in healthcare, and in 2018 will see how companies are applying these intelligent tools to their organizations. Whether you are looking for an AI-driven solution or applying machine learning to your current healthcare software, you need a right team to create a smooth journey for you. If technology is one of your challenges, OSP Labs' experts are ready to help!Source:- https://www.osplabs.com/insights/healthcare-technology-trends-2018/
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), a United States Department of Commerce division, called for public commentary on strategies to encourage accountability in trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The objective was to solicit stakeholder feedback to formulate suggestions for a forthcoming report on AI guarantee and accountability frameworks. These suggestions might have guided future federal and non-governmental regulations. Promoting trustworthy AI that upholds human rights and democratic principles was a principal federal focus per the NTIA request. Nonetheless, gaps remained in ensuring AI systems were responsible and adhered to trustworthy AI rules about fairness, safety, privacy, and transparency. Accountability mechanisms such as audits, impact evaluations, and certifications could offer assurance that AI systems adhere to trustworthy criteria. But, NTIA observed that implementing effective accountability still presented challenges and complexities. NTIA discussed a variety of considerations around the balance between trustworthy AI goals, obstacles to implementing responsibility, complex AI supply chains and value chains, and difficulties in standardizing measurements. Over 1,450 Comments On AI Accountability Comments were accepted through June 12 to aid in shaping NTIA’s future report and steer potential policy developments surrounding AI accountability. The number of comments exceeded 1,450. Comments, which can be searched using keywords, occasionally include links to articles, letters, documents, and lawsuits about the potential impact of AI. Tech Companies Respond To NTIA The comments included feedback from the following tech companies striving to develop AI products for the workplace. OpenAI Letter To The NTIA In the letter from OpenAI, it welcomed NTIA’s framing of the issue as an “ecosystem” of necessary AI accountability measures to guarantee trustworthy artificial intelligence. OpenAI researchers believed a mature AI accountability ecosystem would consist of general accountability elements that apply broadly across domains and vertical elements customized to specific contexts and applications. OpenAI has been concentrating on developing foundation models – broadly applicable AI models that learn from extensive datasets. It views the need to take a safety-focused approach to these models, irrespective of the particular domains they might be employed in. OpenAI detailed several current approaches to AI accountability. It publishes “system cards” to offer transparency about significant performance issues and risks of new models. It conducts qualitative “red teaming” tests to probe capabilities and failure modes. It performs quantitative evaluations for various capabilities and risks. And it has clear usage policies prohibiting harmful uses along with enforcement mechanisms. OpenAI acknowledged several significant unresolved challenges, including assessing potentially hazardous capabilities as model capabilities continue to evolve. It discussed open questions around independent assessments of its models by third parties. And it suggested that registration and licensing requirements may be necessary for future foundation models with significant risks. While OpenAI’s current practices focus on transparency, testing, and policies, the company appeared open to collaborating with policymakers to develop more robust accountability measures. It suggested that tailored regulatory frameworks may be necessary for competent AI models. Overall, OpenAI’s response reflected its belief that a combination of self-regulatory efforts and government policies would play vital roles in developing an effective AI accountability ecosystem. Microsoft Letter To The NTIA In its response, Microsoft asserted that accountability should be a foundational element of frameworks to address the risks posed by AI while maximizing its benefits. Companies developing and using AI should be responsible for the impact of their systems, and oversight institutions need the authority, knowledge, and tools to exercise appropriate oversight. Microsoft outlined lessons from its Responsible AI program, which aims to ensure that machines remain under human control. Accountability is baked into their governance structure and Responsible AI Standard and includes: Conducting impact assessments to identify and address potential harms. Additional oversight for high-risk systems. Documentation to ensure systems are fit for purpose. Data governance and management practices. Advancing human direction and control. Microsoft described how it conducts red teaming to uncover potential harms and failures and publishes transparency notes for its AI services. Microsoft’s new Bing search engine applies this Responsible AI approach. Microsoft made six recommendations to advance accountability: Build on NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework to accelerate the use of accountability mechanisms like impact assessments and red teaming, especially for high-risk AI systems. Develop a legal and regulatory framework based on the AI tech stack, including licensing requirements for foundation models and infrastructure providers. Advance transparency as an enabler of accountability, such as through a registry of high-risk AI systems. Invest in capacity building for lawmakers and regulators to keep up with AI developments. Invest in research to improve AI evaluation benchmarks, explainability, human-computer interaction, and safety. Develop and align to international standards to underpin an assurance ecosystem, including ISO AI standards and content provenance standards. Overall, Microsoft appeared ready to partner with stakeholders to develop and implement effective approaches to AI accountability. Microsoft, overall, seemed to stand ready to partner with stakeholders to develop and implement effective approaches to AI accountability. Google Letter To The NTIA Google’s response welcomed NTIA’s request for comments on AI accountability policies. It recognized the need for both self-regulation and governance to achieve trustworthy AI. Google highlighted its own work on AI safety and ethics, such as a set of AI principles focused on fairness, safety, privacy, and transparency. Google also implemented Responsible AI practices internally, including conducting risk assessments and fairness evaluations. Google endorsed using existing regulatory frameworks where applicable and risk-based interventions for high-risk AI. It encouraged using a collaborative, consensus-based approach for developing technical standards. Google agreed that accountability mechanisms like audits, assessments, and certifications could provide assurance of trustworthy AI systems. But it noted these mechanisms face challenges in implementation, including evaluating the multitude of aspects that impact an AI system’s risks. Google recommended focusing accountability mechanisms on key risk factors and suggested using approaches targeting the most likely ways AI systems could significantly impact society. Google recommended a “hub-and-spoke” model of AI regulation, with sectoral regulators overseeing AI implementation with guidance from a central agency like NIST. It supported clarifying how existing laws apply to AI and encouraging proportional risk-based accountability measures for high-risk AI. Like others, Google believed it would require a mix of self-regulation, technical standards, and limited, risk-based government policies to advance AI accountability. Anthropic Letter To The NTIA Anthropic’s response described the belief that a robust AI accountability ecosystem requires mechanisms tailored for AI models. It identified several challenges, including the difficulty of rigorously evaluating AI systems and accessing sensitive information needed for audits without compromising security. Anthropic supported funding for the following: Model evaluations: Current evaluations are an incomplete patchwork and require specialized expertise. It recommended standardizing capability evaluations focused on risks like deception and autonomy. Interpretability research: Grants and funding for interpretability research could enable more transparent and understandable models. However, regulations demanding interpretability are currently infeasible. Pre-registration of large AI training runs: AI developers should report large training runs to regulators to inform them of novel risks under appropriate confidentiality protections. External red teaming: Mandatory adversarial testing of AI systems before release, either through a centralized organization like NIST or via researcher access. However, red-teaming talent currently resides within private AI labs. Auditors with technical expertise, security consciousness, and flexibility: Auditors need deep machine learning experience while preventing leaks or hacking, but must also operate within constraints that promote competitiveness. Anthropic recommended scoping accountability measures based on a model’s capabilities and demonstrated risks, evaluated through targeted capabilities evaluations. It suggested clarifying IP ownership frameworks for AI to enable fair licensing and providing guidance on antitrust issues to allow safety collaborations. Overall, Anthropic stressed the difficulties of rigorously evaluating and accessing information about advanced AI systems due to their sensitive nature. It argued that funding capabilities evaluations, interpretability research, and access to computational resources are critical to an effective AI accountability ecosystem that benefits society. What To Expect Next The responses to the NTIA request for comment shows that while AI companies recognize the importance of accountability, there are still open questions and challenges around implementing and scaling accountability mechanisms effectively. They also indicate that both self-regulatory efforts by companies and government policies will play a role in developing a robust AI accountability ecosystem. Going forward, the NTIA report is expected to make recommendations to advance the AI accountability ecosystem by leveraging and building upon existing self-regulatory efforts, technical standards, and government policies. The input from stakeholders through the comments process will likely help shape those recommendations. However, implementing recommendations into concrete policy changes and industry practices that can transform how AI is developed, deployed, and overseen will require coordination among government agencies, tech companies, researchers, and other stakeholders. The path to mature AI accountability promises to be long and difficult. But these initial steps show there is momentum toward achieving that goal. Featured image: EQRoy/Shutterstock window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( !window.ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof window.sopp != "undefined" && window.sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); console.log('load_px'); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'ntia-ai-accountability', content_category: 'generative-ai news' ); );
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
The world is on the cusp of a digital revolution, with innovation disrupting the way we do everything, from using appliances and gadgets to performing financial transactions.New Asset ClassesThe digital economy is growing at a fast rate all over the world. The current digital economy is characterized by the creation of new asset classes and digitization of traditional assets. Emerging technologies, such as the blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and 3D printing, are playing a pivotal rule in fueling this growth.The new technologies feature assets that have the potential to dominate the global economy in the future. For instance, the blockchain has virtual coins and tokens whose popularity has grown exponentially in a short time period.Big Players Entering the GameThe blockchain enables users to perform transactions securely and much quicker than traditional methods. The features of the blockchain have attracted many prominent technology and financial companies, including IBM, Oracle, JP Morgan Chase and Boeing. For instance, IBM recently teamed up with Stronghold, a financial technology company, to launch a dollar-backed cryptocurrency called Stronghold USD. This virtual currency is an example of how consumer confidence in a traditional asset (fiat-currency USD in this case) is used to support a digital asset.There are also examples where companies are combining two new technologies to provide solutions for the future. Aerospace giant Boeing recently announced a collaboration with artificial intelligence company SparkCognition to develop blockchain-using traffic management solutions for unmanned air vehicles.The Game ChangerThe tokenization of assets isn't limited to traditional assets such as currencies. The new market can utilize the intrinsic value of a wide variety of assets to provide security tokens. The blockchain can be a differentiating factor between security tokens and traditional securities. The use of smart contracts on the blockchain eliminates the need for a middleman, thus reducing transfer costs. This usability of the blockchain has the potential to significantly affect the traditional banking system. It may also eliminate the need for money as a medium exchange, as all assets are liquid, instantly available and divisible.Automation and artificial intelligence have already made their mark in many markets. Trading algorithms have overtaken human traders. In the manufacturing sector, machines have taken many of the jobs previously performed by humans.Need for a New FrameworkIn this rapidly changing economy, it's no longer feasible to rely on traditional models and methods of making decisions. To keep up with new developments, such as DAO, AI, VR, P2P and M2M, it's imperative that we develop a new framework. In other words, we need to move beyond the Munger's Mental Models and focus on digital models, such as network theories and exponential growth models.The digitization of our economy is taking place at a rapid pace. With time, we will get a clearer picture of which developments will dominate this new web 3.0 economy, but it's clear that this economic revolution is taking place on a global scale.
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Cricket is a joy giving sport. Cricket is followed by millions of people around the world, especially in countries where it is played en masse. People are passionate about their teams and players have huge fan following all over the world.Given that more than just sporting moments a widely followed cricket game has much more in stake than just the few days or the few hours during which it is played.We can find that fans frequently discuss cricket matches and possible teams before every match be it a Test Match or a One day international or a T20.The IPL has thrown open the doors and introduced many good players via their good performances. These players are unproven at the international or national level but may make it count in the international stage. The IPL has also introduced a lot of good selection problems, namely many more players to choose from.When a national team is announced it involves only players who have proven themselves at the international level and does not involve players who are in the limelight via franchise cricket.Also, when the team management announces the team for a match before the match commences, sometimes the selections shock all the fans the world over. Fans even if they are not players do understand why a specific player should have been included or should have been excluded from the team.Here is where we must rely on the scientific method to provide us the much-needed result, a selection policy without human errors, bias, or negligence.Whereas a captain may just be able to judge a player using a few selection criteria he has in his mind, there is no way the captain of a team or the team management will know of the many more factors which can influence the outcome of match vis-à-vis the set of players who may be part of the final squad.Here a good machine learning algorithm or an AI algorithm/model can use tons of data (Big data) and can be built using many measured or partially measured selection criteria. These may be the specific performance of a player against an opposition player using historical data, quantitatively measured performance of a player in a venue or weight/fitness parameters of a player, dietary pattern followed by a player, performance during the second innings, first innings, performance during a time of the day, many more technical parameters related to batting and bowling and match performance parameters such as how many times has a player won a match for his or her team etc., All these parameters can be quantified and a final score can be arrived at.This balanced score card approach when balanced with the objective that maximizes the team's chance against an opponent at a venue will remove the vagaries and inconsistent selection policies that are sometimes observed by the fans. This will go in a long way to improve the credibility of International Cricket which may unfortunately be marred by partisan or incompetent decision -making by the management." In God we trust. All others must bring data."
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Ethical Technology Advocates are going to be mankind 's go betweens with a wave of robots and artificial intelligence programs which will be helping to operate our complex and connected community by 2025. Certainly one of their crucial tasks is to negotiate the delicate relationship of ours with the robots by setting up the ethical and moral regulations to which the devices - as well as the makers of theirs - operate simply exist. The role of theirs is going to be essential in making sure that not one of the nightmares of ours about robot world domination by chance come true. As Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, claims,' The many critical next step in our goal of AI would be to agree on an empathic and ethical framework for its design.' This can be 1 of our most pressing concerns as the robot revolution unfolds, says roboticist as well as artist Alexander Reben - who has developed the very first robot that could decide whether or not to inflict pain on a man. 'I've demonstrated that a dangerous robot is able to really exist,' he says.' So we are going to need folks who can confront the fears of ours about AI getting out of control.' Other Ethical Technology Advocates are going to work as coaches to robots, indicating their machine pupils how to recognize the subtle nuances of daily speech as well as behaviour which will enable them to have interaction reliably - and easily - with their human bosses and colleagues. As Fernando Pereira, distinguished researcher in healthy language knowledge at Google, claims,' There are a lot of ambiguities in the manner in which humans talk and act that call for a human level of common sense, and many years of instruction from our friends and families, to realize. 'An AI will be totally lost in coping with each one of these subtleties unless it's a human instructor to give it a varied and rich very power to resolve problems.' It is going to be these human coaches that enable robots to take care of us safely. Robot nurses are going to need to understand our grandfather 's sarcastic feeling of humor for treating him appropriately. Ashleigh Rhea Gonzales, researcher in NLP new developments as well as software system enhancement at Volumes Research, thinks a creative arts training will provide these employees the critical thinking and decision making skills needed to shape business and federal policy around the launch of AI and robots. 'Technical skills like coding are helpful, but having plenty of business sense for creating AI and robot treatments with a client 's best interests and requirements in your mind is vital,' she states. An Ethical Technology Advocate's communication abilities are going to be critical in choosing fails or perhaps whether the robot revolution succeeds. It is going to be the job of theirs to convince a sceptical public which the march of the devices is in their greatest interest while as entire middle management and semi skilled work groups are made obsolete by automation. 'If the public opinion is the fact that the designers behind this particular technology are reckless, we are never ever likely to see completely autonomous devices in the marketplace,' affirms Gonzales. 'Without solid communicators handling development, advertising as well as damage control when something fails, the robots will in essence fade from popularity.'
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
At the NRF Big Show 2018, retail executives and leaders share the areas they are going to focus on this year. Here are a few things they are working on:1. Retailers will continue to strive for providing more personalized digital experiences.When asked for views, executives from Macy's, Neiman Marcus Group and The Children's Place clearly stated that personalization would be a big focus for them in 2018. Retailers have worked on improving personalization for many years but it all boils down to customer experience. As such, providing great customer experiences in 2018 will be the result of blending technology with a more personalized touch.2. Connecting online and offline store experiences will remain a major focus.Leading retailers such as Macy's and The Children's Place are still fervent on 'omni-channel retail'. Macy's is continuing to see serious growth in the area of "buy online, pick up in store" (BOPIS). Macy's executive stated that "physical stores are not going away. Customers will always want the option of coming into the store to try on jeans instead of buying three different sizes online."3. More retailers will look to leverage voice assistants.Global Chief eCommerce Officer at Samsonite feels that voice assistants will start taking off in certain categories like consumables. However, categories like fashion may have a harder time to leverage voice. 1-800-Flowers.com having been one of the first retailers to launch an Alexa skill, the CEO & President believes that bots and AI capabilities will enable 1-800-Flowers.com to amplify its personalized experience. He envisions the possibilities, "With voice as the main interface emerging, I think it will bring us back to the retail experience of our first flower shop where we delivered a true 1-to-1 relationship. Voice enables us to have a 1-to-1 relationship with customers on a massive scale."4. As artificial intelligence (AI) matures, AI-powered retail applications are gaining adoption.According to the Global Chief ECommerce Officer at Samsonite, 2018 will be the year that artificial intelligence will have its breakthrough moment. Retailers will start using it to power various parts of the retail and ECommerce experience. 1-800-Flowers.com uses AI to power conversational interfaces like Alexa, Google Assistant and Facebook Messenger, many of which need no human touch at all.5. Personalization, social media and Amazon Marketing Services will be used as acquisition marketing strategies.The Children's Place highlighted the importance of personalized marketing strategies. Its personalization strategy began in 2017 when the company hired a data scientist to clean up the customer database. Now that The Children's Place can connect customer purchases online and in-store, the executive believes that it will aid in making acquisition, engagement and retention strategies more personal,.Social media also seems to be one of the top marketing priorities for the CEO of Petco. On the flip side, Global Chief ECommerce Officer at Samsonite believes, "Amazon Marketing is going to become as critical to a brand's marketing strategy as Google and Facebook. Today, Amazon has the return on investment potential of Google Paid Search in 2005 and display ads in 2002."
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Kuang P'ing t'ai chi ch'uan was brought to the USA by Grandmaster Kuo Lien Ying. It is a unique style of t'ai-chi ch'uan and may be the bridge between the Old Ch'en form and The Old Yang Style.Millions of people worldwide are benefiting from the unique form of low intensity exercise called t'ai-chi ch'uan. T'ai chi ch'uan is an "Internal System" of kung-fu which is used to improve ones health, lower blood pressure, improve balance and coordination. There are many styles of t'ai chi ch'uan and all are good, as long as the classical principles are kept to. All are artistic evolutions of the original art, a matter of taste that is why it is called an art. And as it is said, "In matters of Taste there is no dispute."A unique style of t'ai chi ch'uan which influenced our system is the Kuang P'ing (aka Guang Ping) style of Grandmaster Kuo Lien Ying.After studying other arts and yoga for several years, I was fortunate to start studying with Grandmaster Kuo in 1970. At the time I had no idea how lucky I was. A martial art friend of mine introduced me to Kuo. Kuo and his wife taught in Chinatown in San Francisco across from Portsmouth Park. Kuo signed me up and scheduled private sessions with me. I was also studying Chinese at the time and this gave me a chance to practice. His group sessions started before dawn in the park and concluded about 10:00 PM in his studio, when he locked it up.Originally my lesson was in the morning, then I discovered that the pre 10:00 PM time was when I got the best answers and impromptu instruction from Kuo. He was more open at that time. I remember him watching me practice and give me a thumbs up and say "Numbah One." Which was his way of saying he liked what he saw, a positive saying.He preferred teaching in short private sessions but had group workout in the early morning. It was magical time to learn.At that time Kuo was in his 70's and had a 20 something year old wife and a young son. His family lived behind the training hall, kwoon. He was bursting with energy, which he attributed to his tai chi practice, though I suspect his active lifestyle all his life contributed to that.He believed tai chi would increase longevity and quality of life. Kuo who died in his late 90's, and his friends, Tchoung Ta-tchen who is in his late 80's and Liang Tsung-tsai who died at 103 years old, are good testaments to that health benefit of t'ai chi.Kuo, like his friends Tchoung and Liang, was one of a handful of REAL t'ai chi masters teaching in the US in the 60's and 70's. They were the last of a generation, the "Real Deal".While many call themselves grandmasters today, rarely do they show the level of skill and knowledge of Kuo, Tchoung and Liang showed and taught. I am proud to consider them consider my pivotal teachers. While I now primarily teach the curriculum of Tchoung Ta-tchen, I was greatly influenced by both Kuo and Liang; I consider them all my Sifu. They were the real deal.Kuo ran a group practice in the park at dawn, then kept his studio open until 10:00 PM. I trained 3 hours in the morning and three hours in the evening or about 6 hours a day, seven days a week. I found by staying until he closed the studio at 10:00 PM, and usually being the only student there at that time, I was able to get additional private instruction and corrections from him. That is when I received my most valuable lessons. I was also able to learn some of the pa-kua and Tam Tui (springy leg lines) exercises he taught. For example one night Kuo taught me what he called the pa-kua "Camel step" and what I later found out to be the Lion palm posture.I was told that when Kuo returned to China, he was made a Cultural Treasure because of his skill t'ai chi ch'uan, pa-kua chang and Shaolin.It is a small world, because Tchoung Ta-tchen was also a practice partner and good friend of Kuo and both were friends of T.T. Liang. I studied with Liang in Boston and Amherst. These three grandmasters are who I consider to be my most significant instructors.Years later my pa-kua chang (bagua zhang) instructor, Zhang Jie from Beijing, told me more stories about Kuo. Kuo was very famous in China's pa-kua circles.Kuo's t'ai-chi ch'uan form is most popularly called the Kuang Ping (Guang Ping) style today. Some have called it Ch'en style, others call it the "Secret" Yang style. In appearance it is a bridge between the modern form of Yang style and the Older version of Ch'en style. After watching me do the form, Pa-kua teacher Andrew Dale said some of the movements reminded him of pa-kua too. The form has both short movements and small circles, as well as flowing and expansive movements. It also has some fast kicks, a jump kick and some fast strikes.The form's movements are usually done with a faster rhythm than most of the more modern Yang style forms. The body is completely upright and back is straight when doing the form. The hands are held in a particular palm position, with the fingers open, wrist bent and fingers extended. The stance is relatively high and the typical bow and arrow stance of modern Yang style is not used. The body is held similar to some versions of Ch'en style in what could be called a back stance. The kicks are done fast with straight knees and toes pulled up so that the kick is done with the heel on separate legs, and there is a jump kick in the form as well.Grandmaster Kuo told me that he took out some repetitions and shortened the original form. Later others claimed the form he taught was the original form, that is doubtful.The form has little resemblance to the several versions of what are called "Traditional Yang Style" forms that are taught by the followers of Yang Cheng-fu and their students, or the form taught by Kuo's friends Tchoung Ta-tchen or Liang Tsung-tsai. Though Tchoung's form contains some movements similar to the Kuang P'ing style techniques.Yang Pan-hou lineage:Kuo's form is said to be traced back to Yang Pan-hou, the son of Yang Lu-chan. Yang Lu-chan, called "Yang the Unsurpassed" because he was never beaten in fights, was the originator of what we now call Yang family style. There are several versions of Yang Family forms taught today, I find it intriguing that some bear no resemblance to the other forms at all.Yang Pan-hou was the official teacher for the Imperial court, who was the Manchu's. The Chinese nationals were subjugated by the Manchu's and hated them. Yang was Chinese, so many t'ai chi historians claim that he taught a watered down t'ai chi ch'uan to Manchurians and taught the real art to his family and select students. The Yang family lived in the town of Kuang Ping (also spelled Guang Ping, and this has nothing to do with Kwan Yin) and that is where the form's name comes from. At least that is one story. There is no way to know if any of this is true as even among family members there is disagreement over the true history of Yang Style. One of Yang Pan-hou's top students was Wong Jiao-yu, a native (Han) Chinese and stableman for the Imperial family one of the very few to teach this system.Yang Chien-hou's alternate styles:Side note: Yang Pan-hou's brother, the famous Yang Chien-hou, also taught an older alternative version of the Yang form. Our Tchoung Symmetrical Long form (240) and our San Shou (two person) Form (sections 7 & 8) are traced directly to him and his son Yang Shao-hou and his student Tian Zhao-lin (Tain Shaolin) and Hsiung Yang-ho. Tian Zhao-lin is said to be the student of Yang Chien-hou in one version of history, of Yang Shao-hou in another, Yang Pan-hou in another, and Tian is even placed on the Yang Cheng-fu lineage chart and was considered Yang Cheng-fu's number One student. It is likely that Tian may have studied with each Yang and just went along with whoever the family head teacher was at the time. We are looking into this now.There are several people teaching what are known as "Older forms", "Secret forms", etc., but resemble each other superficially, if at all. One may speculate that most "Secret Styles" have evolved on their own.Kuo studied kung-fu from a young age and was a master of a Moslem version of Northern Style Shaolin ch'uan. He traveled around China challenging kung-fu masters to "testing" matches. If he found someone who could beat him, he would study with him. This is considered bad form today, and today's world that would have gotten him arrested, or at least viewed as a thug, especially since most people do t'ai chi for health, not fighting. Kuo came from a different world. He even challenged the boxing legend Joe Louis in 1951, and in 1972 he still claimed," I could have thrown him." (San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 22, 1972).Wong Jiao-yu Connection:He met Wong Jiao-yu, who was of advanced age, legend says he was over 112, but healthy and spry. Wong easily threw the 30ish Kuo around. Kuo asked to become his disciple, and then had to pass certain physical tests. He was one of a very few disciples of Wong. It is claimed that Wong died at the age of 121 years. Kuo later became the primary teacher of this particular form of t'ai-chi ch'uan. It is his students and their student's who carry on this style today.Fled China after Mao took over:Kuo was a General under Chiang Kai-shek. After the communist takeover, Kuo, like many other masters fled to Taiwan where he and they eventually taught their arts. Kuo left his 4 wives and 8 children in China, when he fled Mao. He became a congressman in Taiwan and then later moved to San Francisco.The many masters fleeing to Taiwan ultimately benefited the martial art world, because shortly after then, the traditional martial arts such as t'ai chi ch'uan were outlawed as part of "Getting rid of the old" in Communist China. This lowered the level of traditional arts in China. Then later in China the forms were turned into politically correct, calisthenics forms such as the "Simplified 24 Form" and other modern forms now for basic exercise and competition.The modern exercise and competition forms, e.g. 24 simplified form, were choreographed by committee to replace the "Sifu" based traditional arts. So the continuation of the real arts were in Taiwan for many years. Kuo and others taught their arts in Taiwan keeping the traditional methods alive, well and evolving; while at that time the arts went through a period of stagnation and persecution in China. This happened to other art forms as well including the art of the puppet master and even basic education.One Chinese student, who was caught up in this, told me that while things changed, the anti-intellectual and anti-Old Fashioned, Anti-Western Ideas", not teaching basic education, continued until around 1977, when the political climate changed again. This is much later than I would have thought. Another observer told me there is a whole generation of uneducated Chinese due to the political decisions of that time, now many Chinese of that generation feel cheated by a lack of proper education. But that is another story but it parallels the martial art story as well.Kuo, Tchoung and other masters were able to continue to train and share with each other in Taiwan where the traditional arts flourished, progressed, and were preserved. Just think of the progress these men made in their training by being to workout with each other and share ideas, or debate concepts? This was a very fertile time for the martial arts in Taiwan. Kuo and Tchoung, both rough and tough customers, were friends and would workout, push hands, show-off, with each other in Taiwan. Tchoung told me that he had the greatest respect for Kuo and he told me about their pushing hands workout sessions and other stories of their adventures. They can be seen together in Tchoung's book on page 287.Kuo moved to San Francisco around 1965. He had many students. Some of his students, especially his Shaolin students were incredible athletes and did exquisite Shaolin forms. I remember them doing their beautiful forms early in the morning. Their athletic ability was amazing, showing incredible flexibility, grace and flow. They were poetry in motion.Later, many of Kuo's t'ai-chi ch'uan students, and their students, changed his form, so there are several versions of his art being taught today, some bearing little resemblance technically or energetically to what Kuo taught.Kuo taught, as did Tchoung, that standing meditation was very important. Kuo emphasized the "Universal Post" standing meditation posture while Tchoung stressed the "Press down on Mt. Tai". We teach that and over a dozen other standing meditation methods in our classes which were taught to us by Tchoung Ta-tchen. Our "Level One" exercises include the ch'i kung/warm-up exercises that came directly from Kuo. There are also techniques similar to Kuang Ping techniques in Form "Section Nine". Some of our kicking drills came from Kuo, as well as Tchoung. Tchoung and Kuo had many similar training methods, which I guess is to be expected from old training buddies with similar histories.The Kuo's warm-ups and t'ai-chi ch'uan form can be done either as calisthenics, or as a ch'i kung (qigong) i.e. a mind-body exercise, depending on the emphasis of the student. The exercises bring ch'i to parts of the body and allow it to move naturally. The most important of the exercises is the standing meditation practice which helps to work the mind-body connection, strengthen the body and sink the ch'i. The Universal Post is the most famous of Kuo's standing meditation postures, though he taught other postures as well. Standing meditation is both a ch'i kung and a physical training method.We teach a variety of these standing exercises as part of our system. These ch'i kung are said to clean and balance the energy field (aura). You should feel serene during and after practice. Some people are drawn to one version and others to different versions, there are literally thousands of varieties of ch'i kung routines. The t'ai chi ch'uan is also a ch'i kung if done properly. Only if they are performed correctly are the exercises ch'i kung, if not they are merely calisthenics. Many of these Kuang Ping exercises are also classified as traditional therapeutic or healing exercises and are used as physical therapy in China. Some are even included in the modern "Liangong Shibafa" therapeutic exercises. Some are also similar to some of the exercises in the "Soaring Crane Ch'i Kung" form.Kuo wrote two books: one in Chinese, and the other had photos and was translated into English by his student Master T.R. Chung. Kuo's book, T'AI-CHI-CH'UAN In Theory And Practice, has pictures of Kuo doing his form, the only book I know of with a significant number of pictures of Kuo actually doing his form. It is a good reminder as to how Kuo really did the form, now that so many teachers have changed it. At one of the UCR Tournaments I brought the book in case there was any argument about how the form should be done in the "Kuang Ping Form Category".The University of California T'ai Chi Ch'uan Championships was the First in the Country to feature a "Kuang Ping Form" category for Kuo's form, as a separate category. We were also the first to feature a Tchoung form category and one of the first to feature a Cheng Man-ch'ing form and Ch'en form category as well. We did that because the forms were to be performed correctly to reflect the flavor or energy of those forms, rather than elaborated on to gain points as is often done in certain tournaments. Later other tournaments followed that example. (See Tournament information)T.R. Chung was a long time student of Kuo from Taiwan and taught t'ai chi ch'uan, Shaolin ch'uan, Pa-kua chang, calligraphy, I Ching and Tao Te Ching in San Francisco in 1968 and later in Berkeley in the 1970's. I worked out with him briefly in Berkeley. Chung wrote his book, with a similar title to Kuo's, called Tai Chi Chuan in Theory and Practice, (Berkeley 1974) which showed Chung's version of Kuo's form as well as Wu style and Yang style. Soon after, another book was written by Kou's students, Tom Brayne and Cecile Cutler, called Wave Hands Like Clouds, in 1975. Recently several new books have come out. One is part of Kuo's Chinese book translated into English, another is by Kuo's wife, (Simu) Simone Kuo, who came out with her book and her version of his style. There are probably others as well.Kuo died at the age of 96 back at his home in Inner Mongolia. I was indeed fortunate to have studied with and experienced the Chinese National Treasure, Grandmaster Kuo Lien Ying. He is one of the last generation of irreplaceable "Real" t'ai chi ch'uan masters.EndReferences:San Francisco Chronicle Feb 22, 1972Kurland, H., Asian Mind-Body Techniques Revealed.Kurland, H, "In matters of Taste there is no dispute," Internal Wushu Arts Newsletter, November/December 1998, p 5-6.Kurland, H., "Kuang Ping Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan," City News, October 8, 1998. P 5Tchoung, T.T., Theoretical and Practical Tai Chi Chuan, p 287C Harvey Kurland 2010
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
As the wealth industry keeps continuing their discussion about we should be creating a future-ready platform for wealth management, and suggest an advising model that is hybrid in nature, we are failing to notice the emerging technology trends. Trends that make us believe that wealth management is not a destination but a journey.Yes, we believe that 'Hybrid Advice Model' is the new and upcoming wave for wealth management. As we adapt to this trend, we need to create our wealth management journey around partnering with the right wealthtechs; investing in a better data; strategizing around digital decoupling, and arming your organizations operating model with continuous innovation.Apart from this, the top five technological trends that will help us better our wealth management is something that we should be focusing on. So, understand what these trends are and what impact would it have. AI For the organizations who are venturing into wealth management or are in wealth management and looking for 'hybrid advice', should look at 'AI'. An AI that will function as per the client requirements and the society also is something that will prove beneficial. According to a survey conducted by Accenture, it is found that in the coming two years, AI will be seen working along with humans in their organizations. Moreover, majority of wealth executives believe that it becomes easier to gain the consumer trust by being clear about their AI-based actions and decisions. Reality How will the extended reality affect? Augmented and virtual is diminishing the distance between reality and people, experiences, and information as well. The XR-extended reality-provides opportunities for creating better client engagements. Several organizations are already making the most of XR for training their workforce, increasing every day productivity, and creating customer experiences that are immersive. Data Data is where the world of every technology organization revolves now. Therefore, wealth management organizations need depend on actionable data, which would help them create a data pipeline for turning actions into insights. According to a leading IT firm, 80% executives strongly agree that organizations heavily rely on data, but many have not ventured into finding out the truth within. The strongest pursuit is confidence, and data provides a good insight in the business. When you create a wealth platform, focus on both veracity and integrity. No friction Being competitive depends on how strong your partnerships are with the executives from the wealthtech industry, which would help you for creating a digital ecosystem. To ensure that you have a seamless relationship with the new entrants in the digital world, you need to re-architect them. You need to adopt new technologies and one of your legacy products for internal transformation to become the new age portal. Thinking The physical world is witnessing a brand new level of digital sophistication, which is being extended to connected devices and extended reality. You can leverage these revolutionary systems for becoming a future-ready wealth platform. Soon we will see how extended infrastructure will become the central system of Internet of Thinking.Wealth Management These five trends if implemented at the right time and right manner will help drive speed, scale, and innovation. A futuristic wealth platform will provide a complete personalized value and at the same time remain competitive as per the ever-changing industry.
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
The Google Search team organized Google Search Central Live, Japan’s first in-person event since the 2019 Webmaster Conference. #SearchCentralLive Tokyo is about to begin and we couldn't be more excited! So! Many! People! 😍 pic.twitter.com/HSOS7bFZJ3 — Google Search Central (@googlesearchc) June 16, 2023 Website owners, digital marketers, web developers, and SEO professionals attended the event on June 15 – 16, which served as a platform to discuss SEO and website optimization best practices while also providing an opportunity to learn from industry experts and the Google Search team. Attendees had the chance to interact with online practitioners from various regions, gain insights into the latest developments in Google Search, and engage in discussions on improving their website’s search performance. While the event was not open to the press for coverage purposes, it featured a diverse lineup of speakers, including Googlers and experts. Speakers shared their knowledge and expertise on website performance and optimizing Google search results. The following are insights from the event shared under the #SearchCentralLive hashtag on Twitter. Google Search And Generative AI AI! AI! AI!#SearchCentralLive pic.twitter.com/y8SAD579KN — 長崎あずさ (@_azuazu) June 16, 2023 As expected, many #SearchCentralLive tweets revolved around AI. Several tweets from the event included comments from Gary Ilyes, an Analyst at Google, about generative AI. An interesting slide shared on Twitter from the event included an important reminder to write for humans, not robots. ユーザーのためにコンテンツをhttps://t.co/XOhIDp4ZfU#SearchCentralLive pic.twitter.com/XCpOjGRkRb — TAHAYU (@tahayu55wd) June 16, 2023 Google SearchLiasion shared the same reminder almost 12 hours later in response to a recent article that seemingly encourages ecommerce store owners to create content for robots. If you create content, a reminder: create your content for people, not robots, for success with Google Search. That's long been our advice. For a refresher, see our guidance about creating helpful, reliable, people-first content: https://t.co/NaRQqb1SQx — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) June 16, 2023 Google FAQs About Generative AI One attendee shared a link to a document from Google answering FAQs about generative AI. In it, Google explained the following about generative AI and large language models. Generative AI refers to machine learning models that can use what they’ve learned from data to create new content like text, images, music, and code. They learn through patterns in data. Large language models (LLMs) are generative AI models that can predict the next words in text based on patterns they’ve learned. LLMs are not databases or information retrieval systems. They generate responses based on their learned patterns, so their answers can contain factual errors. The safety and risks of LLMs need to be managed through measures like filtering training data, fine-tuning the models, and fact-checking responses. LLMs are trained on large amounts of data to learn patterns—the more varied the data, the better the model’s performance. LLMs don’t inherently understand the information they generate. Their responses that seem to show emotions or opinions come from the patterns they’ve learned from human-created data. LLMs “hallucinate” when they generate factually incorrect and seemingly coherent responses due to insufficient relevant information. Hallucinations can be reduced but not prevented entirely. Mitigating bias in generative AI models involves improving them with balanced data representing diverse perspectives and views. The Updated Search Quality User Report Google recently updated the form that allows Google search users to report spam to ensure search results meet Google Search Essentials. Attendees shared the new feedback form, which includes options for spammy content, spammy behavior, deception, low quality, paid links, or other abuse of search tactics. It also has a bulk submission feature to submit up to five pages in one report. The Search Status Dashboard Another helpful link shared by several attendees was for the Google Search Status Dashboard. This dashboard displays the current status of crawling, indexing, ranking, and serving issues that may affect website owners. Screenshot from Google, June 2023 Fast-Paced Lightning Talks In addition to the informative talks and presentations, the event offered unique features like the Lightning Talks sessions. These sessions deviated from traditional conference formats and consisted of short, fast-paced presentations. Each speaker had a time limit of 7 minutes and a limited number of slides to convey their ideas, promoting interdisciplinary conversations and collaborations. One lightning talk session covered the use of AI chat at work, which suggested that many workers do not understand how to use generative AI chatbots for the right tasks. The speaker recommends that AI chat is best for idea generation, writing, coding, translations, and summaries. As a great use case example, I used Google Translate (which uses AI) to translate many of the tweets, slides, and documents about the event. You can view more Lightning Talks on YouTube, including this recent one on Search Console for news sites. Valuable Insights For Website Owners 傘もらった!かわいい!!#SearchCentralLive pic.twitter.com/F5kZ2NKsc0 — きくながまさし/SEOする人 (@web_masashi) June 16, 2023 Overall, the Google Search Central Live event provided a valuable platform for website owners, web developers, and SEO professionals to enhance their knowledge of Google Search and improve their website’s performance. With its diverse range of speakers, tailored content, and networking opportunities, these events can be a productive and engaging experience for attendees. Featured image: Daboost/Shutterstock window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( !window.ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof window.sopp != "undefined" && window.sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); console.log('load_px'); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('init', '710012555858472' ); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'google-search-central-live-tokyo', content_category: 'generative-ai news seo' ); );
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Unlocking Your Brand’s Potential with WordPress: Insights from the Executive Director Have you ever wondered how WordPress can transform your brand’s narrative and enhance your online presence? Executive Director of WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, joined me on the SEJShow to discuss the impact of the open source model on WordPress’s growth and economy and provides valuable insights on leveraging WordPress to tell your brand’s story and succeed in the digital world. As WordPress marks its 20th anniversary, empowering individuals and organizations to share their narratives and establish their businesses, this episode provides a glimpse into WordPress’s future and the unique ways marketers, entrepreneurs, and SMBs can capitalize on its evolving capabilities. WordPress enabled about half a trillion dollar economy based on everything people can do to create services and products inside the WordPress space. How we have created our marketplaces has been significant.–Josepha Haden,15:22 Like all the things with AI, I always ask my community to move slowly enough to be ethical but fast enough to be relevant. We’re technology, and we have to be fast. Otherwise, we don’t matter. But also, we are open source, so we always want to be as ethical as possible.–Josepha Haden, 36:02 The thing I think that makes Open Source so valuable in the history of WordPress and probably in the history of any open source project is that it not only has a bunch of freedoms for what anyone who wants to use our software can do and can have, but it also specifically includes freedoms from things that they should not have to deal with. Like they should be free from having someone suddenly change their terms of service and no longer having access to their content or, suddenly changing their algorithms and no longer having any access to the audiences that they worked so hard to gain on their sites and in their own spaces.–Josepha Haden, 10:12 [00:00] – About Josepha.[00:29] – The 20th anniversary of WordPress.[00:40] – SEJ’s transition from Blogger to WordPress.[01:54] – The WordPress project timeline.[04:12] – Explanation of open-source project contributions.[14:32] – The WordPress economy.[14:51] – SEO plugins in WordPress.[17:23] – How do plugin and theme developers monetize their work in the WordPress space?[20:25] – How has Gutenberg changed WordPress post publishing?[27:21] – Benefits for merchants using WordPress for ecommerce.[28:56] – Storytelling in ecommerce.[31:26] – The role SEO plays in WordPress’ operation and its importance to users.[32:31] – Future of WordPress.[33:08] – WordPress’ multilingual support.[34:12] – How WordPress is navigating enterprise-level customizations.[36:02] – Ethical considerations of WordPress & AI.[41:57] – The role & importance of the WordPress community in its success. Resources Mentioned: WordPress – https://wordpress.com/Yoast – https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/All-In-One SEO – https://aioseo.com/Rank Math – https://rankmath.com/Josepha’s Blog – https://josepha.blog/ And for what it’s worth, a group of existing agencies caters to enterprise clients in WordPress. We know, as WordPress is in the heart of us, that we can do that and support that. And we also can do that while keeping the heart of our open-source philosophies like we see it happening. WordPress.org/enterprise is the page that enterprise-specific agency leaders pulled together to help us get more awareness that WordPress is an excellent choice for enterprise implementations and clients.–Loren Baker, 45:24 One of the goals of Gutenberg was to lower the barrier to entry for new users of WordPress by creating this block standard. The idea was that everyone would use the same variety and type of interactions. You only had to learn one type of management style for all the interactive management spaces available inside the CMS. This was an opportunity for us to modernize the code base and bring in a new concept of how we can work with WordPress. –Josepha Haden, 21:40 So in the publishing space, one of the things that I think, I’m not going to say we’re going to lead in, but certainly, I believe we’re going to do the best in, is making sure that our native, multilingual support is as seamless and robust as it can be. We are the most used CMS worldwide, and that work is slated for phase four of our current Gutenberg project. It’s not necessarily a Gutenberg-centric concept, but it is one of the areas where we can stand to make the most profound difference in using an excellent CMS globally. And so that is in our next three to four years.–Josepha Haden, 33:08 Connect with Josepha Haden Chomphosy: Josepha Haden Chomphosy is an accomplished leader and technologist in open-source software. As the Executive Director of WordPress, she oversees the strategic direction of the world’s most widely used content management system (CMS), with 43% of all websites globally powered by WordPress. Since taking on this role in 2019, she has devoted her work to cultivating a more diverse and inclusive community that welcomes hundreds of volunteers worldwide, expanding the platform’s reach, and empowering users to create exceptional digital experiences. Josepha is known for her leadership skills and philosophy, passion for open-source software, and commitment to creating a more equitable and inclusive industry. Connect with her on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephahaden/ Connect with Loren Baker, Founder of Search Engine Journal: Follow him on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lorenbakerConnect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenbaker window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( !window.ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof window.sopp != "undefined" && window.sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); console.log('load_px'); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('init', '710012555858472' ); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'wordpress-brand-story-podcast', content_category: 'search-engine-journal-show seo wp' ); );
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funnelsblogtb · 1 year
Google has filed a lawsuit to dissuade scammers from using Google Maps and Business Profiles to post fake businesses and fake reviews. Google said “bad actors posted more than 350 fraudulent Business Profiles and tried to bolster them with more than 14,000 fake reviews. The lawsuit. You can find the court document over here that spells out the details of the lawsuit that Google filed. The defendants listed in the lawsuit are Defendants Ethan QiQi Hu; GMBEye; Rafadigital, LLC (“Rafadigital”); and Does 1– 20. Google said the purpose of the lawsuit is to stop the “complex and misleading scheme to deceive consumers, business owners, and Google by unlawfully manipulating Google’s industry-leading business listing services.” It goes on to read: “Over the past two years, Defendants—led primarily by a single individual, Ethan Qiqi Hu—have abused Google products to create fake online listings for businesses that do not exist, and to bolster them with fake reviews from people who do not exist. Defendants sell these listings, and the inquiries from confused consumers who are lured in by them, to individuals and entities looking to promote their businesses on Google platforms. Defendants deceive these small business owners too, making unsubstantiated and impossible claims about their ability to guarantee a favorable position in Google’s search results and implying preferential treatment or access with respect to certain Google processes.” There is a lot of detail, including screenshots and the alleged methods used by the defendants in the court document. Google has done this before. In the past, Google has done a number of things to try and stop this kind of fraud, including filing lawsuits. Not just with local, but also with web search. Why we care. Will this lawsuit put fear into those scammers that have yet to be sued by Google and encourage them to stop their practices? Will this lawsuit lead to less spam and scams in Google Maps and Google Local? Time will tell but it is nice that Google is taking efforts, beyond just removing spam and fake profiles, to target these spammy efforts.
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