funtimelilac · 4 years
#feed megamind 
Will humanity ever be free of the influence of Edna Mode? Can any of us so much as consider the character design for a hero or villain without her manifesting in the room, fully aware of our sins?
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funtimelilac · 4 years
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Monochrome A.K.A. “Mono”
Age - 11
Gender - Male/Fluid
Height - 4′0″
The child of Paperjam and Omni. @cereusblue @7goodangel
Mono’s personality is a mix of one part ice with one part sugar. His reactions will always depend upon his emotion at the time. 
Sadly, he has a weak immune system and a high tendency to get highly sick when exposed to germs. He is hindered by an inability to feel only one emotion at a time, being unable to switch emotions fast enough when necessary.
He ATTEMPTS to act mature like an adult, turning his nose up to ‘baby games’ and roughhousing around with others his own age. In fact, he has trouble communicating to people at all with his stunted emotions.. Including his own parents sometimes.
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funtimelilac · 4 years
Flareon for the win!!!!
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choose your eeveelution
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funtimelilac · 4 years
So fuccing cute. WHERE CAN I GET IT!? Give them all to meh
Porygon Pokedoll
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funtimelilac · 4 years
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You know what bothers me the most about how little coverage the Australian fires are getting?
I could mention that 18 people are now dead, several are missing and over 1000 homes are lost. All at the start of a new year. +3 million hectares of land is gone. People feel a little bit of empathy, maybe they'll reblog this or give it a like, but they'll give it no second thought.
But if I were to make a post just solely about the fact that 500 million animals have been killed in these fires, including 30% of all koalas meaning they're close to being functionally extinct, people would share the fuck out of it. They would start GoFundMe pages, they would guilt people into reblogging shit with the classic, "if you don't reblog this you don't have a heart." You know that trope yeah?
You all fucking shoved posts about the Amazon fires down our throats. "Oh but they were deliberately lit on Native land." You don't think we understand that? Do you know that is exactly what's happened here? As a woman of Aboriginal descent, do you get how upsetting it is for me to watch my country burn? To watch my friends houses burn to the grown whilst they're left to flee to the beach in hope's of not being burnt? Do you know how upsetting it is to think that the house that I grew up in probably won't be standing in a couple days? All because the RFS are not allowed to backburn because of politics. Politics who don't understand a single fuck about anything that is happening.
Every night I have to try my hardest not to break down in front of my family because I am so upset and so angry about this whole situation. Men and women are out there fighting this fire, missing out on time with their family, time at work meaning they can't afford to feed their family either, they miss out on holidays too.
My brother was sent on a strike team up to Sydney for Christmas. He almost didn't make it back for New Years, even when he got home, he was so tired to go out so him and I stayed at home and played the PS4. And what makes me angry is that some families out there don't see their brothers come home, their sons, their fathers, their sisters, mothers, daughters.
Because people are dying.
And no one other than Australians give a single fuck!
Canberra currently ranks at number 8 for worst air quality in the world right now. The elderly in nursing homes are being evacuated and have nowhere to go. People were jumping in lakes, were swimming out into the ocean to get away from the fire as it started to burn the beach.
And what does our Prime Minister do?
He arrives at fire impacted towns, in a nice and expensive 100k BMW, to give his thoughts and prayers. Not aid, not water and food, not money. But thoughts and prayers.
"I'm sure he's just tired."
"No, no. He lost a house."
How more insensitive can the fucker get? This isn't a Prime Minister. This is a disgrace. May I also mention we are in our worst drought yet but "we" just sold 409 million dollars worth of drinking water overseas.
I am begging all of you by this point. Please, help out our victims of fire and drought. Donate to whatever causes you can, search the internet, I'm sure there are plenty out there. Donate packs of water, toiletries, food that doesn't spoil, socks, sleeping bags, anything.
Every small gesture you do makes a big impact on somebody who lost everything.
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funtimelilac · 4 years
You're welcome friend {°^°}
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funtimelilac · 4 years
She helps, and it turned out well. Lilac smiles. 
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“Uh, no? How would I know that if we just met?” The fox tilts his head. “Uh, anyway, I’m Jake.”
“And I’m Zoe,” the chicken adds. “You guys new here?”
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funtimelilac · 4 years
{°#°} 4 words: F**k. This. Mean. Guy.
You know what bothers me the most about how little coverage the Australian fires are getting?
I could mention that 18 people are now dead, several are missing and over 1000 homes are lost. All at the start of a new year. +3 million hectares of land is gone. People feel a little bit of empathy, maybe they'll reblog this or give it a like, but they'll give it no second thought.
But if I were to make a post just solely about the fact that 500 million animals have been killed in these fires, including 30% of all koalas meaning they're close to being functionally extinct, people would share the fuck out of it. They would start GoFundMe pages, they would guilt people into reblogging shit with the classic, "if you don't reblog this you don't have a heart." You know that trope yeah?
You all fucking shoved posts about the Amazon fires down our throats. "Oh but they were deliberately lit on Native land." You don't think we understand that? Do you know that is exactly what's happened here? As a woman of Aboriginal descent, do you get how upsetting it is for me to watch my country burn? To watch my friends houses burn to the grown whilst they're left to flee to the beach in hope's of not being burnt? Do you know how upsetting it is to think that the house that I grew up in probably won't be standing in a couple days? All because the RFS are not allowed to backburn because of politics. Politics who don't understand a single fuck about anything that is happening.
Every night I have to try my hardest not to break down in front of my family because I am so upset and so angry about this whole situation. Men and women are out there fighting this fire, missing out on time with their family, time at work meaning they can't afford to feed their family either, they miss out on holidays too.
My brother was sent on a strike team up to Sydney for Christmas. He almost didn't make it back for New Years, even when he got home, he was so tired to go out so him and I stayed at home and played the PS4. And what makes me angry is that some families out there don't see their brothers come home, their sons, their fathers, their sisters, mothers, daughters.
Because people are dying.
And no one other than Australians give a single fuck!
Canberra currently ranks at number 8 for worst air quality in the world right now. The elderly in nursing homes are being evacuated and have nowhere to go. People were jumping in lakes, were swimming out into the ocean to get away from the fire as it started to burn the beach.
And what does our Prime Minister do?
He arrives at fire impacted towns, in a nice and expensive 100k BMW, to give his thoughts and prayers. Not aid, not water and food, not money. But thoughts and prayers.
"I'm sure he's just tired."
"No, no. He lost a house."
How more insensitive can the fucker get? This isn't a Prime Minister. This is a disgrace. May I also mention we are in our worst drought yet but "we" just sold 409 million dollars worth of drinking water overseas.
I am begging all of you by this point. Please, help out our victims of fire and drought. Donate to whatever causes you can, search the internet, I'm sure there are plenty out there. Donate packs of water, toiletries, food that doesn't spoil, socks, sleeping bags, anything.
Every small gesture you do makes a big impact on somebody who lost everything.
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funtimelilac · 4 years
"I could help, even like this!" She gestures to her animatronic body. 
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“Uh, no? How would I know that if we just met?” The fox tilts his head. “Uh, anyway, I’m Jake.”
“And I’m Zoe,” the chicken adds. “You guys new here?”
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funtimelilac · 4 years
{°>°} Little did Sarah know she was making a meme.
Can Freddy Make a meme??????????????????????????????????????????????????
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“…Wait, what?”
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funtimelilac · 4 years
(My massive dog just ran into my fort and I'm claustrophobic) "Anyway, what are y'all doing??" Lilac wonders aloud.
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“Uh, no? How would I know that if we just met?” The fox tilts his head. “Uh, anyway, I’m Jake.”
“And I’m Zoe,” the chicken adds. “You guys new here?”
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funtimelilac · 4 years
Oh my god he got roasted!!!
Not a dream, cw: bad date
Good Lord, my friend just called me after she came home from what she's referring to as "the worst first date she's ever been on" and boy, was it a story.
The date ended with her and the guy saying goodbye after a tense meal at a restaurant and, from what she told me, she destroyed him (with good reason).
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funtimelilac · 4 years
Yes, yes he is.
A3 molten Freddy!! :000
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funtimelilac · 4 years
"Also, yes, we're new here," Lilac says to Zoe. (Lol autocorrect translated Zoe into Die oml)
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“Uh, no? How would I know that if we just met?” The fox tilts his head. “Uh, anyway, I’m Jake.”
“And I’m Zoe,” the chicken adds. “You guys new here?”
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funtimelilac · 4 years
"Uh, just telling you something about me, so you won't do it and scare the living ghost out of me!" Lilac says to Jake.
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“Uh, no? How would I know that if we just met?” The fox tilts his head. “Uh, anyway, I’m Jake.”
“And I’m Zoe,” the chicken adds. “You guys new here?”
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funtimelilac · 4 years
*dabs* she protecc she attacc but most importantly da sins are on Williams bacc
J3 Lolbit expression meme? OuO
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funtimelilac · 4 years
Always here...
Please reblog when you’re an active FnaF Roleplayer!
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We making a masterlist of all active FnaF roleplayer on tumblr!
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