furrybarbarianpeace · 3 years
Are you asking about,
Solar Panels Worth Installing in Australia 2021?
The answer is simple:
Yes! Solar panels are really worth buying in every state of Australia in 2021.
Even though there’re a number of factors that affect the price of solar panels, and also the savings and ROI of panels; the outcome is that they’re a really good investment in Australia. Mainly, solar PV panels ROI is within 5 to 6 yrs and it’s not unusual for solar power systems to pay for themselves in 4 yrs.
Therefore, when you buy accurately, a premium solar PV system must provide you savings for 25 yrs.
Let’s find out about-
savings, cost, and solar energy panel payback in the year 2021:
A typical solar power system that is getting installed in the year 2021 is a 6.6kW solar power system. The cost of a premium solar system of this size is anywhere between $6,000 to – $9,000. This system can provide savings between $1,200 to $2,000, and sometimes, even more than this. But it’ll depend upon how much solar energy you use and at what time you use it.
Hence the payback period can also differ with respect to solar power usage habits and other factors like your geographical location, the orientation of your roof, and its tilt.
Following are the common results for a 6.6kW solar power system in 2020:
Cost: $6,000 – $8,500
Savings: $1,200 – $2,000
Payback Period: 4 – 7 yrs
how much does the solar panel save you per month?
If you look at a typical 6.6kW solar system, it can deliver savings between $300 to $500 per quarterly electricity bill. You may ask -Why is there such a big price range? Well, it relies on how much power you use and the time duration of using it.
You can make savings in two ways:
Whenever you use the solar energy generated directly from your PV panels, you save approx. 30c per kWh or whichever rate you pay for your solar power supply. Also if you’re feeding the excess solar energy back into the utility grid, then you receive credit for that excess energy known as – “Feed-in-Tariff”. At the same time keep in mind that, these Feed-in-Tariffs differ from state to state as well as retailer to retailer, but it’s usually around 10c kWh.
Another way is to save a lot more is by self-consuming your solar energy as well as using it directly. There’s a big difference between the 30c that you save after using your solar energy and the 10c that you get by sending it back to the utility grid; this shows the difference why these figures vary so much?
Despite that, some other factors affect the solar energy production at your property.
Your savings and payback results differ according to the state:
Solar panel systems generate distinct results with respect to where you live. Remember that, a solar power system installed with CEC-approved solar panels is eligible for the Australian government solar rebate. If you live in Western Australia, you can apply for the federal government solar rebate. For a solar panel rebate in WA, you can reduce the cost of a 6.6kW system by as much as $3,700.
You can also read an article on – How to avoid these traps and pitfalls of solar power systems
To determine how much can you get accurate results for your property?
You’ll need to use a solar calculator.
Other details to consider when evaluating solar are:
Determine lifetime savings from your solar:
When you look at it for the short term, it’s well and good but evaluate the payback period or the savings you can do in your next energy bill, a premium solar power system should last for 25 yrs. undoubtedly, you must evaluate the lifetime savings that your panels will provide. The PV panel prices that we offer are based on premium quality systems that are designed to last long. Cheap solar power systems are more undoubtedly to fail and require replacement in a short period of time, their payback period might be faster- if they last long enough- but still they’re not the best choice for an investment.
   2. A common misconception about solar is that – If I install a solar system, I won’t have to pay any power bills.
In the majority of the cases, going solar won’t remove your power bill completely i.e. you’ll still have to pay some amount of your electricity bill, even though it’ll be reduced substantially. Read this article: Solar system savings: What to expect will be helpful for you.
   3. East or west orientation:
Even if the orientation of your roof is not towards the north, then also solar panels can be a good investment for you. An east or west orientation could be advantageous for you because your photovoltaic panels produce solar energy during the daytime i.e. during the morning and afternoon peak hours. And during this time, you’ll not only be at home using your energy at these periods but it’s also when the power is costly.
Check out Solar Panels Installation On Tile Roof
  4. Low energy usage:
If your energy usage is low, you might think if, solar energy panels are still worthwhile to you? Well, the answer is simple: In the majority of the cases, it’s: Yes! They’re! And it’s recommended to buy a larger solar power system than you require. Even though your solar saving capacity is slightly reduced, you can earn more feed-in tariff, which means- you could pay off your solar system faster.
How to evaluate the solar system size?
Our expertise suggests that a 5kW or 6.6kW solar system is suitable for the majority of homes.
Should I wait to invest in solar energy panels?
Is solar energy going to be a better investment in 2021? We can’t predict the future, but here’re the things our solar experts’ team do know:
The federal solar rebate reduces each year- down 9% in 2021 i.e. you’ll need to pay a little more for every year that you wait.
Solar energy panels are becoming more and more efficient every year and, their cost is also decreasing.
The greatest reason to invest in solar power systems now is that you can save money off your next electricity bill; and undoubtedly, the more electricity produced from solar panels, the better it is for our environment.
Is it worth getting a solar battery in 2021?
Solar battery’s payback period is typically around the 10-year mark, i.e. it’s the same time as the life of the solar battery. For the majority of Australians buying a solar battery is not much an economical benefit decision because of a lifestyle choice. On the contrary for others, the primary reason to invest in a battery storage system is power backup functionality.
At this moment, there’re no indicators to suggest that solar battery prices are going to decrease significantly in the coming 2 – 3 years. Hence, it isn’t worth waiting for the solar battery prices to come down before investing in solar energy panels.
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furrybarbarianpeace · 3 years
All About Solar Panel Warranty
Business owners who’ve installed commercial solar panels find it a significant and long-term investment and also wish to cover their investment through a solar panel warranty.
As you all know solar panel warranties minimize the risk of faulty solar equipment, or breakage and/or poor performance of solar panels that might happen. Fortunately, such solar panel issues happen rarely especially when you choose premium quality solar panels from the best solar installers Perth like AVIVA Energy Solutions. Therefore it’s important to have documented assurances with you to know the long-lasting financial impact of owning a solar power system.
Hence when you research different solar panel warranty options for commercial solar systems, you’ll likely come across a wide range of solar panel warranties including different types of coverage and term periods, together with a number of fine print that may make it uncertain on what’s covered and what’s not covered. Also based on the solar company, the definition of solar warranty might differ greatly.
Say for example:
Do you know the difference between solar panel product warranty and power warranty? Because these terms can create confusion, hence it’s necessary to know the differences at the time when you’re picking up a solar company.
AVIVA Energy Solutions solar expert team is here to provide you a closer look at various types of warranties that may come with your selected organization’s solar power system:
Product warranty:
The solar product warranty covers any defects in workmanship or material. If any solar panel stops working suddenly after some period of solar installation because of the defect in the solder joint, then it’ll be covered under your product warranty.
Power warranty:
The energy output of solar panels subsides or degrades over time. Hence having knowledge of this degradation rate will help give you a clear view of the minimum amount of energy you’ll be guaranteed for the 5 or 10 or 25 yrs. of your solar panels’ life. If your solar panel’s output is less than promised output, then the solar manufacturer will replace it or repair it or reimburse you for that solar panel – it’ll depend upon your warranty terms.
A thorough study done by a third party has shown that AVIVA Energy Solutions solar panels degrade more slowly than traditional solar panels. I.e. only 0.55% annual degradation rate. We guarantee that our solar panels won’t degrade more than 8% of their original energy output during a 25yrs lifetime when compared to other conventional panels.
Combined power as well as product warranty:
A number of solar manufacturers give product and power warranties that offer coverage for various amounts of time. Some offer both – product and power – warranties for the same timelines. Keep in mind that for the majority of best solar energy providers, just their product warranties cover failure because of defects or workmanship and their power warranties don’t contain any defects at all.
Therefore, be certain to do a simultaneous comparison of solar panel warranties by paying great attention to how they have used the sections for power and product.
For example:
You may think a solar panel’s power warranty will cover any situation where its output or performance is compromised. But be certain to take a closer look at it. Most of the solar panel manufacturers focus only on their power warranty because it usually looks to guarantee a working photovoltaic panel for long time period than the product warranty. Despite that, a number of these solar power warranties are not supported by their associated product warranties.
For example:
If a PV panel is not generating the expected amount of energy, due to a flaw in the product, then the manufacturer might refuse to resolve the problem under its solar power warranty. And suppose, if the solar product warranty also doesn’t cover it or it has run out, then you’re unfortunate.
AVIVA Energy Solutions – Best Solar Installers Perth provides the strongest solar panel product and power warranties. We cover 100% of reimbursement costs or repair, a majority of traditional solar warranties don’t. I.e. our 25yrs warranty covers everything – labor, shipping, and parts, etc.
You might’ve come to know that there’re many reasons for creating such confusion surrounding commercial solar system products and power warranties. But now that you know the difference between different assurances and also what to expect from them, you can effectively compare your options. You can work with a solar consultant, who could add an extra helping hand in this sector. They can help you in understanding the complexities of solar warranties. Also, they can help you in comparing different solar panel warranties and also understand how various warranty terms can affect your business financially, both in the short –term as well as long term.
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furrybarbarianpeace · 3 years
We are all aware of how powerful, resourceful, dependable solar energy is. Its social and environmental benefits are profound.
According to clean energy council org – 24% of Australia’s electricity generation came from renewable energy in 2019
That’s the rate at which Australia is welcoming solar & other renewable energy sources with open arms.
Along with positive social and environmental impact, solar power is equally economically advantageous.
In this article, we are going to make you familiarize with top financial takeaways from solar.
Let us learn what they are in the upcoming section.
Economic benefits of solar energy:
Independent energy: First and the foremost in the list is energy independence one gets after installing a PV system. There are two ways to set up a photovoltaic system: 1. Grid-connected solar 2.Off-Grid solar. Both the options are cost-effective and help you save a large sum of capital on the annual energy bills.
When you opt for a Off-grid solar system, you no longer are attached to the grid-connected utility company’s electricity. The batteries in an off-grid PV system store excess energy and use it during night times and non-sunlight hours.
Grid-Connected systems allow you to use solar electricity in the day time and grid current in the night time. The net metering mechanism in this type of PV installation further reduced your electricity bill.
Whether Grid-connected or Off-grid photovoltaic system, the bottom line is you end up saving money on energy bills.
Job creation: A large amount of solar capacity is being installed across the globe, reporting a spectacular surge in job creation. The solar industry has created many different types of skilled job positions like manufacturers, installers, engineers, sales representatives, marketers, among others.
As the world acknowledging and employing solar energy, the jobs openings are to grow exponentially. If we talk about Australia alone, the large scale and rooftop solar have accounted for generating more than 10,000 jobs.
The overall renewable energy sector in Australia recorded an enormous 27% growth in employment in the financial year 2018-19.
So, employment is one of the extraordinary economic benefits of solar energy.
Improved real estate value: A solar equipped commercial building or a house can bag profitable deals when putting up on the resale market listing. Solar energy lets you save money on energy bills and at the same time gradually improves your property value. Having PV panels installed on a home can make it sale faster – this is one of the substantial solar energy-economic facts.
People happen to know the advantages of having a PV system. The buyers are more likely to go for a solar equipped house/commercial complex. Owners could also add up a chunk of solar installation price to the home while selling.
In this manner, solar refinance your property.
Solar rebates by the government:  To help boost commercial and residential solar installation, the government of Australia has introduced various solar rebate/incentive schemes. One can avail federal or state rebates on the rooftop solar system and battery storage. The renewable energy rebate considerably reduces the cost of setting up a PV system for houses or businesses.
Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme is run by the government to provide small businesses and homeowners with incentives and encourage solar energy utilization in the society. Under this scheme, one can install small scale PV system, solar water heaters and heat pumps.
The federal and state government solar incentive programs allow users to have an economically worthwhile renewable energy transition.
Long surviving equipment: Solar panels can function more than two decades. A photovoltaic solar system requires less or no maintenance. The electricity generation process from the sunlight is a noiseless, straightforward phenomenon.
Since the equipment comes with sufficiently good live span and solar demands no special maintenance attention, it saves both time and money for you. As far as running periodic checks and cleaning panels are concerned, one can easily do it at home with proper care and right method.
Robust equipment is one more strong economic benefit of renewable energy.
To recapitulate,
With social and environmental benefits, the economic gains of solar make it the best energy alternative. You can switch to solar, save money and make a difference. AVIVA Energy offers unmissable Perth solar deals for you so that you start saving money even before the installation.
AVIVA assists their customers right from the discussion phase to the post-installation client support. From residential installations to commercial, off-grid to agriculture solar – AVIVA has proven their excellence in a variety of different solar needs to be one of the best solar companies in Perth.
Embrace solar, save the planet and grow economically solvent– with AVIVA Energy
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furrybarbarianpeace · 3 years
Planning to go Solar? It’ll be the best decision of your life, but wait, have you heard about the traps and pitfalls of the Solar Power System? If ‘No’ then understand that there are few bad companies who go out of business in no time and leave their clients blistered in the process.
As you know that every company in every industry proclaims to provide world-class services to their customers and very few amongst them could back up these claims. In today’s blog AVIVA Energy Solutions solar experts are here to help you select the best solar company out of hundreds of companies and prevent you from being left blistered.
‘Phoenix’ companies follow some unethical practices, which lets customers in the dark and unfortunately it can happen to decent customers.
Phoenix companies –
These companies use illegal practices which are difficult to prove like – deliberately going into liquidation and then again opening a new company in a similar sector in a year or so. These practices are done to prevent paying to creditors, suppliers, clients, taxes, or also sometimes to their employees. Thus people behind these scams earn profit.
From the above discussion, it’s important for solar system customers to beware of these destructive practices as they might not receive any support or reimbursement for warranty proclaims if their solar company liquidates or they might need to pay for new solar panels or solar inverters if anything goes wrong with their solar system.
But keep in mind; it’s not gloom and doom always. If anyone of you is looking for a solar company, do detailed research, it’ll make sure that you don’t get caught in the trap laid by such Phoenix companies.
Check the following factors in order to assess whether the chosen solar company is worth it for you, and your time and money:
Check the ABN/ACN number of the solar company:
A solar company having long life can be best suitable for you. It could be a good deciding factor. Also, only the best solar company will be able to stay for a long period of time. Always choose a company that proves their experience.
For example, AVIVA Energy Solutions is working in the solar sector for almost a decade now and you can check with the ABN number.
Check out their reputation on different review platforms:
Check whether they’ve good reviews on review sites like Trustpilot, Product Review, etc. Customer reviews will provide better insight into the quality of the solar company than the feedback of their earlier customers. Therefore refer to the review platforms before selecting any solar retailer.
AVIVA Energy Solutions has received great positive reviews from our customers, which shows a sign of our commitment to customer satisfaction.
Check whether their solar products are coming from renowned manufacturers and have an established presence in Australia?
It’s always best if you find out about the solar retailer themselves and from where they’re supplying the products. Because the majority of Australian customers face issues related to their solar systems coming from international solar manufacturers having no presence in the Australian market. This makes claiming product warranty and workmanship warranty a difficult and tedious job.
The solar products offered by AVIVA Energy Solutions are selected extremely seriously and we stock products from Australian solar manufacturers who we trust.
Check whether they provide great warranties and after-sales services?
Even when the solar manufacturer has a well-established presence in the Australian market, the most important factor is the warranty claiming process shouldn’t be confusing for an amateur. Due to this best solar companies provide great support for their warranties and after-sales services. They always support their customer throughout the lifetime of their solar power systems.
We at AVIVA Energy Solutions always stand by our customers and we also support other solar users whose retailer has liquidated or gone out of business. Therefore, we have the largest customer support department in Australia.
Check whether they’ve all the required quality assured certifications and accreditations as CEC Accredited:
Whenever you want to determine the quality of a solar company, you’re considering, Accreditations and certifications are really valuable. Accreditations like Clean Energy Council Accreditation, or ISO 9001 certification, etc. serves as proof of the company’s complete commitment towards quality and integrity.
AVIVA Energy Solutions is accredited to CEC Accreditation.
Final Thoughts:
From the above discussions, you can see, there’re various factors to keep in mind when selecting a solar company for you. You can refer to our other pages like – How to gain independence with solar?  And How many solar panels do I need?
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furrybarbarianpeace · 3 years
Renewable Energy: Is It Creating Or Destroying Jobs?
Is the most sought-after debate among Australians.
One more important question is – Is the solar power system as beneficial as people say it is? Or is it creating more harm than good? Here we could just figure out facts and statistics about solar energy.
So, let’s find out whether renewable energy is creating or destroying jobs?
Let’s first analyze how many jobs have been lost in Australia due to renewable energy?
Every now and then we see people speaking about raising awareness of our current global climate crisis. The majority of important people use their social media platforms to inform people about climate change.
In recent times, we’ve seen more and more young and old people are adopting strategies to minimize the carbon footprint in Australia. Also, thanks to the Australian government for giving incentives to “Go Green”, and the prices of solar panels have decreased to a record low.
It has helped in reducing the use of coal and oils by approx. 18%.
So, when you hear that many jobs have been lost due to solar energy, is it really true? If yes, whom should we blame?
It might be easy to blame the growth of solar energy. But the number of labor has reduced across different industries coal and oil mining industries aren’t omitted. This is because of the adoption of advanced technologies which has stolen numerous jobs across the world.
Let’s find out how many jobs have been created due to renewable energy in Australia?
It was certain that solar energy was going to shoot off in Australia!! As you all know that Australia is a sunburnt country. Therefore millions of Australians adopted this environment-friendly way for generating energy. Also, solar energy gives an opportunity to zero our electricity bills!!
Another study shows that renewable energy adoption is a job creator!        
Here’s Frank Ackerman, a former Tufts professor who’s now the principal economist at Synapse Energy Economics narrative for how the jobs picture evolves over the next 35 years:
Starting at once, hundreds of thousands of jobs are created by expanded energy efficiency programs.
The second wave of new employment arises in the 2020s, as renewable energy programs take off.
Next, after about 2030, employment expands in the auto industry, as the production of electric vehicles becomes essential to the later stages of the scenario.
Finally, in the 2040s, jobs are created by net energy savings, which are spent on other purchases.
At Vista Electrical Controls, we’ve got the best solar installers in Perth, the best solar electricians in Perth, the Best solar experts in Perth, and the best solar technicians in Perth, and created thousands of jobs in WA & QLD, SA, and NSW Australia. Our team of solar experts performs solar panel installations across Perth, WA & QLD, SA, and NSW Australia every day, which were scheduled by our huge solar team in the main Perth office.
Just recently, studies have shown that solar energy jobs have increased by 9% and are expected to grow in 2021 and renewable energy is creating over 8 million jobs around the world. The climate change plan for Australia by the Australian government, for nationally becoming 50% renewable can be seen as feasible every day.
If you’ve inquired about jobs in solar energy or if you’ve queries about solar power systems in Perth then get in touch with one of our solar experts. Click Here.
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