furstreaping · 9 years
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Moodboard - Tod Furst
“And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am...”
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furstreaping · 10 years
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Hi to you too. Can we go now?
This place still exists?
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furstreaping · 10 years
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That’s the best way to do it. Pack up and leave. There’s nothing here worth staying for anyways.
I forgot coming back to New York meant I’d miss a few stupid things. All the more reason to leave, I guess.
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furstreaping · 10 years
No, life is just cruel that way. You don’t seem annoying so maybe it wanted to amuse me.
I am grateful for that as well. I would’ve been pissed if I saw nothing but dicks all over my page and the ugliness that follows.
This place still exists?
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furstreaping · 10 years
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I feel nothing towards your annoying husband. Well, well... you’ve grown a backbone in all these years. I’m sure you feel very proud of yourself. Doesn’t matter. They sucked your dick enough in school that you could be in Hawaii and they’d still hire you. Yes because Prince Warbler now Coach Warbler is a proud title. I only came because my significant other wouldn’t be satisfied if I accompanied her. I only came to make sure she stayed out of trouble and that you two assholes treated her well. 
This place still exists?
Undeserving, I don’t think neither mine or Sam’s personalities fit the bill of undeserving, but to each of their own or so they say. You seem to have some residual anger towards Sam, any reason for that, Tod? Hardly, Furst- there is simply nothing to fear when it comes to you, I’ve faced a lot worse than you. No, I’m not even in Westerville so that would hardly be possible, though if I did acquire that job it wouldn’t be anything t be ashamed of, it’s a good position at a good school.  We didn’t force you to come, you didn’t have to be there, so I suggest you stop complaining and move on from the day if it displeases you so much.
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furstreaping · 10 years
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I'm sorry...who are you? And no my name is not related to trash.
This place still exists?
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furstreaping · 10 years
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I've never seen your face before so the feeling is mutual.
This place still exists?
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furstreaping · 10 years
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Sure. This is why I told her not to buy you dicks a gift in the first place because you're both undeserving. Did she listen? No, because we could never not do something that involved making Sam happy. If you returned or broke our gift, I want my money back. Are you afraid of me Anderson? It was a beautiful dream that turned into a nightmare when reality got involved. Have you become headmaster at Dalton, yet? I bet there's a plaque with your name on it. For smug starters, you're too good to even realize who took a the time out to witness your grossly inappropriate vow of smugness to each other.
This place still exists?
I was a little busy that day so excuse me for not noticing you around. A very strange and sadistic fantasy I have to say. I don’t what I said that sounded smug but okay then.
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furstreaping · 10 years
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Noted. I never had any to begin with so the sentiment of lose is not upon me. I live in Paris with my significant other. We pretty much left that terrible ass town behind and got the hell away. Our lives have been better ever since. College bound? Points to you for continuing your education and putting up with egotistical professors who are making you pay a shitload of money just to hear them rattle on about their achievements.
This place still exists?
Oh! my bad, Tod, won’t forget that now.
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Nope, no best friends forever for me…I mostly moved out, never looked back, drifted away from old friends. Kinda happens when you’re so far away. But got cool new college friends so… what about you?
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furstreaping · 10 years
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I was at your wedding asshole. Glad to know you're still living up to your potential, Anderson. Here I was thinking you and your annoying husband had perished on your honeymoon. Mercedes has painfully told me otherwise. I guess that was just a strange fantasy. And no, a lot hasn't changed either. Still the smug Prince as ever I see.
This place still exists?
It does indeed, and by the looks of it, has improved a lot since the days of High School. I guess I was one of the unfortunate people to remember who you are Todd. Good to know you’re still… In one piece. 
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furstreaping · 10 years
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...I was in your AP classes. But like I said, anyways. It's Tod. I figured by now everyone would've stayed best friend's forever or something. 
This place still exists?
I does indeed, it looks so different now though. You’re…right about that. But hey, this is a chance for a second start. My name’s Iris, I gather you went to McKinley highschool at some point? 
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furstreaping · 10 years
This place still exists?
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I'm more surprised that my login still worked or that it wasn't hijacked and turned into a porn traffic blog. I don't remember most of you and I doubt any of you cared enough to know my name.
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furstreaping · 10 years
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I'm unpredictable. Just... don't ever leave? A man can travel the earth and back but without a reason it's just wasted time. I'd rather spend my time traveling with you then without you.
Kiss me.
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That’s pretty direct
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furstreaping · 10 years
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...I can't make any promises, but i'll try not to reap any of your friend's while we're in town. I'll try to talk to them but you cannot leave me alone in a room with him. I'm sure that annoying bowtie wearing egomaniac would not like to be made a widower.
Kiss me.
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That’s pretty direct
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furstreaping · 10 years
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Stop talking, you're making my eyes itchy. We'll go to New York and you can see your friends. But the minute you start looking in the classifieds for open apartments we're leaving. 
...I...I...feel strongly and deeply emotionally connected to you too, Mercedes. I'm not the best guy, I know that. But for whatever crazy reason you accept that and me. That's all i'll ever want and you.
Kiss me.
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That’s pretty direct
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furstreaping · 10 years
It was the worst night of my life and I knew prom's were shit to begin with. This massacre sealed the deal. It's true though. The level of pain my body felt. I might as well have been dying every time someone else around me was killed. You're still one hell of a crazy girl but I adore you none the less. I wanted to get away from this place of death and forget about the shitty memories of my father. I left him behind for a good reason. I'm not assuming you don't have any friends. Action's speak louder than words and when's the last time any of them has shown their faces around here? Returned a phone call? You want too...WHAT! HIM?! I thought he fucking died after his honeymoon! Don't tell me to not bring up the damn past! As much as you pinned for that asshole for so long...you want to go running back to his arms? I'm so tired of competing with Sam Evans! His own thing, like what? Is his marriage in shambles now and he suddenly is finding your number in his little black book? Don't be so gulliable Jones to go running back to him. He's forgotten you all this time, so why make the effort?
Fine, go to fucking New York. Go see your boyfriend and your friends. Of course you're not expecting anything from them because they couldn't be bothered to keep you included in their world. That's what happens with people like us. Nobody wants us until they have something to gain. Yeah, i'm right here. The rest of your family has passed on. You want me to come with you? Why...so I can watch you be in love with someone else? Maybe I thought time and distance would erase everything but I guess I was wrong. I'm not losing you to him because next you'll be talking about moving to New York!
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Kiss me.
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That’s pretty direct
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furstreaping · 10 years
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It doesn't matter, they knew these people existed and they were nowhere to be found that night. I still cannot get the pain or the sight of all those bodies out my mind. While you might be okay with playing the role of faux superhero that night, I had the unpleasant happenings of being in reaper mode. I probably would've been better off reaping my damn self. You're still vulnerable but you were never a weak person. We've stayed here just fine, Jones. There's nothing interesting about New York. It smells, people are loud and rude, it's expensive and overcrowded. What friends? The ones you conveniently abandoned when we went into hiding here? Aren't most of them dead, anyways... Who could you possibly want to see that badly.
Change is fine if you were going to change for a good reason. Not a fools mission. You go back there and then what? Find out everyone you know has moved on without you. We have no family there anymore. Everything we need is right here. There isn't a reason to go back and i'm sure your label can send you elsewhere. 
Kiss me.
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That’s pretty direct
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