Megatron chuffed, an amused little noise, when Optimus slapped at him, because it didn't hurt and because.. well. It was sort of funny. "Your aft was right there. I couldn't exactly not bite it." He let Optimus wrestle him down with minimal fuss, optics bright with laughter.
"It is a cute aft, in my defense. And you have a tail."
Which is basically a neon sign, in his opinion.
He has his service top harness on, his tail mod in place, and…
Honestly, he’s not really sure where to go from there. But he likes how the harness fits between and underneath his windshield.
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It would be a shame to leave Optimus.. unbitten.
But which part of him to bite? And then Megatron spotted that tail, wagging back and forth, an undeniably delicious sight, and got a terrible, no good, very bad idea.
Which led to his denta in Optimus' aft plate.
He has his service top harness on, his tail mod in place, and…
Honestly, he’s not really sure where to go from there. But he likes how the harness fits between and underneath his windshield.
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"May the accused speak, or else ever be silent," he purred, turning, so that shadow fell over his face, optics illuminated in the dark, red only just flaring out enough to fan light over his face. "Perhaps those are my crystals I'll be putting in you, hm?" Turning just a little to tuck them into the berthroom, he spilled Rung gently amongst the sheets, servo petting over his spark window, and then down over his abdomen, optics following the path down, and then back up, just before he reached Rung's panel. Cupping Rung's hip, he bent down, other servo braced near Rung's helm, and let his lips brush against Rung's before properly capturing Rung in a kiss, almost chaste at first, and then increasingly more possessive.
Like a promise of what was to come.
"I want you to know that I want you- I want you so badly all of the time, I want to bite you, I want to consume you, I want you crying and screaming my name until your vocalizer fritzes out. ..yes?"
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement } "Shame," he rumbled from behind, a servo settling just under Rung's spark chamber, "that those are the last of the crystals.. if only there was a way to make more."
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement }
“Megatron,” Rung hums, only to gasp softly and arch up into the touch, the plateglass still winched open slightly from where he’d opened himself up to heat his scalpel between cuts.
The corona of his spark, hazy white and glimmering aurora, reaches through the gap to greet Megatron’s fingers like an old friend.
“If— auh- if only I had a loving and generous conjunx, hmm, beloved?”
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That rumbles rolls into a low chuckle, and he gets down on one knee to kiss the back of Rung's neck.
"Oh yes," he murmured, letting his kisses stay slow and lingering as they trailed along the side of Rung's neck to his shoulder. "If only one had someone willing to put my crystals in you.. I wonder where ever we would find someone like that."
The laughter petered out into a low growl as he brushed large fangs back up along Rung's neck. And then he lifted Rung up and against him, easy as you please, and ambled them off towards the berthroom.
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement } "Shame," he rumbled from behind, a servo settling just under Rung's spark chamber, "that those are the last of the crystals.. if only there was a way to make more."
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement }
“Megatron,” Rung hums, only to gasp softly and arch up into the touch, the plateglass still winched open slightly from where he’d opened himself up to heat his scalpel between cuts.
The corona of his spark, hazy white and glimmering aurora, reaches through the gap to greet Megatron’s fingers like an old friend.
“If— auh- if only I had a loving and generous conjunx, hmm, beloved?”
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An optic ridge quirked, but Megatron -obediently- popped his codpiece panel, and then, with a bit of effort, half pressurized his spike so that it fell into Rung's waiting servos.
It was a bit... floppy, without entire pressuzization, but easily engulfed Rung's palm- and part of his arm past the elbow.
Rung makes a little grumble of a noise in the back of his throat and holds his servo out.
“Let me see your spike. You don’t have to pressurize it, soft is fine, I just need to check something.”
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"Mmmhm," Megatron rumbled in Rung's audial, servos sweeping down along Rung's hips to his thighs and squeezing, cheek pressing to Rung's as he gunned his engines. "While that's nice, and all.." Megatron dipped his helm to press a kiss to the side of Rung's neck, and then down along his shoulder. "I was thinking of something more intimate, of course. So that means-" Megatron plucked the datapad out of Rung's servos and put it aside, then outright picked Rung up.
"I don't want to wait." There was heat in Megatron's tone, something simmering under the surface, the entirety of his servo curled under Rung's chassis to carry him into the berthroom, where he was promptly sprawled out amongst the sheets with Megatron following soon after, crawling up and over top Rung, red optics bright with charge.
"We have all night- Elegy is visiting with the Unicronians."
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement } "You know," Megatron murmurs, whisper soft into Rung's audial. "I think, perhaps, it might be time to give Elegy a sibling."
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement }
Comfortably leaning back against Megatron’s chassis as he taps at the pad with his solitaire game on it, Rung hums noncommittally and shifts the groupings on screen to rearrange the stack of Prima’s faithful he’d been building.
“We’ve a few crystals to choose from in my stockpile,” he replies after a moment, trying and hopefully managing to sound nonchalant about the whole thing. “You can have your pick of the lot except for the combiner. They’ve got to be planted in a hotspot for certain. Couldn’t possibly manage them in a pressure cradle…”
His mumbling trails off as he sorts more cards into different piles, forming orderly rows of Prima versus Megatronus and their soldier suites.
Of course, his field and their bond betray Rung’s absent-minded exterior— Megatron could have probably felt the uptick of agitated excitement from rooms away.
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Megatron knew he had asked for this, granted, but he couldn't actually gauge how much he would be affected by hearing Rung say 'my Prime' until his spike harshly ping'd the inside of his codpiece with the velocity of pressurization.
Which was to say, he was almost painfully hard, and all the energon had suddenly been redirected so quickly that it left him lightheaded.
It took him a few moments to gather his wits about him, but when he did, he spread his thighs wider to attempt to ease the pressure from behind his panel, and cracked his vents to let heat out, slouching in the chair he sat in, and rumbling his contentment at Rung, field fanning out wide to envelope Rung in the thick, headiness of his want.
Here, he let the role settle on his shoulders, and vented out softly, optics going dim red like burning coals. "Hm. Perhaps," he purred, resting his elbow on the arm of the chair, and his cheek on his knuckles, free servo coming down to pet over Rung's helm. "Perhaps I would like a demonstration of the services you mean to provide." He pet over Rung's helm to his antenna, thumb brushing over the tip very, very gently, and puffed steam from the vents on his abdomen. "So," he rumbled, mouth curling upwards in a particularly smug fashion that made his optics squint, "convince me."
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement } "I can give it to you, whatever it is you're craving."
Knelt ever so pretty on his knees on a cushion between Megatron’s spread legs, Rung flashes a grin up at his dear conjunx before schooling himself into the play-acting role they’d been discussing, a slender hand reaching up to caress the unfairly seductive armor seam that ran along Megatron’s inner thigh. “You’re very generous, but… My only craving is to serve you, my Prime. Especially as these Senatorial sessions run long, and there will be little to occupy you between when you are needed on the floor to officiate.”
The Ornament shuffles in a little bit closer, various bits of jewelry magnetized and pierced into thin plating jingling softly with every move. Here, like this, Megatron is every inch a colossus… haloed by the overhead light behind him, red optics glowing like distant stars.
It is not play-acting when Rung sighs helplessly and rolls his field full of heady desire over him.
“Please. Allow me? I promise not to smear your prayer deco,” he whispers against Megatron’s codpiece. “Though I can always redo it, if it does get smudged.”
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Megatron, who is, perhaps, a bit stupid and very feral.
He loves Rung, this is an undeniable fact, but as Rung bends over, Megatron can not deny his lust for him, either. Especially, as Megatron's optics widen, when Rung has decided it is a no panel day. He's just... not wearing it.
And Megatron was going to look, he was allowed to. Rung's valve was very neat and soft and sort of pudgy, the same soft cream color as his face plate. And why should Megatron stop at looking, when he was allowed to touch, as well? He reached out with one servo and pressed it to the curve of Rung's back to keep him bent over with a low rumble of 'stay there', and with his free servo, thumbed over the soft mesh.
His engines turned over with a growl, and he bent a little closer, thumbing the lip of Rung's valve to the side, and then outright slanted his mouth on Rung's cunt with a pleased noise.
One of his favorite activities was this- the oral pleasure of his partners. Megatron's glossa licked a hot stripe upwards.
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement } 𝓤𝓷𝓿𝓮𝓲𝓵
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He’d gone and leaned over the arm of the sofa to grab the datapad Megatron accidentally knocked over without any thought. He was closer to it, after all, and he only wanted to help.
It’s only after he’s stretched down and managed to grab it that Rung realizes the position he’s put himself in: slim thighs pressed together as he balances on his knees on the cushion, bent over the arm of the sofa with one servo clutching it for support as he reached, his wetware on full display as he’d been too lazy to slot his panel back in place after it had gotten popped out again—
It was nothing Megatron hadn’t seen before, but it was still a little embarrassing.
“Er- sorry, darling, sorry. Here, I’ve got it…”
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“How would you feel about adopting a puppy, darling? There’s a calm, quiet one looking for a home. He’s apparently very sweet if a bit clingy, according to his papers. Would that be good? My only concern is he’s rather large, and not spayed.”
Megatron deliberated over this for a moment, before pulling Rung into his lap, and giving his hips a little squeeze.
"Is he well trained? Does he.. bite? Or will I have to get a muzzle for any nibbling he does?" Megatron's gaze turned shrewd, red optics burning as he turned them on Rung.
"I don't see why not, though."
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Megatron is bent over at the waist, panel folded back, and a servo between his legs. His aft is jutted out, and his servo is covering his valve, the faint pink of lubricant dripping between his fingers. His port, however, is stuffed with a toy- a small spike, with a pink base.
"I need help," he murmured, a faint tinge of embarrassment to his tone. "I can't quite reach to get it out; I was just trying the toy out but I don't have the angle to reach for it." It was nice, but it wasn't doing anything for him at the moment.
..if Optimus tilted his helm, he might see Megatron's refineries, too.
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement } "Optimus? A moment?"
{ @fusion-cannon-advertisement }
“D’you need something, Megatron?”
He comes trotting out of the washracks, still wiping his servos on one of the little fancy towels Rung seems to have had a real passion for at some point, considering they’re on a hook next to every sink in the dormitory space.
It’s sort of ridiculous, but the little embroidered glitbees and various kinds of birds are charming in their own way.
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Chastity kink guy who is also a prison abolitionist: the only cages people belong in are—
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“I could be convinced.”
"Is that so?"
Megatron drawls his voice optics narrowing in consideration as he sits, thighs sprawled wide. "Perhaps you want me to seduce you? Come closer, Optimus, come here, then. I want to show you something."
He pats the couch next to him, easy as you please, as though he expects to be obeyed.
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"I think we should discuss it, now." Megatron's optics have taken a turn towards the predatory, and he sets the datapad aside, squinting, as he moves to stand, slow and easy, as though Optimus will spook if he lunges.
"More than than that, I think that you require a physical demonstration of the conversation I would like to have, Optimus Prime." Now he moves closer to the other warframe, until he is close enough to smooth a servo over his windshield.
"The couch."
“You want to offer an opinion on this?”
Megatron had just finished cleaning up and is having a hot cup of oil when Optimus asks him that, he looks up from his datapad, bleary optic'd.
And then suddenly a lot less bleary, and with a much drier mouth.
"I, ah.. b. Bite.."
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“You want to offer an opinion on this?”
Megatron had just finished cleaning up and is having a hot cup of oil when Optimus asks him that, he looks up from his datapad, bleary optic'd.
And then suddenly a lot less bleary, and with a much drier mouth.
"I, ah.. b. Bite.."
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‘Come out to the garden when you’re done in the bath. Love you - R🧡’
Huh. He can only imagine that something has, perhaps, bloomed. He is no less enthusiastic to get to him, though, bathing with an urgency that leaves him slightly tingling with the amount of scrubbing.
But eventually he's air dried and polished, and poking his helm out of the doorframe.
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"She might do well with someone to play with. Although.. did you have something in mind?"
“Maybe Elegy needs a sibling close to her own age.”
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cock warming while playing video games or reading >>>>>>>>>>>>
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