futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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Paris et les restaurants. L'un ne va pas sans l'autre. Dans le nouveau monde qui nous attend, il faudra changer notre façon d'aller au restaurant et ça risque d'être étrange… • Paris and restaurants. The two go hand in hand. In the new world that lies ahead, we’ll have to change the way we go to restaurants and it could feel weird… • 📷 @lostncheeseland
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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Abeilles (feminine word) • Bees • /a.bɛj/ Illustrated by @andrinamanonillustration
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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[my edit] my instagram: skorpi00
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
“Je croyais vivre ; je me préparais seulement à la vie.”
— Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir (via orendil)
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futurefrenchteacher · 4 years
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futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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Here are some podcasts for French since I started the language.  Many you can find on  iTunes, on Android using Pocket Casts, or on their own websites/RSS feed. There are several more podcasts in French, but these should be enough for now.  Other Podcasts: Arabic| German | Italian| Russian |Spanish| Ukrainian| Eurasia
Language Learning
Coffee Break French
French Your Way
Je French
Learn French with Alexa
Mot du Jour
One Minute French
Real Deal French
Spotify- Learn French
Survival French Phrases
Listening For Beginners-Advanced
Cultivate Your French: Intermediate-Advanced.
Daily French Pod: Beginner-Advanced. Transcripts can be bought.
Easy French Poetry: Beginner-Int. Includes transcripts.
Français Authentique: Intermediate-Advanced. Includes transcripts.
French Podcasts: A2-B1. Includes transcripts.
Journal en français facile: Intermediate. Includes transcripts.
Learn French by Podcast: Beginner to Advanced. Includes transcripts and grammar lessons.
Native French Speech Podcast: Int.-Advanced. Transcripts can be bought.
News in Slow French: Beginner to Intermediate. Includes transcripts.
One Thing in a French Day: A2-B2. Includes transcripts.
The French Podcast: Beginner to Intermediate. Transcripts can be bought.
French Only
AnthroStory: Anthropology.
AppLoad: Gadgets and technology.
Bienvenue à Valnuit: French version of Welcome to Nightvale
La Conversation scientifique: Science.
Grosses Têtes: News & culture.
L’histoire du soir: Medieval literature.
LSD, La série documentaire: Culture & news.
Les Nouveaux chemins de la connaissance: Philosophy.
Les Pressés de l’Expression: Language and linguistics.
Parler Cuisine: Food and cooking.
Podcasts d'Europe: Culture, economics, politics.
Podcast Science: Science.
Poésie et ainsi de suite: Poetry
Positron: Music, film, TV.
Le RDV Jeux: Gaming.
Les Regardeurs: Art.
Rendez-Vous Avec X: History
Le rendez-vous Tech: Technology.
Le Salon noir: History.
Franceculture: Several podcasts can be found here and sorted by theme.
Franceinter: Website that hosts several more podcasts.
Francemusique: Website that has more podcasts.
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futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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To love is not to imagine that we love; it’s to act as though we loved and that’s how we discover, one day, that we truly love. • Jacques de Bourbon-Busset, French writer (1912-2001)
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futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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1K notes · View notes
futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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1K notes · View notes
futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
Diary Writing in French
cher journal - dear diary
- you can talk about how your day was - this is a great opportunity to apply your knowledge of past tenses. 
How to say that you had a good day -
j’ai passé une très bonne journée
j’ai passé une excellente journée
j’ai passé une belle journée
j’ai eu une merveilleuse journée
j’ai passé une journée fantastique
How to say that you had a bad day -
Je n’ai pas eu une bonne journée
j’ai eu une journée affreuse - a really bad day
j’ai eu une mauvaise journée
j’ai passé une journée difficile 
How to say that you had a busy day - 
j’ai eu une journée des plus occupés
j’ai eu une journée chargée
la journée d’aujourd’hui s’est avérée fort occupée
How to say that you had a quiet/relaxing day - 
j’ai eu une journée tranquille
j’ai passé une journée tranquille
j’ai profité d’une journée de détente
Talking about time -
hier - yesterday
hier soir - last night
hier matin - yesterday morning
hier après-midi - yesterday afternoon
demain - tomorrow
demain matin - tomorrow morning
demain après-midi - tomorrow afternoon
demain soir - tomorrow evening
le lendemain - the next day
cette semaine - this week
la semaine dernière - last week
la semaine prochaine - next week
ce mois-ci - this month
le mois dernier - last month
le mois prochain - next month
cette année - this year
l’année dernière - last year
l’année prochaine - next year
when talking about a coming day e.g. next saturday = samedi prochain/le samedi suivant
To add a dash of drama -
et mon cul, c’est du poulet ? - yeah right!
faire du cinéma - to be a drama queen
j’ai du mal à croire que - I can’t believe that
jai vraiment foiré sur ce coup là - I really stuffed up!
je n’arrive pas à y croire ! - I can’t believe it
je n’en crois pas mes yeux - I can’t believe my eyes
je n’en reviens pas ! - I can’t believe it!
mon cul ! - my arse! (when you don’t believe someone, say if they’ve been lying to you)
Let me know if there is anything that you think I should add or if there are any corrections:)
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futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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410 notes · View notes
futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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moodboard for @pink-punk-metal
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futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
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im bk :) also thx for 10k
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futurefrenchteacher · 5 years
La viande - Meat
Le porc - pork
Le boeuf - beef
Le veau - veal
La venaison - venison
Le lapin - rabbit
l’agneau - lamb
Le bacon- bacon
Les saucisses - sausages
Le foie - liver
La langue de boeuf - tongue
Les abats - offal
salé - cured
Fumé - smoked
de ferme - free range
Naturel - organic
la viande blanche - white meat
La viande rouge - red meat
La viande Maigre - lean meat
La viande Cuite - cooked meat
La tranche - slice
La tranche de lard - bacon strip
Le jambon - ham
La couenne - rind
La viande hachée - ground meat
Le filet - fillet
Le coeur - heart
Le gigot - joint
L’os - bone
Le gras - fat
La côtelette - chop
La côte de boeuf - rib
La Volaille - Poultry
La dinde - turkey
Le poulet - chicken
Le canard - duck
L’oie - goose
Le faisan - pheasant
La caille - quail
La peau - skin
Le blanc - breast
Le gibier - game
La cuisse - thigh
L’aile - wing
Le poulet préparé - dressed chicken
La Poisson - fish
La lotte - monkfish
Le maquereau - mackerel
La truite - Trout
L’espadon - swordfish
La sole - dover sole
La saedine - sardine
Le bar - sea bass
Le saumon - Salmon
La morue - Cod
Le thon - tuna
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