futureofdespair-xiv · 16 days
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quadrangle .
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futureofdespair-xiv · 16 days
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futureofdespair-xiv · 16 days
Ever since I created Reno I had intended to have him swap between different hairstyles and colors with semi regular intervals (with his blonde hair being his 'standard' to fall back on) but then I never got around to actually experimenting with it... until now. Brace yourself cause I'll have to edit the screens I just took.
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futureofdespair-xiv · 1 month
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A quick work break.
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futureofdespair-xiv · 1 month
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the dropping sky
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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Are you honest? Is this what you wanted?
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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Welcome to the Coerthas branch office of Highwind Skyways! ...Sounds all grand and official when you say it like that, but in truth, it's just poor little Templeton─banished to this godsforsaken waste because he rubbed a few of his superiors the wrong way. That said, being able to operate without constant supervision does afford certain...opportunities. Opportunities that might be mutually beneficial to those to whom I take a liking. <wink> <wink>
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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Behind a vacant image.
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
Actually having a good PC now is fantasic except I forgot how to edit screenshots, so now I'm straight up yoloing it while immediately falling into the over detailed stuff that are by no means necessary yet I still can't stop myself from doing them
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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Anamnesis limitations be damned I had to take these
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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The object of a beast's deepest and most deprived desires.
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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"Cat got your tongue, bard?"
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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" In the reaches of the mourning darkness I am dyed in the colors of the crimson rose. "
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
I was never that good at fighting. No matter how hard I tried, I could never seem to compare to my peers growing up. Even so, I made the reckless and impulsive decision to leave my home behind to become an adventurer.
This decision was not thought through, I will not deny that. I think I was simply tired of being nothing, of being stuck in the same old, and never growing as a person... Leaving felt like the only possible option if I wanted to change.
It was far from smooth sailing once I made the leap. The only reason my own stupidity never got the better of me was because I had someone looking out for me.
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It happened only a short while after I had left home. I didn't know where I was heading nor what I was looking for, but I spontaneously ended up traveling west and towards Eorzea.
I was in Dravania, having underestimated the local wildlife, when suddenly all my wounds were cured from out of nowhere. Before I knew it, the beast I had battled fell from a bunch massive boulders being flung into its skull. Looking up, I saw what I can only describe as the most beautiful boy in the world.
He introduced himself as Elvir, a conjurer hailing from Ala Mhigo. We ended up traveling together after that first meeting, seeing as he had just recently parted ways with his previous traveling companions.
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Elvir was not the most emotive person I'd met, but he was nonetheless very chatty. I had always struggled with conversation growing up, but with Elvir it felt easy somehow. He didn't care whether I used a thousand words or five, he filled out the silence with his own voice or heeded the few words I spoke like they were something important to him. It was the first time I had ever truly clicked with another person, so needless to say I grew rather attached.
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Of course, it's not accurate to say 'I', is it? Whatever we had, he and I, is a but a thing of bygone times.
How could I stick around, having killed his friend like so, and in a sense stealing all of that same friends memories? I know he must have felt both worry and confusion once he woke up to realize I was missing, but it was the preferable alternative to him discovering the truth and only seeing a stranger looking back.
It's for the best that our paths don't ever cross again. I don't know what I would do if I saw his face again.
It's better that I carry this devastating hunger far, far away from him, something so destructive that even his restorative magicks might not be enough to save him.
After all, there's no changing a mindless beast who is unable to overcome their base instincts.
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
Reno/Fandaniel makes me laugh because the build up to it goes like:
Asahi: *shows up, is a bastard*
Reno: 👀❤️💦 !!!
Asahi: *dies*
Reno: 😔 !!!
Fandaniel: *shows up wearing Asahi's body and is also a bastard*
Reno: 👀❤️💦 !!!!!!!!!!!
Fandaniel: *also dies*
Reno: 😔 !!!!!!!!!
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futureofdespair-xiv · 2 months
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Awful people
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futureofdespair-xiv · 3 months
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" These tiny fragments in my hand shows me a mysterious dream. Holding them softly, the nostalgic scenery melts away into my memories. Walk in the time that you cannot return to, until you reach the place to which you must return. "
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