fuwadanshi · 1 year
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sonilver week day 2 - dancing
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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funny hedgehogs
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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Commission for @ryfia!
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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i colored and drew more!!!
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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well… 🧎
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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He's having fun
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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shhh!.. they're on their first date! 🤫
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
Sonadow prompts??? Uhhhh they’re fighting, like. Accidentalky kiss and they both just freak out because it was weird but they kinda like it???
((Hi khalewren!!! Thanks for the prompt! Mentioning @glass-teeth01 since they suggested something similar as one of theirs. Hope you like my take! More of a Shadow freak out than anything else XD)) An Accidental Kiss
They were at it again.
Birds scattered - fleeing from the treelines as the hedgehogs tore through the forest - leaving chaos and destruction in their wake.
Sonic shot through the air towards him, intending to land a homing attack. Shadow's frown deepened as he waited for Sonic to be nearer. His patience was rewarded as he was finally able to swing his leg back and launch a kick at the hedgehog - sending him flying. Sonic untucked mid-air, a surprised expression on his face that was quicky suppressed by a grin. He landed on his feet, then charged forward. He tried to punch Shadow, but he quicky ducked underneath.
The blue hedgehog was ready though, using his other hand to quickly punch Shadow's face. Shadow grimaced, stumbling back. Sonic tried to take advantage of his state - launching blows in quick succession - punches and kicks combined.
Shadow was fast enough to dodge all of them though. Amidst the attacks - Shadow remained patient for the opportune moment to strike.
At last, there was an opening. Shadow kicked Sonic in the stomach in an attempt to get the other hedgehog on the ground.
His plan did work... just not in the way he had expected.
It all went too fast to process. Shadow tripped on something - whether it was a stick or a vine - he couldn't really say. All he knew for certain was that it sent him toppling on top of his adversary, forcing them to fall to the ground.
Their lips crashed.
They both winced in pain as they could feel their teeth scrape against each other's. Their foreheads knocked, forcing their heads to swing back to create a much-needed distance between their faces.
Shadow had gripped onto Sonic's shoulders, keeping him pinned to the dirt floor. While on top of the blue hedgehog, he could clearly see Sonic's wide-eyed face and the hint of pink on his cheeks. As ungraceful and rough the experience had been - the truth of it couldn't be denied. Their lips had made contact.
They had kissed.
A painful one - a miserable experience, the opposite of what they were supposed to be... but a kiss nonetheless.
The fur on Shadow's arms raised in agitation. He could feel himself shiver as realization begun to dawn on him.
"Uhm..." Sonic broke their silence, "... was that your... first time...?"
"Yikes, my dude," Sonic grimaced.
"What's that supposed to mean?" A growl edged Shadow's voice.
"It's just, eh, your technique could use some work... Just sayin'."
"Sonic!" Shadow exclaimed his name in exhasperation. "You know full well that was an accident. I'm not stupid, I know how to kiss-"
"Prove it." Sonic cut in.
"Excuse... me?"
"What's the matter, Shads? All bark and no bite?" Sonic smirked up at him. "Talk is cheap, you know."
"But how am I supposed to...?" Shadow's voice trailed off as he came the steady realization that he was bluffing. He'd never kissed anyone before and had never bothered to learn how. He didn't think he'd ever need it.
Now, his rival was challenging him, and if Shadow didn't think of something quickly - it would be another victory that Sonic would rub in his face, and an embarrassing one at that...
Shadow stared in confusion, squinting his eyes slightly. He was met with Sonic's face - the epitome of smugness as he quirked up an eyebrow.
Shadow leaned down, but paused on the way - taking a moment to glance at Sonic, making sure he was reading the situation correctly.
He saw Sonic's eyes flutter shut, and Shadow felt comfortable enough to make it all the way down, softening his grip, and tilting his head to avoid bumping noses.
The hedgehogs pressed their lips together. Shadow's movements were slow in his uncertainty, and Sonic's kiss was tender - softer than anything he'd known from the blue hedgehog before. Shadow could feel his heart flutter in his chest, taken aback by the vulnerability that Sonic was willing to display. There was something special about it - like a flower in a garden that blossomed only for him.
The world fell still - not a sound to be heard, not even the rustling of the trees. It was all defeaned by Sonic's delicate show of love.
Despite the unexpected gentleness, Shadow had to quickly pull his head back - shaking his head agressively. That kind of affection... it was so new to him, he had no idea how to process it or what to do with himself. He took a deep breath despite having enough air.
Looking back down at Sonic, he could see a concerned expression on the other hedgehog's face. It quickly dissapeared - being replaced with a smile.
"I expected something a lot more aggressive," Sonic admitted, "Colour me surprised."
"I-" Shadow's breath hitched in his throat.
Sonic chuckled lightly. "Heh, suppose it wasn't too bad," he remarked. "You'll get better though. With time."
"With... time?" Shadow breathed out.
Shadow's cheeks felt like they were burning. Sonic had slowed down... for his sake. He felt as though if he spent anymore time here, his head might explode - he stumbled back to his feet.
"We... will not speak of this again." Shadow tried to keep his voice steady, failing miserably. "That was just to prove a point!"
"Sure thing, Shads."
"I'm just- I'm going... now- Farewell." Shadow's exit was awkward as he turned quickly to hide his blushing face, skating off in an instant.
Somehow, Sonic had gotten yet another victory.
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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always thinking about this….,,., they make me extremely mentally unstable… look how happy shadow is.. he’s having so much fun,,..,. i don’t think anyone else can make him this excited,,,….,,,.. b bbesties
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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hey, buddy! long time no see
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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i found you, faker!!! 🤓
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fuwadanshi · 1 year
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