fuwafuwanoyume · 4 years
Random Questions : Yui
002. Do they do anything to celerate their birthday? Celebrate with bandmates
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? Coffee
004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? With Others
005. Are they in good health? Yes
006. What sense do they must rely on? Hearing
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? Optimist
008. What is their favourite fairy tale? Sleeping Beauty
009. Do they believe in happy endings? Yes
010. Do they believe in love at first sight? Yes
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? Talk to them every day, act lovey-dovey, devote herself to said person
012. What makes your character embarrassed? When people call her out on her love of shoujo manga when she accidently quotes or act like girls from the manga
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes, Samatoki
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. Still thinks about her ex, even though she doesn’t want to
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue
016. What is their choice of weapon? Hypmic
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?  Stellar Magic
021. How do they display affection? Every lovey dovey way possible
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? A star filled sky when there are no lights around
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? Smile
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? Buck teeth
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? Cute
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? Uncommitted
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? Having a long-lasting love with someone
028. What makes them laugh out loud? When her bandmates do something funny
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? Normal Humour
030. Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes, and she believes her father Is there watching over her
031. Are they superstitious about anything? Not Really
032. Does your character believe in ghosts? She doesn’t like to think about it
033. Do they keep their promises? Yes, she takes it very seriously
034. What’s their view of lying? Hate it, kill it
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? Courage can get you anywhere
036. How honorable is your character? A LOT
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? Yui would call out to the person
038. What bad habits do they have? Not doing the dishes immediately and letting it pile up
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Betray someone when they needed you
040. What is their obsession? Manga  
041. Are they comfortable with technology? Yes
042. What is their greatest achievement? Found an unnamed star and got it named after her
043. What will they stand up for? Her loved ones
044. What disgusts them? Spitting
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? None
046. How do they handle getting sick? She usually has someone to take care of her (usually her mother)
047. What was the last medical problem your character had? Lips swelled from eating shellfish
048. Do they have any allergies? Shellfish
049. How does your character feel about growing old? As long as she has someone by her side, she is okay with it
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? Ask Hifumi to marry her, instead of waiting for him to do it and you know, get married
052. What is your character’s worst flaw? Thinking of the past
053. What is your character’s greatest strength? Her Caring Nature
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert
056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? She hit Samatoki once
057. Has your character ever killed anyone? No
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? Starting the day with a good breakfast, spending the day with her bandmates and Hifumi, and ending the day by looking at the stars before she sleeps.
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? OI, cause she is always chasing after people to get things done
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? A bit both
063. How well does your character handle difficult people? Very Well, except Samatoki. that one she has trouble with
064. In what ways does your character annoy others? Throwing her lollipop wrappers everywhere (she picks them up at the end of the day but until then it’s like ugh)
065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? Leading, she has no preference though
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? City Life
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? Yes
069. What about your character is heroic? She would always stand up for the people she cares about
070. What about your character is cowardly? Scared to let go of past mistakes
071. How kind is your character? A Decent amount
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) Valkyrie with a battle axe
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) Main Girl character that gets the guy after a long painful road full of hardships that could’ve been avoided.
074. What is your character’s favorite game? Otome Games
075. Is your character ticklish? Yes, Her neck area
076. How do they express anger? acting immature
077. How often do they cry? Over what? Quite often, either cause she thinks of her father or because she was reading shoujo manga
078. How emotionally stable is your character? Normal
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? Pretty Easy
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? Pretty Easy
081. Is your character religious? Decent
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? She sleeps upright and in nightie
083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? Put a pot of coffee on before taking a shower, then proceeds to wake the rest of the band
084. Describe your character in one word.  Motherly
086. How would your character describe themself in one word? Big sister - like
088. Is your character quiet or loud? normal to loud
089. How vocally expressive is your character? Pretty vocal
090. How bodily expressive is your character? Pretty Much
091. What type of music does your character like? Rock / Pop
092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? At Ease
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. Knows many medication names and uses, she knows how to tell if fruits are perfectly ripe or not, she knows how to read maps
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. She can draw, she can run, she is able to bend her body as she is extremely flexible
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? Positivity
097. How well do they adapt to change? It takes time but she manages
098. Does your character like animals? She is okay with them
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? She sometimes sings to her bass
100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? About Romance, her father and a lollipop land
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fuwafuwanoyume · 4 years
Random Questions : Riri
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? Herbal Tea
004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? Neutral
005. Are they in good health? Yes
006. What sense do they most rely on? Vision
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? Optimist
008. What is their favorite fairy tale? Jack and the beanstalk
009. Do they believe in happy endings? Haven’t given it much thought
010. Do they believe in love at first sight? Maybe
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? Try to spend more time with said person
012. What makes your character embarrassed? When she can’t pronounce a scientific word for a plant
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?  Nope
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. Couldn’t tie her own shoes till she was 12
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Neither she uses plants
016. What is their choice of weapon? -
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? When a villain is doing bad
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Plant Manipulation
021. How do they display affection? By giving people she cares about  her favourite plants and by following them around
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? A place full of plants during childhood
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? Height
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? Long nails
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? Smartness
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? Rudeness
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? Conserving the worlds nature
028. What makes them laugh out loud? When she actually gets a joke
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? Slow understanding
030. Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes
031. Are they superstitious about anything? If a room doesn’t have a plant in it, she can’t breathe well
032. Does your character believe in ghosts? No
033. Do they keep their promises? She tries
034. What’s their view of lying? Doesn’t fancy it
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? Always be kind to nature
036. How honorable is your character? Decent
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? She would chase after them and give it to them.
038. What bad habits do they have? Putting plants in random places without permission
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Being mean to people, everyone deserves kindness
040. What is their obsession? Plants
041. Are they comfortable with technology? She ok
042. What is their greatest achievement? Cross pollinating her very own special plant for use as a hero
043. What will they stand up for? People she cares about and mother nature
044. What disgusts them? Air pollution and smelly feet
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? No
046. How do they handle getting sick? Doesn’t get sick often at all but when she does special brew herbal tea
047. What was the last medical problem your character had? Fever when she was a child
048. Do they have any allergies? Nuts
049. How does your character feel about growing old? Never gave any specific thought about it
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? Gives the people she loves things that she loves so that they will remember her
052. What is your character’s worst flaw? She kinda Slow in many things
053. What is your character’s greatest strength? Intelligence
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? Not really
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert
056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? Yes
057. Has your character ever killed anyone? No
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? If all the people she cared about gathered and they have plants day
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? I understood that
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? She gives it her all
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? Adventure
062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? One that motivates people to save others no matter what
064. In what ways does your character annoy others? She puts potted plants everywhere with no consent
065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? Better at following, does it very well but would love to lead one day in the future
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? Nature
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? No
068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? Strong sense to save people
069. What about your character is heroic? Will do anything in her power to be able to save people
070. What about your character is cowardly? She avoids fist fights  
071. How kind is your character? Very Kind
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)  Cleric
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.)  Hero
074. What is your character’s favorite game? Harvest Moon
075. Is your character ticklish? Yes
076. How do they express anger? Sulks in a corner but on rare occasions hitting people with plants, usually villains
077. How often do they cry? Over what? Whenever she feels scared, she will cry
078. How emotionally stable is your character? Ok I guess
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? Not so easy
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? Easyyyyy
081. Is your character religious? No
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? She likes to sleep with the windows open
083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? Get out of bed and take a deep breathe and exhale, 3 times
084. Describe your character in one word. Friendly
086. How would your character describe themself in one word? Helpful
088. Is your character quiet or loud? Quiet
089. How vocally expressive is your character? Decent
090. How bodily expressive is your character? Decent
091. What type of music does your character like? Classical and Hip Hop
092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? Happy
093. What is your character’s goal in life? To be able to lead rescues one day
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. Goldfish Knowledge, How to aid a water birth, She can identify perfume and cologne down to brand by smelling it
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. Dance Hip hop, Eating entire steaks by herself, Palm reading
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? Hippie Energy
097. How well do they adapt to change? Adaptable but would rather avoid if possible
098. Does your character like animals? Yes but she likes insects more
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? Yes her plants
100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? She being able to save anyone anywhere from anything
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fuwafuwanoyume · 4 years
Random Questions : Alexa
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? Coffee
004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? More to Alone
005. Are they in good health? Mentally exhausted
006. What sense do they most rely on? Touch
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? In between
008. What is their favorite fairy tale? Cinderella
009. Do they believe in happy endings? No, She believes hard work will get her where she needs to be
010. Do they believe in love at first sight? Not Really
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? Coffee Date
012. What makes your character embarrassed? Her parents are embarassments
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yeah by six graders
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. Being born to Her parents
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue
016. What is their choice of weapon? Hammer
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? When people stupid
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? Sell her parents for peace
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Knowledge of the World
021. How do they display affection? 
Brother : Hugs, kisses, words or affection      
Boyfriend : hand holding, long talks, hugs
Friends : Smiling and lauging, spending time together’
Parents : affection does not exist for such people
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?  A perfectly baked chicken pot pie
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? Eyes
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? Overly Muscular
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? Sweetness
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? Half baked Attitude
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? Achieving independence
028. What makes them laugh out loud? Her brother
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? Kinda Dark
030. Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes
031. Are they superstitious about anything? Yes she is buddist
032. Does your character believe in ghosts? Yes
033. Do they keep their promises? OH YEAH
034. What’s their view of lying? Hates liars with a passion
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? Rules by Buddha
036. How honourable is your character? Very honourable
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? Take it
038. What bad habits do they have? Biting nails
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Ignorance
040. What is their obsession? Making the perfect pot pie
041. Are they comfortable with technology? Not really, she is old fashioned
042. What is their greatest achievement? Teaching younger brother Math
043. What will they stand up for? Children’s Rights
044. What disgusts them? Her Parents
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? None
046. How do they handle getting sick? Self Care
047. What was the last medical problem your character had? Fever from heated argument with parents
048. Do they have any allergies? Peanuts
049. How does your character feel about growing old? Happy, she can’t wait
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? Find a loving home for her brother
052. What is your character’s worst flaw? Distrust towards adults
053. What is your character’s greatest strength? Maturity
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? Yes, the power of an adult
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? More to introverted
056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? Gems Diaz
057. Has your character ever killed anyone? No
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? When gets to spend time with Ashton
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?
What we think, we become, picked them through Buddhism  
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? EXTREMELY SERIOUS
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? Safety and Security
062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? Good Parenting
063. How well does your character handle difficult people? Oh, very well
064. In what ways does your character annoy others? Using Buddhism (especially towards Gems)
065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? Leading
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? City Life
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? Not really
068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? Very strong and the trigger is irresponsible parents
069. What about your character is heroic? Speaks her mind
070. What about your character is cowardly? She is scared of loud noises
071. How kind is your character? Depends with who
072. Which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) Mage
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) Anti Hero
074. What is your character’s favorite game? Chess
075. Is your character ticklish? No
076. How do they express anger? Yelling
077. How often do they cry? Over what?  Not anymore, but used to when parents ignored her
078. How emotionally stable is your character? Pretty Stable
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? Quite easy
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? So-So
081. Is your character religious? HECK YEAH
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? Quiet
083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? Check on Ashton
084. Describe your character in one word. Mature
085. Describe your character in three words. Family Oriented, Smart, observant
086. How would your character describe themself in one word? Patient
087. How would your character describe themself in three words? Mother material, Great cook, Smart
088. Is your character quiet or loud? Can be both, depends
089. How vocally expressive is your character? Very Much
090. How bodily expressive is your character? Neutral
091. What type of music does your character like? Jazz
092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? Slightly Intimidated
093. What is your character’s goal in life? Be an adult with a 5-figure salary by the age of 25
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. Baby Care, has a lot of knowledge on reptiles, knows how to hack Facebook account
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. Collects pink things, send back food that is not satisfactory, she breaks into the strip club to diss the hoes
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? Strong, intimidating
097. How well do they adapt to change? Good, Can one
098. Does your character like animals? Yes, Reptiles specifically
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? No
100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? Yes, about owning all kinds of reptiles as pets
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fuwafuwanoyume · 4 years
Random Questions : Akari
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? Tea
004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? With Others, she enjoys watching people
005. Are they in good health? Yes
006. What sense do they most rely on? Vision
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? Optimist, she finds it hard to be pessimistic
008. What is their favourite fairy tale? Sleeping beauty cause her mother loved that fairy tale enough to name Akari that so she grew with the story of sleeping beauty
009. Do they believe in happy endings? That’s all she believes in
010. Do they believe in love at first sight? Yes
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? She would laugh at all his jokes, just try to spend time together.
012. What makes your character embarrassed? Since Akari is an air head, she doesn’t feel embarrassed often but when she fails to prepare a meal correctly and someone is around to see her blunder, she gets embarrassed.
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? No, she fits in easily everywhere
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. Can’t Cook
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? She won’t fight
016. What is their choice of weapon? Scythe
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? She doesn’t understand Violence
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? She would probably be confused, but would follow the actions of those dear to her and hopefully understand what’s going on eventually
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Flower Power
020. What are their hobbies? Flower Arranging
021. How do they display affection? Hugs
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? Her Parents Relationship, hopes to have a love like theirs one day
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? Smile
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? Nothing
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? Caring
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? Mean
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? Running her own flower shop with her soulmate
028. What makes them laugh out loud? Anything that is even remotely funny
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? Very Vast
030. Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes, she is raised partly Christian
031. Are they superstitious about anything? No
032. Does your character believe in ghosts? Yes, she believes in the Holy Spirit
033. Do they keep their promises? Always
034. What’s their view of lying? That it is mean and hurtful
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? Always care about one another
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? Pick it up, wave it in the air while shouting at the person who dropped failing which she will run after them
038. What bad habits do they have? Zoning Out when people are talking to her
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Betray Feelings
040. What is their obsession? Flowers
041. Are they comfortable with technology? Not Really
042. What is their greatest achievement? Learned to be exceptional at Flower arranging
044. What disgusts them? Bad Body Odour
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? No
046. How do they handle getting sick? Her Parents Take care of her so she loves it
047. What was the last medical problem your character had? She cut herself badly while tending to the flowers
048. Do they have any allergies? None
049. How does your character feel about growing old? Never crossed her mind
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? Find a flower field and lay in it while watching the sky
052. What is your character’s worst flaw? Zoning out
053. What is your character’s greatest strength? She very caring and easy to talk to
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? A day out in a flower field with her family, lover and friends
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? “You bloom when you’re ready, no rush” -her father when tending to flower-
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? Very Dedicated
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? Adventure
063. How well does your character handle difficult people? Very Well, she tries to fit in
064. In what ways does your character annoy others? Her Zoning out in mid conversations
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? Nature
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? Totally
071. How kind is your character? 10
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)  Cleric
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) Damsel in Distress who gets the hero
074. What is your character’s favorite game? Harvest Moon
075. Is your character ticklish? Only her toes
076. How do they express anger? She sternly tells the person off in a normal voice
077. How often do they cry? Over what? Not often but she tends to cry if her parents fight
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? She struggles
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? Very Easily
081. Is your character religious? Somewhat
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? She sleeps hugging her teddy
083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? Opens the Curtains to let sunlight in
084. Describe your character in one word. Pure
085. Describe your character in three words. Air head, sweet, and easy going
086. How would your character describe themself in one word? I like flowers
087. How would your character describe themself in three words? I like flowers, my parents and love
088. Is your character quiet or loud? She is usually quiet but can be loud when she laughs
089. How vocally expressive is your character? Not Very
090. How bodily expressive is your character? Incredibly so
091. What type of music does your character like? Classical
092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? Ease
093. What is your character’s goal in life? Taking over her Fathers flower shop
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. Math, Bible and Classical Music
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. Driving, Fishing and Making teddy bears
096. Does your character like animals? YES
097. Do they talk to inanimate objects? YES, her teddy bear and flowers
098. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about?  Karamatsu
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fuwafuwanoyume · 4 years
Flowers for Our Men
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Commissioned this beautiful art piece from @haruchan-in-yume​. Thank you! I love it ~
(On the left we have Akari and on the right we have the ever stunning Yuzu :@yumenohanazono​)
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fuwafuwanoyume · 5 years
Lulana and Hestia’s Journey Timeline
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fuwafuwanoyume · 5 years
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Riri Hero Outfit Design 
Concept : Red Riding Hood but Green 
Quick sketch done by @yumenohanazono, Thank you ~
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fuwafuwanoyume · 5 years
Pokemon AU : Da Boys Version
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Slaking ♔   Clawitzer Corphish Heracross Houndoom  Salazzle 
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Rowlet ♔   Mime Jr. Noctowl Phanpy Primeape Raichu 
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Squirtle ♔   Crawdaunt Milotic Primarina Sharpedo Vaporeon
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fuwafuwanoyume · 5 years
Pokemon AU : OC Version
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Swirlix ♔    Croagunk Goomy Leavanny Sylveon Zigzagoon
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Chimecho ♔ Blastoise Kangaskhan Natu Swablu Axew
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Flareon ♔ Dugong Oshawott Swoobat Volcarona Whimsicott
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Piplup ♔ Haxorus Metagross Mightyena Scoclipede Dedenne
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Buneary ♔  Butterfree Cubchoo Emolga Masquerain Ribombee
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Greninja ♔ Aracanine Glaceon Mawile Ninjask Roserade
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Shiny Rowlet ♔ Flygon Leafeon Lilligant Roserade Sawsbuck
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Joltik ♔ Garchomp Gliscor Pidgeot Talonflame Crobat
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Litwick ♔ Charizard Dusknoir Froslass Rapidash Salazzle
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fuwafuwanoyume · 5 years
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Lulana’s Character Design 
She has White Curly Hair and Light Blue Eyes. 
She wears : A Blue and Black Crop Top
                   : White Shorts with below the Knee Length Tights
                   : Red, Blue, and White Sport Shoes
                   : Red, Yellow and Black Fanny Pack 
                   :  Hoop Earrings
(I can’t draw so I traced original art :P )
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fuwafuwanoyume · 5 years
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