fuzzykidkid · 2 months
The Cure
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The day someone broke my heart and tried to heal me with the sunset at the beach.
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fuzzykidkid · 2 months
WRITING, THINKING AND LOOKING CRITICALLY From what I see Jackson Pollock was unable to channel his emotions and it wasn’t until he started creating “drip” paintings that he was expressing his inner thoughts and feelings. The art is creative using his whole body to make the details that mattered the most. Using his deepest emotions to tell a story that can only be seen by those who understand and yet they will never know. Pollock seemed to want to escape from his own body and find somewhere to hide. Eventually he found and created artwork that expressed “freedom” which is something that Pollock looked for his whole life. Freedom from his emotions, freedom from that dungeon in his mind that would take him to dark places. Even though these paintings would help him express himself he was never really free from himself. He was never free from his mind and emotions which is why he went back to drinking. It was the only thing that could help him forget for a bit that he was only human. ART PROJECT – Create an ORIGINAL abstract, non-representational artwork
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My favorite memory when I was 6 at the fair with my dad. I was the happiest child!
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fuzzykidkid · 3 months
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Title: The Descent from the Cross 
Artist: Adriaen Isenbrandt 
Date: c 1525 
Medium: oil on panel 
Adriaen Isenbrandt used oil to create this artwork The Descent from the Cross. It is 24 by 30 inches, so it appears as a medium-sized portrait on the wall. Isenbrandt uses neutral and warm colors to create this beautiful scene which includes colors from red, different shades of browns for the people and their clothes, blue for the sky, to cloudy gray, black for some of the women’s clothes, and white to make the main spotlight on Jesus; he also uses some green for the grass. This artwork was created in the time of rebirth for many artists including Isenbrandt, so it contains 2 of the imaginary triangles that many artists added to their artwork. One triangle can be seen starting from the bottom of Mary’s dress to the left, going up to Jesus’ arm down to the end of Joseph’s coat. Lastly, the main triangle is formed by the cross and ladder. The background is beautiful showing us the landscape in Jerusalem that has shapes of rectangular buildings, many mountains some pointy and some just rounded with a sky filled with plenty of clouds. Then there is the main scenery which is the eight figures that include Jesus being carried and the wooden cross, the wooden ladder, and some skulls on the ground. The whole artwork is asymmetrical, but these figures add balance to the art. The four figures to the left and the four to the right grab attention; it makes you look at both ends of the portrait from left to right. There is proportion in the way Jesus was made slightly smaller than the figures carrying him. The contrast appears in Jesus’ body where he is also lighter, and the figures appear to be wearing darker clothing. There is variety in Isenbrandt’s artwork from the background to the people, to the colors and the shapes. He uses the background to create different shapes in mountains and buildings. The differently shaped clouds grab the attention of the viewer making him or her want to see how Jerusalem looked to the people back then. There is also variety in the people from the different clothes and colors as well as their unique styles.  
The Descent from the Cross by Isenbrandt makes me feel as if I were present that day. The emotions people felt that day can be portrayed by this artwork. You can see the sadness of Mary, the grief and pain the others surrounding him felt. I can’t imagine losing a son and seeing him up on that cross experiencing the pain he felt all to save other human beings. These feelings come from guilt that as we all continue to live our lives there was once a man who died for us. As many of us believe in different powers or gods, it brings us all together in a way because we all believe in something to continue to have hope to move forward. Religious or not, the story is still tragic if you think about it in a nonreligious way.   
The Descent from the Cross is a Renaissance painting that was repainted in Isenbrandt’s own style, “he was not very inventive or innovative” based on Veronique Van Passel’s article. Gerard David drew it first, calling his painting the disposition. The copy was all the same, “however, Isenbrant has added his own characteristic touches: the cluster of piled-up, vertical mountains, the high horizon line, and the peculiar clouds, some of which look like popcorn balls!” He enhances the background showing how beautiful nature is and adding emotion by painting the cloudy sky, showing us the mountains, buildings, and houses adding a Renaissance touch. Isenbrandt’s taste was more religious, and he liked to add buildings and warm colors, especially red to his works. According to Passel, “at least once Isenbrandt repainted works by a painter from another town to suit the local taste.” When Gerard David painted his piece, he wanted to provoke emotions in the viewer, and when Isenbrandt repainted it in his own style he not only added emotion to this religious story, but he also added nature and the beauty of the town and people. He made his piece of history land in a museum where everyone will always see the rebirth of great artists including himself.   
 The importance of The Descent from the Cross was for Isenbrandt to help us always remember this religious story and to feel the emotions just by seeing it. This is Christ dying for sinners, “So the painting gives us this moving, visual display of Christ’s torment, & the symbolism tells the viewer that redemption is central to Christianity as well as the thinking of the time.” This artwork tells a story once made in the years when artwork was inspired by spirituality. I chose this because I saw Christ being carried by these figures and it made me think about myself standing right in front of the painting that day. In that instance, I was alive, healthy, strong, and was it all because of him? The moment I saw this painting, I knew it was the one I wanted to write about because I am a believer. This Renaissance painting fits perfectly in the era where classy Italian art is shown through the figures and the landscape as well as in the emotional aspect. With the literal rebirth of Isenbrandt’s painting, we will always be able to see a piece of ancient history. 
Passel, V. V., (2003). Isenbrandt [Isenbrant; Ysebaert; Ysenbrand; Ysenbrandt], Adriaen. https://doi.org/10.1093/gao/9781884446054.article.T041688  
The Descent from the Cross. Retrieved March 21, 2024, from The descent from the cross (ringlingdocents.org) 
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fuzzykidkid · 4 months
Unity: Appearing as one  
Example: We see houses in our everyday life that are painted all one color. 
Variety: diversity, different, using many things to create art 
Example: We see a variety in stained glass art which shows many different shapes, sizes, and colors. 
Balance: to stabilize two different things evenly  
Example: When we look at each other, each human who has 2 arms and 2 legs, they are symmetrical, it balances the body, I’m not saying both sides are identical but there’s balance. 
Emphasis: To grab attention to one area of a picture using some kind of effect  
Example: Every day when we look up at the sky in the morning and there are no clouds, just blue sky, the sun is the focal point and at night the moon is the focal point. 
Subordination: to make something look less important by placement, color, size 
Example: When it is a cloudy day and there is a cloud covering the sun, the sky appears neutral and of lesser interest.  
Directional forces: a route for the eye to follow in art 
Example: When we look at another person and they are looking at something we tend to look in that direction to see what they are looking at.  
Repetition: when a certain form reoccurs, Rhythm: repeated forms in a design with related variations 
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Scale: sizes related from one thing to another, Proportion: the relationship between the different forms, figures, or elements in artwork within a whole  
Example: scale is when we stand next to each other one may be tall, one may be short. 
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The Starry Night. Vincent Van Gogh. CH. 3 section 8 Texture.  
This painting was created using a variety of cool colors. It has different shades of blue, white, yellow, green, and brown. The artist uses thick brush strokes that appear to swirl and be circular in motion, that have directional forces that lead us to look at the focal point which is the moon. The stars are shining in yellow circular forms, and he seems to be using the repetitive hard, thick strokes that can tell us he is emotional and trying to connect to nature.  
Color has affected my life by helping me cope as I grew up. In middle school, I was always interested in the achromatic such as black because I liked the punk emo chicks and their style. I thought they looked so beautiful, and they always wear neutral colors. Everything they wore expressed who they were inside, expressed how they felt emotionally from their clothes to their hair. I was going through phases as a teen where I did not know who I was. I honestly felt lost. I was never into intense hues nor bright colors I was never girly enough to like them. Wearing neutral colors, especially black, made the younger me feel like I at least belonged somewhere. The color scheme for my life would be complimentary because different parts of my life have been flipped upside down as I grew up, but each part complimented each other and helped it stand out for the better. That is the beauty of my life, each color represents a certain part of it that was sad, but another part of it made me happy.  
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My nursing career is important to me and what I am passionate about. Nursing burnout is an important concept in nursing, so we must be there for one another.  
Who: A homeless person by Lee Jeffries 
What does the picture hope to tell you about the person? That she is human. As a person goes through struggles in their life we have to remember that we are only human. 
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Where is it? Cinque Terre Liguria Italy taken as the night is coming to an end. 
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Still Life 
What is it? A lively plumeria flower with other dead ones on the street. 
Why include this stuff? The photographer included this stuff because he saw more than a flower, he saw a feeling, a beauty, a way to express himself.  
What is the message? The message of self expression behind a still life picture. This is a plumeria flower which represents a "new beginning." As the person seeing the picture there can be many emotions from hope and faith to sadness. I see both from a new beginning to an end, as long as the viewer sees more than just a flower. 
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fuzzykidkid · 5 months
Fact about myself: I am the first registered nurse in my family.  
Ed Hardy 1995 Tweeter’s Recovery. Color Lithograph; 30” x 22”. 
Ed Hardy did tattoos and he created the famous clothing people wear 
Mr. Hardy has been drawing since he was 3 years old 
Mr. Hardy’s dad moved to Japan and would send him cool souvenir’s that inspired his drawings 
Mr. Hardy eventually went to Japan himself, but eventually came back to California where he opened up his own tattoo studio 
This art work was inspired after the L.A. riots in 1992 
The way I looked at the art did change from the first time I looked at it. At first, I thought it was randomly weird how all of those objects were put together, until I looked up the portrait and his meanings behind every object. He connected everything in his own way and he showed us his perspective on his own beliefs when he drew this. When I looked at this portrait again I saw how we as humans live our daily lives blindly, trusting in which ever higher power we believe in to move forward using our heart and mind to carry out our actions. We live everyday soaring high hoping for the best, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. 
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This is a tapestry that I have hanging in my room. It was created by HD printing; this is high resolution printing to be able to see the art’s details and clarity. Tapestry can be hung and used the way any person chooses; I chose to use it in my room for decoration. I think this tapestry is very beautiful because I love the sun, the moon and the stars. They make up a big part of our lives. We see the sun, moon, and stars daily, and many of us believe that spiritually, they are the reason for where we are today.  
I am a 27-year-old female. I am originally from Esperanzas, Coahuila, Mexico. In other words, Hope, Coahuila, Mexico. I am Latina. I love to spend time with my family, go out to eat with my cousins, and binge watch on Netflix. I currently work at Sarasota Memorial Hospital as a registered nurse. What makes me uniquely me is that I am a caring, independent, empathetic, willing to risk it all, resilient young lady. I was brought to Sarasota, FL by my parents from Mexico when I was 2 years old with my 2 older brothers. As I was growing up, I saw my parents work hard, to give us a life that they never had growing up. I really took that into consideration, and now I do the same for them. They are my biggest priority, and they are the reason I do my best to make them proud. I learned to be hard working. I learned to be kind. I learned to be strong. Most of all, I learned that even when there are rough patches in my life, I must keep going. 
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I am.
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