fvckangcl · 1 year
I should be allowed to play games and kiss my wife all day. that should be my job
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fvckangcl · 1 year
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“  nervous  ?  not  at  all  ,  ”  jimmy  huffed  ,  downing  the remainder  of  whisky  he’d  had  in  the  low  glass  beside  him. crowds  still  freaked  him  out.  he’d  gone  for  playing  for  his father  ,  to  playing  for  his  father  and  his  wife  ,  to playing  for  a  small  venue  ,  to  crowds  like  this  over  such  a  short  period  of  time.  the  pressure  to  perform  was  high.  if he  wanted  to  make  that  second  album  ,  to  produce  all  those songs  that  he  had  in  his  repertoire  ready  to  go  …  he needed  to  prove  himself.  “  fuckin’  shitting  myself.  this  is  a  lot  of  people.  ”
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The others reaction to his question warranted a small chuckle from the male. It was always the same story, it wasn’t like the male himself was even immune to the way his palms got a little clammy as he shoved them into their gloves and stepped on the ice. An arena full of people looking at him over everyone to carry the team to a win. It was daunting. “I’d say picture them naked but I don’t think that’s actually going to do much for you.” He had tried it and it had never worked in the past. “You’ll be fine..If you’re not I can just like come out mid set and take my shirt off?” 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” jackson said with a roll of his eyes, barely even paying attention when puck is shot in between his legs and into the net behind him, unable to help but roll his eyes and let out a groan of annoyance. he had been stoic and quiet, simply trying to put on the act that everything was fine for the sake of mallory and hadley, but found himself so close to falling apart. “dude, will you stop it? there’s nothing to talk about, alright? it happened, it sucked, and now everything’s…back to normal. just drop it.”
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“Yea you never do because you seem insistent on being some sort of brick wall lately, I used to think you were bad but this is a whole new level of pathetic.” He didn’t know what he was supposed to do to make it better because he’d been the same and at times worse but something in him had seemingly changed. “Do you wanna speak to Bristol, would she help?” Was it odd to be offering out his wife to his best friend given that it was also his ex wife? Maybe but as he came to a stop in front of him on the ice it was one of the only things he could think of. “Or I could pad you up, bring out some rookies and you can go smash?”
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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2022 iihf world championship | canada v kazakhstan | 05.19.22
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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a side eye is given  shortly as angel starts to tease him ,  &  in truth , there’s no one other he’ll be coming for  this kind of advice  other than him . don’t get him wrong , he would  do anything  for carter but there’s certain things the pop singer doesn’t understand  (  nor does ace particularly blames him  )  that angel does .   commitment  now , being one of them .  the more he listens to the other explain what it feels like , the more he finds himself …. well  shit  , actually seeing his pov . the hockey player is near  unrecognizable now  &  a couple of months ago when he was still a  full - on player  , a commitment - phobe  in every aspect of the world until he let his guards down around florence .  ❝  i see ,  ❝  it’s all he voices in return , head moving as his icy hues focus elsewhere , zoned into his own thoughts for a moment . the  ache in his lungs  is almost unbearable because he wants to say it … he also needs to tell her … what ?  that she’s lovely  &  brave  &  better than anything he deserves ?  that he’s twisted , wrong , but no so broken that he couldn’t pull himself together into being the best version of himself for her ?  that without meaning to , he now leans on her , looks for her , needs her ?  ❝  shit ,  ❝  the word escapes the male , eyes closing as his fingers start to massage his lids , as if trying to get away from a  painful headache  .  ❝  i think she’s the fucking love of my life , man ,  ❝  he confesses , for the first time in the open instead of keeping it to himself .  
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he doesn’t mean to laugh, he really doesn’t, it’s just almost too amusing to watch as the other slowly goes through the motions that angel himself had been through recently. it was a terrifying thought, and that was saying something for men like them, fear wasn’t a large factor of hockey, they fought, scrapped, grown men threw each other around the ice like they were nothing. a mentality that angel had long since carried off of the ice. but when it came to their hearts? people like angel and ace had buried them away a long time ago, frozen them from ever really being a part of their life then they happened. the fucking one. and it didn’t matter what walls had been put up, how good a defence they had constructed, the girls had gotten through without any real effort at all even if the boys hadn’t noticed it. “makes you feel like you’re heaving a heart attack doesn’t it?” he breathed out slowly as he reached for another beer from the cooler, popping off the cap and handing it over to the male who looked like he was in desperate need. “doesn’t get any less terrifying let me tell you, that tiny woman owns my ass, i look for her everywhere, feel like it gets a little harder to move the longer i’m away from her, i’m whipped and i have had way longer to get used to it than you have.” 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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it had been difficult to pry him from mallory and hadley’s side nowadays, but after her insisting that they were fine and that he needed to get out of the house, he took angel up on his offer to come down to the rink and hang out a bit. skating around the ice as he hit one of the pucks towards the net, only to miss it, his head far from being in the right place to even focus on the game the two were playing, head lifts up at angels words. “huh?” he said with a furrow of his brows. “ain’t nothing to talk about, everything’s fine, just like we all knew it was gonna be, right?”
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he’d seen his friends in some ways before, but this was new even for him, the angry version of jackson had been less terrifying than this because at least he knew that the male was feeling something. now he seemed to be on full scale lock down when it came to any feelings, he wasn’t even funny anymore. “you’re quite literally the worst you know that.” angel sighed before he sent the puck back towards the male, the small black circle sliding straight between his legs, it was sad playing someone that sucked so very hard. “you know if you talk to someone you’re not going to like combust or make the world end right?” 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
closed starter for jimmy | @spctlights​
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The crowds would never get old, but they did get less daunting the more you were in them. Watching the crowds form outside Angel sipped at the beer he had been given. The charity events were always the funnest because they were a whole hoard of people brought together from different backgrounds. There were athletes, movie stars, models and musicians - some veterans to the game like he was now and much to his delight, new faces. Coming to a stop beside the male Angel gave a small nod towards the people they could see from where they were perched in the high rise. “You getting used to it yet or do you still want to puke at the thought of being nice to that many people?!” The male taunted softly.
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fvckangcl · 2 years
closed starter for jackson | @rxscss​
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He hadn’t seen the other male since he had left him tucked into a hospital room with his family but he knew that man needed time. To digest, to recover, to come to his senses hopefully because Jackson was a man in denial if Angel had ever seen one but that was how it went he supposed. Not everyone led so freely with their heart the way he had, he and Bristol was an exception he guessed. When the other showed up at the rink during practice Angel had figured he needed to talk it out and keeping him on the ice with him would hopefully cool him out, literally. Skating backwards so that he could keep his gaze on the male he rubbed at the cap on his head. “You ready to talk about it properly yet?! “
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fvckangcl · 2 years
closed starter for niko | @cfgravenpast​
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If it hadn’t been obvious on their wedding night, ever since he had married Bristol it had become pretty obvious that she came with a lot of weird friends. Luckily Angel had gotten good with weird way before he was ever famous and even if he hadn’t, if it meant Bristol was happy Angel would figure it out. Watching as the other male attempted to put the BBQ together so that they could grill their tea outside tonight whilst Bristol did whatever it was she had decided she had to do whilst the boys bonded, Angel suppressed a small laugh. “You can just ask for help any time you know…”
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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“  i  like  to  think  i  would’ve  found  my  way  to  you  somehow  ,  “  cheeky  smile  on  features  as  she  thumbs  at  his  beard  .  truthfully  ,  she  couldn’t  imagine  was  her  life  would  be  like  right  now  without  him  at  her  side  .  she  didn’t  want  to  think  about  it  ,  he  was  here  and  so  help  she’d  never  let  him  stray  too  far  .  he  was  her  person  ,  she  had  no  doubt  about  that  .  “  fine  ,  “  grumpy  pout  to  her  lips  ,  “  sticky  notes  of  crossword  puzzles  on  my  body  will  do  the  trick  ,  “  hazel  hues  peer  up  at  him  ,  mischievous  look  etched  onto  features  as  she  awaits  his  reaction  ,  “  my  naked  body  ,  “  she  mouths  .  there  was  a  playfulness  to  them  that  she’d  always  cherish  ,  it  was  how  this  all  had  started  and  she  was  happy  to  see  it  never  changed  .  angel  was  genuinely  her  best  friend  ,  wrapped  up  in  the  most  beautiful  mans  body  .  she  was  a  lucky  girl  .  “  what  am  i  ?  chop  liver  ?  “  hand  over  heart  as  she  gasped  .  although  she  supposed  the  moments  of  her  being  a  full  fledged  decker  were  dwindling  .  lashes  flutter  at  his  words  ,  “  i  love  you  ,  “  she  mouths  before  they  make  their  way  up  to  the  counter  .  the  cameras  outside  drowned  out  by  her  joy  .  at  some  point  in  her  life  she’d  found  a  way  to  just  ignore  all  the  flashes  ,  the  noise  and  enjoy  what  was  meant  to  be  private  moments  for  what  they  were  .  papers  slip  across  the  counter  ,  bristol  beaming  at  the  woman  then  up  at  angel  .  “  do  you  wanna  do  the  honors  first  ,  “  fiddling  with  the  pen  in  her  hand  .        
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“you better have, felt like i was getting older by the day out here B, couldn’t even keep up with the rookies this year.” it was a lie, just a small one, but they both knew it, angel had been keeping up with the rookies each year since he was one. both himself and ace had always been the front of the pack when it came to girls and partying, he had lost count of how many times puck bunnies had planted themselves in his bed before he had even got there himself but he didn’t want any of it anymore. all he wanted was peace and quiet and the woman that was currently tucked into his arm. How he had watched her belong to someone else for so long and never known that she was meant to be his he had no idea, jackson was an idiot for letting her go but he was eternally grateful for it. “Oh you put them on your body and they’re going to be my new favorite pastime, you should know though the only thing i’ll be using to write my answers is my tongue.” and god did he love her too, so much he didn’t think it was possible for his heart to grow anymore. he loved her more than he had ever even thought he could love anyone after hannah and that was how he knew that this was the right thing. taking the pen from her angel signed on the dotted line before stepping aside to allow her to do the same. “you’re so legally my wife it hurts babe, stuck with me forever.”
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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fvckangcl · 2 years
*    ◟  closed starter    /  angel’s place  , 8:30pm .  /  @fvckangcl​ 
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                        teammates  &  best friends   is what the two had been since the beginning , since  unexperienced  ace joined ranks of the best players in the world after signing with the la kings years ago . so , if there’s anyone the male bishop comes for  advice  on serious matters or if he needs someone to  steady him down  when his temper gets a little out of hand  :  there’s angel .  the pair’s watching a game , drinking beer  &  being boys per usual when ace starts to  act a little weird  , the words already at the tip of his tongue but unable to speak them .  ❝  so … can i ask you something ?  ❝  he starts off when there’s a halftime , shifting on the couch .   ❝  i’m just like , wondering , nothing else , about how did you know … with bristol ?  like , how did you know that’s it ?  ❝
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it was odd, the pair of them had always had chill time but it seemed lately the hockey players were leaving their teammates to party for more often and the two of them found comfort in this. beer and a good game, quiet time, they were ultimately domesticated and it was odd and right all at once. “well that sounds terrifying.” the male turned his head at his best friends question, a scoff passed between them before he continued. “i...” angel found himself pausing as he looked back at ace. he knew the other was dating and he wondered exactly where this was going but who the hell was he to judge. “i just look at her and she’s - i can’t even really put it into words, i’d give her the fucking world man, hockey, fame, the money, i’d give it all up for her but i also know i don’t have to. she’s eveything. i don’t feel like i’m me anymore really these days unless i’m with her.” 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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“  is  that  what  we’re  doing  now  ?    “  dramatic  flip  of  her  hair  ,  as  she  beams  up  at  him  “  praising  your  injuries  ?  “  quiet  laugh  as  she  runs  ring  clad  hand  over  his  hair  as�� if  she  were  still  concerned  about  an  injury  from  the  prior  year  .  “  looks  like  now  you  can’t  say  no  to  the  crossword  puzzles  ,  huh  ?  “  brow  raising  slightly  at  him  ,  “  i  think  i’ll  just  start  leaving  them  around  random  spots  in  the  house  ,  “  she  teases  ,  although  she  can’t  help  but  to  think  it  might  be  a  good  idea  .  lips  twist  together  at  his  question  .  her  dad  and  brother  were  very  protective  ,  even  more  so  now  ,  for  good  reason  she  would  admit  .  “  a  few  ,  “  she  says  as  if  it  were  nothing  ,  her  faith  in  his  ability  to  win  her  family  over  was  sky  high  .  she  knew  they’d  love  him  immediately  .  how  could  anyone  not  ?  she  thought  .  “  mama  decker  already  has  your back  though  ,  “  her  mom  was  easy  to  win  over  ,  if  you  made  bristol  smile  she  loved  you  .  “  full  commando  in  front  of  your  mom  ?  “  shaking  her head  to  rid  herself  of  the  laugh  edging  past  her  lips  .  “  if  that  makes  you  happy  ,  “  teasing  tone  returns  .  noticing  the  people  in  front  of  them  were  starting  to  finishing  up  she  looks  up  at  angel  ,  grip  on  him  tightening  just  a  bit  .  “  who  would’ve  thought  ,  “  she  says  with  a  content  sigh  ,  she  surely  didn’t  foresee  this  that  day  at  the  grocery  store  but  here  they  were  and  she  wouldn’t  replace  this  moment  for  anything  in  the  world  .        
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“look i mean if my head wasn’t built of such strong stuff and could handle so many concussions then you wouldn’t be mrs bristol griffin now would you?” he should have known he was going to marry this girl when she had schooled him on how to make the best mac n cheese and then had proceeded to almost match him on how much she had managed to eat when she had plated them both up. “you can leave them around the house all you want, i’ll pay no attention to them.” he had barely taken note of anything she had left around the house, not because he didn’t notice, the male spied each little change she had made to the once masculine dominated space but the idea simply spread a warmth through his chest that he couldn’t help cherishing. she was at home with him, right where she belonged and he couldn’t be happier. “mama decker is my favorite decker.” and his wife could argue with him all she wanted, but he had her firmly rooted in team griffin now so the sentence was wholy allowed with his reasoning. “i thought you would know by now, that anything you do makes me happy.” hearing them called to the front of the line angel beamed, people had already snapped a couple of photos of them but he’d claim he’d lost his licence or whatever he needed too. all he could really be bothered about was registering the papers that confirmed they were sure as hell, legally stuck with each other forever. 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
what challenge would you like to see your best friend take on?
ace? i don't know i think that man takes on just about anything you throw at him? if we count in jackson i'd like to see him actually learn to open his heart.
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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He in a cap 🤏🏻🥹
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fvckangcl · 2 years
Addison had told her brother Dexter that forcing her to go to a single’s speed dating event would be a massive waste of time, and she’d been right. The conversations had all gone pretty well, but she’d either answered a bunch of questions about her famous brother or gotten asked a lot of questions about the Olympics and World Cup. None of the conversations had created a spark, and she just couldn’t help but wonder if there was a girl out there for her. With a sigh, she’d decided to go to the bar after it was all over to get one last drink before heading home. She found herself a bit hungry too, but not enough to finish the whole flatbread she was eyeing on the menu by herself. So, in true Addison fashion, she lightly got the attention of the person beside her. “Hi. This may sound weird, but I’m sort of hungry and wanting to drown my sorrows in carbs, but well, I definitely won’t finish a whole pepperoni flatbread by myself. Would you be interested in splitting it?” 
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Bars after practice had been a long standing practice for the LA Kings, it was a tradition now that had the boys stating it was bad luck if they broke the track record and as the Captain it was his legal bound duty to join in. Once upon a time he’d have never even had to be invited, he’d been the first once there but with Bristol at home it was harder to want to do anything other than be home to love her. Still, he was a team player after all and he found himself parked at the bar, watching as his team caused a riot and he enjoyed a quiet beer, enjoying the vibes they brought to everyone around them. As the voice next to him pulled him from his daze he offered the woman a smile, a nod following. “You’re willingly giving up food? You ok?” He asked, a hint of teasing surrounding his words. “You seen the size of me I’ll eat just about anything you offer me along with half this bar. I’d be careful offering up to share.” 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
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lips purse with a shrug of his shoulders, taking another long sip from his drink. “i don’t know, i’ve banged bristol decker plenty of times and it didn’t have me swearing off all women forever, but that’s just me.” he said, holding his hands up in defense. “and don’t give me that ‘i’m gonna kick your ass’ look, it was way before you and you’re the one banging your best buds ex wife, don’t start with me.”
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he was aware that johnny had his own past with bristol, it had been hard to miss that headline but it didn’t bother him. if they were going to have that type of relationship he’d be screwed given the length of his own wrap sheet. “i know. but everyone’s allowed to make mistakes, even bristol don’t worry johnny boy i’m not mad at you.” he taunted lightly as he looked back at him with a shake of his head. “i just think when it’s the girl it hits different you know. i want her for life not just a night.” 
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